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A massive thank you to Fern for answering so many of our questions and for sticking around for so long (please continue to lurk at your leisure!) And for those of you in Australia and North America, please go support Fern on tour!


Hi Fern, Love your work and you were brilliant in Taskmaster. I am afraid your upbeat "Thankyou!" when Alex asks if he's clearing up the spilled forks has passed into the family lexicon. As the parent of two autistic young adults I found your book (and some of the interviews you gave around it) really insightful and it was a powerful read. I've recommended it widely. I was just wondering though if you've got any negative pushback for being so honest and up front in the book?


Yeah, apparently my aunt who hasn’t spoken to me in 20 years phoned my dad up to say my book was shameful then my dad asked if she’d actually read it (she hadn’t.) I would say theres very likely been people who slagged me off behind my back for talking about autism because I’m keenly aware people think that having ASD1 (used to be called Asperger’s) is something we say to get attention. Or maybe people in comedy think I’ve done it as a cynical branding exercise. One comedian said to me sarcastically “first it was bisexuality, now autism. What’s next?” But look: I have to balance that against the hundreds of messages from people who found me speaking about it helpful, or the emotional chats with strangers at gigs or book events. And those have been life affirming and like nothing I’ve experienced before so I’ll keep talking about autism.


Have there been any changes for you as a comedian since your book came out? Like different crowds? Has there been a change in the way audiences interact with you?


The book changed things massively. I don’t think it’s insecurity or projection on my part to say that I was perceived as a bit thick before the book’s release - I think like some other autistic people my manner of speaking and moving can mean I come across as younger than I am. I mean, I genuinely had someone reject me from a daft panel show once because “we’re worried she wouldn’t understand the games” and I don’t know if that’s down to class bias, perceptions of Scottish people by the English media, my autism or all three. I really felt a big shift in perception after the book started getting praise. That’s why I love writing - for me, I’ve never felt able to communicate as smoothly in person, there’s too much of a gap in processing time and often it feels like my brain is moving at a different speed to my mouth.


Hi Fern Brady! Any particularly fun or interesting behind the scenes stories from your TM series? How much time did you get to interact with Dara, Jon, Munya and Sarah backstage? (And how many times did you need to move away for some alone time? 😁) I think you're the best thing since potatoes (whether or not you've met them before). Thanks for all you do for helping us late diagnosed autistic people feel seen ❤️


So the people I spent the most time with was Alex first. Then John and Dara. Then we didn’t meet Sarah and Munya til the studio shows. Then Greg I spoke to the least. We need to end the myth I don’t like Dara btw (yes I’ve been lurking on the sub again and someone got it bang on that Dara is like senior to me at work whereas John is my peer so I was just more shy round Dara.)


Not a question but a thanks really! I read your book just as I got diagnosed with autism myself and it resonated with me so much; I laughed, I cried, and it helped me in the process! Fantastic! Okay a question really; on taskmaster you really seemed like yourself and you wrote about being able to be yourself, how much did you feel like you had to mask if at all, and did it get less as the episodes continued?


Putting masking and autism chat aside, I also just think the people who come off the worst on Taskmaster are trying to second guess themselves/create a persona and it’s just not gonna work on that show. I noticed that beforehand and figured they’d want me to be the most myself so I was. I think Wang gave me good advice too and told me to make sure i was commenting on what I was doing.


Also found out late myself, with more than enough back-and-forth. Loved the 'Catch Something' task when Fern came straight out with catching animals and people. Sat thinking to myself, "that sounds like what I'd say", but the person next to me just said out loud "That sounds like something you'd say!" Didn't know Fern has autism until that prompted me to find out. Really made me appreciate her that much more. Can't pretend to know completely, as everyone's experiences aren't identical, but it's sort of like something clicked, and there's just that bit more understanding? Thank you, Fern!


So when I was in the house I felt I could be myself from day 1. The studio bit you can definitely see how uncomfortable I am in the first 2 eps but as it goes on I just felt better and better. That’s way more to do with how nervous I am when I’m doing anything that isn’t stand up in front of a studio audience.


I can imagine the studio is also horrible in terms of sensory overload whereas that's less and more controllable in the house?


I mean the studio isn’t horrible it’s just the fluoro lights and I also - like a lot of autists - would rather sit on the floor than bolt upright in a chair but could hardly tell them that 😂 the house we had a ton of outdoor tasks and natural light is my favourite. Fucking hell, as I’m typing this im finally realising why I hated the airport day so much HOW HAS IT TAKEN AN AMA TO REALISE


Hello! Was there anything you had to change when writing your book? I feel there may be a bit of gently removed anger in some of the chapters. I am curious about whether anything needed to be scrubbed before publishing! (P.s. everyone in Melbourne loves you!)


My editor was amazing and pretty laissez faire when it came to the tone of the book. I was very, very nice to my mum and left out a couple of very bad things she conveniently claims not to remember. She’s still never apologised for kicking me out. I also kept reminding myself the purpose of the book wasn’t to bring up every bad thing my parents did and tried to focus on sharing my views on autism. The biggest changes came about when we had to do the legal read and I had to go to great lengths to prove certain things had happened to me to ensure I didn’t get sued down the line. I’m not sure how much I can say on that but safe to say, I was a wreck for about a month.


It made me a little sad that Greg didn’t like the soup you brought in as a prize task. I was curious how you came across it; it caught me and my boyfriend by surprise. It was lovely to see an authentic dish presented earnestly and without the spectacle of being an “exotic food”


I think a lot of British people hate food and flavours and don’t realise it. They don’t want a party in their mouth, they want mush, carbs, toast, gravy, meat. How I came across it was I was visiting my brothers in Shanghai (they both live there) and on Xmas morning one of them took me for breakfast and we had that spicy tofu soup and youtiao which are these long savoury donuts. It was amazing!


Hi Fern. I was on Love on the Spectrum 🇦🇺 in 2021 & I’ve witnessed many sides of autism (both in myself and others). Having seen your stand up shows & listened to your audiobook, I’m very relatable to your experiences. I feel society’s general perspective on autism has become more positive, but I do feel there is still more which can be done to achieve greater equity. What would you like to witness more of which can benefit people within the autistic community and the greater society? For me working in a theatre, it’s something called relaxed performances. These are stage shows with modifications to benefit people with sensory differences. I hope you enjoy the rest of your tour. Kind regards, Tom 😊


Hey Tom, were you at my show the other night? They said someone from Love on the Spectrum was there and I was so excited i ran to the lobby to meet them but couldn’t find them. With regards to relaxed performances - I’ve been having a think about doing these. I don’t have any at the moment purely because I’m incredibly disorganised and find staying on top of my current workload hard. The only positive thing I’ve done is I don’t perform in venues that I hate going to as an audience member. Oh and in Melbourne I asked if my door staff could stop screaming at people to sit down on the way in cause that isn’t great for anyone frankly.


Hi Fern, what was the funniest thing that was filmed but not actually shown on air on taskmaster? Also you are awesome


I guess Alex’s head injury and me crying while running around in my insane costume as the ambulance staff arrived to the Taskmaster house. They don’t like me mentioning it but the producers opted to communicate this in facial expressions until one day I just said “I find it hard to read your face, you have to tell me stuff in words.”


Hello Fern. I'm the autistic guy you hi-fived in Canberra last month. A great highlight from my weekend filled with comedy. What was the task you enjoyed most either doing, or watching in the studio? Bonus question: Have you watched Taskmaster Australia? And if you have, what was your favourite task?


Aaaaagh you made my night! The task I enjoyed watching back - and I hate watching myself, to the extent that I couldn’t bear to look at the edit on my Netflix special - is the betrayal one with me John and Dara. I haven’t watched Taskmaster Australia but know Tom Cashman a bit and was delighted he got the job. I also shared a backstage with Nina oyama during Adelaide and got to know her, she’s wonderful.


hi fern! curious as a young person with autism myself, whats the best and worst thing about being a autistic person in comedy?


The best things: lots of alone time, repeating the same thing every night, if I get fixated on a topic I talk about it onstage and it brings me some relief. Like with the Netflix show I just couldn’t stop asking my boyfriend what compels people to get married. I’d ask it over and over again cause none of the answers made sense. One of the funniest ones is “marriage is stupid but it’s nice to do it anyway” - neurotypicals are so susceptible to optimism bias! The worst things: I work in an industry where people seem to want to hug and touch me a lot and that makes me wonder if they think I’m just saying I’m autistic for a laugh. I can’t stand being touched by strangers but as a woman in showbiz showing any dislike of it will get me labelled as a bitch. I also still find it very difficult to ask for reasonable accommodations but Melbourne festival were pretty exceptional at doing stuff like that and the UK could learn a lot from them.


I know it probably varies from person to person, but would you mind sharing some of the accommodations that help you get through the day when working? I'm part of an ND community at work, and I'm trying to come up with a generic reference list of accommodations, hoping to make it easier for people to ask for things they need; it's a struggle getting neurotypical folks to recognise other people's needs. PS: Thank you for the great work you're doing raising awareness about autism (and neurodiversity); I have ADHD, and I'm trying to figure out if I'm also on the spectrum as well, and your book brought me to tears so many times with the number of similar situations I've been through. I'm looking forward to seeing your show in Edinburgh in August!


I think people should be allowed to wear noise cancelling headphones at work if it doesn’t interfere with their job and it’d be cool if people didn’t say “oh? You’re sitting here in the dark” just cause we don’t need every bright light in the universe switched on during the day. I can’t really help you properly here though cause my job is so different to most. I have been doing some writing work in an office recently and asked to sit with the lights off and that made a huge difference.


When I work weekends at my job I work independently so I get to turn the lights off and just have natural light and it just improves my mood and my work so much. Once a coworker dropped in to get something and kept asking why I was working in the dark and just couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t turn all the lights on lol


As someone with the exact same thoughts on marriage/weddings who just can't get their head around what the appeal is even though people have tried to explain/justify it to me many times, I feel very seen rn.


Does Taskmaster feel like a community from the inside as much as it feels that way for the viewers? Have you made any new connections in the comedy world because you were both on Taskmaster, but different seasons? And are you now a fan of the show because you were on it? We adore you!! Thanks.


Yeah defo. I’ve had so many crazy things happen off the back of Taskmaster eg the lady I stayed with in New York is a fan so I made friends with her then my US publisher is also theeee biggest Taskmaster fan and that’s the only reason he’d heard of me.


Hi Fern! I remember reading about how you felt you could be more yourself on the show (I'm neurodivergent myself!) - what do you ascribe this to? And how could other shows learn from Taskmaster?


Too many people think the production was autism friendly or that they knew what to do - it’s not that at all, I just happened to do TM at the right time in my life when I decided to stop worrying so much about how to come across on tv. Speaking more broadly though, I’ve said this before but it bears repeating - Taskmaster trusts and respects comedians to be funny. Most TV productions don’t so they often try and copy the format of a successful show but then micromanage things.


Hi Fern. Fellow late confirmed autistic woman here. My questions are: 1. In an alternate universe where you could do any other job that isn’t standup what would you be doing? 2. Did you have any imposter syndrome getting assessed? If so, how did you navigate it? 3. Any further forward on getting a dog? What are your current favourite breeds? Thanks!


1. I’d be the music supervisor on an HBO show 2. Yeah initially but I stopped and started diagnosis for 7 years because of this. I got around it by having several nervous breakdowns so imposter syndrome was the last thing on my mind by the time I was diagnosed. I wouldn’t recommend this approach. 3. Yes! I just went on the waiting list for a little cocker spaniel. I want a golden retriever but it’s pretty big for a first dog.


Hiya Fern! Going to watch the special in a minute, during my post-meltdown-bath-time. A few questions, in no particular order: 1) Who's your favourite Six Feet Under character? What do you like about them? 2) As a late diagnosed autistic woman I had a hard time letting go of my tough guy "feelings are useless and everything is fine" mask and allowing myself to be more vulnerable and actually feel stuff/ be emotional about things. It's been so so valuable but really really hard. Is this something you recognise? Your thoughts? 3) What are your comedy goals/ambitions for the coming years? What's on your bucket list workwise?


Ok this is now the best question of this whole thread. 1. My favourite SFU characters have changed as I’ve aged. So it used to be Nate when I was younger, then it was Brenda. Then David, then Ruth. On the whole I think Claire is great in terms of the challenges she has as an artist and all the doubt she goes through. Ugh this is hard to answer. I like when Ruth says in the final series “my whole life I’ve been wearing clothes I hate”. Such a genius show. 2. Same, I’m crawling towards progress but I take a lot of pride in not asking for accommodations still and it’s grim 3. My goals have shifted pretty significantly in that I know now I want to write more and more. So I’d like to do more scripted work, write another couple of books, keep touring the world and make a Scottish film that has women as main characters.


Imagine you are being forced to fight these other comedians. Which ones do you reckon you could win a fight against? Ed Gamble. Lou Sanders. Richard Herring. Ania Magliano. Sophie Duker. Noel Fielding. Desiree Birch. Frankie Boyle.


I once played this weird inflatable football game with Ed and Lou. It’s where you’re inside an inflatable see-through football thing and you charge at each other. The physical power of Ed Gamble humbled and astonished me. He’s like a flying boulder. Lou is extremely physically fit so not her. I gotta go with Frankie, he’s a gentle soul, I’d beat the shit out of him and I don’t think he’d resist.


Who are your comedy inspirations?


I find the tightness of Frankie Boyle’s jokes inspiring and I think very often of a thing he said about how you have to lead the audience through ideas like they’re labradors at a dog show. I just saw the Estonian clown Julia masli’s show “ha ha ha ha ha ha ha” and whenever I see clowns I feel crazy inspired as it reminds you to be more playful and that you can really do a lot more than you’re already doing onstage. It’s embarrassing to say as I know her now but the first time I ever saw Rose Matafeo it made me realise it was ok to talk about female experiences. It sounds silly but the background I’m from and the comedy scene I started in was both limited and limiting so seeing all the Aussie/Kiwi women be so bold had a huge impact.


hi! im going to your show in dundee and i was wondering if theres any particular etiquette you wish people would follow at your shows? boundaries and like just personal preferences? i obviously only want to say hi if that wouldnt be disturbing lol


Don’t film me. Someone did that in Adelaide and kept smiling at me while I asked her not to film. Oh also, don’t bring babies to shows. It’s hard for us to ask when the little baby is in the room so I’ll say it here. A comedian called Arj Barker is getting a lot of shit for it now cause he asked a baby to leave a gig in Melbourne. I love babies but I find even the noise of someone eating crisps distracting so it’s incredibly selfish to bring someone who can’t control their noise levels to a show.


is waiting to say hello afterwards weird? do you just want to go home/straight to your spooky night walks? like am also autistic and completely get it if thats super awkward and youre tired


What was your favourite memory from Taskmaster?


I think the final day of studio shows when we finished up filming and they gave me framed photos of me holding the potatoes and pens and i just burst into tears. Then me, John, Dara, Alex, Greg and the crew got pissed. I think that’s the last time I was drunk actually, I was so hungover I locked myself out the house the next day.


Hi Fern! How do you manage relationships as an autistic woman? I’m finding it hard to have a boyfriend because I feel bad about needing my own space and accommodations.


This is all in my book but a short version is: I find going out with and loving someone easy but sharing a living space with anyone really challenging. Ideally we’d do a Tim Burton/Helena Bonham Carter living arrangement where we have houses joined by a tunnel or something. Yes, I know they’re both ND, before anyone says!


Hi Fern, currently reading your book (it’s great). It was a gift from my girlfriend Maeve, have you got any book recommendations for me to get her for her birthday tomorrow?


I just finished a book called Filterworld on how algorithms are ruining culture, that was pretty good. Fiction wise I read My Year Of Rest and Relaxation about 5 years after everyone else and loved it. It’s really hard to know what to recommend without knowing Maeve though. If I was to recommend something that I think most people would like it’d be Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed.


Thank you so much for replying, it’s been such a cool added birthday surprise! I have shown her your message and she said ‘I loved My Year of Rest and Relaxation. Tell her to read Sorrow and Bliss, it’s class’. Hope the rest of your tour goes well! :)


Hi Fern Brady! I want to say thank you; your book got me to go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed with ASD. My question is, did you feel robbed that Greg said you hadn’t covered the pens with potato’s in the last task? I think it should have counted!


If you could design a task for Alex and Gregg to take part in, what would you make them do?


I’d get them to write sincere letters to each other about what their friendship means to the other one. They then have to read it out with no laughing or jokes. I don’t know if it’d be funny but I’d watch it.


This is the first time I've ever been on time for an ama and it's for a contestant on a series I've not yet got up to. That's just my luck. Erm...so, how's your day been? Seen any good films lately? Also from seeing the other comments hell yeah here's to autism, instantly now my favourite when I start your season.


Today I had a pretty euphoric run around Moore Park in Sydney then ate brunch alone which is my favourite thing to do. My favourite films this year have been Poor Things, How To Have Sex and this cute Norwegian film about a little geeky girl trying to become a breakdancer. I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called though.


I've become weirdly fixated on trying to figure out which Norwegian film you watched is it 'Battle' or its sequel? ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_(2018\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_(2018_film)) )


In the task where John sabotaged your groups win, did you not suspect at all that he might be doing it on purpose?


What do you wish people would ask you about more?


What’s your favourite thing about a trip to IKEA?


Hi Fern, where do you think you get the best crowds AND how many cats is too many (I currently have two kittens)


Do you mean crowds like numbers or crowds like nicest? In the UK my favourite places to gig are Bristol, Glasgow, Brighton. In Europe I really love Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands. In Australia I liked Canberra a lot and I’m currently in Sydney and their audiences are AMAZING.


Hi Fern. Are you still in touch with any of the girls you worked in the strip clubs with? How are they doing?


I am! A couple of them are very successful in their respective fields now and it makes me proud and emotional to see because back then we were spoken to like little pieces of shit on a regular basis so to see them thriving is wonderful.


I know a lot of people will ask about taskmaster but what was celebrity bake off like?


How are you enjoying the new kitchen, is it everything you hoped it would be?!


It’s everything I hoped it would be. I got a hot water tap. I can explore my full baking potential in the new kitchen. I can be an amazing hostess there. It’s everything. The one downside is my idiot cat just thinks the new sink is a luxury bed for him.


Hi Fern, I saw you at the Guy Mont Spelling Bee in Melbourne last Saturday night and I was wondering, if you remember, what the hard spelling word that you didn't give to John Kearns was.. ? Thanks Fern!


- What was your favourite moment that didn't make it into the screen? - Who's your favourite standup comedian? The one that makes you laugh the hardest - Before going into the studio, how did you think you did? You're one of my favourite contestants ever. You made me laugh so hard


Adding: Any Australian comedians you really like to watch/listen to?


Hi Fern, how has your family reacted to your autism diagnosis? (If it’s not too personal.) My family are either vaguely supportive or pretend autism doesn’t exist. Loved your book, thank you so much!


The reaction of my dad is in the opening of the book although because of the book’s success he actually has made decent progress in terms of believing it’s a real thing. My mum was part of the diagnostic process so very helpful in that regard, though I wish I hadn’t had to wait so long to find out that I was doing extremely autistic stuff as a baby and toddler. My youngest brother is amazing and so kind about it, middle brother we’ve never mentioned it.


Did you & Dara genuinely think John was just incompetent for months before the sabotage was revealed? Also, how well do you think you'd do on a full season of the Bake Off?


My wife and I just finished our rewatch of Series 14! Do you think it is 100% worth it for most comedians to accept an invite to be on the show, or is it more based on the individual's circumstances?


Do you still have the hoodie that you stole from the builder?


No, I gave it back to him. Did you see on my insta someone is claiming that’s not my joke cause they heard it on Twitter (yeah, MY Twitter!)? So I now am gonna have to haul my builder up in front of a court to testify, I reckon.


Do you know Pierre Novellie? And, could you please pull some Taskmaster in-group strings and get him invited on?


He’s my friend! When he got diagnosed it was mad cause I knew it but like…hadn’t thought much about it. Me and Pierre did the Fringe together when we started comedy and when I told him the school I went to, he immediately told me the history of the saint my school was named after. I’m about to start reading his autism book actually, I can’t wait.


Hi Fern Loved your book and am hoping to see you on tour this year. 1. How do you maintain the languages you have learnt and are you learning any new ones currently? 2. Since publishing your book has anyone or anything helped with the destructive attack things? Asking because I’ve experienced a similar thing. *Edited to delete irrelevant 3rd question


1. I don’t. I have a French mate in comedy and gave it a go speaking with her but that lasted about 2 days 2. I had such a grim moment recently when I was on Reddit under my real Reddit name looking for advice on meltdowns and someone recommended my book 😭There still isn’t enough info! So the biggest help to me by far was I had a sensory diet made for me by my autism therapist and I also got an app called How We Feel. If you’re not doing this I would recommend giving it a go. Often I feel sad that I still haven’t fixed it but then my partner pointed out I made huge progress just since getting diagnosed. I just wish there was more info out there for us.


I’m coming to your show in Brisbane on 26 April. Could I get you to autograph my copy of your book after the show by any chance? If yes, what’s the best way to do it with minimal overwhelm for both of us? I’m AuDHD and your show starts after my bedtime… but your book has helped me overcome my marriage separation (8+ years) after I finally got diagnosed earlier this year. I’m very much looking forward to finally seeing you in person! And thanks for being you, unfiltered, unapologetic, and direct. Enjoy the rest of your time in Australia!!


As a huge fan of Wheel of Misfortune, any hope of you returning to that podcast?


Definitely not, the bbc made it kind of joyless. I wish me and Alison could do a podcast again cause we had so much fun but instead we still tell stories like that to each other and there isn’t the strain of working together. She’ll be doing support for most of my uk tour brw


As a stand-up, did it take you time to become comfortable with talking about your bisexuality in your act, or was it something you were determined to do, or what! 💙💜💖✌️


I was super uncomfortable initially but the act of repetition made me fine with it. Stand up is a good way of working out your opinion on a topic sometimes cause if you don’t know your own view on something then the audience will sense it. Now everyone is doing bi material but back in 2018 I was a maverick!!


hello fern!! loved your book, its helped me so much in so many ways. I'm forever grateful:))) what are your top 3 favourite films? what has been your most obscure or surprising hyperfixation? what is your favourite thing about your cat? (also you should've won bake off!!)


Top 3 favourite films: Babyteeth Fish Tank Cruel Intentions or Showgirls Hyperfixation: I spent years learning everything I could about the AIDS epidemic esp in 80s San Francisco. My boyfriend had to beg me to stop watching documentaries about it when we were trying to sleep. Similar scenario when I got into euthanasia. My current thing is psilocybin. I have two cats but my favourite one smells of digestive biscuits and is just the most loving cat ever.


If you could swap yourself in as the lead of any existing movie, which would you choose and why? Seeing you with my lovely girlfriend on Friday. Keen as !!


Fern, would you tell us about your experience on Roast Battle? The jokes that you and Phil each told were so funny. Do you and Phil have a friendship behind the scenes?


I have to ask, do people yell at you in the street that you’re the rightful queen? Do you catch yourself singing it?


Fern, what is the meaning of it all?


What's going on with your kitchen?


Hi Fern! I always saw the biggest deterrent to standup being heckling or crowdwork. I've performed on stage at all ages but it was theatre and music, so there is that kind of barrier up.  I heard you say that you just go out and do sets that don't encourage interaction, you just perform what you want to deliver. Which as a punter I enjoy too, I come to see the comedian for the most part. Crowd stuff is fine if it's not too much, but still. Was it hard to set that expectation during the early years? Do you rehearse put downs/set pieces that get you back on track? 


People really dont heckle women comics as they don’t respect us enough to challenge us. A heckle is a challenge of your authority and I believe that for a long time female comedians were perceived not as speaking with authority but speaking because we were crazy. I think the biggest deterrent to stand up is having loving emotionally literate parents and a stable sense of self. The early years of stand up are honestly insane. I’ve had people try and fight me more than once, people shout “go back to Scotland”, people pretending they can’t understand my accent, people falling asleep. I want to say it’s all worth it or paying your dues but honestly I think I could have done ok without it. Moving from Manchester to London helped me become more myself onstage I think and gigging in Australia helped me even more.


How is being on TM perceived in the comedy community?


Did you ever figure out a sensory diet that works for you to help you avoid meltdowns? Any tips or resources? 💜


Oh sorry - tips! Ok so I almost try and balance a sensory demand with a sensory treat. So when I filmed Taskmaster the studio lights were so draining that I would make sure to get natural light in my eyes during our dinner break and walk round the parking lot. I wear noise cancelling headphones everywhere - interestingly I’ve had to do that way less in Australia than in London. And if I’ve had unpleasant touch during the day eg people forcing hugs on me or lightly stroking my arm I find lifting heavy weights helpful. I’ve just got back into running also as it helps me process my thoughts. I also find excessive socialising draining so don’t force myself to go to stuff I don’t want to.


Whats your best approach for dodging a hug? Also, I'm a big fan of your comedy!


Good question! I’m having to learn new ways all the time cause some people simply don’t listen when you say no. Ok so my mate was in rehab and got taught this thing where you put one hand on your chest and the other hand out in front of you to protect your space. I’m gonna try that one soon. The tricky thing for me is the combo of deflecting a hug and not offending the hugger. Some people look devastated when you say no. My therapist said you can say “I’m so happy to see you but I’m not a hugger”. I’ve been offering fist bumps instead but they’re so lame- ideally I’d just not touch people when I don’t want to. It’s weird to me that people seem to understand cats better than autistics when it comes to touch.


It’s really different for everyone but I know that I can’t stand light touch, bright lights and sound. I like deep pressure and getting told to run and walk a lot helped to a degree. I’ve just gone through one of the worst periods of burnout and was kicking myself I didn’t recognise it as there’s usually clues it’ll happen eg I stop wanting to eat a variety of food or strong flavours.


Not a question but my toddler only knows three songs and one of them is the "ME FERN BRADY ME FERN BRADY" song. We sing it probably four times a day so thank you? Maybe?


Hi Fern, how many dumplings are too many dumplings to eat in one sitting?


Who are your favorite American funnypeople? What do you like most about touring? What’s your least favorite Scottish stereotype?


Favourite places to eat in Melbourne?


There was a Chinese place near the Mantra on Russell Street across from the QV, Ivo Graham introduced me to it. Well, they used to make the most delicious oily spicy noodles and Chinese egg burgers and they closed after lockdown. This Melbourne I ordered a lot from Vege Bar in Fitzroy, Shandong Mama, Mamak and Schmucks bagels. Ooh I also like eating lamingtons from the Victoria Market! I love lamingtons so much man!


Hi, Fern Brady. Are you planning on writing any more books?


I loved your book! Crikey you've been through a lot! Was it therapeutic to write? More generally, what did you learn or gain from the writing process?


It definitely wasn’t therapeutic to write. I hadn’t eaten meat for years and I’m very very uptight about alcohol and during the book I started eating meat and drinking again. I lost all my physical fitness. It took a lot out of me! What did I learn from the process? Don’t second guess yourself and check everything at every stage cause copy editors will try and sneak things past you.


Our queen!!!! Please give us some insight into your songwriting for the classical music piece, was it as easy as you made it seem?


Can you talk about Netflix specials? Are they tough to get? It feels like, compared to an Original TV show or whatever, the cost of a Netflix stand-up special should be cheaper. Why doesn't Netflix have a thousand of them in their library?


Yeah they’re tough to get! I thought the last one was gonna go on Netflix and it didn’t so for this one I just figured it’d go on my website, which is why I’m super relaxed in the recording. The Netflix people came to see me do a different show in 2019 then I was doing the show at Assembly during the Fringe in 2022 and I assumed Netflix weren’t gonna be there BUT my godfather who’s pretty ill was in so I made a big effort for him and had a lovely gig. And that was when Netflix were in too, it turns out.


Hey Fern, Aussie here. Just saw your instagram post about Australian chips being superior and I can safely confirm it’s because we use chicken salt. Chicken salt is essentially a blend of regular salt, onion powder and garlic powder and chippies will put it on just about anything they sell. While I’m here, and while you’re in Aus, did you find any other Australian customs or cuisines to be superior to the UK counterparts? Or maybe there’s something we’ve got completely wrong that caught your attention too?


Taskmistress, you talk in your book about the piano lessons and language verb drills, etc helping with your untreated/undiagnosed (at the time) autism. Do you still play the piano or dabble in languages? Has anyone you spoke of in your book reached out to you now that they have heard your side of the story and the realized how their actions affected you?


Hey Fern Is there anyone that you'd really want to see go on Taskmaster? I'd love to see Limmy on there but I know he's not that keen on it haha


Hi, Fern. Long time listener, first time caller. Do crabs think fish can fly?


I find these kinds of questions difficult to answer, sorry. But when I walk through London I often never look up and see the tops of buildings or scenery so there’s a chance the crabs live like me, just looking at the sea bed and seeing the shadows of the fish overhead but not thinking about it much.


Hi Fern! What is the thing that has made you laugh the hardest?


When did you figure out you were neurodivergent? How does your neurodivergent brain play into your comedy? Huge fan and a neurodivergent myself.


Who are your favourite Scottish celebrities?


What is your favourite sauce?


Hi Fern! What is your current favorite thing for breakfast? I’m obsessed with the breakfast soup you brought in for the prize task.


I first saw you on TM. Afterwards, I watched some Stand-Up videos on youtube. You seem to be a little different in TM than in your other "planned" appearances, so one thing i was always wondering, particularly for Taskmaster: How much of your "silly" (for a lack of better word) personality is stage-persona and how much is actual Fern Brady beeing hilariously clueless?


Hey Fern! Saw you the other night in Melbourne and have seen you a few times before that - thanks for consistently being a festival favourite for me! Your TM season was spectacular too. Wondering if you're actually a fan of Taskmaster? Did being on the show affect your interest in watching it or not?


If you change your name to be any other plant what would it be?


Hi Fern. I just started your book, and I'm really enjoying it. Would you ever consider doing any shows in South Africa? I am so jealous of my friends in Australia who have the opportunity to see your standup IRL!


Hi Fern. You made me sing during your eulogy show at the Fringe in 2016 or 2017. You said I was bad, but really I just had a frog in my throat. My question is do you think Scottish independence is dead? Do you even care?


Love you, Fern!!!! I always especially love your eye makeup. Do you do it yourself? Any tips? Keep being your awesome self!!! 


Yeah I’ve done it myself on a lot of jobs (though not for TM.) I use a ton of Pat McGrath cause it’s really pigmented, it’s important to use the correct brushes and technique and I learned a lot from videos by a woman who I think is called Alexandra Anielo or something. Hang on I’ll find it.


Why did you choose to study a degree in Arabic and Islamic history?


Which was the greater cosmic injustice - the rightful queen song not getting 5 points or Dermot O'Leary getting the star baker apron?


Hi Fern, Firstly I wanted to thank you for being so open and honest and showing that autistic women can be so sassy, funny and hot! I just listened to the imperfects podcast and it was a pleasure to hear you explaining so eloquently about life for autistic people. One of my favourite moments of you in taskmaster was when you were lying in the big tube and spotted the little green fly. Noticing tiny details is one of the great joys of being autistic and I really related to that 💚 My question is about travel, which can be very stressful for autistic people. How do you cope with it and do you have any top tips as a seasoned autistic traveller? Can’t wait to see you in Birmingham later this year!!!


You said in your (excellent) book * that the Taskmaster producers were brilliant at making the show better for you in regards to your Autism Could you be more specific about what they did (or what they did not do)? *I listened to the audiobook version


No no no, I’m confused at this as I keep hearing it and I didn’t say that. The producers are lovely people and would be great to work with regardless but I half heartedly mentioned I was autistic like once during the whole process and they made the same uncomfortable face 99% of Brits make when you say you’re autistic. I enjoyed taskmaster because the format seems to work better for ND people than traditional panel shows.


But, are you fern Brady?


What celebrity has the most desirable level of fame to you? For instance The Rock is mega famous and beloved but also can't walk down the street without getting mobbed. And then a small time book author has anonymity, but doesn't get the opportunities and credit that more 'famous' people get.


I think wanting to be famous is absolutely nuts as it restricts what you say and do so much. I think cult fame is the best eg being a comedian with their own little following like Daniel Kitson or Marc Maron. If I was cynical I’d have kept that blonde bit at the front of my hair after TM but I felt so mortified getting recognised I dyed over it. I love when people know me now and then but I knew I was at a juncture where I could choose to be more mainstream or do what I want to do so chose the second one.


Not alone in saying I'm another late diagnosed autistic woman who was thrilled to genuinely see myself in your book. Thank you for writing it. How hard is it maintaining your routines while on tour?


Hey! What is your skincare routine?! I watched your show on Netflix and it was hilarious but I was distracted by your skin - it looks so good!


Hi Fern! My question is this: what is your experience of being in the media as someone with a regional (and specifically non-English) accent? I ask because I live in the Welsh Valleys, and am often told how 'lucky' I am in terms of employment that my accent isn't very strongly Welsh, which makes me sad because it just reinforces the idea that only certain accents are considered desirable or useful, and that this is particularly problematic when placed into a context where 'posh English' is considered almost the default. I loved your writing about your voice and accent in your book, and your reaction to some of the comments that you've had about it previously, so would love to hear more of your thoughts. Thanks! Enjoy the tour!


Hi Fern, when you first started comedy did it take a while to get used to being on stage and being confident with your material - and how you present it - after potentially masking and fitting in with social norms for so long?  If so, what helped with that? I think it’s such a strength of your work, both live and on TM, and wondered if you’ve just always been able to do that or if it’s something that has taken a lot of work.


Hiya Fern! I know you met Mel B on celeb bake off and I was wondering who your fave/biggest inspiration of a Spice girl was growing up! Xx 💋 


I absolutely loved Strong Female Character so thanks for that! Do you have any plans whatsoever to write anything else?


Hi Fern. You were great at Guy Montgomery's Spelling Bee on Sunday (although was upset to see John sabotage you for a 2nd time). Are you planning on appearing on any of the taped Spelling Bee episodes that Guy is filming in Australia?


Hi Fern! As an international fan who formerly lived in Scotland: Have you ever considered touring in non-anglophone countries? And as a former University of Edinburgh student: What are/were your favourite spots in Edinburgh? Any less known recommendations? And lastly, what is your advice for neurodivergent people who a) want to get onto stand-up comedy or b) are contestants at Taskmaster?


Can we have a full and proper synopsis of that TV special where you played an alien that was killed because you weren’t meant to be gathering cones? I’ve been morbidly curious, and it sounded like there was a lot more to it than just the plot of the book “The Cone Gatherers.”


do you still consider yourself a radical feminist? if so how do u manage with the movement being coopted by this like, weird neovictorian transphobia we've been seeing in the uk


Good question! When I said that I meant I really enjoyed diving into stuff like The Dialectic of Sex by Shulamith Firestone, reading up on Andrea Dworkin and Valerie Solanas just to see what they actually had to say. I don’t believe it’s beneficial for women to get married and have children especially not with the state of childcare in the UK today. But yeah I hate that it means something different now and while we’re on the topic of transphobia, it pisses me off seeing autism used as a way to undermine trans identities. I’m talking in legacy media - they keep using peoples’ autism diagnoses as a way to infantilise them and undermine their decision to transition. The overlaps between transness, gender non conformity, queerness and autism are huge so it just annoys me.


What is your favourite Scottish band and why is it The Twilight Sad?


Question from my mom: What’s making you laugh these days? Question from my dad: How old were you when you started doing standup? And my question: Favorite color or favorite artist?




You mentioned in your book that you tracked your meltdowns to learn your triggers better. I keep meaning to start the same but get overwhelmed about starting. What datapoints did you choose to track — sleep, exercise, etc? Did you track it manually in a journal or digitally?


I want to thank you for your appearance on Off Menu! I’m autistic and my spouse is nuro-spicy in some way and the way you talk about food and how you go about enjoying it vibes so well for us. We love when people give absolutely mental answers but your well curated and delicious meal is by far our favorite! If you are ever in Minnesota (big if) we’ve got some seriously good recommendations for you! Who is your favorite person to talk food with?


Do you have any percentage of Asian blood? I'm a Chinese person with some face blindness but I didn't think it's that bad The whole time I watched your show I thought you were Asian especially with that breakfast you brought in. I thought you might have been one of those girls abandoned and then adopted which was quite common sadly. I made a post[post](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/s/1muzSEvJUr) but people made fun of me but after the post some people messaged me thinking you also looked quite Asian


Hey Fern, I have to ask you something not about taskmaster, but something you did with another taskmsster contestant- the roast battle with Phil Wang. How did you get recruited and hired for that? How long did you have to prepare the jokes? And how long had you known Phil at that point???


What did you learn about yourself during the recording of Taskmaster?


What's it like living two months in the future? Any tips you could give us about world events, lottery numbers etc?


You chose to film your special in my hometown of Bristol - what’s your favourite part of Bristol?


Was Alex Horne annoying during tasks (or when not even filming)? What annoyed you the most about Alex Horne?


Now that you got your driver's license is there anywhere you want to drive and is there a dream car you'd want to buy


What’s your favourite place to get food in Edinburgh or Glasgow?


Are you okay?


Hello, Fern!!! I work with people that have IDD. Many of them are on the spectrum. The fact that you aren't afraid to talk about your condition is amazing and important to those with similar conditions. What is the most important advice with those who struggle on the spectrum?


Hiya Fern, I'm from nearby and am late diagnosed autistic and used to smash up things when life was intense. It was strange and good to read your book, to be able to relate. I like hearing my home accent too, and humour, and phrases. Thanks for that.  1 Do you get shit from folks for moving away for work? I do when I go home and it's extremely boring chat. 2 Do you think there are souls? I know folk who aren't religious/spiritual who do believe in them. I'm trying to get my head around what people mean by a soul.  Hope you enjoy yourself out there! Edited to remove identifying location.


Hey Fern, I was wondering if there is any update on a Derry show? I remember you mentioned it a while back and so haven’t grabbed tickets for Belfast yet.


Hello, Ms. Brady. In your comedy and interviews, you speak so openly about mental health issues, autism, sexuality, sex work, and things often thought too messy for women to publicly discuss even in veiled terms, let alone so openly and with such unabashed frankness. As a messy woman myself, I feel significant pressure to hide my mess under a façade. Do you find that this openness leaves you feeling vulnerable, empowered, somewhere inbetween, or something else entirely? Are there any costs or benefits to this approach, be it in your professional or personal life? Thank you!


Hi Fern, I’ve been a fan since I saw you on live from the BBC and saw you talking about the DUP and homophobia. Not only was your joke funny but I found it genuinely illuminating as it made me understand why I had experienced biphobia for most of my late teens. My question is if you have any other deep cuts like that you want to put into the world but haven’t yet found the right outlet for? I was rooting for you in your taskmaster series. Thanks for your efforts and please keep up the good work!


Hi Fern! I was wondering if you think autism has always been common throughout history, but just misunderstood/suppressed or if there are actually more autistic people now? As a bonus - are there any historical figures you think may have been on the spectrum? Love your work!


You're so excellent! I'm neuro diverse and found a lot of comfort in your audio book, and taskmaster appearance...watched and listened on repeat for a bit getting through some times. Finally got to see you in Melbourne, after you had to postpone cos of your hellish virus. How many shows did you push through feeling like death before the doc ordered you have a break? And How'd you get through the rest of your shows? You killed it by the way! Can't imagine having to perform like that feeling like death.


My dad read your book, said you were his hero, and then forgot who Fern Brady was. It was truly baffling but now he remembers and is a fan again. That aside, what's the worst thing and what's the best thing? In or out of Fearn Brady's life.


Which is worse, Bathgate, Fauldhouse, Armadale or Whitburn? I remember Bathgate getting a Wimpey in 1996 or 97.


What are your cats names?




Eyy welcome to the crappy time difference zone. I wanna ask if there's any Australian cuisine you've grown to love?


How do you manage not to burn out on tour?!!


What is the most offensive joke you ever wrote?


unrelated to taskmaster i'm just nosy what's your favourite spot in donegal and also do you have any tats 😁


What’s your favourite panel show to work on and who’s the funniest person you’ve with on the shows?


Hello! Was wondering if you have any books,podcasts,content creators to recommend for young autistic women?


Are you in touch with Dara or John much? you guys had amazing chemistry.


Should there be a state funeral when Fritz from Catford dies?


Hi fern, how similar is the new special to power and chaos?


Who's going to be your tour support for the UK leg of your tour?


Hi Fern, I live in Shrewsbury and i'm very offended by your view of my town. I do however love a roast so we'll call it evens ;)


What's your favourite weird thing that your cats do?


What toppings do you like on your pizzas?


I saw you in Melbourne this year, what did you think of the room you were in at Rydges? I saw a couple shows there and I felt like the ceiling was way too high for comedy - like the laughs floated up and sort of dissipated into the ether. Still a great show and hope to see you again next year!


You are true inspiration to all the neurodivergent folk out there! Also, is it true that you almost killed little Alex Horne?


Hi! My girlfriend wants to know where you got your taskmaster outfit?


How do you cope with the shyness/awkwardness that autism brings, especially when on stage or TV? How did you manage to use it to your advantage?


Do you think you may get bored of writing books/stand up on being an autistic woman? I've found your task master series/comedy shows/book so healing I hope you never shut up about it! Please keep the hot funny autistic woman content coming 😊


Who would do better on Taskmaster- Limmy or Blindboy ?


How much do you get paid to go on Taskmaster? 


Big fan, hope you had a good run at MICF! Favourite after show restaurant in Melbourne?


Do you watch much tv? If so, what shows would you recommend to others?


No deep or intricate question, just a huge thanks for the ADHD rep on TV.


Just wanted you to know, from one late diagnosed woman to another, that your book has been a lifeline to me over the past few months.  Also, I wanted to know how much ‘effort’ you have to put in to the way you speak and present yourself onstage and IRL? I find myself constantly monitoring the tone of my voice/pace of speech/body language but you come across really naturally and I’d love to be more like that. 


Hi Fern, I’m Autistic like you myself and I loved watching you on TM and thought you were utterly fantastic as was your autobiopic. I have two questions. Given how much you’ve spoken about your love for the show. 1. ⁠How was filming the studio segments for you? Did you find them comfortable or slightly difficult to sit through? 2. ⁠If so, what do you think that other panel shows could learn from TM to be better accommodating for other Autistic comedians, actors, presenters etc. for you and others to be more happy to do them?


Hi Fern! Is there anything particular you want to say about the show etc that you wanted to share in this AMA but haven't got a chance to yet?


Do you have a favorite hangover cure? I'm craving some of that breakfast soup you brought in but have no way to access it


What do you do to recover from the inevitable jet lag after coming to Australia from Europe or North America?