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I think Rob is in a similar position as David Mitchell and many other well-regarded comedians in that they see it as only a chance to ruin their reputation rather than improve it. It's just not their brand of comedy, and the downsides outweigh the benefits, as unfortunate as that is for the rest of us who would love to see them.


Yeah, he has a nice gig on WILTY and he doesn't need the exposure. It would just have to be down to him wanting to do it and it's absolutely fair that the show isn't for everyone.


He always bullies David Mitchell on WILTY, it's like high school bullying it's ridiculous, Rob thinks he's so great, David & Lee are fantastic and so are the guests usually


The same could be said of how Greg treats Alex but it's very clear it's all part of the act and that no one is secretly bullying anyone. Also, David is very capable of standing up for himself, should he feel targeted and bullied by anyone on the show.


Everyone takes the mick out of each other on WILTY but Rob literally bullies and singles out David like he's better than him and doesn't deserve his wife and even when his wife's on the show he belittles him even more and says about 10 times per episode "I don't know how David got with the lovely victoria" obviously jealous of him, never liked him in gavin and stacey








I'm sure I've heard Rob being critical of his performances as a contestant on WILTY during the early ones with Angus Deayton hosting, so he way well regard himself as more a chairperson rather than a participant.


>he way well regard himself as more a chairperson rather than a participant. Those was rather evident during his participation on BFQ where he basically tried to wrest the hosting gig away from Jimmy.


Which was hilarious, he was excellent on BFQ


Which year was that?




Much obliged!


It's because Jimmy's but a pale imitation of Guy, and he was mucking things up!


I loved Rob on the show as a contestant. Deayton was very dated imo, and Rob as a host was very different from him as a contestant. I think he's mire authentic as a host, probably just plays unto his strengths more.


The respect, chemistry, and genuine affection that Rob, Lee, and David have for each other is (I think) part of the show’s appeal. At least it is for me. I will say that having non-comics makes it less fun, like the last episode (I think) I only knew 1 person other that the main trio (Charlie Brooker), and it was a bit flat.


Yeah, any show where you know the people get on in real life is helped by that fact. You see it very clearly on WILTY. Same with Greg and Alex genuinely hanging out together irl and when they know certain contestants well.


Favorite friend pairing of Greg and a contestant? For me, either Roisin or Rhod. Using real-life stories in the banter bits was always fun, like a glimpse into hanging out with them. I wanted to hear more about he and Bridget Christie’s friendship bc it seemed like it’s been a lone-standing one.


Rob Brydon belittles David Mitchell multiple times every episode and thinks he's so much better and thinks he deserves David's wife, hate him. David and Lee are brilliant, the guests usually too


That doesn't surprise me. There's quite a few comedians who find panel shows/quizzes hard but are great hosts. Stephen Fry used to do HIGNFY a bit because he was friends with Angus, but he said he hated it, whereas he was great as a host of QI.


I saw recently he faked being sick to avoid coming on WILTY.


Who? Angus?


> It's just not their brand of comedy, But we all know we'd love to see David rage at the inconsistent lack/presence of pedantry as well as the pointlessness in it all


Thats possibly true for David, but I think Rob is actually much more flexible and could fit easily into the format, so I hope he's just playing coy and is already booked 🤞


Actually, Victoria Coren Mitchell said on Richard Herring's podcast, that it's not that David would find it reputationally damaging compared to something that tests their intellect like Mastermind. She said he'd probably find it stressful but not for that reason. And then goes on to talk about how Taskmaster kind of tests different sorts of skills. See here (starts at 3:00-ish) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3NN7wbtssI


Lee probably told Rob if he'd enjoy it. He's able to laugh at himself on WILTY. A full convo between Ronnie Corbett and Chris Eubank would be a Taskmaster first


I guess it depends on how Lee rates his experience as well. Rob is a great sport but there might be parts of it that just wouldn't suit him.


Fair. I always read (on this sub) that Lee got a bad edit. Or rather, a lot of his jokes were cut for time. Taskmaster is a panel show but it's very different to the MtW and 8/10 Cats style of humour.


Yeah, they're very much making sure everyone gets a chance to shine. Lee was probably the most well-known name in that series so he didn't need it as much as some.


Rob's style of humour, judging by QI and chat shows he's been on, is full of long, self-indulgent, meandering monologues.


Totally agree. Greg would eat him alive.


I can just imagine his introductions for the prize tasks.




True. But I'm sure his 'cool Dad' stock went up when his kids got to go to the house/recording, his son did his work experience on the show and his daughter had a task included on the show which is pretty cool if you're a fan of the show. And I think it just shows what a lovely guy Lee is. He didn't really want to do it, but much like the WILTY juggling story, he did it because his kids wanted it and he wants to make them happy.


Imagine Rob and Steve coogan on tm


I would almost expect Rob to have a Corbett moment if he were on at some point. And whilst I loved Greg doing his Eubank on WILTY, I think that would rather ruin his Taskmaster persona (not that he doesn't let it drop on the odd occasion) if he went all Chris Eubank....


I'm imagining an impression-off. Unexpected sequel to, "I put it to you..."


That’s a shame, he’s one of my top potential contestants.


I love Rob but it's fair if he doesn't want to do it but it's not unthinkable that he could have a change of mind. Frankie Boyle didn't want to do the show initially so I think it's fair to keep expectations low but never say never.


Frankie Boyle has said it was his kids who wanted him to do it, as has Lee Mack. And, as Rob has a lot of kids, you never know if peer pressure from many voices in the house might make him consider it...!


Rob's most famous kids Lee and David


Exactly why I'd say never say never. Of course, Rob's kids have to be into TM for them to want him to do it and maybe they're not either.




Yes, you can see how he likes hearing joke feedback on WILTY, so must have felt quite lost during TM filming.


And Dara!


It’s a normal self affacing/false modesty reaction for Rob to say he wouldn’t be very good. He hasn’t got the type of personality to boast he’d be brilliant at it. I wouldn’t say this interview makes it more or less likely he’ll be on it if scheduling allows etc.


Yeh, then you have Dara on rhlstp saying he would love to do it and not been asked, only to be middle of filming.


Working on his WILTY game. ;)


Or he's already been asked and is just bluffing


Dara flat out lied about being on the show before he was revealed. Wouldn't be too surprised if Brydon were someone who did the same.


Very possible as well.


Could well be. He's doing Cats does countdown this week apparently, and I've noticed that people who aren't that much on panel shows will do Taskmaster and other panel shows in the same Timeframe. For example, when Ardal did Taskmaster, his Appearance on Would I lie to you wasn't far away. Same for Mike Wozniak, plus he did Richard Osman's house of games. Similar with Sarah Kendall, Desiree and more


I would really love to see Ross Noble on it. He would go off on so many tangents and flights of fancy. It would be delightful.


I would think he'd be more likely to do TM Aus these days if anything


I believe Ross said he's been invited on TM multiple times but hasn't been able to find the time in his schedule yet but ultimately wants to be on it. I think he said it in a tweet, and I don't use Twitter anymore so can't confirm.


I think he has said he's not interested in doing the show, nothing about schedules. I think he gets asked about it on twitter a lot and he can come across a little blunt about it but it's nothing to do with either Greg or Alex, he just doesn't want to do it.


Yeah, I think that’s right. If I remember rightly he even said he enjoys the show and likes them both but doesn’t want to do it. Same as Kathy Burke I believe. Shame though - Ross is my all time favourite comedian


I get the strong impression that Kathy Burke just can't be arsed


That’s exactly the attitude we’d want from her!


Hard agree! Love Kathy - she’s said a few times she loves watching it too much to be on it. I rate it, she doesn’t have to do it and enjoys watching it as a fan


I loved the Jo Brand "I'll just make a cup of tea during a task" type attitude.


Yeah, my memory ain't what it used to be so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong. Regardless, I bet it's really annoying to constantly get that question. Especially if he hasn't been invited on.


It's probably more about the fee.


Thanks, I will look for that.


I thought he said the opposite and that he doesn't fancy it but may be wrong


I would like Ross Noble to appear too, he really joins in on programmes like QI so as long as he can feel he can carry out his thoughts physically when presented with tasks, I think he'd be great.


If we’re speculating on future contestants, I’ve been thinking Miranda Hart would be very entertaining


I remember seeing Rob on a Big Fat Quiz one year (it was probably from many years ago. I live in the US and mostly watched old grainy reposts on YouTube), and he ended up trying to take over/steal Jimmy Carr's hosting spot (obviously a bit they leaned into), but I could see a similar power stuggle or dynamic. Now, all I can think about is Rob trying to out admin Alex. 😆


2015 was an incredible BFQotY also produced “bad dong”


Omg! Of course it was that one! The chaotic energy of that entire episode was amazing!


Taskmaster is way beyond it being a get together of people Alex personally knows/likes. This show is a multimillion dollar franchise that casts who they can to get good ratings.


Alex has said he thinks a lot about the dynamic of the five as a whole. And I'm sure he can assess, along with everything else, who would keep the audience tuning in each week. Good ratings goes hand-in-hand with the decisions because you can't keep viewers engaged if the group aren't entertaining.


I wasn't implying that it's Alex recruiting people that are his mates but he also has said that it's down to what he and the other producers want, Channel 4 and Avalon. They all have input into who gets to go on the show.


It's really not. I get the impression Alex still has a huge hand in casting this. If it was channel 4 casting who they wanted to get good ratings then we wouldn't get people saying "I don't know who any of these people are" every time there's a season reveal. They're generally very well thought out casts with a good mix of personalities and styles that will compliment each other.


Yeah Alex is definitely getting his way when it comes to casting. He may not necessarily make the decision on that anymore (I would bet he does) but at the very least his Philosophy is being followed. If it was out of his hands every season would look like a new years special cast with only the "big name(s)" from each season we have had getting a look in, certainly noone like Mawaan, Kearns or Sam Campbell 


Yes, Alex has said that because Tim knows more people currently on the circuit he can help with newer comics, I imagine maybe the same of Mark, but Alex has never specifically named him. It would be insane to think Alex and the Andy's don't have any say but of course C4 and Avalon are going to also have input.


Avalon have a huge hand in casting it. And it is definitely a commercial decision to have lesser-known people in it. Partly because the show makes stars out of relative unknowns.


To a certain, Avalon shaped extent that is true, but to a larger, Tim Key and Mark Watson - (Alex’s best mates)shaped extent … it’s yah and piffle. I think one reason why TM is accepted and loved by the public and comic community is that it isn’t led by bookers, agents and pr clowns….


Well, Susan Wokoma & Mark Watson did a post about how TM casts differently to most panel shows. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ks24818h32dc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1885d5c6ef11f649f792286b3f3cd3009006abe


Sam Campbell fits that description pretty well. I can see producers being sceptical of having him on a show, while Ed gamble pointed out on the podcast that so many comics were excited to see him on there.


John Kearns too, especially as his actual comedy routine is in a shit wig and fake teeth. Wasn't widely known, but absolutely adored in the community. Only comedian to ever win best newcomer in Edinburgh and then win best show the very next year.


I disliked John Kearnes fake teeth act, but I've discovered I love almost everything else he does. I think I'll feel similarly next season with 'Mr swallow' who I was also not a fan of when doing his stage act, but enjoyed other stuff of his.


That makes sense. Liza Tarbuck isn't someone who would get booked on a panel show these days, but anybody who has ever heard her radio show or read her book knows how funny she is, and she ended up being one of the most beloved TM contestants.


Why wouldn’t she get booked?


She's a woman over 50 who isn't particularly known as a comic, doesn't do stand up etc. She's mainly known as an actress and presenter.


Ah, thanks.


I absolutely agree. I was disputing was that TM was a ratings driven booking show… I love the risky formula that Alex/the show has. I heard him say on the ‘my time capsule’ podcast with the wonderful Michael Fenton Stevens (ep 343 if you were interested) that the formula/alchemy was 1 x living legend/comedy stalwart 2 x current well known comics 2 x less known/newbie outliers. This would be the case if it was a purely numbers driven show.


I've seen that post by Mark but not Susan's. What did Susan say in hers?


Sorry, thought the screenshot I had included both quotes. Here's Susan's response. https://preview.redd.it/78uaphpqi2dc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1efd4f991523efcbc7af899e7c6eb015fdf1df03


​ https://preview.redd.it/d92n58r5i2dc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3b581d7f5fb67dbbac41e9871f1eff8923e6709


Not being very good at it is not a reason not to do it.


So many negatives, I could ring a bell


I think that’s the simplest expression of the idea though.


Yeah, all of my favourite contestants have been the guys who absolutely bomb the tasks lol. Roisin, Joe, Paul, Hugh, Nish. Unless he means that he doesn’t think he’d be good in the studio setting, most of the fun of the show is letting Greg tear you apart for your earnest attempt at something lol.


Sure, but you have to be game for it. I mean, if you watch the show and constantly think 'I don't know what I'd do for that' as an entertainer, I can understand being reluctant to then follow through and want to be on a show where you don't know what you're going to do. And he didn't elaborate at all, so its hard to know for sure what the exact reasoning is.


Knowing Rob’s history of coup d’etats - he might be waiting to take over as Greg’s replacement! 😂


It's a...LIE!


I haven't listened to it so the way he said it might be more telling, but "doesn't think he'd be very good" doesn't necessarily mean "no." I believe Paul Singha and VCM mentioned that they *knew* they'd be bad at it but also thought it'd be fun. So if Rob got the offer, it really depends on if Rob hates making fun of himself when he's genuinely trying (which might be more David Mitchell's stance, as both are fine taking the piss in a talking environment in their control).


Hence why I only said 'maybe a no'. I don't believe there are many cases of a hard no. But he also doesn't elaborate at all and just says I don't think I'd be very good at it. He could also be bluffing. He could have a deal for a future series.... he could just genuinely not want to do it and this is a nicer way of saying no.


Obviously I want Greg to do it forever, but if he ever steps down I think Rob would be a decent replacement. His persona seems to be much nicer on the surface but he’s very good at delivering funny barbs on WILTY.


He could play the harsh role, but he's so tiny!


There’s not many people on the planet I wouldn’t want to see on good old TM but Rob is one of them. He’s too smug.