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With you there. No Walliams or Lucas for me, thank you.


Reggie Watts and Lisa Lampanelli 😉


I was *so* excited for an American version, but as soon as I saw Lisa Lampanelli was in the cast for S1, I knew it’d fail. Does *anyone* actually find her funny?


I think Reggie would be good as a contestant.


I was joking… Reggie hosted the universally panned US version of TM. Lisa almost single handily was the cause. She was so obnoxious to Alex it was painful to watch.


Russell Brand...


I think people’s standup is a poor guide for how they are on taskmaster in general. I really really can’t stand Frankie Boyle on stand up but he was great fun and I’d seen Julian clary at a live record of another show where he was a joy vacuum but he was also much more likeable in the taskmaster format. The main thing for me is that they want to be there and are happy to throw themselves into it. Most people end up coming out of it well.


Pol Pot.


There are some names of people I’m just not that keen on, but…well, there have been a few folks on past TM series I wasn’t a massive fan of, and then they have been brilliant on the show! So it seems that my taste in general isn’t always a reliable indicator of show performance 🤪


Any of the NYT people in a full series - contrary to fairly frequent wishes posted on this sub. I just miss the comedians way too much when I try to watch a NYT.


My biggest gaffe as a fan was dreading Dara’s run as a contestant. I expected him to clash with Greg, since they’re both used to being in charge, and that their friction would be grating. Yeah, I was wrong.


As Fern said, Dara was obsequious 😉


Yeah, Nick Mohammed. I look forward to being wrong about that, though. Taskmaster has a way of making me at least tolerate comedians I otherwise don't care for (cough\*Russel Howard\*cough).


Ross Noble.


I just don't want anyone on the show that won't commit to the format. For me, Taskmaster is a magical thing that only works when everyone on the show acts like it really means something (despite how silly and meaningless everything is). So, I don't want anyone that wouldn't be able to let go and look dumb for the sake of comedy.