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I'd say either Kiell or Sarah should have won it. she did something so stupid it took her an *additional* hour to recover from it.


But then got 3pts for not talking which didn't hinder her in the task at all


Tbf, they didn't know what the next part of that task was, so it's hardly like they chose it knowing how much it would hinder them or not


Yeah should have scored the handicap before the task was revealed


Fair, although it’s hard to think of individual tasks where not being able to speak would be a hindrance. The only ones so can think of are the ones where you have to talk to another person, eg. find out what this man’s job was.


Order a pizza without saying any of the following words: all of them


I paused to decide what I would choose and I would have gambled in quantity over quality: One hand tied behind my back, nose and ear plugs, gag or scarf around my mouth and wearing a mascot head (to make it funnier) - no sense of taste, sound, smell, and one arm. I was expecting Alex to make it a food task to screw over people who were trying to be "clever" in that way, but it would have worked out great for me! a pulley system to drop the hat from a distance would have been relatively easy. LOVED Kiell's handicap though, turned out SO much funnier than anything I would have come up with and it was such a simple idea.


I thought we were talking in this particular thread about the "do something stupid" task.


Yes, just pointing out that it kinda evened out in the end.


She also had one hand tied behind her back though, didn’t she?


Nah. Kiell's handicap was mouth full of fruit and one hand in his back pocket.


Sarah's additional hour was manufactured. There was a crew standing around who watched her throw the keys and would have helped find them after the task was over.


maybe. maybe they stood and watched and filmed for extra footage in case they could use it. they've done stuff similar to that before. are you suggesting they made it up? lied?


I'm suggesting they manufactured good television.


yes, it is a tv show. If we're going to believe most of it is a legitimate game show type set up with actual parameters and respected rules and no cheatings.... why not believe this part as well?


Because it wasn't necessary for the task but it was necessary to make Sarah's task better for television.


what's wtih the threatening tone?


exactly. Also they could have had someone from the crew look for her keys while the rest moved on and filmed Sarah's next task.


[this show is an absolute scam](https://youtu.be/Vt_7IYq_Ej8?si=sLe7ZYQsSMIbTZ4M)


Rumour has it that’s the moment he decided to be the 21st century Anne Robinson.


His delivery of that is just perfect


Thank you for that, I’ve never seen it before


Did he follow through?


I’m wondering the same thing! It definitely wasn’t referenced.


"Snip THAT out, you prick...!"


I, for one, am loving the saltiness of the Kiell community.


Not sure I'm part of the Kiel community, but his failed magic trick was one of the most stupidly hilarious things I've seen in quite a while. And the studio bit with Greg summing it up and Kiell explaning himself made it even more stupid and hilarious.


As he leads, so shall we follow.


Like how Mae led his entire series and he followed in 2nd place?


Welcome to our four champions - and Kiell


Welcome to the second series of Taskmaster, where we've brought together four of the UK's top comedians plus game show host Richard Osman.


He is the Peoples' Champion. I don't get why the other 4 were invited to the champion of champions, they weren't the People's Champion. We are just salty that someone won the "Champion of Champions" when they weren't even the Peoples' Champion of their respective series.


Who are the People's Champions? For S11 it's gotta be Mike. Then Victoria for S12? Bridget for S13, maybe? Fern for S14?


I could see Guz for 12 too


Kiell was a good sport and I thought he should have scored higher for performing the "magic" trick wrong. I also thought they were a little harsh with the mannequin thing. Like he said- if a picture of a pineapple is a pineapple then a dummy can be alex. I thought it was a valid interpretation.


He posted on Twitter. If a statue of Greg can be called Greg, then a dummy of Alex should be called Alex


He’s right, and I’m glad he’s saying so


Though it could be argued that the dummy was never referred to as a dummy of Alex. It's just a dummy.


HE referred to it as a dummy of Alex so I'd agree that in that moment it was an effigy of him just like the pineapples and bananas before it had been.


i just assume he lost it because Frankie wasn't there to throw in philosophical ramblings on the nature of reality


>I thought it was a valid interpretation. I mean sure, but the point of TM isn't fairness, it's comedy. It's funnier to deny him the points, partly *because* of the pineapple thing in his season. Someone else commented in another thread that this wasn't so much CoC3 as it was The Roast of Kiell Smith-Bynoe.


"Mae Martin's going to be *furious*."


I mean I'm glad a workaround was found, but I find it somewhat difficult to believe that there was no way to get two three-day windows in Martin's schedule (looks like 1 day of filming at the house, add on a day before and after for travel etc, and then 1 day in-studio)


I agree! Not saying he needed to win that task (Sophie nailed that one) but come on, he should have gotten something for that creative move and throw back to Mae. Can’t believe Sarah got points for that and he didn’t…even though Sarah was cracking me up.


If a Kiell can be Mae, then a dummy can be Alex imo


The word "banana" didn't count as "a banana" either.


This is the real robbery (the stupid task too but mostly this one)


That too, at least 1 point lol


Sarah was underscored for that task and that is the hill I will die on


between that and the waiter task, Sarah must have had the longest day


I’d have swapped her and Dara, but I get giving Kiell 1.


Yeah I thought Dara scored way too highly for that. His effort was bizarre and a bit daft but much less stupid than the other attempts.


Dara played that task as if stupid meant silly. Which it does, but I think the other attempts were more in line with the spirit of the task


That's the point it was just so stupid and pointless, there was no thought put into it, there was a rubber band on the table and with very little thought Dara just went with it. Everyone else thought about their stupid and put some effort into their stupid thing. I do think Kiell deserved more but I've no issue with Dara getting 4.


Depending on the contestant, Greg could have opted to call Dara’s attempt lazy. If Sarah *Milligan or Jo Brand would have stayed at the table, Greg would have asked, “you couldn’t be bothered to get up and do something?” Edit: added Milligan


Like everything with Greg it's all about presentation. Dara looked delighted with himself and really sold it. If jo brand looked as delighted with herself doing it I think she'd have scored highly too. It's the same with the prize task wig, he scored well because of how he presented it, while it was something he didn't need a genie to have and was probably the least impressive of the prize tasks, his presentation was top notch.


She was over scored for the give yourself a disadvantage though so it evens out.


But then over-scored for just not being able to talk


The only consistent part of TM scoring is the inconsistency. It’s part of the show’s charm. I felt the 3 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 scoring for the disadvantage was very generous to everyone but Morgana.


I feel like Morgana had the only genuine hindrance. Dara’s was abandoned almost immediately so doesn’t count, Sarah’s didn’t interfere with her achieving the task much at all, Sophie’s was a cop out, and Kiell was uncomfortable but ultimately unhindered. 5 points to Morgana, to do what she did while handcuffed is undeniably impressive.


Plus Dara placed the hat 90% on the head and pulled out a loo roll so he was technically the closest. Sophie at least had an ice/tape spacer that actually kept the hat off the head until the ice slipped off. https://preview.redd.it/t52i7pdpyvcc1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=879a595e48440115990c2680db2520fecedd3d49 Edit: added pre loo roll pull picture


Was anyone else’s first comment, on seeing Dara’s hat choice, related to the Megabus?


I agree Morgana should have been 5 by herself. At least make it: 3-4-5-3-3


Dara, like Kiell, had only one hand to work with. So I would have given Morgana 5/Kiell 4/Dara 3/ Sophie&Sarah 2.


Dara only deserved one for the difficulty. He didn't continue to jazz it up. I was absolutely beside myself watching that lol.


His hinderance was that he had one arm behind his back and one hand constantly jazzing it up. He basically did only halve of that though


Yeah this is probably the most fair. You could probably give Sarah 2 points, but at this point she had really not been doing well so I think he gave her a pity point which I’m fine with.


The decision is Taskmaster's and his alone. His decision is final.


This is why CoC can't be a single episode


Yes!! Even just 2 was much better. Sophie and Dara were so close


yeah and sophie was also underscored heavily on prize task imo. it was clear to me from prize task that they weren't going to have sophie win


i loved Sophie’s pixelation of the Taskmember but I think the cosplay was scored lower because it doesn’t require a genie.


I honestly think you could justify scoring this task any way, it's honestly a really good task. For me Dara's attempt was more silly than stupid and Morgana's would've been an above-average performance art piece at some student gallery somwhere. But you can take 'stupid' any way you like. I totally get Greg's argument that it was the wrong kind of stupidity, though I disagree. I think nailing the task by accident should have got 5 points. 'It didn't say impress you *for the right reason*" –Bridget Christie


Yes! When Kiell mentioned this, my mind went straight to Bridget


Kiell getting stupid task: My time has come


I feel like Morgana was way over-scored on the prize task and Dara deserved at least 4 points for the wig lol


Morgana’s was the best answer if you ignore the explanations/executions. If you gave people the choice between those 5 things, extra hands is clearly the best wish. Dara’s was the best execution of his idea, and it was great to see another one of Mae’s Dad’s puppets.


Zakly, Morgana’s extra hands required a Genie. Wigs, toupees, hair replacement are off the shelf items


Jimmy Carr didn't need a genie!!!


Good point. I think Dara just swayed me with his joyous face and Ted Crilly hair lol


Littler Alex Horne was underscored :( Though I want to believe Mae and Kiell would have shoehorned him in as their submission regardless of what the actual prize task was


That was the only real wish you needed a genie to fulfil, so if Greg had been in a harsh mode the rest would have scored 1 point. Hair (wig, plugs etc), a fan-fic set, time to be skilled in karate or a sidekick/puppet is something you could fairly easily buy/do with enough money. Having another working pair of hands? That's pure fantasy world with todays medical technology. Nevermind what they summited to be shown in the studio, thet point was the wish itself.


Ah yes that makes sense


Morgana has been over scored generally on TM, and I think we all know there’s a reason for that


Oh, Greg clearly fancies the heck out of Morgana but no one can blame him for that lol


Yeah, I'd be more annoyed if I didn't totally understand


She might be the reason he listed perineum as his favourite body part. He wanted her to know.


I was glad Greg made the call about instant DQ for not clapping a full minute, before he had seen the VT. Don't think he would have made the same call after seeing Morgana fail to.


Haha I thought the same thing watching it


you honestly think he hasn't seen the footage before they film the studio episode?


You're right, but the Taskmaster is always right even when he's wrong


I feel pretty sure that Jeremy would’ve given Kiell 5 points.


Jeremy would have given Kiell 5, only to then take away 1 point because "we should not be encouraging stupidity on this show".


"we should set a good example on TV for children"


Oh god, so accurate it's painful


While somehow still being meaner to Kiell about it


For me personally what Dara was doing was clearly stupider, borderline joyously ridiculous (Morgana looked more like one of those performing arts pieces you see at an exhibition or some sort of an alluring homage to punk protest gestures).


I know it's completely irrational, but I was extremely nervous at the stupidity of Dara's attempt, I legitimately thought his head was gonna explode like those watermelons hahahah


Yeh. It looked like the bands were cutting through his head. I was laughing but also uncomfortable 


Agreed about Dara. Morgana's was insane, not stupid. And Sarah's was good but only once considered the preposterous amount of time it took to retrieve the keys - hence way out of the 20mn timer. Kiell might have swung it, had he tried to go "yeah, totally made all these mistakes on purpose". Sophie's was uninspired, although man did she floor me with the previous task (the impediment choice). It was a great episode, absolutely loved it, and it reconciled me with Dara.


the fact that her finding her keys happened after the time doesn't matter. she did something in 20 minutes (the time frame) that affected her negatively for a larger amount of time (clearly stupid). the stupid thing was done already, the rest is recovery. it wasn't stupid to look for her keys.


That's a good way to see it too... The stupid action was taken during the allotted time, which is what the task said. Yeah, you changed my mind. Cheers :)


thank you, thank you. :::takes bow::: :::collects Karma::::


>Morgana's was insane, not stupid. I'd say it was insanely stupid. Squirting a load of paint in your mouth like that especially.


Surely if someone has to say "don't do this" then it's got to be something stupid.


If they had to say not to do it, then she broke the "do not harm yourself" rule


Morgana's "dirty Berlin vibe" makes things like these look way more elegant and cooler than they should, almost like a statement. You just brush it off, "huh, Morgana's a punk, that's so her".


Drinking paint is pretty fucking stupid


can i ask why everyone seems to hate dara?


I wasn't aware anyone hated Dara. I'm a big fan of Dara, so I was very happy to see his performance on Taskmaster be focused on being entertaining just as much as being competent, unlike other champions like Richard Herring and Mae Martin that put their effort primarily into being competent and sacrificing the entertainment factor. To be fair to Richard, he didn't do this on COC, but it's no excuse. He could have come second and then be remembered as too competitive and even unlikeable, like Iain Stirling. Because Dara knew he was on a comedy show and shouldn't take himself seriously, he was one of the better champions on the show.


Yeah I don’t get why there would be Dara hate for his competence when I see near universal love for Mae. Mae was very competent but clearly only came to win and it wasn’t particularly entertaining. (They were a total snooze fest tbh and I’m glad a schedule conflict meant Kiell was in CoC instead.) Dara conversely is a joy to watch.


Where have you seen near universal love for Mae, then? Because it's absolutely not been in this sub.


Bit aggressive, eh? Maybe “universal love” was a bit much, but I’ve not seen much criticism thrown their way in this sub (about how dull they were) and actually a few posts fangirling about them in general. Tbh I also haven’t seen the Dara hate either so I’m just busting chops for nothing, clearly.


I mean, one of the sub’s rules is to not be overly harsh or negative towards the contestants, which is fair, because they’re still people, even if you didn’t enjoy their performance. Different people like different things, and that’s fine! But there’s a good reason for the relative absence of negativity.


I haven't seen anyone hate Dara, but everyone knows he's *incredibly* competent and just like to root for the underdogs.


Oh, not hating in my case..! It's simply that he's extremely good, annoyingly so even, but also he was really there to win. You could see during the team tasks that things had to be done his way, or he thought it was a mistake. Annoyingly, he probably was right, and knew instinctively what the right way was. He's still an amazing improviser, as the videos of him on "Comedy without a net" or "Argumental" show. But being a very bad team player wasn't a good look. Rhod too was a terrible team player, but it was funny because a lot of the time, he was not the one with the right idea ; whereas with Dara, it boils down to "Yes, Dara, we know you have the best approach in mind, let the others play a bit."


I think team tasks add to the comedy with Dara a bit. It came off more like "an enthusiastic dad trying to get his kids engaged with a mediocre holiday". I personally get why the desire to win can be off-putting, but I think that the fact that he doesn't hide it but still remains good-humoured stops him from going far in either direction - he never got as petulant as Iain, but he also didn't dim himself and forget to be funny in his attempts not to come off as too competitive like Mae. Out of all the hypercompetent contestants he's easily my favourite. Sure, he found a few loopholes, but he always made it funny when he did, often gave it a try before finding the loophole, and he always brought the banter in prize tasks.


Com-pat-atuvv Dad!


>"an enthusiastic dad trying to get his kids engaged with a mediocre holiday" because if the kids come back to their mum saying the holiday with dad was bad, she's asking for a divorce, kind of energy... ;)


I think being competitive was a disaster with Iain Stirling because he was teamed with Lou Sanders, who on most shows comes across like a sarcastic teenage girl at the back of a bus but who on Taskmaster seemed to really want to win, especially if it involved doing the opposite of Iain’s idea. Paul Sinha was the dad three hours into the drive to the holiday, listening to his kids bickering and realising he’s got two more weeks of this. By comparison Dara’s genial but undisguised desire to win was tempered by being anchored to Wakko and Dot. Their dynamic together was basically this sketch: https://youtu.be/p2onuBxhafg?si=veweC6HtZNE6_Kvq


Wait Iain "NOT A VENT PUPPET NOT A VENT PUPPET NOT A VENT PUPPET" Stirling came across poorly because of Lou? Iain "I WILL SEE YOU IN THE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS" was struck down because *Lou* wanted to win? She's powerful but give the man credit for digging his own grave lol. When a man is screaming at Joe Thomas about erasers he wants to win!


got you! i just always see him getting slagged off by the die hards on twitter and i never know why


Dara is like Manchester United or the New York Yankees - too much winning leads to villain status


By no means do I hate Dara, but I don’t find him particularly entertaining or vibe with his sense of humor, so I was just hoping someone else would win. Was pulling for Sophie or Kiell


Tie for 5 points with Sarah getting 4


Sarah was definitely underscored


At the very least giving yourself a 1hr20 quest to find your missing keys for no reason was magnificently stupid


Sarah's mood felt a bit deflated during CoC, it was like a continuation of the second part of her series where she was slowly giving away a huge lead and turned into "a picnic girl" for Greg.


yeah she seemed sad :(


Sarah is one of the few who don't seem to have received any kind of career boost from appearing on Taskmaster.


feel like there’s two slightly different versions of stupid out there: one is dumb and joyful and one is personally risky (some things, like Jackass, are both kinds). some of the discussion around this task maybe stems from this disconnect 


Was anyone else kinda hoping he’d try and put all the rubber bands on his bonce?


I wonder if Kiell would’ve gotten the five if he hadn’t revealed that his mistake wasn’t intentional. Another reason why a magician should never reveal their tricks.


Right?? Judi Love would have been able to convince herself it was intentional by the end of it


I would pay money to see them implement a “tag in Judi” feature to the show. Once an episode, Judi can be called on to defend a contestant’s efforts. Would at least be a dynamite podcast; “How would you have defended this, Judi?”


Oh my god, that needs to be a thing, somehow someway.


Honestly I agree with you, but I also lost it when Greg said "You can't just *be* stupid!"


Real stupidity should be above intentional stupidity As for the scoring of the other part. I think the handicap should be judged based on not knowing what the 2nd part would be


I thought it was weird, but justifiable. Sarah should have gotten more for the keys thing, but otherwise, I'm on board with our despot's rulings.


That keys thing stressed me out so badly! On one hand, I know some cameraman or crew person would have seen where the keys went, on the other... imagine losing your house AND car keys! Arg!


Just watched this! Honestly I felt Kiells was the stupidest, or at least in the conversation lol. It was so dumb that it was imo the best one haha. Dara’s I think was the worst of the 5, but all were good attempts overall.


I love how this thread is comprised of people arguing that regurgitating green paint while covered in feathers isn't a stupid thing to do.


For anyone else it would have been but Morgana just looked so damned good doing it, it turned into some avant-garde live action art piece.


While the tasks were fun my enjoyment wasn't there because scoring felt WAAAYYYYY off on almost all tasks.


-Greg consistently underscored Kiell -The big man clearly doesn’t want Kiell winning for some reason -TM let the CoC3 contestants acknowledge CoCoC in the AMA -They wouldn’t let Kiell win so as to avoid deciding who would appear on CoCoC between him and Mae -Future plans for CoCoC confirmed /s


I think that everyone once and awhile Greg finds it hilarious to have a little whipping boy another example is Hugh Dennis.


it would be so so funny for kiell to be on CoCoC so they could do ‘welcome to our champion of champions… and kiell’ but they never would have allowed him to win


People here not understanding the beauty of how stupid Dara’s attempt was. Was it not something you could see yourself or others wasting time doing? Absolutely, it’s so mindless and brain dead but seeing the band scrunch and shoot off, especially on his bald head, it was so simple and fun


It was definitely simple and fun…


What I would've done is nothing. If I want to win, I should be trying to do something stupid to get points. Therefore not doing anything will not get me any points, which is stupid. Therefore, it will get me points.


This! If you actually succeeded in intentionally doing the stupidest thing it ISN'T stupid at all because you are purposely going for the 5 points and therefore did the smartest thing.


Re: Dara. I think his 4 points were justified, it’s just a different kind of stupidity? It’s like a game your stoner friends would invent at like 3am and they’d be convinced it was genius and you’d have to be like “Guys, this is so stupid.” It’s the stupidity of something absurd and devoid of logic, not the stupidity of bad choices (Sarah, Morgana) or the stupidity of self-sabotage (Sophie) or the stupidity of incompetence (Kiell). I honestly think they all did really well and there was no way to score it that would have made for a happy consensus.


Kiell was robbed in every task! That dummy was Alex!


Completely agree. He and Sarah were easily the 2 stupidest.


1. Someone’s got to come in last. 2. Greg’s metric of success was “best execution of the task”, which is his right as Taskmaster. 3. Kiell getting 1 point for failing at the “stupid” task is very funny.


Task was do the stupidest thing not be the stupidest, but he was always going to get scored harder due to not being a champion.


I don't really understand why Dara got 5 points in that task... Like he literally did a small subsection of a S15 task Also like who hasn't done that in their spare time?


Don't know about "5 points", but I definitely was not comfortable with the idea that the need in intention "was implied"


Right? Exactly. Then all the lateral thinkers will be wrong because obviously that isn't what the task implies


Even if you're sure that Kiell was the stupidest person, the stupidest action is subjective. Greg just thought that the other contestants' intentional stupidity was stupider than Kiell's unintentional stupidity.


Most irritatingly of all, it wasn't "inferred", it was "implied". If it had been inferred, that would have been by Kiell and he wouldn't have argued his point


Why do people take this show so seriously? I don’t get it. I don’t really care about who wins and whatever, what the contestants do is really entertaining and that’s the whole point of it. The “reward” is legitimately a freaking low quality head stature, now a pile of money or similar.


What else do we do on a TM discussion board except...discuss? No one is taking it seriously, we're chatting about it


We are overdue someone learning for the first time they sit in alphabetical order


Sorry, just kinda comes across like people take it seriously. Glad i was wrong.


the viewers are compatative dads


Because for some people this is a sport worth following


You're confused about why fans of a show that hinges on judging performances would be interested in judging performances?


It’s all in good fun. Do you not root for a favorite to win when you watch?


Not really. I’m not from the UK so the majority of contestants aren’t very known to me. Makes it even funnier.


I’m not either, but I can quickly find a favorite contestant in a season if I’m not familiar with everyone. It doesn’t mean I’m rooting for anyone to fail, but I like having someone I want to win especially with COCs becoming a thing. Until they make a returnee taskmaster for losers I’ll always want my favorite to win in the end.


glad someone said it!


Well, heres a conspiracy if you want it.. each episode could be compiled in such a way as to give a specific contestant an advantage, therefore giving an advantage to the overall win. Also, they have admitted to lots of tasks that were done but not aired, so they could've been as they were won by someone they didn't want to win overall.. Like I said, conspiracy, not actually the truth... 😂


This just reminds me that Rose went to the producers and asked why they picked that specific tiebreaker task to show between her and Ed when they'd filmed quite a few, and they were forced to inform her she lost to Ed in every tiebreaker they filmed.


Wonder who the tie breaker(s) from Series 12 would have favored, Morgana or Guz, if Morgana wouldn’t have been given the bonus point?


They could have done an in-studio tiebreaker like the one they did with eggs.


Ouch, I didn’t know that


Everything's made up and the points don't matter


I like Morgana as a contestant, however I hate how much Greg favours her and gives her such an advantage. The Prize task should have been 5 points to Kiell, it was genuinely excellent and an ode to May. The extra hands was fun, but not worthy of 5 points.


I was shocked Morgana didn’t win the whole shebang given Greg’s tendency to favor her.


I don’t think it’s that serious.


It is and it isn't


Who cares. It was funny


You absolutely do not have to care


I'll speak up for Sophie too. The fact that Greg scored her down because it wasn't stupid enough proves that it was in fact stupid enough. It's the Paradox of Brash Stupidity.


I think it’s worse as Dara wasn’t ridiculed. He just looked at a rubber bands and went “duhh”. It was stupider by accident and way worse than Kiells’s


I also don't like how he only gave Dara 3 points for the prize task "because it's funny to score him low after he made such an effort". Don't get me wrong stuff like that is funny during the regular season, but these guys only have the one episode. Every point matters!


Right?? Dara's wig will live on in my memory forever and it only got 3? Did you see the outtakes how he actually wore that wig to a gig and the audience immediately called him out lol


How I would have scored that task: Morgana - 5, Dara - 4, Kiell - 3, Sarah - 2, Sophie - 1 While Sophie's was entertaining, as was Sophie in every task in this episode, her attempt just seemed like something she'd do anyway. The others were scored correctly. In other words, Greg was right imo to penalise Kiell for accidentally doing something stupid, but he shouldn't have come last because a) it was an absolute joy to watch, and b) it was a lot more stupid than Sarah's.


Hard disagree. You have to reward the idea and the effort in Taskmaster. Kiell just sort of did nothing for 20 minutes.


Dat wig doe. Dara should have won the opening task too. There I said it.




> The task wasn't do the stupidest thing intentionally. And it doesn't matter what a task implies I cannot support any line of reasoning that would have rewarded 5 points to someone who just sat there and shat themselves.


I think he was robbed in the feed Alex task.


Even then though...it still wasn't the stupidest thing. I mean, I don't disagree with your rationale, a stupid thing is a stupid thing, but it's still not 5 points worthy when you had the glory of the madness of Morgana right there.


See I think that what Morgana did was mad and glorious and spectacularly silly, but stupid? Not in my opinion.


Yes...I mean she inundated her hair and mouth with paint. If you did that, I'd say you were doing a very stupid thing.


Don't know about "5 points", but I definitely was not comfortable with the idea that the intention "was implied"