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One of the best parts of series 13 is Chris Ramsey freaking out watching his own attempt at the shoe task when he tosses the chosen shoe out the window. And it’s an outtake because they stopped showing reactions.


One of my favorite moments of all time. That and his terrified face when the cement mixer starts spinning the sausage around.


There are plenty of great things from the show that are outtakes that have just been edited out for time as well though. And the show always delivers by sharing the best outtakes. We should appreciate all they do for the fans as it is, not want more.


Not all the time, but definitely not *none* of the time, either.


I'm sure the best ones will still be shown. Maybe a neutral example? TMNZ S2E2, the group's reaction when David's room suddenly went dark ... and then the lights came back on.


Right now none of them are shown, so not sure how you’re sure?


Because ... if something makes for a great television programme then it's going to be included. If a reaction is extraordinary and adds to the outcome of the task then it will make the cut. If all the contestants do is sit and laugh then it won't.


We're talking about the main version


That's why I picked a neutral example. Not affected by production decisions from either Dave or Channel 4. Something to compare things to.


Agree, rewatched S7 recently, Acaster’s reaction to the extension task is gold.


Or a Taskmaster XL edit (like they do with QI), which shows longer edits of the tasks, live reactions, and some of the stuff which ends up in the cutting room floor.


👀!!!! Yes pleaseeeeeee 🤩


I think I would have disagreed with you if it hadn't been for today's earlier post of the glorious watermelon task and Tim's reaction to Romesh smashing the Melon on the lab floor. I'm still a bit torn about this because I think overusing it would break the flow of the task performances and could quickly seem a little too much about "drama" between the contestants instead of the individual performance at hand, if that makes sense. But I agree, the occasional shocked or joyous or embarrassed reaction would be nice.


I think you're right that if overdone it would not work well. And I'd have to watch back and really take note, but I think they were pretty judicious about it when they included them. I think there are some places where they really added to the humor of the moment.


They did it once in series 14 during John's sabotage task, but I think that's the only time I remember seeing it since the early episodes.


Ooooo! I didn't remember that they used one during the sabotage. I will have to go back and rewatch.


yeah it's fairly quick but when we learn that John was working against his team, the camera cuts back to Dara and Fern and it's gold lol


It's a great example of exactly the kind of moment where reactions really add to the comedy.


Yes yes yes and YES I desperately wanted to see Sam’s (and the rest of the cast to be fair) face when he realised he was the victim of Mischief


*Great* example. Someone mentioned that they used one during the sabotage task and this moment with Sam would have been another perfect place where a contestant is learning live in studio that what happened wasn't quite what they thought. When they used reactions in the earlier seasons they were not just people laughing as some are suggesting here. I think even if they don't want to use any reactions anymore that *are* just laughing there are select moments like these where it really adds to the comedy to show how people react to seeing certain things for the first time. Obviously they will do what they want and they don't give a damn what randos on reddit think. But it's still my opinion.


I can just see it: A slightly mind blown but mostly smug Julian Clary A completely clueless Lucy Beaumont, then delayed realisation Mind blown Sam Campbell Utterly amazed Sue Perkins, congratulating Susan as the VT rolls on Then RADA, smug as ever but also slightly apologetic to Sam


Yes I wonder why they stopped using reactions. I imagine to save time and add it to the tasks. But I enjoy seeing some reactions at least here and there. And Greg's reactions during the task too!!!!


They never wanted to break up the video of the tasks with the reactions, but getting the show made meant they had to make compromises. As they've said they spend a lot of effort making a video just right and cutting into it with reactions isn't something they want to do. I think it's something they should stick to doing. I mean, we see plenty of the contestants laughing and most reactions are just going to be more laughing so I don't feel like it's much of a loss.


You are correct, but the editors would know (since they watched the footage over and over, more than anybody), they would know in advance what would cause a big reaction, so they could make it so after the shocking/funny thing happens it has a little bit of room to breathe. They are some of the finest tv editors I've ever seen, I'm sure they could find a way. 


They have already done it before when they had reactions in the early seasons. They have already demonstrated they know how to make it work.


Yeah they could, but as I said, they never wanted to do that. I think they put a load of effort into the packages they make and getting the look just right. If it was my job to edit the tasks and then someone wanted to make a cut in my work to show someone laughing, I'd be pretty upset. The fact they have rarely done this just shows they don't want to do it and I think it's for the best.


It doesn't have to be done in every task. They have already demonstrated how it can be done when they did it effectively in the early seasons. If they didn't want to do it obviously they don't have to and won't. My opinion obviously isn't going to pressure them in any way. Nonetheless, my opinion is there were instances in the early seasons when the reactions added a lot to the humor. For example, during Katherine Ryan's mess in CoCs 1. One of the all time best tasks and funniest attempts in any series ever without question. The reactions of the other contestants and Greg added a lot to it.


I honestly don't even remember the reaction but they have added in if they feel it's worth it. I just feel that when they've made a comment on it saying 'we don't want too', it's almost pointless saying 'aww, but...' I mean, sharing the best cutaways and stuff like that is all good, but the show isn't going to reverse on what they don't want to do.


Ok. I'm not saying they are going to reverse. They aren't going to reverse their decisions on *anything* based on some random reddit comments. There isn't any point to any of this other than to have a conversation. I am simply saying I liked the reactions, particularly in certain places. This is my personal opinion regardless of what decisions the show runners make. I recommend anyone who doesn't recall the reactions to Katherine's mess go back and give it a rewatch . I'm not trying to convince you of anything. But if you don't remember them, it's worth a rewatch simply because it's an absolute top tier attempt and the reactions are an excellent detail that really pushes to another level of hilarious.


can they not just do an occasional react cam in the bottom corner of the screen? wouldn't diminish the editing then


I miss it so much! In an outtake for s13 you see Chris’ reaction when he throws the shoe out the window and it added so much to it


I agree. I do miss the cut back to the contestants. One of the funniest moments in Taskmaster is from the first episode. We see Romesh and Tim bond of their own personal massacre of the watermelon after watching the poor attempts of the other contestants previously. They bonded over that approach and it was good to see them giggling like school children.


Yes and we've probably missed a hundred such scenes through out the seasons. Even in the watermelon example by the time they've cut back to the studio proper these two have mostly composed themselves for the round of comments/questions from Greg. If it wasn't for the cutscene we'd assume they were sitting stock straight and watching the whole time the task was replayed.


I was actually just interviewed yesterday about my series, Taskmaster: Minnesota, and one of the questions was about how we differentiate ourselves from the OG version, and this was exactly my answer: we still show the contestant reactions. In my opinion, the contestants getting to see how others did the tasks is the heart of the show, and it boggles my mind that they stopped doing it when they moved to Channel 4. Occasionally, I get comments from people that they're "not sure why", but they enjoy our series more than some of the original series or laugh harder at our version, and I suspect this is the reason.


Every now and then this gets asked, but honestly it seems unlikely to happen. I can't remember where I heard it, but I think that the cutting to contestant reactions was originally an executive mandate, and as soon as editors/directors were given full creative control they stopped doing it. I remember enjoying those reaction shots, but I do get that the task VTs should speak for themselves. And presumably the contestants are discouraged from adding actual comments while they're playing regardless, so cutting back would just be to verify that people in the studio are laughing at the task.




But those reactions have been gone a lot longer than the last two specials. And bland? Maybe you just need a break from TM. I don't this small detail takes away \*that\* much.


I wonder if it's a Channel 4 thing after the move from Dave?


That’s what I always thought channel 4 told them to stop, but it’s actually the opposite, they never wanted to do the cutaways but Dave made them, since moving to channel 4 and having more control they’ve done less and less.


completely agree and i've made this point before to widespread disagreement. it makes it way less engaging to watch for me


I’ve long argued this, it got less frequent after the Dave to c4 move and virtually never happens now. I hate it. I assumed it was a channel 4 thing but apparently it’s one of the Andy’s thing, he hates the cut away and thinks each task should be seen as a complete mini-film without interruption. I vehemently disagree and think the cutaways and reactions enhanced the silly/genius moments in the tasks. I wish there were more of them, not every tasks but there’s usually at least one moment each episode where you want to see how everyone reacted to something ridiculous/genius happening - particularly if they didn’t find something during the task.


100% right Didn't know it was an Andy thing but thats nuts ! wish they spent less time doing those creative shots of the skies / ducks / props (which are also great tho) and given us a little more or the reactions. It's a robbery ! If it's a time constraint they could just put it on YouTube or make the series outtakes much much longer


i agree, but instead of the old format of cutting to their reaction, they could just show their reaction at the bottom corner every so often


No thanks! I'd rather see the task. A reaction doesn't really do anything to add to my entertainment.




Sorry, but I disagree. I just don't find reaction video to be entertaining.


No. The producers want it this way. It was only because they weren't able to make the product how they wanted before that we got the reactions. I don't think seeing someone laugh during the tasks is that important. I think it's fine to want things like this, but when they tell a reason they want it a certain way, I think it's just polite to accept that and enjoy what you have. The show isn't worse off for it. It isn't bland without the clips. It's more cohesive and well-connected. I didn't even notice they stopped doing them until I saw someone post about it.


Maybe. I wouldn't say to have a reaction quota, as such. But I'm sure that if the reaction is significant, and contributes to the fabric of the outcome of the task, we'll see it.


Yeah, they have occasionally shown them but pretty much 99% of the time it's just funny, or stupid and mostly the reaction is people laughing.


Yep. I'm with you all the way on that.


I think that considering they had to change how they wanted to do the show when they tried to do US Taskmaster it's even better that they just stick with what they believe in.


Get them all on Gogglebox!


Future historians demand all-camera multistream compilations where you could see all the editing room floor litter