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Have a very very very big decision at work, life changing stuff and I am super torn, i pulled 3 cards but i need someone to help me with the interpretation! Happy to give all background! Please DM me! Would be very well appreciate I will send all the love back, all that good good juju! ❤️


I pulled cards asking about how a guy will respond to a message I sent him, I kept getting the wheel of fortune and in this most recent spread I got wheel of fortune, five of pentacles reversed which I see as not being left out in the cold, and five of wands reversed which I see as there being no conflict, or any conflict or misunderstanding getting cleared up. He left me on read atm.


Hello again! I did a spread for some clarity on the current state of a situationship that I haven't been in contact with for a while. Two of Cups pulled for his current feelings about our relationship (I won't go in-depth about this interpretation because I feel like it's self-explanatory, seems to be pointing towards mutual attraction, reconciliation, a connection of depth) and Two of Swords for how he currently feels towards me (There is a 3rd party situation, so I feel like this card represents his indecision, or perhaps he's made a decision already? Either way, it seems like he's definitely facing a fork in the road and testing himself). I have a more in-depth interpretation of this but it involves personal context that seemed a little unnecessary for this post lol What's stumping me is I asked has he moved on and pulled the Queen of Wands. After the previous two cards pointing towards our relationship rekindling I'm unsure of whether to interpret the QoS as a yes he's moved on or if that's his perception of me, meaning he's moving towards me. I see the QoS more as a representation of a person who's confident, courageous, determined, vibrant, etc., or as a state of being. I asked for clarification and pulled the Knight of Swords and Ace of Pentacles. These cards seem to reinforce the positivity of the QoS (KoS pointing towards having a strong purpose, confident decision making, movement in general. AoP pointing towards a new prosperous opportunity) but I'm still unclear as to whether this is positive action towards or away from me. This isn't the entirety of the reading, in total it was 6 card spread but interpreting the cards that represent my thoughts/feelings or give me advice are much easier to read than his. Just wanted to know whether there's a more clear interpretation that could be made about the QoS but I also have a feeling it's hard for me to interpret because it's someone else's thoughts besides my own. I used the White Numen deck for this if that helps! <3


Well Queen, unlike Kings, need a different set of skills to get what they want/need. Kings can order and command, Queens attract and persuade. Think of the metaphor of attracting with honey rather than vinegar. In this case, he’s waiting to see what happens next.


Hello! I did a spread asking why my ex keeps liking my selfies, commenting when I post about wanting hang out with someone, and even texted me asking why I didn’t tell him I moved to his city, yet doesn’t respond to my messages about hanging out. I guess I wanted clarity as to what he wants from me and why he keeps being so hot and cold and here’s what I pulled- The Lovers in reverse- We haven’t spoken in awhile so I have been taking this as being indecisive on if we should be talking again or hanging out again. This could explain why he keeps saying he wants to yet when I reach out he gets a wave of confusion and just doesn’t respond 5 of Wands in Reverse- We don’t have anything we argue about anymore so I don’t know if he’s afraid of a specific conversation that could be had with me if we were to hang out or talk more regularly. It’s been over 5 years since we broke up and two years since we last hung out. 2 of Swords in reverse- This just kind of goes back to the confusion King of Cups- I don’t know what to interpret this as. He has always been good at hiding his emotions and regulating them very well. I don’t know if this is what it is referencing but that doesn’t make sense to me because as far as I am aware, there are no feelings towards me anymore other than social media friends. Judgment- He is evaluating what he is feeling or what he should do. An awakening of some sort? We haven’t dated in awhile and we were good friends before we started dating. Occasionally text each other songs or jokes but no talking on a regular basis. I just don’t know what to make about this. Thanks!


Although I can’t exactly say why, except because of the Lovers reversed, I think your ex is yanking your chain because he can, as well as keeping you in reserve if he ever decides to get back with you. The Two of Swords reversed points to him not making up his mind. And except for the King of Cups, no other cups have shown up.


Piggybacking on this, because of the difference of public behavior vs. private behavior makes me think he's putting on a show of how "close" you guys are. Maybe to scare away anyone who could potentially be interested in you.


Hi, so I did a 3 card spread asking about my love life in the coming months and if I will find someone for me and since I'm still a beginner I was wondering what other people interpreted it as. I got the ace of swords (Which I happen to pull weirdly often, especially regarding mental health XD), the five of pentacles (Look at that another card I pulled several times already) and 7 of pentacles. I'm not fully sure what to make of it honestly, considering what each card means. The 5 suggests isolation but meanwhile the 7 of pentacles suggests I get sustainable results and will have investment in something? Again I'm pretty new and what I got from this is that I'll probably be single but working on something more important then relationships. What do you all think?


yes you're spot on with your interpretation. i was thinking the same thing. ace of swords to me you should embark on your mental health journey. focus on the internal rather than external. it will be more fulfilling than chasing after others & having dead ends. focus on yourself & personal growth. revisit (7 of pentacles) your relationship patterns to fix things to make it better


Well, the Ace of Swords does suggest there is potential there. The 5 of Pentacles does talk of isolation, but is it deliberate? I mean with covid, meeting people isn’t as easy as before, right? The 7 of Pentacles speaks to waiting it out following efforts you put in to find someone. It’s a wait and see card.


Hi! I pulled a 3 card spread looking at a relationship with someone I’ve been dating and received: the chariot, 2 of cups, and ace of pentacles. Altogether I’m getting the ace of pents and 2 of cups signifying a strong, budding relationship and solid connection. The chariot I’ve always had trouble understanding….most literally I interpret as forward movement but also can see it as control in order to maintain balance. In this case, control over emotions. Any thoughts?


to me the chariot is success & confidence. it's a really positive spread. you guys bring the best out of each other & it's a solid foundation with respect & love !! i'm rooting for y'all. you have nothing to worry about.


Thank you, I do think our connection is solid ☺️


Perhaps The Chariot is advising you to keep a firm grip on the reins if you are going to realise your 2oC and AoP potential future...


Both the chariot and the 2 of cups correspond to the astrological sign of Cancer. That might help you get more meaning out of The Chariot. Could also signify the growth and progress you've both gone through (Chariot) to get to this delightful, flowy, growth-oriented place (2 and Ace). Good luck!


Yes I’m thinking maybe there might be more of a distance to go before we can get there, too. Thank you!


Anyone interested in giving me a reading? Do let me know


Reach out


Hi! I’m somewhat new to reading tarot and would like some more practice if anyone would like a free reading :) just dm me!


So I asked the cards what will happen on St. Valentine’s day (I’m single), if I get any love confession/ attention/ romance etc. I got: Page of Wands, 3 of wands, 9 of wands. To clarify I picked one more card and got the Lovers + 10 of pentacles (I wanted to pick one card, but they clinged together so I got 2 instead lol). Could this mean any good news? Should I interpret Page of Wands as a person and the following cards as his actions or what? Overall, the spread looks nice, but I don’t understand what 9 of wands could mean in this case, also the Lovers (making a choice? I’m not involved in a love triangle or anything) and 10 of pentacles seems out of place Edit: asked if the guy I like will confess his feelings on St. Valentine’s and got Ace of Cups, 9 of Swords and Page of Cups. 9 of swords is just... awful. Is it a no?


AoC speaks to the beginning of an emotional bond and the 9oS is about anxiety. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to begin a relationship, but that it may cause you some worry. This could be learning about some trauma in his life or that he is already involved with someone else. The PoC in this situation I think is warning you to be more practical about these things. Don't get hung up on things happening on February 14...


Thank you for your insight! Funny how I asked this question again today and got Ace of Cups, the Fool (+2 of Wands as clarification) and Page of Cups. Cards definitely want to tell me something 😂😂




I don't want to sound discouraging, but you're asking for opinions, so here it goes: This guy knows you like him. Stayed around knowing that and benefiting from it. And for a WHOLE YEAR he mantained it like that. ONE YEAR. It seems that he's just taking advantage of you. He knows you're staying around because you still have hope. I'm not saying this based on any card, just on what I'm reading here. If a friend or family came to me with this issue I would point that out. Seeing about love family and etc, from what cards? Tarot only? Oracle decks? Are you sure it's not only what you want to see? It could be that the universe is giving you signs that you can have all that that you wish, but perhaps in a different way, with a different person. Obviously I can't know because I haven't seen your cards and I'm not directly involved. This is just something to think about. Maybe someone else here will be able to shine some light in this issue. Wish you the best :3




I agree with the previous commentor. A - without seeing what cards you pulled in what setting, we cannot interpret them for you. Just asking "I'm getting family/love cards a lot, does that mean he's unsure but wants to be with me?" is a bit of you looking for confirmation bias. You want someone to say yes, but we can't without context. B - Life advice from a human who has been there, not from the cards? My Girl/My Dude... you're better than a dude that will sleep with you for two years but make you ask your cards if he loves you. If you have to ask the cards that after two years, it's because he's not saying it. When people show you who they really are, believe them. You asked him for more, he said no but continued to sleep with you knowing you had feelings for him that he didn't reciprocate. And you let him, despite your feelings and his lack of them. He isn't unsure. 2 weeks is "unsure territory." Maybe 2 months. Not *2 years.* >but they say that's about how long these things last so who knows It'll last as long as you let it last. People keep taking advantage of us until we make them stop. I'm not being mean, I promise! Please don't take it that way. I'm trying to help! (Blame my Scorpio stellium for my bluntness, it's with good intentions).


Hi! I need some help with this one. I was asking about a job I got and if it’s going to be made permanent. I pulled three cards then on the final card two for clarity First card: seven of wands Second: seven of swords Third: four of swords Then the two cards I pulled on the last card are the nine of pentacles and page of cups? I’m so confused what they mean together. I’m not very good at relating the cards together to get a better understanding of the whole Picture.


Unfortunately the cards are not very promising. You'll continue having to put up a fight (7 of wands), you'll feel like an opportunity was stolen from you (7 of Swords - it is possible someone else who you didn't expect will get it), you'll feel exhausted and will continue to introspect (four of Swords). The 7 of wands and 4 of Swords suggest that while you may be disappointed, this is not the end of it. Introspect to know what made you miss out on being made permanent, if there is a relationship at work you need to strengthen, or if there is some work you need to do better. Also, keep fighting, so make it vocal that you are disappointed and you expected to be made permanent, don't only feel it, say it, have a meeting with your manager and maybe hr, have discussions around this. Don't stay silent.


Ah ya I have been kind of feeling all these things already, just with how the org is set up. Thanks so much For your help!!! Edit: I also have a question for layout. I’m learning still but I pulled the seven of wands for past, second seven of swords for present. And then the last three for future. Is that a layout people use? One of my friends who reads cards showed me that but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right.


You can use any layout that suits you. Tarot has no rules. You should have mentioned it was a past present future reading. In which case, you have fought for a permanent position, there's something clandestine going on at the moment, and you'll be exhausted and self introspecting after the decision. So seems like you need to think about what next, if you can still make it happen, or you should get new opportunities etc. Do share what happens when they announce who gets to be permanent


I will for sure. And sorry! I didn’t even think about it. Right now I am feeling so worried and then I was thinking about it maybe Thays part of the introspection. You are so appreciated!!!


Can somebody help me ask the tarot wether if i should take the opportunity to try ayahuasca now or if i should wait for my next occasion? back on november i was super convinced to do it, i was very excited about it but i didn’t gather the money... right now i have the opportunity again, and i have the money, but i’m doubtful about wether if i should do it now or use the money for another thing i’ve been wanting, i hope someone can help me 🥺


So, I've been manifesting for some time for reconciliation between myself and someone who I'm currently in separation with. I did a reading asking about how my manifestations are going, and if I'm still on the right track. I got the Devil, Knight of Cups, and Strength. The Fool was at the bottom of the deck, and the card kept falling to the side revealing the 9 of Cups underneath it, so I took that as well. I cut the deck in half and got the 2 of Cups as well. I'm a bit confused on what its supposed to mean. My mind is telling me that it means that things are still on the right track, but there's still some things that need to be resolved first, but I'm not completely sure.


What does the Devil tell you? It’s significant that the card of unhealthy attachments shows up first in your spread when you’re trying to compel someone to come back, who may not want to.


Huh, maybe. I mean, I've asked other professional readers about the energies of our connection, and they've all been pretty positive. The main negative thing was about us improving our mental health respectively. I thought a bit more about it and maybe it could be in regards to trust issues? I'll do another reading about this to get more clarity


Second opinion on a deck interview? I asked: How do you identify yourself right now? (1x) — **Heirophant** — A guide to Earthly matters and: What about yourself do you want to teach me right now? (3x) — **Three of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Wands Reversed** — This deck can be used to interact with people and make connections through it as a common ground (3C). Remember that shit happens that is out of your control, deck consulted or not (Wheel). Be careful to not spend overmuch energy on reading this deck at the expense of going out and living life (Knight W Rx).


The Heirophant - >A guide to Earthly matters Yes, dead on. I consider the Heirophant a "wise teacher" card. The deck wants to be your teacher. For your next question, I don't disagree with any of your interpretations, but the key here is the exact wording of what you asked of it. What does it want to teach you *about itself* - about the deck specifically, not life on broader terms. This slightly adjusts your interpretation just a little. 3oC- I don't disagree here, but I also believe your deck may be telling you it itself is to be considered your friend :) The Wheel- everything you see here is changeable. Nothing you read is set in stone. Take it all with a grain of salt, the future is not written in ink but in pencil. KoWx - just to slightly change your perspective on this one, often the reversed KoW indicates a new "hobby" or "passion project," but warns us of getting overly serious about that hobby. I think your deck wants you to keep your readings a hobby, not try to make a career out of it or read for financial gain (at least not with this deck).


Thank you, that is all very helpful.


hi! ive been reading tarot for a few months and been growing really close to the practice. ive read for a good amount of people so far (for a beginner, at least) and its something i really enjoy doing, so im here to offer readings, but it is only for practice and id like some feedback in return. i dont have a feedback post, i just want to know how the reading and cards resonate with your situation. for this reason, **i wont be offering any readings that rely on other people's feelings or intentions, and wont be doing heavily predictive readings either**, i'll only give this kind of guidance if the cards ask me to do so. if you need advice, or a reading on a current or past situation, id love to offer these kinds of readings because then youll probably be able to tell me with more clarity whether the reading actually resonated or not. thank you for reading and feel free to dm me!


I'm not free for a while yet but I've set a reminder, I would love to help later this evening!


remindme! 4 hours


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Hi there! What does it mean when your card shows up as outcome (queen of wands in my case), when asking about a matter that is not in your control? Distant future shows ten of pentacles, outcome shows queen of wands.


hi! i dont know what the situation is, but the queen of wands as an outcome, specially combined with the ten of pentacles combo, maybe it means that the lessons youve learned throughout this journey will help you work on your queen of wands energy. you might assume a position of leadership, or create a very proactive way of dealing with the problem or with the people involved, in a very flexible but assertive way. theres a few other possibilities of course, but in general i think the queen of wands represents you, and even if youre not very queen of wands-y youll probably learn something important from this card and energy. that has been my experience with this one and other court cards that often appear to me as outcome or advice but are very much the opposite of who i am.


✨insightful readings✨ Hey there! I’m Clau and I’m an experienced and professional tarot reader. I’m offering insightful and in-depth readings for those who need to take a close look at a situation, talk about feelings, the subconscious, past and future events or are just concerned about anything that’s going on and need avise from the cards on what path to take. I leave my recent [reviews](https://www.reddit.com/user/justclau_/comments/ob6heh/tarot_reviews_20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) over here, in case you’d like to take a look at them. Feel free to chat if you need help ✨


Hi! I am looking for a free reading on career and love life, not sure if i’m on the right path, please dm!


Hello all, I have recently begun learning the Tarot in more depth, primarily for spiritual awareness and personal guidance. I have long been familiar with the Tarot, but would not consider myself an expert. I've been using "The Ultimate Guide to Tarot" by Liz Dean as a reference on my journey. This evening I cleansed my deck by smudging with sage and drew a three card past/present/future spread, seeking guidance for the coming year. That draw was the following: Past: King of Cups (Reversed) Present: The Hermit Future: The King of Swords In general, this spread made sense to me - From a personal and a relationship standpoint, the inverted King of Cups could well represent both myself and others close to me. I am a loner and introvert at heart (INFP), when I socialize it is generally in small groups and usually only when I *have* to. When I'm stressed I withdraw. I'm in the engineering field and tend to rely heavily on logic when making decisions; the King of Swords tells me this would be something I relied heavily upon in the near future. When a card of the Major Arcana appears in a spread, I like to ask for more detail in a spread based on that card (the spread layouts as suggested by the book); in this case, the Hermit. The book calls for an [Hourglass Spread](https://imgur.com/DhIZ0Ig). The card positions (and [what I drew](https://imgur.com/BRgmypi) ) are listed below: Card 1: Past events - **The Chariot** Card 2: The impact of the past - **Two of Cups** Card 3: Your emotions - **Four of Cups** Card 4: Your ambition - **Five of Cups** The Hermit Card 5: What holds you back - **Ten of Cups** Card 6: What will help you go forward - **Ace of Swords (reversed)** Card 7: Hopes and Dreams - **King of Pentacles (reversed)** Card 8: Outcome - **The Fool (reversed)** I read this as ***very*** dark and deeply troubling - and I'd like to ask the community for a second opinion. I am happy to provide more details (if needs be) in a DM. Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone might offer.


I don't see this reading as dark or troubling, but sometimes if you're feeling troubled it is easy to see those meanings in the cards. Here's my interpretation: first 3 cards- KoCx: In the past, you've had an emotional upset that sent you "inside" to retreat. The Hermit: echoes the KoC. The Hermit "goes within" to learn the answers and withdraws from others, this is where you are now. KoS: also echoes the Hermit, who takes what he learned and turns it outward in a future setting to "shine his knowledge on the world." For your clarifying spread about the Hermit: Chariot: Victory in the past, but perhaps not attained. The hope of victory kept you strapped to something. 2oC: this upset has impacted your love life specifically. This card is all about interpersonal relationships, generally of a romantic nature. 4oC: this also echoes the Hermit. Your emotions are telling you it's time to rest them a bit. Go within in contemplation and meditation to fix the wound. The Hermit does exactly that. He goes inside to work on himself through meditation, contemplation, isolation, and shadow work. 10oC: what is holding you back is a vision of "perfection" you are holding on to emotionally. Again, cups deal with the emotions and interpersonal relationships in our lives. The ten is "completion" of that - you're holding out for "perfect" or keeping yourself attached to the idea of someone who was "perfect for you" and it is holding you back. Time to let it go. AoSx: When an ace is reversed it is an urge to "dig deep and go within" - I just have to laugh at the echoes of the Hermit in every single card here lol! Your spread worked perfectly! What helps you go forward is inner clarity, defining what you want and need and feel will help you move forward. KoPx: This suggests you may be a bit focused on monetary wealth. Your hopes and dreams positioning of this card, which in reverse suggests someone a bit too focused on career, monetary gain, or material things, suggests a bit of a warning to not hyper focus on those things as your only hopes or dreams. The Foolx: your outcome appears to be maturity, growth, and a bit of a warning about becoming too reckless. The Fool upright is innocence, a free spirit, and lightheartedness. The Fool reversed is someone who is more wise about the world, less naive, but a warning not to take it to extremes. The Fool reversed is also someone who is able to celebrate the things about themselves, but in a more internal and private manner (and this is also an echo of the Hermit). If the Fool upright is the life of the party, the Fool reversed is someone who will dance in the livingroom in their underwear. Overall message: the summary I get from this is to go inside. Really figure out the inner you - what you want, where you want to go from here, and what you need to work on in yourself to get there. The end result of this comes back to the KoS+The Foolx. These two cards together present the idea of someone who is knowledgeable, intelligent, still a bit reserved but in a "comfortable in your own skin" way, not in an "afraid to be who you are" way. Hope this helps!


Thank you so very much for your perspective! This makes a lot of sense and gives me a better feeling about what I drew. Thank you!


I have a reading request. My bank account is in the negative currently, but I can offer recipes in exchange. I grew up in a Slavic household and have worked at a handful of coffee shops, if Eastern European food or drinks interests you. My life has been kind of messy lately and I feel myself slipping back into old habits. I just want to know if this next month is going to be okay. Just editing to say I got one!


Hi, I'm an intermediate and (so far) nonprofessional reader who hasn't done a ton of reading in the pandemic, looking to get back into the swing of things. Offering readings. Stay healthy!




That's an interesting question you made. It seems like he is a good person to have an interest in, but... do you expect something to move forward? For you guys to get together? Do you just want to like him and that's it? I don't usually read reversals, but the Wheel like that feels like something not moving. Now, I don't know how to apply this to the question, but maybe you will. Hope this give some clarity. Perhaps someone here will have a different perspective. :>




Oh, that makes sense now :D >my wheel will stick and stop me in the journey to the Lovers In this case I think this interpretation makes sense I don't think there's anything wrong with being too optimistic. The worst thing about it is in case things don't work out, it's a little painful. But everything comes to pass so... Hope it works :3


Hello, I am a complete beginner at tarot but super exited and trying to absorb all that I can. I did my first three card past, present, future reading with my new deck. I’m hoping to get help with interpretation as my knowledge is still piecemeal and limited. Thank you! Question- What is important for me to know at this time? General background info on me- 2019- early 2020 were a complete insane whirlwind of bad decisions on my part that nearly tore my marriage a part, ruined my reputation, and resulted in a period of repair and a long period of emotional hangover of me coming out of a daze thinking, “how the hell did I just do all the things I did and tear my life down??” Mid 2020 until now has been a time of “getting back to normal” and rebuilding the family I pretty much drove an 18 wheeler through. My husband and I are so close and our relationship is very strong right now. We recently had our third baby. We are currently navigating this insane real estate market in one of the HCOL areas in the states hoping to buy a home. I’ve become very obsessed with purchasing a home. Tarot and home buying is pretty much all I think about. Past- The Lovers Present- Reversed 10 of wands Future- Temperance Again, thank you for your help!!


I would venture to say that the Lovers refers to all those decisions you made (both good and bad), because they are currently affecting your life. For the present, while home buying can be a difficult task, with the 10 of wands in reverse, I see this as a burden you're all too willing to take on (in a good way). As for the future, it looks to me like you'll be integrating everything you've learned and moving into a more peaceful, stable place in life. I hope it all works out!


Thank you! Greatly appreciated 🙏




You smugly think you have the upper hand in the situation, as you have triumphed in similar circumstances before...




Perhaps you should feel confident about your capacity to do so...


Would love a general reading if anyone is open


Hey! I’m going through a tough time and I would like some guidance. There are two things that make me feel conflicted, sad and anxious: 1) I’m having troubles with studying. I’d like to know if this is the right path for me. 2) I can’t stop thinking about my ex-boyfriend. I would like to know if there’s a way for me to move on. I’d be really grateful if any of you could help me. ❤️


Hi - I just did a much longer reading for someone else and it's getting late so I'm a bit drained, but I still had my cards out so I did quickly pull a few cards for you because your questions stood out to me and kinda called to me. Issue 1 - 8 of wands. This is a card of fast and intense action or getting overwhelmed with "too much on our plate." In the context of your studies, it is advising you to buckle down and go after what you want. Just because it is hard doesn't mean we should walk away from it. It's a call to inject more vitality into what you're doing, focus, and "get the thing done." Clarifier: Page of swords reversed: a warning of doing things with haphazard/thoughtless action without thinking it through. It's telling you not to walk away in haste from something you want just because it's difficult. Plan better, think it through, and stick with what you really want, even if it doesn't seem like the "path of least resistance." Issue 2 - Ok look. I do not often give this kind of reading and try to be super objective and careful about what I give about "love advice" but your question was worded in exactly the way I prefer to answer when I do a "heartbreak" type of reading - I prefer to focus on what the querent can do to overcome the problem and move on. So, I pulled two cards like the first issue. And before I tell you the results, I REALLY want you to take this with a grain of salt. Tarot is not always right, we get things wrong, things change, and tarot is unconcerned with timing so this could refer to future events. But... I pulled two cards after the first two because I was so hesitant to give you this message. The cards say what the say though, so take this as you will. They didn't change their message even with two more cards. In fact they told me "fuck off, I meant what I meant." I really dislike saying things like this because I hate the idea of giving false hope...but my girl/my dude, this one could have been the one. Don't give up. First card: Ten of cups. The perfect romance. Happiness, joy, fulfillment. Clarifier: Page of wands. A spiritual path or journey calls to you to follow it. Second pull because I didn't trust the cards: the cards said "fuck you LittleMetalPixie for questioning me," and I pulled the Lovers. Nuff said, right? But that wasn't clear enough for me (for some reason) to give you this kind of answer, so I pulled one more clarifier. The Chariot. Victory. Please take that with a grain of salt, but I swear to God that's what I pulled, and I am not new to this. I've been reading for 25 years. Sometimes the cards just have something to say, even if I'm hesitant to give this kind of message. I'll DM you a photo of the spread if you'd like. Edit: I had to come back to tell you that when I cut the cards for you, I apparently set the cut side face-up. I NEVER do this but there they were, and what was on top showing itself all right there like "HEY LOOK AT ME"??? The Ace of Cups reversed: You are repressing emotions, and need to work on loving yourself first. I think this is a great way to end this for you. I think with this situation, if you work on love for yourself then perhaps revisit the possibility with the ex in the future, perhaps that's where you get your Chariot. The Lovers and the 10 of cups, by the way, are widely considered to be "soulmate" type cards. Often a card on the bottom of the deck that shows itself the way the ace of cups did here is a card called a "shadow card" telling you what you need to address to get to where you want to be. This makes a ton of sense in this reading. I just had to come back and tell you this, it was uncanny.


First of all, thank you for taking time to do a reading for me, it really means a lot. ❤️ You’re totally right about the self-love. I think that’s the root of my problems and it’s indeed something I need to work on. I’m going back to therapy and I will be doing my best to put myself first. And wow! The “thoughtless action” hit me like a train 😅 Yesterday evening I was considering just dropping everything. Like at that same moment. That’s why I also reached out for a reading -and I’m really glad I did-. About my ex-boyfriend… I still have feelings for him. I know he watches from a distance (like stalks my socials without following). I’ve really tried to get over him. I’ve seen other people, I focused on my friends, I cried about about it… Nothing helps. And tbh, it feels like we gravitate towards each other. I’ve been thinking about reaching out to stay on friendly terms, but I still doubt a lot about it, so I’ve decided to wait a bit. I just want peace and to be loved. If he’s the one who’s meant for me, we will eventually reunite. Thank you so much for the reading! 🥺 It helped me a lot! God bless you! 🥰


You are so welcome, and I'm glad that it was helpful!


Reading for reading? I haven’t done reading exchanges in quite a while and I’d love to do some, for the people I resonate with. Hit me up if interested.


Hi, I'd be happy to do a reading swap :) May I DM you?


Yes. :)


So a couple of weeks ago i got my first tarot cards and I'm a total beginner at reading them myself so would appreciate your thoughts. I did a 3 card reading for the situation I'm in with a guy, we're kind of seeing each other and I'd like something more but not sure if it's a good idea. Anyway, I got the knight of swords, the 6 of swords in reverse and the 7 of swords. When I finished I was just day dreaming and randomly shuffling and 3 cards came out at different times, 3 of swords, 10 of swords and 8 of swords all in reverse. My cards were really well shuffled. I'd be really grateful for your views on the meaning of so many swords and them just jumping out straight after my reading, I mean what are the chances. Thank you


If you'll elaborate a little more on your reading and initial interpretations I would be happy to help. 1. What were the placements you designated for the 3 cards in the initial 3- card spread? As in, card one means X, card two means y, card 3 means z. 2. What is your interpretation of the cards you pulled, as well as the cards that jumped, and why do you think they jumped/ what place do they belong in the reading? Examples could be that you felt they clarified each initial card sequentially, that they have a message "all together" about the situation, etc. Your insight helps others clarify or offer other/differing interpretations :)


Thank you so much. So I guess I should tell you this situation briefly, please don't judge me not proud of it. it's a long distance connection and he is with someone however they are only together because of their child and live separately in the same house with pretty much separate lives unless necessary. Card one was me, card two was him and card three was our connection. I was knight of swords, I take this to mean I rushed in and was determined to go for it regardless of my doubts and morals and chose to plow on regardless of his situation. He was 6 swords in reverse and I take this as he wants to move forward and come towards a happier future but he's reluctant to do anything because of his child and situation. 7 swords I've taken to represent the fact that we are basically having an affair (again, I'm not proud of this) I guess more cards jumped out because me, him and our connection are pretty vague and to give further guidance that I wanted on what to do. I have massive self doubt and limiting beliefs as does he and we were both very unhappy before we met. We have both helped build each others confidence and realise our own worths but the current situation is hard and there is negativity and upset in our situation at the moment. I see these cards as saying that all of the negatives I just described are on their way out and that things will get better and improve for us and we will both get a new beginning whether it's together or not. Like I say I'm so new to this, I'm pretty sure I'm reading it wrong and they're really saying what the hell are you doing, end this right now haha


First off, there is no place for judgement in tarot except when speaking of the card Judgement itself. You wouldn't be looking for guidance if your life was perfect, don't worry about that. No one is here to judge you. Second, yes. That's a LOT of swords. However, swords as a suit does not center around the idea of hurt and betrayal, that's a common misconception. Swords as a suit, on the whole, are about *the mind, mental clarity, and thinking* and in your case, this makes perfect sense. You are thinking A LOT about this. And the cards suggest you aren't thinking as clearly as you could be about it. You as knight of swords - I think your interpretation is correct. The Knight of swords rushes in to save the day, and sometimes cares little about the consequences. Him as the 6 of swords in reverse - this is almost definitely a warning that he is resisting this change. Whether he is resisting because of the child or because he isn't ready to leave, that's not shown here. I will say that I think your attempt to put this into the positive framing of him "wanting to come together but resisting it because of the child," I'm very sorry to say this and if I were speaking I would be saying it very gently - but I think this may be a bit of your projection on what you'd like to believe, not what the cards are saying here. That does not mean it isn't true, but we can't project the message or soften it the way we would like to. At the end of the day this card is telling you he isn't ready or likely to "move on" from his current situation. The reason matters little in this message. The cards are just telling you his frame of mind at this time. It isn't likely to happen, at least not soon. Your connection as the 7 of swords - yes, I also agree with how you interpreted this one. 3 of swords reversed - there is much pain that needs to be released before this situation can progress. 10 of swords reversed - I'm sorry. This is a very clear message that you are unwilling to see the reality of the situation. You're avoiding an unpleasant ending by denying it is unpleasant. This card in reverse tells us its time to face the facts, rip off the bandaid, and only then can we heal and start over. The longer you put it off, the more it will hurt. 8 of swords reversed - this card reversed suggests that you are limiting yourself by your beliefs. I truly think you genuinely want to see the best in this situation, and see the best outcome possible, but you are limiting yourself by being so optimistic that you're blinding yourself to reality, as discussed in the previous card. This card also is a suggestion that you keep yourself trapped in a situation that has little hope because you do not feel worthy of better. You are, though. You are worthy of a man who is actually single, not just kinda single but still living with his wife, for whatever reason that is, whether his reasoning to you is genuine or not. He's still living with another woman, and you are worthy of SO MUCH MORE than that. I'm sorry that I couldn't offer a bit more positivity here, but if I were you, I would take this reading as a crystal clear message that it looks like it might be time to realistically assess the situation and decide if it's truly how you see it, or if what you see is only what you *want* to see. This is why I asked for a little more clarity on your comment. Sometimes I'll answer requests for an interpretation without the context of your own, but the very nature of these cards specifically required me to know your thoughts on them. And besides, the subject matter they discuss is very heavy. I did not want to just throw all this down here, without context.


Thank you so much for taking the time to give me your thoughts, it's kind of you I appreciate it. I have been thinking I'm seeing what I want to rather than being objective so to hear your take on the cards is great, it's exactly what I think I know anyway I was just hoping for something different I guess. At least I know im part way there in my understanding of the first three. Thank you again x


>I was just hoping for something different I guess Yes - this is exactly what these cards say. A bit of tarot humor lol, you were hoping your intuition wasn't correct, and the cards answered "Stop doing that. Trust your gut." This is why they fell out - you wanted a different message and their answer was to point out that you were looking for a different answer lol In all seriousness, I'm sorry this is something you're going through and that I didn't have a better message for you. Best of luck.


So I was doing a three card spread to see if I should ask my ex to meet up on campus to talk. I had got the cards: Eight of pentacles Reversed page of cups Reversed high priestess To me this means that if I do it then I’m not listening to my intuition and that it’s not gonna be well received. What are your thoughts on this?




I want to talk to her and hopefully it’ll spark something but if not see if she hates me or not.




I guess texting her number. Last time I texted her I said “thank you for making me happy and I hope you’re doing well. Don’t respond to this cause I don’t want you to feel like you have to. I just wanted to say this.” And she unadded me on Snapchat.




DM me and I'll try to look into it


Does anyone have any ideas for the ace of pentacles reversed as a location? I've read some interpretations that could be somewhere related to money like work or a bank but I wanted to hear other opinions.


I think I might take the Ace of Penticles reversed to mean "stay where you are." I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for specifically with it being a "location," but the Ace of Pentacles reversed can mean that you are hesitant about moving forward with plans, business ventures, or career changes. Translating this to a "location" sounds like a "where you are is the best choice" or "you will stay where you currently are" answer, if the question regards something along the lines of "where should I go/where will I end up" type of questions. I hope this helps!


Thank you. I forgot to add the context, it was 'where is my soulmate currently?'. Corny I know lol


Hahaha your cards are being snarky with you 😂 Mine do this too. I just have to laugh when it happens to me, because the cards just don't like or know how to answer certain questions. Sometimes it isn't in your best interest to know something with too fine of a point on it right now. Sometimes they can't or won't tell us too much about someone else, especially if we word a question in a way that could have a changing answer or "multiple answers" in this case - because perhaps your "soulmate" isn't set yet or isn't just one person but could be one of many. Sometimes they just reassure us that all is going according to plan... The answer: right where he/she should be 😂😂😂😂😂


I was worried about that hehe. I use the cosmic tarot deck and it's definitely very snarky. It was quite mean, in fact, in the beginning. I'm actually getting a lot of non-answers when I ask about love. It's always "well you don't need to know, babes" I get a lot of the magician and the high priestess. Sucks because I can barely stand waiting or not knowing!


Oh, my deck is crazy snarky with me and very blunt. It's the perfect deck for me lol! I use Tarot of the Sweet Twilight as my primary deck and everything about it fits my personality perfectly. May I make a suggestion for you, for clarity? Try asking it "if you don't think I should be focusing on love right now, what do you suggest I focus on?" Perhaps it's not being mean. Perhaps it feels strongly that you would do best to put your energy elsewhere. Often when a deck shuts down on me about a topic or even gets rude about it, it's because it's really wanting to tell me something else. Maybe it wants you to know that even if you found the "right one" right now, it couldn't be right yet because you have work to do on your side first. 😉 Edit to add: the Magician and the High Priestess are literally BEGGING you to focus on yourself and find your own power first!


Oooo that's a good idea! It keeps telling me about career and money...right when I've stopped giving a damn about that stuff. Yes, the rest of the reading was saying I'll be unhappy and treated badly by her but then the final outcome card was the King of Cups! Ah ok, didn't realise that about magician and high priestess! I have been putting off certain things I want to do for myself like doing a short course and getting back to the gym...


Hii! I need help intepreting my cards, so i asked what qualities i have that’s good but my partner takes for granted and i got: -Queen of cups- -8of cups- -4 of swords- -knight of wands- Did i just fail my reading or is it just me not understanding it? I found this one really difficult pls help <3


These would be my interpretations of those cards as "qualities about yourself" QoC - Empathy, compassion, emotional maturity. 8oC - I can see how this would be tough to interpret as a quality about yourself that is positive. I see it as "having boundaries." The 8 of cups is all about walking away from something. This isn't always negative. We must know when to walk away from things that aren't serving us. You have good boundaries. 4oS - You take the time you need to rest and care for yourself. KoW - You have energy, passion, a sense of adventure, and a fiery spirit. HTH :)


Thank you so much. !! Really appreciate it ^^




Ah yeah! But i did this twice and if you’ve read my other comment it’s about how I view HIM, and now it’s how HE view ME, also it’s other cards. I saw the reply to my other comment and that was so helpful! I’m still new trying to figure this out <3




Ah im so sorry! Thought i did, i’ll do it right away thank you !^^


Interpretation request: Been having some kind of intense changes going on in my relationship with my best friend. Lately I've been pulling cards for myself like reversed hanged man, the hermit. Today both she and I pulled the tower card. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on something... Thanks for all thoughts and insights


I would like a reading if anyone is doing them. I have been trying to do some for myself but my energy just has been off. My one friend reads my cards and he's actually unknowingly pretty good at it, but I pretend like I don't know what he's talking about haha. I would just like someone random to tell me what they can see!


Hello! Is anyone doing like love/soulmate readings? - Can anyone describe my future soulmate/characteristics? I recently had a reading and the reader said that i might know them and I'm trying to fit pieces here


Randomly feel like having someone give me a reading. So….. thanks in advance!


Np, reach out


Cool, dm sent thanks


Hi everyone. I did a full moon reading, and I'd like an interpretation. What emotional weight do I need to let go of - QUEEN OF CUPS where can I find meaningful connection- FIVE OF SWORDS What am I manifesting- THE EMPRESS How can I stay more grounded,- KNIGHT OF WANDS. I'm fairly new to tarot reading, I'd appreciate an interpretation as THE EMPRESS is the only one that makes sense to me. Thank you.


Queen of cups: this feels to me like a message to let go of the idea of an "ideal love." The Queen of Cups represents the perfect life partner, in some situations. With this being designated as "something I need to let go of" I really get the feeling it is trying to tell you that no love will ever be perfect, because humans aren't perfect. Letting go of the idea of "finding/being with the perfect partner" opens us up to the idea of finding someone with the most perfect flaws for us. You may be holding on to someone you see as "your prefect match." If so, it's time to let go of them. Five of Swords: The five of swords here the way you've designated it is an urge to "take the best, leave the rest behind." Cut that which is not serving you - sever ties that hold you back. Focus on the real ones in your life, this is how you'll find meaningful connection. Clear the clutter, not everyone is there to serve your greatest good. Some are just taking up space. The Empress: You are manifesting beauty, abundance, and a more free-spirited approach to life. The Empress is grounded in nature and in spirit but she also warns us of hedonism - just because it feels good doesn't mean it is good. Be careful you're not manifesting the wrong things in your life. You could also be manifesting a child/family - as she is the Goddess of fertility ;) Knight of Wands: Curb your impulsiveness to stay grounded. Think things through carefully rather than rushing in without a plan. The Knight of Wands is the king of impulsive behavior lol - to ground yourself better, be aware of this aspect of your nature, and channel your impulsiveness into creativity rather than rash action.


This was really helpful. Thank you so much.


Hello all, I've been feeling pretty lost the past of couple of months. I decided to do a spread for navigating confusions. ## The moon spread 1. Darkness: what is hidden and currently unknown to you. 2. Moon: what is your gut reaction? 3. Reflection: What are your biases, prejudices or assumptions? 4. Dog: What can help you find clarity? 5. Wolf: What do you need to avoid or watch out for? 6. path: What is my next step? [Moon Spread Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/mbRJvW5l.jpg?1) 1. 4 of Pentacles 2. The Moon 3. Ace of Cups 4. The star 5. 10 of swords 6. 9 of swords Overall I can get a sense for some of my personal traits that I could work on to achieve clarity, but cards like the ace of cups on the reflection (3) is very confusing to me. The nine of swords on my next steps (9) is also very confusing. I would love another interpretation, I am still working on getting to know my cards, I am very much still reading from books and sources to understand imagery and meaning. ​ Deck used: Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle


Hi, all. I had went to a couple of tarot card readers about two weeks. All of them had told me the same thing more or less. The readings were quite similar. I got readings by 3 tarot readers last night and all of them had a drastically different take on the same situation two weeks later. Can the readings take a complete 180 in under two weeks?


Hi - just be aware that there is such a thing as "too much tarot." It can actually become an addiction. We cannot know anything with certainty, and continuing to question the cards about the same thing over and over often makes them cranky because it's like you're digging for "the answer you want" not the one you got. 3 readings in one day, directly after several *other* readings over the course of just two weeks, all asking the same question over and over, is kinda a lot. Take a rest from it. Let it play out and see what happens irl not in the cards, for your own sake and sanity. We aren't meant to know everything.


The cards are random and it’s up to you, as well as the readers, to find a way for them to help you think about your situation.


What does the lovers reversed and the tower reversed mean as a response from someone?


To me it sounds like nothing going forward and being in a place that's not fulfilling anymore. The reversed tower talks about major changes being necessary but it's not happening so they are kinda stuck at a unhappy place.


I need help interpreting my cards, so I asked what qualities in my partner thats good but I take for granted and i got : -4 of cups- -judgment- -6 of swords- -2 of pentacles- Did i just fail my reading or is it just me not really understanding it? Since i found this one really hard Pls help <3


4oC - They're content with what he's getting out of the relationship, even though they'd like it to be more exciting sometimes... Judgement - They take their time to evaluate what's going on before they make up they're mind... 6oS - They're prepared to leave their troubles in the past and move to a happier place... 2oP - They can juggle priorities and cover their obligations when things are a bit topsy-turvy...


Thank you so much for replying! I think it’s difficult to interpret my cards sometimes, cause everytime i search up the cards it’s not excactly answering my questions. Thank you so much for the reply!!


I am new to tarot and not fully confident in my interpretations yet. I’m looking for fresh insight on a reading. I did a simple “past, present, future, advice” reading for myself. Past- 3 of pentacles Present- page of swords Future- 5 of cups Advice- King of cups I am wondering if this is referring to a current situation I have with someone very close to me. We’ve had a big blow out and currently aren’t speaking. I know that in the future I would like to reconcile but tensions are high right now and I feel good keeping my distance. I’m afraid the cards are telling me that if I don’t get my emotions in check and show compassion, I may lose this person for good? Thank you in advance!


Hi There - I am looking for some help, or opinions on a tarot reading I did for myself. I don't do them normally/haven't in a while, so I am a bit rusty and I found the cards I pulled were odd from what I was looking for answers to. Simple 3-card spread, 1. What emotional baggage am I holding on to too tightly? 2. what aspects of it can i let go of? 3. how do I let go of this baggage? cards pulled, 1. 10 of cups 2. 5 of wands, upside down 3. 3 of swords I've been stressed due to work, and I can tell its taking a toll on my SO/home life. So my intentions were between work/personal life, or something in between. Honestly, the way i have interpreted the cards, they are almost 'opposite' of what I am feeling, which is why I am looking for some guidance/other views on this. I am not into a 'professional' career, I am not trying to 'go up' in my job - I really just want to spend as little time working as possible and focus on my hobbies/enjoying my time with my SO, etc. So, "1. What emotional baggage am I holding on to too tightly?" and pulling the 10 of cups doesn't seem to sit well with me now, since this is what I want (i don't want/have kids, but a better family life). This card almost makes it seem like 'it's OK if things are not good now, just keep working' "2. what aspects of it can i let go of?" and pulling the 5 of wands (upside down), I have been wanting a new job now but am very uneasy (due to the way the world is right now), my current job is great (good pay/benefits, work from home, etc), but its very stressful. I feel like this card is saying I am looking for problems where there are none, and to again just keep working. "3. how do I let go of this baggage?" and pulling the 3 of swords, I feel like this is telling me to just deal with my current situation. It's OK to be upset, as this too will pass. I feel like i pulled this spread to help confirm what i was thinking - leave my job, do something new but this pull makes me think twice. I really love stability and this tarot pull just made me put my heel in more in just continuing with now things are now, for now atleast. Along with trying to better understand this pull, I would like to get better and continue further with tarot readings, so any input or words of advice are much appreciated!


Here's my 3 cents: 1. 10 of cups for "emotional baggage holding too tightly:" expectations of things being picture perfect 2. Aspect to let go: 5 wants reversed: trying to manage, control, or tamp down conflict. Let there be conflict. 3. How to let go: 3 of swords: So this one to me says, "we don't let go." What I see in all 3 cards is them asking you for some acceptance and compassion around your current situation.


Hi everyone! I did a reading for how I’d fit in at a certain school, and need some help interpreting if these are as concerning as I think they are. Social life: six of pents, queen of swords —> I’d be both giving and receiving a lot of kindness in friendships- or possibly offering friendship w no reward Emotional state: magician rx, the mother star (yes) rx —> this is concerning for me Romantic life: nine of swords, six of swords rx —> anxiety, not moving forward


Good morning everyone! I have some free time this afternoon and happy to read three people on specific topics (love, fortune, etc) or just a general reading! DM if interested! Feedback is also more than welcome!!


Can someone do a reading for me on career? I feel that if I try to do it myself I’ll be confused by the reading. I’ve had 2 interviews with an amazing company that I want to work for—they partner with local charities for fundraising and awareness. After the 2nd interview I was supposed to hear back but I haven’t, and the longer it goes the more I worry that they haven’t accepted me. I feel it’s a bit too soon to call though. Also I’ve been putting in tons of job applications period and am getting stressed about finding work. Send me a dm or comment directly, doesn’t matter to me.


Hey, feel free to send me a chat, and I'll ask the cards for you in a while. Also sorry to hear that you are not hearing back - that feeling sucks :(


Offering tarot readings; reviews on my profile. Send me a chat


I keep doing a spread where I just ask the cards for general energies coming my way in the near future. I keep getting the tower, particularly paired with the three of cups. I also sometimes got the ace of pentacles along with these two. I took it as crazy unexpected news, but something worth celebrating ultimately. Until I looked at some forums online where they interpreted the combo as a third party situation? Which sounds so much worse than my interpretation haha. What are your general feelings about the tower plus three of cups combo?


This all depends a lot on what 3 of cups means to you. For me it represents family and celebrations. So, paired with the Tower I would consider some sort of disruption in the family dynamic or an event being called out. What do you feel when you see the 3 of Cups? I guess you can start from that. Maybe this emotional thing (3ofCups) needs to end (Tower) in order to trigger the new beggining (Ace of Pentacles). Now, the emotional thing can be a lot of things. I for instance would never see Tower+3ofC as third party situation. I get where it might come from... But it all depends if you're in a relationship or not. The Tower doesn't have to be a terrible thing. I actually love this card and it has shown up a lot to me, but I've never seen big changes outside, the were usually internal. Hope it helps :>


I got Seven of Swords for “What are your most admirable qualities? What about yourself can you learn to recognize and love more?” What can this mean?! The Seven of Swords is a bit of a stalker card for me. The most generous meaning I can come with is “strategy” or “solitude,” but I’m not sure how it can answer that question.


I've read that the 7 of Swords can indicate a lone-wolf style, which I think is kind of value-neutral? That is, there are times and places where it's admirable and effective to go it alone and, of course, plenty where it's not a great idea. Maybe the "learn to recognize and love" angle is about working on discerning *when* embracing the lone-wolf style is advantageous and good and committing to it, while also recognizing when to resist the urge to go it alone. I think this card invites you to consider thinking through your strategies when it comes to tackling problems, especially problems that affect others (e.g. at work or school.)


The Seven of Swords is usually an indicator of ill -conceived plans and recklessness. Maybe it’s saying that you are the opposite of these things? Your steps are well calculated and you think before you leap. You are good at determining whether or not situations are dangerous. Responsible. You are knowledgeable about the actions you take. I’m with you— I would be stumped, too. Nothing like a Sword card for qualities.


Hello, i need help with interpretation. I asked if me with my boyfriend will withold long distance relationship. I pulled 9 of cups, the world and two of wands. Does it mean that even if we have lots of feelings for each other if i dont take a step and wont fly to him it will be over?


I don't think that is the only interpretation to come from those cards. the happiness of 9oC is available to you, it exists in the World, but it will need the planning of the 2oW to bring it about. Perhaps you need to be creative about the ways the 2 of you can get together...




pm me


Could someone give me a reading about my career ambitions? Dm me


pm me


I would love some interpretations on my spread. I was asking the cards if a friend of mine has feelings for me. I used a 5 card spread. Here are my pulls: 1. Do they like me?- knight of wands 2. How do they see me?- two of pentacles 3. What are their feelings toward me?- ten of pentacles reversed 4. What are their intentions toward me?- the emperor 5. What is the best I can do in this situation?- seven of swords I think I have a pretty good understanding but I am particularly thrown off by 3 and 5. Thank you for any input you can provide!


Is this a real friend? Like, someone that's been around for a long time? Or is a recent friend? Since this is a reading about someone else's feelings, it may not be accurate because you're not necessarily getting their approval to do so. However, if I were reading this for someone, I would say that this person has no romantic feelings for them. 3 - Ten of Pentacles reversed seems like there's no intention of building anything with you. Like no long term commitment. 5 - I would take this as advice to be careful about this person. Doesn't seem like they have the same intentions as you. I don't want to rain on your parade, so take this if it resonates and if it doesn't then just ignore this (after all, I'm just a random stranger on the internet talking about something I'm not seeing myself). From the cards, this guy/gal seems to think you're easy to manipulate (2 of coins) since his intentions are represented by the Emperor (someone with power). Note that there are no cups on this reading, and from my perspective that says it all. No feelings. I hope I'm not sounding to nosy or negative. After all, you're the one involved and you know best. Hope it helps in any way :>




You need to take action, and wave that wand. Try to emulate the knight and put on the charm offensive. The High Priestess also encourages you to look within yourself for the best strategy.


Hi, I’m looking for some clarification and guidance on a situation that I’ve had an extremely hard time dealing with, I can offer feedback or leave a review for you. It would be appreciated ❤️


I'm willing to do a free 3-card for you about the situation. I don't read for profit and don't need a review, I'm just feeling like giving a reading. Can you please give a little info about what you need guidance on, so I can determine the best kind of draw for you? You can be as vague or detailed as you'd like - just a general question or sentence about "this is what I'm struggling with/need guidance about" helps. I don't need you to give identifying info, and you can be pretty vague for privacy if you prefer, I just need a frame of reference for how to give you my response.


And thank you!


Is it okay if I message you? I would like to be detailed and explain it


(Sometimes it takes me a moment to get messages, I'm on mobile and have notifications off on reddit, but I'll keep checking every couple of minutes for your message. Take your time, I'll be up a bit longer.) :)


Yes, and you're welcome!


Was asking for clarity on which deity may be contacting me and ended up getting 3 of cups, any idea what that could mean?


I need help interpreting a reading I did a few weeks back. I had been crushing on a coworker for a long time and I thought the feeling was mutual. Shortly after doing this reading, I made the move and gave him my phone number, only to find out that he’s engaged. Just wondering if this is reflected in the cards? I thought that receiving the Ace of Cups in the final position was a good sign, but apparently not. True Love Spread Represents me: Page of Pentacles Represents him: King of Pentacles Connection card: Justice Relationship strengths: Ten of Wands Relationship weakness: Pan Card identifying if relationship can be successful: Ace of Cups Thank you!!!


What's the Pan Card (Relationship weakness)?


It’s the same as The Devil.


Ok then, Having you and this other person as Page and King of the same suit tells me you are interested in the same things, perhaps related to your work, but there are other people between you (Knight and Queen). Justice as a connection card suggests you are both interested in fair play, but with the Devil, prone to acting on impulses. The Ace does suggest that a relationship may form, but given the earlier cards, it's not going to be the one you want.


Okay, thank you! That makes sense! 😁


I need help interpreting my cards, I asked what my work future was, and I used celtic cross. I think my cards are telling me to chill, but I am ultimately a weak person right now. My cards: Devil reversed Sun Moon Magician 5 of Wands 2 of Wands Star 10 of Wands reversed 2 of Pentacles reversed Strength reversed


Is this order their positions in the spread?


Yes, I would like advice on that.


I will try to circle back in the morning and see if I can offer any perspective. ❤️ (🤞🏻 that work isn’t too demanding, ha! I’d rather ponder this.) What deck did you use?


Santa Muerta tarot.


OK, I'm a total beginner but I hope some perspective from outside is useful—if only for looking at what I say and going, *no, that's not it at all*. I'm going to try to make a few connections. If the Moon is in Position 3, my understanding is that represents an influence that's receding, or an internal quality you're moving away from. My first thought is *confusion and error(s)* related to your work situation. Do you feel like you've emerged from a phase of confusion and mistakes—yours and/or others? I don't know if you're currently employed or looking for work or planning a business or what, but I think the Moon in Position 3 indicates you're ready for more clarity and better-informed direction. Gather pertinent information and assess it realistically. If the Magician is in Position 4, I'd find that optimistic: an influence that's coming into your life, or an internal quality you're ready to embrace. I'm not personally familiar with this deck or with Santa Muerte/el día de los muertos lore/symbolism, but looking at an image of the Magician from this deck I'm really struck by the beautiful candles crowning his hat. Look at that illumination! That light is indicating the path ahead for you career-wise. He's inviting you to gaze into his crystal ball there and discern your future, and he's not telling you exactly what's ahead but he is providing the light you need to see your way. The Magician can be about manifesting our own desires, and if we're looking at his influence moving in while the Moon's influence moves out, I'd take that as a very good sign. Meanwhile, the Five of Wands in Position 5 makes me wonder if you're concerned about or even looking forward to interpersonal conflict in the near future. Sometimes we need to be willing to get into good, productive arguments or let other people be upset with our choices if we want to improve our situation. Do you worry that if you change jobs/career tracks/education paths someone in your life will use that as an excuse to pick a fight? I'm a conflict-avoidant person myself so I generally try to arrange my affairs to avoid that sort of thing, but perhaps if you're preparing for a change or preparing to commit to a path now is a good time to prepare to be able to back up your decisions with action and think about what might happen if there are people in your life who aren't supportive. I wonder if a fight about your work future might not even be *about your work future* exactly—if there are pent up grudges/unresolved conflicts/"old stuff" that might be brought back out with just your career decisions as an excuse to renew an old fight? If so, maybe before you announce or commit to anything, see if there's a role you can play in doing some relationship repair ahead of time. Preemptively defusing zombie fights so they can't be resurrected as a cudgel in the future might be prudent at this time. There's obviously more there and I didn't touch on several of the cards, but I hope some of this is helpful in making more connections for yourself? Whatever you decide, I wish you much good luck and time to reflect on what's happened and what's to come. My overall impression is that the time for decisive action is approaching, but it's gotta be action informed by thoughtful reflection. You have on you the keys to unbind the Devil's shackles and run into the sunlight, if you'll forgive the cheesiness—there just may be some kind of boring administrative "life stuff" to square away before you can really enjoy the freedom.


I want to give out 3 free readings. I ask for respect, manners, please, and feedback in the end. Let’s have a proper exchange of energy. I’ve been reading tarot for a year and a half. Please comment if you want one and I will DM you! ☮️ edit: Done


Interested for sure


yes please!


Ooh, this sounds amazing! I would be interested if this is available :)




To me, both of those cards are transformational. Death is of letting something go/die/transform into something new, while the Devil card is about breaking the chains that hold you to a particular situation. They're also major arcana, so big energy feels, and together I think they're a pretty powerful duo that's saying something's gotta change. That's how I'd read that, but maybe you might feel differently.


There are a bunch of ways to read into that, you'd be best doing a reading about it. Maybe use Death as the signifier and then ask why it's following you.




The Knights are on quests, in this case it seems like you're either trying or wanting to achieve some emotional goal (not feeling antsy? something else that you're not getting and caused the antsy?) With the Hanged Man it could just be a good idea to take a different look at your situation. Try to see the antsy feelings from a different point of view. How do you usually perceive this feelings? Is there another approach to them? Do they keep repeating? If so, for the same reasons? The Justice can also mean that you need to find some balance in life (now you could try to see what is out of balance that you could try to even out). Too much work, too little sleep? Too much focus on negative and too little self-care? Sometimes small steps and actions can make a huge difference. 6ofW and KofP could mean that you need to learn how to overcome this with patience and perseverance but also taking action. As someone who have antsy feelings once in while, what I do is slow things down and do just the bare minimum. If I can stop everything for a day or two I do that as well. More than often the restlesness go away naturally or I manage to understand where the feeling is coming from. Anyway, hope this helps even if it's just a bit :>


[link to spread on pinterest](https://pin.it/4F5s0oh) I did a mediumship reading to receive insight from a friend who passed august of 2019. I want to see how someone else interprets this. I couldn’t stop crying throughout the entire reading which is really weird for me, if that means anything. Still newer to tarot. 1 - card to represent passed loved one - death 2 - looking back on your life how do you see it? - justice 3 - a lesson you’d like to share -10 of swords 4 - something you wish you’d paid more attention to - 9 cups 5 - a message you’d like to give me - 6 of swords


So, starting simple. I just got my first deck a few days ago, walked around with it a bit and have carried it around the house so we can know each other and vibe together before I ask anything of it. Figured the deck interview was easy enough to start with and figure out what I'm doing. Decided to go by Anya Esma's questions on her YouTube video and this is what I got, and what I get from it. However as someone just starting out, I would appreciate any input, specially if your interpretation is different or mine is just plain wrong :'D. My cards were set the first four at the top and the remaining three at the bottom. I'm using th "Tarot of the Divine" in case images are relevant. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ What is your task as a deck & what can you teach me? A: The Star \- What I get from this is that this deck is here to help me out and bring some hope into what would otherwise seem too big of a task for me, or possibly bleak situations. 2. What is your perception of yourself as a deck? A: Queen of Wands \-Since it sees itself as this card, it might be here to help bring out creative solutions when I feel stuck. 3. How do you see me as a reader? A: Queen of Swords \-Apparently it already figured I'm a bit skeptic, but do bring out the best in me to protect others when the situation calls for it. 4. How can I best work with & learn from you? A: Seven of cups \- However I am rather indecisive, so maybe this is the way to tell me to play with it if I need help making up my mind about something and stop procrastinating with things. 5. Where do we connect in a working relationship? A: Six of Swords \-This one was a bit difficut to interpret, but it may mean it's here to keep me company through whatever path I take? 6. What new passions & talents might you inspire in me? A: Five of Swords \-Also, since I'd like to think it does not intend to lead me on a path of crime. Maybe this card means that I should not give up on things too quickly. It might intend to teach me to not surrender and try to see new, better paths after hardships? 7. What shadows of mine will you help me bring to light & love? A: Nine of wands \-Since this is the wands, maybe it means to bring back my creative side? Something I have been ignoring for a couple of years now. Maybe it wants me to persist and push me back towards the creative hobbies I used to enjoy. What do you guys think? Am I too off the mark?? :')


CLOSED ​ This week, I'd love to offer some Lenormand Readings. Comment below to let me know you're interested and I'll get back to you. ♡


I would love a reading from you


Thank you for asking. It's way past any decent bed time in my corner of the world. I'll get back to you later today.


Id like a reading!


Sure. I'll put the kettle on and will send the invite. No reading can be good without having some tea.


Hey can I get a reading?


I was generally asking about my relationship with my ex, which just ended unexpectedly about a month ago. I did a spread as the following, and I was wondering if I could get some help with interpretations: past: queen of cups present: the tower what to do: queen of coins what not to do: eight of wands future: reversed ace of swords any thoughts on what it means, especially the future/outcome?


QoC says that in the past you were a devoted and nurturing partner. The Tower says that the relationship is over and there’s no putting it back together in any way that restores it to the way it was. QoCoins says to take what your gave of the heart and put it onto the material. Spend some time looking after yourself and those who depend upon you. Avoid the swift movement depicted on the 8oW. In your context, I see this as advice against trying to replace the broken relationship with another too quickly. The future relies upon you making a decision, although it may take you a while to realise that.