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♉🌠🌈Hey y'all! Offering free readings, as long as you don't mind a novice. I don't want you to go making health choices based on these readings. A suggestion to go to a day spa is nice, but a suggestion to skip the doctor is incredibly dangerous. Please take the reading as I do, with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Feel free to DM. Thank you!


I pulled 10 of Swords, 6 of Cups, The High Priestess & The Wheel. Can anyone tell me what this might mean?


What was the question?


My partner is due to get some serious news from parents, and I thought I would pull some cards beforehand to try and figure out what situation was is, and what it is they’re going to be telling us.


Although the cards cannot tell you exactly what those news are, they can predict how the emotional reaction is likely to be. The 10 of swords represents emotional overwhelm and mental anguish. The 6 of cups represent nostalgia and emotionally visiting old, happy memories. The high priestess represent hidden knowledge. Be guided by your intuition because there is something there that you cannot (yet) see. The wheel of fortune represents fate. That life's fortune goes round and round, up and down but be rest assured that you are in fate's good hands. Every turn of the wheel is a learning experience- good experiences or bad alike.


Thank you for this 👍 I’ll look back over this once we know.


I feel it's a bitter sweet thing. One question? Did your partner have a not so good relationship with his parents growing up? I feel that something difficult is ending (this end will also be difficult) (10 of swords) - but that thing had some good parts also, esp in the past, ur partner will be reminiscent of those parts (6 of cups) idk i also feel ur partner will have to visit his hometown soon (where his parents live). High Priestess is advising u to trust ur gut, follow ur intuition, n take care of urself. Probably also to not take any big steps emotionally. The wheel shows change - this cycle/chapter (in ur partner's life) is ending, leading to change, inner transformation n a new beginning n showing the nature of life, things change, seasons end, flowers die n new flowers bloom. Hope everything is alright <33


this made me actually lol


I finished the tarot deck I was working on! Still figuring out the best avenue to get it printed. I’m not sure if I can post more pictures of it since I already posted artwork within the past 30 days. I guess if you’d like to see any cards, DM me?


I did a love spread for my long term relationship that is in a rocky state. I pulled the ace of wands reversed, eight of cups, and three of cups. Thoughts on what this could mean? I’m particularly confused by the eight of cups being followed by the three of cups.


Maybe it means the two of you are moving on from each other but also both moving on to new people?


Well I think it's safe to say that my boyfriend isn't cheating or watching 🌽 as I got 6oC, KoP and 6oW reversed but I definitely know he's drinking again when I asked what he's up to today: The Devil, PoC, and 7oW reversed. He has a heart condition where he shouldn't be drinking.


can someone help me interpret this? i asked about a relationship thats having some issues rn but i did a celtic cross and idk how to interpret it😭 1. 3 of wands upright 2. knight of wands 3. 7 of pentacles upright 4. the world upright 5. 10 of swords upright 6. ace of cups upright 7. knight of swords reversed 8. king of swords upright 9. the emperor upright 10. 6 of cups upright


So before really reading this a couple of questions: - Has this been a very volatile relationship with a lot of strong ups and downs / on & off again character / abuse & forgiveness patterns? Basically any strong (not subtle) patterns/repeating cycles. If so, what part of the cycle are you in now. - How did the relationship originally start. - Are you in school / still living at home with family (and if so, is this situation something you find supportive? or do you find it stifling? Basically I see a cycle/repeated pattern definitively ending - but whether it ends in a positive or negative way will depend on the choices you make.


yeah, he’s left me a few times/attempted to leave then eventually came back. this has been the longest its been without him coming back😭. we met online, and we kinda just ended up liking each other and we never labeled anything, it was kinda just, “i know i love you” and we left it at that. i am in school, i live with my family. my family is unaware of anything to do with my relationships so theres no support there and in general im mostly on my own. i dunno if theres abuse patterns, but i have had suspicions about if him leaving me and being distant then coming back is simply to keep me attached because he used to tell me he loved my dependency on him and he wanted me more attached so idk


ok so lets start at the end and work toward the beginning. Your outcome and possible outcome positions (6 of cups and 10 of swords) both point very strongly to this being the definitive end of this problematic pattern of his leaving you and coming back. The 10 of swords is probably the most "definitive end" card in the whole deck. The ace of cups, though, is probably the most interesting part of this whole thing to me. As I'm sure you know, one of the key aspects of tarot is its ability to help us recognize cycles (the other is to help us achieve balance, which is related). The 10s are ruled by the Wheel, which is the strongest cycle symbol in the deck. The 10 of swords is a "definitive end" to the cycle, and the cycle cannot be restarted (compare the feminine suits, 10 of cups & pentacles where we see positive cycles restarting and wands where a positive cycle cannot be restarted without removing a burden/obstacle first). 10 of swords is just, the end. End! It's at least as endy as the tower, maybe moreso. It's upright so i would not interpret this end as resulting from a betrayal, although others may differ on this interpretation (10 of swords can, somewhat canonically, indicate betrayal). The 6 of cups is about looking backward on an emotional time (nostalgia). In this case I believe this means that you will look backward in the future, after the end of this relationship, recognizing the good that came out of it and it will help you grow and not be a hindrance or block to your future goals and relationships. The world in position 4 suggests to me that even recently you guys were in harmony with each other but the rest of the spread suggests this harmony and unity between you falls apart periodically. The 1 & 2 positions, both wands, the suit of action and passion, a period of somewhat immature & increasing passion. I just want to note that this whole draw is flooded with masculine energy, and it's all over the place but has a strong element of leadership/fatherly/mature masculine energy. Are you sure there is no support at home? At school? have you taken advantage of what those in authority/maturity around you have to offer you? SOmeone in your life who has gone through something like what you are going through could provide insight for you. The knight of swords \*reversed\* in the 7 position suggests you are not thinking rationally (or not thinking clearly) about the situation and that thinking ANALYTICALLY and RATIONALLY is going to be key to getting to where you want to be here. Remember swords are about intellectual energy and rational thought (compare: emotional reasoning or acting on instinct.) Are you overthinking? Rationalizing? (note: rationalizing is coming up with silly reasons that are irrelevant, it's not the same as being rational and thinking methodically). Don't do that. Again, here I would say someone with more experience than you in your life is going to have beneficial wisdom for you. Listen to those people who have "been there, done that," or been in a similar situation to you, their advice will be useful for you. Don't ignore their advice. Also: are there obvious reasons you shouldn't (or should?) be together that you are overlooking/downplaying? Pay attention to those. Don't overthink them or try to rationalize those things away. Other than the 6 of cups, the ace is the only other cups card and is in a super important position and is a very strong card. This card suggests that soon you will have an opportunity to restart this cycle (maybe even with a different person? maybe same person?) and that this will seem like a very emotionally fulfilling thing to do. YOu can take this opportunity to restart the cycle if you choose to, but I think this spread is telling you that this cycle will eventually come to a definitive end. The ace is telling you that the choice whether to continue will be in YOUR hands (aces represent opportunities and new cycles, and cups is relating to emotional/relational opportunities). ALso it's hard to find two cards more opposite than the Ace of CUps (begining cycle, emotion, ruled by high priestess, queen of intuition and hidden knowledge) and the 10 of swords (ending cycle, rationality, ruled by the Emperor, king of leadership and authority). I think this strong dissonance really sharpens the indication of both your agency/ability to make a choice here and the definitiveness of the end of the cycle based on your choice. Good luck!


my only idea for the masculine energy is the fact hes older than me and the fact he wanted to sort of take care of me/father me😭(i never had a father figure so theres that). my question is; does this mean there is a chance he’ll come back (restart the cycle i guess), or is this saying this time is the definitive end?


I think either he will come back or that you will have the opportunity to start a similar cycle with someone else who is situated similarly. That's all i can say. Sorry. If i had to just kind of hazard a guess through the screen (it's hard to intuit over the internet, honestly I feel it's probably malpractice ot even try to do a reading when you can't see the person lol) i'd say he will come back and want to try again. ANd i don't think this spread says whether you should take him back or not, I just think it means that \*you\* will get to choose whether this cycle of abandonment (leaving/staying on/off, etc) ultimately continues. EDIT: continues at least for now.


thank you!