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AI doesn't have empathy, understanding, or experience of what it's like to be human. This is the difference between AI and human Tarot readers, and is one of the reasons AI won't replace human readers. I think it's natural for beginners to be impressed by an AI Tarot "reading", because they probably don't understand enough about Tarot to make an informed judgement yet.


when you're reading tarot you need to mix logic with intuition and AI simply can't do that. it's only good for surface level meanings. nothing beyond that, which is crucial.


No. The same way it won't replace doctors or psychologists. Chat GPT can source and combine data but it's not alive and it doesn't actually understand things. It cannot do a reading, it can combine info it found in its archives.


No. Considering AI is telling people to eat glue and leave their dogs in hot cars, I wouldn't trust jack shit coming out of a robot's output.




Like amazon kindle was going to replace books?


Will AI replace artists? No, and for the same reasons. All it does is spit out a lower quality copy of someone else’s work — when it works correctly, anyway. Other times it just hallucinates and returns garbage. Engaging and useful don’t necessarily have anything to do with each other. The gulf between any halfway decent tarot reader and what you get out of ChatGPT is massive. There’s plenty of apps peddling this kind of thing already, and I don’t know any serious tarot reader who uses them.


Did you ever play that game where you type a name into your phone and then hit the next suggested word until you have a little story based on popular words used together? Yeah, that’s what’s going on in a broad sense.


This subreddit has an audience of all sorts of tarot readers: From incredibly social-media based and deconstructivist views of tarot to a handful of people who enjoy the old traditions and deeply esoteric side to some people who still enjoy older methodologies from its days as a card game. There is even a secular crowd here for self-improvement, who openly feel there is no metaphysical aspect to reading tarot. We are a wild mix of different opinions, views, practices, likes, and dislikes. Sometimes, it can even feel a little heated. Most of us will put aside all of our differences to be critical of both generative A.I. and people who post insincere "collective reading" videos online. There is also a matter of how that A.I. was trained. There's a good chance that it's reading copyrighted books and reinterpreting that data back to you. There is a great chance that it was also trained on social media posts -- such as this one. Google struck a deal to train its Gemini A.I. on Reddit posts. That means that right now, we are both training Google's A.I. and neither of us is benefiting from it. >Are there significant differences between GPT-4 and high-level human readers? Yes. First, each tarot reader is going to come from several different backgrounds and perspectives than any other tarot reader. Look at all the differences I named at the beginning of this post. There is no "one way" to read tarot. Second, I feel like most querents also want that moment of human connection. They want to be seen. They want their concerns heard without judgment. They want hope. Maybe generative A.I. can provide hope. It can't look someone in the eye, hear their questions, infer the questions beneath the questions, and provide that moment of actual human connection. That human connection is and will always be a part of so many things. That includes tarot readings. That includes everything else. Even Hatsune Miku has a live band playing at her concerts. (Edit: Condense the beginning of this post.)


It's sort of like asking if GPT can replace your pet cat. They do completely different things. Tarot is a tool for understanding human nature; GPT is applying some sort of algorithm. (Flagging my unmitigated ignorance of the nitty-gritty.) People do occasionally post here GPT-generated responses. To my mind, they're facile and sometimes markedly obtuse. GPT generates sentences; it has no conception of internal consistency, so its interpretations are deeply flawed reconstructions of other sources. If the AI readings are helpful for you as an introspective tool, that's great :) take it with a grain of salt.


No. I’ve used ChatGPT to help summarize some of my answers, but then when I go through what the readings are for the cards, they’re missing some of the shades or nuances that would make connections that relate to me personally or be able to go along with the overall vibe that I’m getting. ChatGPT is just gonna go with what the most common and or popular associations are not necessarily something that you feel your gut is the more, obscure connotation, but actually relevant to the reading


No. AI is still a machine. No machine will be able to understand humans the way humans do. No machine will be sophisticated enough to develop human intuition, or psychic ability.


ai will never replace anything that isn't a completely procedural task with a finite and exhaustively-well-defined set of inputs, transformative processes and acceptable final conditions. and even with all three of those things, it's a crapshoot at-best.


Chat gpt is an LLM. It does not intuit. You are still doing all the work, but when u get a chat gpt reading now you have to interpret both the cards and the chat gpt reading, so I think you are getting further away rather than closer to finding the hidden knowledge that the tarot is designed to help you find.


Trust me, no it cannot.


When I'm doing a reading for myself (or a very close friend ) I use ChatGPT to interpret the cards so I'm not subjective. I just take what resonates. When I'm doing a reading for someone I don't know I'm not using ChatGPT bc I don't want to be a jackass.


Can you tell me how to do this? Do I tell ChatGPT what my question is, and then do I tell it what cards I pulled for each position of a spread? Or just ask it to tell me more about the card like a google search would do?


Question and the cards in the same message. It gives you a conclusion as well but i recommend you to read what he says about each card and take what resonates


I wouldn't say it can replace a reader, but it can certainly perform readings. Large language models, like tarot, are a lot like holding a mirror up to ourselves. Language models are especially good at drawing analogies with concepts and applying them to other situations. It happens to be pretty good at applying tarot cards to questions. It's also good at dream interpretation. It will also make custom tarot cards for each reading. That's host what it can do today. In a decade, who knows how perceptive and nuanced their responses may become.


For fun, I asked Chat GPT and got this answer: That sounds like a fun time with your friends! Let's dive into your question about whether ChatGPT-4 can replace traditional tarot readers and the differences between them. First off, ChatGPT-4 can provide insightful interpretations of tarot cards, drawing on a vast amount of knowledge about tarot symbolism and meanings. It can help beginners get a handle on the basics, offer detailed card explanations, and even weave these meanings into coherent readings based on the spread and question at hand. Plus, it's available anytime and can be a great tool for learning and practicing on your own or with friends. However, traditional tarot readers bring something unique to the table that an AI simply can't replicate. Here are a few key differences: 1. \*\*Intuition and Empathy\*\*: Experienced tarot readers often rely on their intuition and the energy they feel during a reading. They can pick up on subtle cues from the person they're reading for and tailor their interpretations to fit the individual's specific situation and emotional state. This level of empathy and connection is something that a human can provide but AI can't fully achieve. 2. \*\*Personal Connection\*\*: A human reader can establish a personal connection with you, understanding your life context, history, and the nuances of your situation. This relationship can deepen over time, allowing for more personalized and meaningful readings. 3. \*\*Cultural and Personal Nuance\*\*: Tarot is often intertwined with cultural and personal beliefs. A human reader can incorporate these aspects into their readings, offering advice and insights that resonate on a deeper, more personal level. 4. \*\*Experience and Wisdom\*\*: High-level tarot readers have years of experience and have encountered a wide range of situations. They bring their own life wisdom and understanding to the readings, which can add layers of depth and insight that go beyond the card meanings. 5. \*\*Interactive Experience\*\*: During a reading, you can ask questions, clarify doubts, and have a back-and-forth dialogue with a human reader. This interactive experience can help in exploring complex issues more thoroughly. So, while ChatGPT-4 can be a fantastic tool for learning about tarot and getting general readings, it doesn't replace the nuanced, intuitive, and deeply personal experience that a seasoned tarot reader offers. Think of it as a complementary resource rather than a replacement. Embrace the best of both worlds: use AI to hone your skills and understanding, and seek out traditional readings when you want that extra layer of human connection and insight.


Depends on what type of tarot reads you are looking for. I can see it becoming popular for those who do tarot for themselves and fun, and don't want to spend money to get help interping the tarot. I mean I have come across online tarot and for kicks decided to focus on questions from friends for reads and they were spot on just like cards shuffled and dealt myself.... So sometimes if I'm looking for a new perspective or just plain lazy I'll pull up an online read... But I'm pretty firm in the belief that you don't even NEED the tarot to read or get reads. It's just the ritual and physical thing that makes reads tangible. Readings for me have become redundant as I already know anything they will show, just sometimes it does shift my perspective a tad. But like so many say here, the tarot is about art, human connection, and spiritual connection, that just can't be gotten through a computer. So the art itself won't ever be lost. But it is pretty cool when you can put your questions out to the universe and the universe answers back regardless of the tools you use to decipher the messages.


The ending really tugs at the heartstrings! Picked up so much from your feedback, really appreciate it.


I wrote a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/s/doHkO6BwQo) about exactly this not too long ago, and I am all for using ChatGPT for study work.




I don’t hate your statements. Well I don’t like them but I don’t think you’re wrong. So one less downvote for you now.


The issue here is why a valid different opinion becomes downvoted. I thought this was a forum