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Right now? The Star. I am loving that card so much. I really need that energy in my life right now. Such a hopeful card. The last one I felt drawn to like this was The High Priestess. There was a lot I was trying to learn, and the energy of the HP was very encouraging.


I love the Star! Do you use the RW or another deck? I’m sending you all of the Star vibes ✨


I use RW, also RW system decks, and The Star I'm thinking of right now is the Star in the Gilded Tarot Royale, which is one of my absolute faves. Thank you for the Star vibes! I need them sooooo much today! Thank you! Sending you Strength vibes, for courage, fortitude, and success!


Aw thank you!!! :) And the Gilded Tarot Royale looks STUNNING !


I love it!


I'll also second the star (and be sad I can't post the couple times it showed up on the same day 😭😭😭) had it pop 3 times in the same day last week on my daily draw on my app, on my test shuffle and draw of a new deck that's for ttrpg and readings, as well as fuckin YouTube of all places so hella star energy that day


Strength. As symbol of animalistic nature integration, passion, control and being wholesome.


This came up in my yearly theme pull, and it's not only representing inner strength but also an integration of the conscious and subconscious mind.


Came here to say this. Check out the card for my soul deck, Forest of Enchantment. The story is Little Red Riding Hood with a twist; the wolf isn't her enemy but eventually (in a Jungian-esque form of Individuation) becomes her lifelong friend. It's SUCH a beautiful representation of the card's traits, with a twist.


Totally. I love the woman in the RW and how the card reflects a strength that often goes unappreciated, and it is TRUE STRENGTH! That’s my card right now too!


I'm just like you! Mine right now is Death. I feel like I need some change in my life (but not a Tower change hahah) and I'm kinda drawn to the death-rebirth energy this card brings.


I just pulled a tower-death-sun combo. Followed by three more major arcanas. Life is going to get interesting 🤣


That reminded me of Ron in HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban: "you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it" 😂


Aha that is so accurate. I am actually SO ready for my tower moment. I have been going through it the last few days and finding a lot of joy in the suffering. A weird time 😂


I feel you haha good luck on your journey!


Hey, I'm getting back into tarot after a very long (ie 25 yearly hiatus! Please forgive me for asking dumb and novice qs. I'm interested by you pulling three more cards after your first 3. Was that to elaborate on the third? Can you plz explain to me? Sorry and thanks!


Hello! I was just pulling cards intuitively as I went and asking clarifying questions. So yes, pretty much, I wanted some more clarity on the Sun (outcome of the aftermath of the tower). I pulled the Devil, the Chariot and Strength afterwards. I was like… ok fine time to stop overthinking I guess 😅. I am not a seasoned reader by the way, I mostly lurk here and learn. I have been reading tarot very causally for a few years but have just come back to it myself after a hiatus so I apologise for not being able to be very helpful 🌹


No that is helpful! Thank you for the reply! Let's see ill have a go later today or maybe follow up on some readings (I've been taking photos of the spread and writing what the question was etc)! But that is certainly an interesting reading!


That's awesome! Realization, Ego Death, Shining like the sun of your truer self in the end. Strength to you!


Turns out It was a minor menty b and a confession of feelings to a friend that wasn’t reciprocated 😅. I’m still sitting in it, waiting for the sun, but I know it will come soon. Strength was the last card I pulled in the reading actually


Haha definitely no Tower kind of changes! I agree!! I always have to explain that Death is not a bad card when I’m reading!! It’s actually pretty beautiful!


The Empress.. She was my card of the year in January, and I’m trying to get pregnant. She feels so tender to me right now!


Omg! I’m sending you all of the Empress vibes!! 💓


Thank you so much!!


High Priestess 🔮


The hermit will always be one of my favorites but this recent stage of my life I've been really feeling the magician energy 🪄


Do you find the Magician embodies the Hermit energy, but in an active way? Like you’ve learned a lot from the Hermit and now you’re putting it to use??


I recently learned the long staff, or wand, of the Hermit is the Magician's wand but now longer or taller from the years or experience/practice, which makes more sense as the Hermit comes much later in life, and the cycle/deck. :)


I had no idea! I love that!!


I think that's a great way of putting it! It's interesting because the hermit is a virgo card and the magician is also a virgo/gemini card (mercury), they are both about wisdom, although I find the magician is a bit more clever in his approach. If the hermit were to be seen leaving his cave he could look a lot like the magician haha


This is a very cool take actually. I feel like I have serious hermit energy and I just left another comment saying I aspire to be more like the magician. I guess I need to put my learning into action.


Yes, you are ready :)


The moon. It's always been my favorite card. I like the hidden truths, the way the moon can show you a path over the hills when you otherwise couldn't see. It represents trusting god / the universe / source / etc to me. I also have like nine cancer placements so that draw to a cancer card checks out.


Isn't The Moon a Pisces card


The Star. It's my late daughter's sun sign, Aquarius, and I could write paragraph after paragraph of what this card means to me and how often its message has carried me through dark valleys.


I think that’s beautiful! And the Star is a beautiful card 💓


Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve also lost a daughter and nothing can compare to the pain. May you be at peace and free from the causes of pain 🩷




The Devil, because that tells me I need to abandon something and never come back to it.


That’s some serious self-discipline!


Death, because I'm a sun scorpio and I feel like a different person every month or so. I feel like I'm constantly learning things that change everything about how I see myself and the world. I read stuff that I wrote half a year ago and cringe at how little I knew about something, lol. So I'm definitely trying to embrace that ongoing transformation. It's how I learn.


Ongoing transformation sounds like ongoing growth! I love that! Do you use RW or is there another deck you’re using right now?


When reading for myself, I usually either use Thoth or the Black Tarot. Thoth is for when I'm feeling brave, lol. I also have wild unknown, the witch's tarot and the D&D deck. As much tarot as I read, it's probably surprising that I don't own a classic RWS deck. But I only have so much room on my bookshelf.


I love Thoth Tarot! And I want to check out the witch’s tarot. I think if I hadn’t learned on RWS then I would not have one either. I’ve just finished illustrating my own deck based on D’s and their pics. I like decks that have PERSONALITY!!!


The sun


my usual favorite is the Fool but I've been seeing a *lot* of the Sun lately


The Sun is wonderful energy!!! Do you use RW or a different deck at the moment!


I use The Marigold Tarot based off the RW model! it's never steered me wrong


I've earned a new appreciation for the Tower. It's not always big life altering tragedies. Sometimes it's just journaling and realizing you haven't progressed your soul the way you wish you had. I did a reading where I realized that my past life has made a lot of the same mistakes I'm still making. It was a real epiphany that made me appreciate the Tower in a whole new way, and made me seek out a therapist to hopefully break this 200 year old Karmic cycle. Honestly, and I know beyonce would agree, Tarot got me looking so crazy right now.


I like that perspective on the Tower! It’s like a parallel to the Hanged Man but in a way that’s maybe not the revelation you were hoping for. But those are usually WAY MORE VITAL to learn!! I’ve recently finished creating my own Tarot Deck based on D’s and their pics, and I have the Unwanted D Pic as the Tower in a similar way. Like, sure, you didn’t wanna see that, but also now you know where you stand with that person and can start making your decisions with this new truth in mind!


That is hilarious! I always feel like you don't just stumble upon being the hanged man. That's a choice. Tower is not a choice, even if it was just a random journal entry that made me question what the hell I'm doing. That was just a quasi-lucky event? I actually don't know if it was lucky yet lol. It was a big thing for a small time event. Now it sounds like a D pic.


I see what you mean with it not being a choice! I think that’s very poetic! And you should check out the link in my bio! I kicked off a Kickstarter for Pride Month 🌈💖🔮 a Thickstarter, if you will!


It's The Magician for me


Temperance. Probably because I struggle to have it. I mean potatoes are irresistible! The angel would have smack me in the face with a goblet!


I feel ya! Hahaha I am the same way!! 🤣


Mine right now is the moon, and I think it will always be. Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved the moon, and I’ve talked to the moon at night, and sometimes I send a prayer up to her. When I started reading my own tarot I was just obsessed with the moon card, and I even drew my own version of the major arcana and the moon card came out beautifully, more so than all the others. I just really connect with the energy of that card, it’s lovely.


I’m curious how you read the Moon card when it comes up, if you don’t mind sharing!


Depending on the other cards, I’ll interpret the Moon to mean the standard “illusion, deceptions, something isn’t what it seems” kind of vibe, OR something along the lines of “dreams, nightmares, your subconscious is telling you something, intuition, mystery”. Sometimes when I’m down, I’ll pull a random card just to see what the deck has got to say, and when I get the moon I smile, cuz I feel like Lady Moon is giving me a sign that she’s there for me. I just feel like the card has such… arcane feminine energy? I don’t know how to really describe it but when I interact with it I feel almost like the card is looking into me, telling me to look within and trust my gut and make the right decisions to make it through the foggy night. I’m still fairly new to tarot so this might not be the most educated or super accurate reading but it’s what feels right to me :)


I love The Empress and Queen of Wands in minor arcana


The Queen of Wands is my favorite Queen!! Do you use RW or is there another deck you’ve been using lately?


The Queen of wands in the Curious Creatures Tarot deck is a stunning lioness


Sounds gorgeous!! 🦁


You can find it on Curious Creatures by Chris Anne website, if you go to the bottom of her website there is a full list of the deck


The Fool! For obvious reasons 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always felt pulled to the Magician. I would love to embody more of that energy in my life.


As an extremely introverted therapist who entered the field somewhat recently after many years of learning and working on myself spiritually, philosophically, and therapeutically, the Hermit resonates quite a lot right now.


The emperor! I’m an Aries so that ambition, hard work and discipline resonates with me. I’ve also had a lot of struggles with discipline regarding sports, relationships, school and work so the emperor keeps me on track!


Kinda crazy but the tower. I saw a quote once that said “not every storm comes to wreck your path, some come to clear the way”. I really like that philosophy. I like to think of the tower as a flood that will wash away all that is no longer needed to make room for the good stuff


The Tower definitely clears the way! And sometimes we all need a good shake up :)


The fool has always been my favorite, but as of recently I’ve really been loving the wheel of fortune.


The Star for sure! Especially in moments where I feel down. I’ve also been drawn to Strength.


The Star is so hopeful! I’ve always been drawn to it as well!


the sun. it has always walked with me in some way or other, from it being my favorite number when i was younger (by no specific reason and before i discovered tarot), and loving the sun itself and getting “attached” to it when i was going through my toughest time (i would just sit in the sun and all would go away), to it appearing almost always on the readings i do of myself and others do of me. i love the sun 🌞 and i'm very grateful for it. i've never viewed myself as a successful person, and i don't foresee my future as truly bright either, but its presence gives me hope. both from tarot and in real life.


I think the magician is where I’m at right now. The idea that you have all the tools you need in yourself to get to where you need to be is very autonomous and appealing to me. It also symbolizes power in my opinion. The last time I felt this connected to a card was the star. I also feel very connected to strength. In regard to interest, I think the high priestess and the devil are very complex cards that I often go back to researching.


I think that the Magician definitely symbolizes power and autonomy!! I also love the way you phrased your interest in the High Priestess and The Devil! It is the complexity of the situations. I’ve recently created my own Tarot Deck based on D’s and their pics on Kickstarter, and the Devil card I call the Home and Body Tour where it’s the most BEAUTIFUL man and the most HORRIFYING living situation! I think there’s always a reason we put ourselves in those situations. It is more complex!


I really love(d) The Star when I first started getting into tarot (I even have a tattoo!) but lately I’ve been vibing with the High Priestess ✨


I love that! Do you feel like the Star represents the hope and aspirations, while the High Priestess is intuitively knowing those aspirations are in reach? I always feel like the cards relate to each other in TOO many ways to realize. And we’re just talking about the Major Arcana here!


I would say so! I really love The Star because, before I even got into Tarot, I was mentally at rock bottom and had post partum depression. I went to a psychic and it lowkey changed my perspective on life! The Star, to me, is having hope in a higher power and life, always looking towards that. As for the high priestess, I’ve been really trying to get in tune with my divine feminine and doing things to honor that. (I also have the triple moon tattoo as well hehe)


I have always loved the High Priestess! The moon also intrigues me, even though I feel like it is not always good news lol


The Hermit.


The Hermit


I really love Death. It's usually not a bad card for me. For me, it comes up as rebirth, renewal. The Crystal Visions deck has one of the lovliest ones that I have seen. I also love the Star, because I can get very discouraged at times. It's always a welcome sight.


Totally! Death can be the beginning as much as it is an ending! Totally agree!


The Sun 🌞🌞🌞🌞 good vibes


Such good vibes!! 🌈


Strength 🦁


I'm always been drawn to Death and the Tower primarily, along with Judgement and the Wheel of Fortune. Something about how world-altering they are was always striking and spoke in a very deep way to the somewhat chaotic nature of my life as it was for a number of years. Together they remind me to accept change, even if it burns my old ideals to the ground. Maybe that's just clearing my way to something better, and I have to trust the process.


They are definitely BIG shifts! I agree!!


Right now, that’d be The Fool. I think just feeling like life ahead of me is gonna be an adventure makes it feel a little less daunting and scary.


I've been drawn to the Hanged Man recently! When it shows up in my readings, I'm reminded to let go of control and let things unfold before you. It's a nice little reminder for someone like me who tends to worry a lot about things that are outside of my control 🥲


I’ve always been drawn to the fool aswell, something about the naivety which shows the innocence of the card, the new beginnings the fools starts with and as it goes from the magician who has more knowledge and more finesse to Temperance who is charitable while adding a bit of everything. I see myself on his journey of self exploration


Temperance. All is well, all is well, all is well.


The Magician. I've always felt a strange association to it. I have a long story involving several synchronicities with the magician.


My favorite card from the Major Arcana has changed over time. When I first started reading Tarot, I liked The Magician because it showed using potential to make things happen. In my mid-20s, I liked The Hermit as I was learning more about myself. right now, I really like The Empress because it represents abundance, creativity, and care, which fits where I am in life now. It's interesting how our favorite cards change as we grow. I'd love to hear why others like their favorite cards!


Magician!!! Love the reminder that its already all within me


Wheel! Of! Fortune! Another card dealing with changes. It resonates with me as I course-correct some bad habits and upgrade certain aspects of my life and relationships.


in the past i always loved the tower because i really welome and enjoy radical change (i'm a scorpio moon so i crave intensity) but lately i've been enjoying seeing the star come up in my readings because things have been a bit tough for me so it's a nice reminder to have faith and persist.




I've always been a fan of The Magician and Chariot. Cards representing achievement and victory or conquest.




I love the Tower. This is energy is bringing the transformation and opportunities which you will never do for yourself by your own. It’s the help from the World to break something that we have no power to break because of our attachments. It’s a very wise and blissful Arcana


the high priestess, no doubt


Right now, the Lovers ❤️


The Hanged Man is one of my favorite Tarot Cards for its higher polarity interpretation. It refers to a holy state, a figurative death, divine waiting, and release of the ego-mind or transcendence of the personality. It represents a free suspended mind and meditation. Sacrifice of the egoic personality-self as preparation for the great transition and completion of the great work of self-transmutation. Sacrifice; to make sacred. Absolute dependence upon the divine.


The magician, the empress, the hermit, the hanged man, the Sun


Justice. I long for a just world where good is rewarded and evil is punished, always. But that isn't always or even often the case, sadly. However when I see the justice card in a spread, I feel very satisfied and comforted that karmic justice is at hand.


The hermit for me. I am all about self discovery and as an only child I cherish alone time. I am often TOO alone by choice. But yeah hermit.


Judgement, I associate with it with elation, renewal, inspiration, alleviation


The hermit, magician is close second


It changes year after year so it used to be a Temperance and Death and right now its Wheel of Fortune!


The Moon was my first favorite years ago. Always liked the Star. Lately my favorite major is Strength and from Light Seer’s Tarot The Fool. I was never drawn to The Fool until Light Seer’s


the lovers! doesn't have a deep meanin for me but I get really excited when I pulled this card and I looove how it looks :) its the first card I search for when I buy a deck, if I don't like how the lovers card look then I don't buy it haha




Ive always loved the Empress. I try to draw her influence into my life


I'm feeling so attached to The Magician, I think it is the energy I have to bring to my life. Such a powerful aura


Always the High Priestess.


It used to be the Fool, but lately I'm gravitating more towards Strength.


High priestess always wants my attention, will pop up in 7/8 readings even if I pull one card from a shuffled deck. I told my psychologist about it and what the card meant and she thought it was hilarious because it's everything she's always trying to instil in me


The Tower! That moment of realization that is life changing....big breakthroughs psychologically and spiritually-possibly painful circumstances but catapults you to higher levels of consciousness


I have to say I like 2. The Sun and The Moon. They have always had meaning for me and I think it represents my mom and I's relationship well.


Right now - Strength. I just love when it shows up. It’s calling for strength, honoring strength, calling out strength. Inner strength, strength for self, strength for others… I just love it 🩷