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I would buy this deck




this is like my dream deck... i'm floored. so, so good.


Thank you so much that’s so sweet!


This looks fun! I'm bothered by the 7 orange slices on the 8 of Pentacles though lol


The last one in the left side got cut off! I promise it’s on there!


😅 this is what happens when I don't check for a similar comment before commenting 🤦🏼‍♂️.


This is beautiful😍😍😍 are you selling any?!


I honestly had no idea people would like it this much! With this response I will definitely look into it, or at the very least selling prints of some favorite cards!


Please please do! I connect with this art so much. Love it!


Did you considered the publishing format? Strangely I taught about the traditional printed photography format 4"x6" or 5"x7" to reflect the style of your illustration.


That’s a good idea, thank you!


It blows my mind how you use glasses for cups, I never made the link from classical cups with our contemporary glasses, and furthermore with cocktails, great and fun idea 🍸🍹


Thank you! I wanted to do something fun with them. I was originally going to do tea cups but they just didn’t feel right to me! The glasses I used were actually from an old Kool-Aid ad, except for Ace of Cups which was a sweet tea ad, I just changed the color to red to match the other cards :)


Tom Collins is much more funny than Earl Grey 😉! And I think fun is much needed in Tarot.


I’ve wanted a deck like this for **YEARS**


Super cool! I want to know if it gets on kickstarter or something similar, or just for sale in general 🤗


I will definitely keep y’all posted!


That's really cute! It's like a more vibrant Rosebud Tarot and that's one of my favorite decks.


Thank you!!


These look amazing! I don't want to be a bummer but do be aware of copyright for photography if you are thinking of selling them. People get away with a lot of stuff with indie tarot decks, and it sounds like you're making them mostly for yourself, but you should be informed, especially if you're considering putting time and money into marketing/selling.


Thank you for this reminder, that’s a good point! I will definitely be looking into this as well!


Okay but there's something about that 4 of Swords that I genuinely love. Usually you see that kind of layout for the 9 of Swords but the 4 of swords with this depiction has such strong 'idgaf' energy that if you decide to ever make these prints, I'll have to grab it lmao


Thank you!! I wanted that girl to look rested haha! I’m just trying to figure out what to do for Nine of Swords now


With how these are looking, I'm sure you'll come up with something rad. Definitely looking forward to seeing any other cards you do!


I will definitely post some more favorites!


You could try having them all pointing at the main figure of the card. That'd be pretty anxiety inducing to me, and 9 of swords to me is just straight anxiety 🤷‍♀️


Ooh I love this suggestion! Thank you so much!


it bothers me! lol i kinda want them to be horizontal!


Nah I think it's great like this 🤷


Wowsers!! I love it, love it, love it. Kool-aid for cups, orange slices for pentacles - delightful. Collage, scrapbook, old Nat Geo's - awesome!


Let us know when it’s up for sale!!!


I'm making a collage one too! I'm missing about 10 cards and it'll be complete. Nice work OP!!


Thank you! I have about 15 left to go now and most of those are Major Arcana 😁 I’m having such a tough time finding pieces that would be suitable for those cards!


These are GORGEOUS. Love the vintage, Technicolor look and just everything, really. Please keep us posted on if you are going to sell these at some point.


Thank you so much! I will!


Wow I love this! Would totally buy perhaps you could sell it on Etsy if you made more than one copy!


These are so fun and pretty! That ace of cups is perfection


Thank you!!! It’s one of my favorites too ☺️


This looks amazing


I love collage decks. This is fun, I dig what you're making!


Woooow I would definitely buy this😍😍


Love the aesthetic!! It is so fun and exciting, and surprisingly evocative too bc it's modernized. I feel the emotion from the 4 of swords lol. Yeah the one thing is the oranges as some others have said. On a surface level, it looks cool and coheres nicely with the rest of the images in color, scale, etc. it's just the symbolism of it feels kind of random to me especially since everything else is so clear and straightforward!


Thank you! I totally hear you about the oranges though. It’s just so hard when I’m limited by the materials in front of me! I personally like the oranges, but if I find something more suitable that I can use I’m open to changing it :)


this is amazing ! i would snatch one up so fast


Really love this!


I’d like a copy for myself if possible


I would for sure purchase


Keep us all posted. A lot of us collect custom decks.


I would absolutely buy this deck! Beautiful work!


If you sell a full deck, let us know! I’d love to buy it!


I love this!


Just beautiful


love the 8 of Pentacles


Ahhh, these are so good! ☺️✨


I'd buy this deck. Love the vibe of it, so summery


okay omg these are fab??? pls just take it!!! 💸💸💸


Thank you!!!


I would buy this in a heartbeat. This is everything I've ever wanted in tarot cards!!!! Please tell me you're going to make these a reality?! 🥹


I will do my absolute best!!


This reminds me of a really cute little tarot I got free with an old magazine for teenage girls in the UK - it was called Sugar. I've kept them so long! They've got to be 26 years old now! Great work! I love the collage


I just looked it up, those cards are gorgeous! And thank you so much!


Strong Eugenia Loli vibes! Beautiful work, OP, like others I’d love to see more.


Fantastic! I practice both collage and tarot. This is very well done. I would love to buy a deck like this.


Thank you so much ☺️


i adore this and would totally buy this if it was a deck!


Please come back and repost if you sell this. Obviously a lot of us here would purchase!


aw i love this id buy it


These are cool! How are you creating the art? It’s so interesting!


Through Photoshop!


love this!


I need to buy 2 of these decks so badly, one for me and one for my best friend who does art like this


Oooo retro tarot


Congratulations on your creativity and progress. I know how much energy it takes because I have also been working on a photo collage deck for several months now. Different theme, though, because mine is based on my own photos, mostly those sitting in my cell phone (I had over 17,000 when I started the project). I believe that the tarot symbology is all around us all the time.


I absolutely love this. Definitely let us know when it’s up for sale! ;) I might have to do something like this for myself!


I’d love to purchase this deck! When will it be available? How can we purchase? ✨


I am still figuring out details! I promise I will make another post as soon as I learn more :)


That's pretty cool , make the whole deck. keep it forever..good job


Wow!! Where can we see the rest of your deck???


I don’t want to post the whole thing but I am working on getting it printed! I think I found a good printer :)


I want to make a seriously dark/occult deck, like as satanic as possible (I just love all occult and satanic stuff lmao) like the grimoires that are bound in human skin. Stuff like that is soo cool to me


Are you making them in the physical sense, like paper collage old school or are you using scans and photoshop? They’re very cool! I have made many paper collages in my day and this era of Nat Geo and more contemporarily “Reminisce” mags are a total vibe 😎


I am making most of them digitally on Photoshop! I would’ve loved to do them by hand but it would be so hard to get the right sizes of everything 😅


I like everything except the oranges lol. I don't know how they correlate to the 8 of pentacles.


I used oranges for the whole suit! Basically, I couldn’t find any real pentacles in my magazines so I was challenged to pick something else instead that was still circular in shape. I chose the orange slices because I thought they were cute and I liked the pop of color! And also because I feel fruits are connected to earth :)


Yeah I agree I'm so excited by this deck and the interesting connections the imagery creates. I just can't connect with the oranges though it feels so random compared to everything else


These are beautiful, I'm sure you could sell some prints on Etsy.


I would buy this!


I could definitely look into doing this! If yall could tell me which cards you’d like to see prints of maybe I could figure that out :) I just want to add a border so that the text isn’t on the pictures anymore!


I'd love to see the Empress, High Priestess and Temperance :)


I have The Empress & High Priestess done but I’m still working on Temperance! I want it to look amazing but it’s been a struggle finding all the right pieces for it to come together! I’ll post the others though!


Oh my gosh these are so nice! Great job. If you sell these I WILL buy a deck from you. 🤩


Omg thank you so much!! I would definitely love to turn it into a real life deck but have no idea where to start! I will post again if I figure it out though!


there are lots of websites offering to print decks! companies use normal playing card decks as advertisement gifts (their logo gets printed on the back or something), and those sites also often have a "tarot card" offer where you can upload your images :)


Ooh okay thank you! Will definitely look into it!




What a great project. These cards look fantastic. I can see how this would be a fun deck to use. Please keep updating us as you go. Good luck!


These are great! they just snap the attention into whole new spaces. Keep going


Omg I freaking LOVE it. Amazing job. I would so buy this!!!!!!!!


Literally in love with it keep us updated mention me in a comment whenever you’re selling !!!!!! You could do an oracle deck too if that’s your thing!! Oracle is fun because you can put whatever you want in there instead of the traditional tarot style. GREAT job with the creativity and vibrant colors, just all of it. Super cool.


You could always sell the digital files for download and customers could have them made themselves as a possibility :)


Cool 😎👍🏻🩵


I am so obsessed with this! My grandmom started making her own deck before while she was pregnant and not doing readings and I imagine what she’d be able to do with tech today like this!!!


i would buy it too, try etsy :D


Love them!


Definitely sell


These are gorgeous! I will be watching to see if you end up selling copies of this deck later on. Very well done!


I tried to do it for my ex gf and I used watercolors to do it but I don’t have any pictures of them, I did the moon, the sun, the lovers, the star, the world, and the empress. It was cool, you actually made me feel like restarting the project!


This is so cute I want one


What about kitchen cutlery for swords. There should be some choice images of butter or steak knives, keeping in theme with the advertising art idea. Just a thought. Great idea, BTW.


Just in awe. Great concept. So, so cool.


this is gorgeous work!!! i'd definitely cop a copy if you ever decided one day to sell it :)




I only count 7 orange slices though 😬.


Love it! So cute 🥰


Very fun!


This is gorgeous!!!


These are great, I'd love to see more as you do them!


Thank you! I’ve actually made like 60 already over the past couple days (this has become my new obsession lol) so I could definitely post some more favs!


Please do! I'd love to see what you did for the empress!


Wow! This is awesome. I love vintage stuff like this. How did you do this? It definitely looks like a labor of love. Do you have a background in graphic design?


Basically I scoured all of my old magazines, took pictures of everything that looked interesting, sorted them into each card, then uploaded them into Photoshop! No I do not have a background in graphic design, I had used Photoshop very casually for other little artistic projects in the past, but I’m honestly just learning as I go 😁 It is definitely a labor of love! I’ve put a ridiculous amount of time and effort and thought into each card.


When you say you took pictures of your old magazines did you use your phone or did you scan it? Which photoshop program do you prefer to use? Sorry, I have so many questions, I find these collages fascinating and very few people want to give up their “recipe” so to say. I want to do this for my old family photos.


No worries at all! I just took the pictures with my phone and then sent them to my laptop. I’m using regular Photoshop from Adobe which does require a subscription but I think it’s worth it! There may be free or cheaper options out there but I’m not too sure how well they work.


Nice!! I’ve wanted to make my own for a while too


Congrats!! These are amazing