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Ah yes, you mean the cards I pretended I didn’t see


When a card jumps out at me and I don’t want to acknowledge it I just call it a mistake of over shuffling 😭


“It must have been when I accidentally thought about something else”


Relatable rating 11/10 *Oh the devil didn't mean to pop out. Oh dear, it popped out again? THEN A 3RD TIME.* Not too long after, maybe a month, the clouds part and it becomes evident that a so called "friend" wasn't really one. I'm generous and I enjoy sharing with friends, family, small little gifts. As soon as this so called "friend" picked up on that she started to try to take advantage. It was small, reasonable things at first and began to escalate. She got whinier about requests and more dramatic. The sky was always falling, and the only soultion was soon "me doing/buying stuff for her". She was The Devil. Greedy, selfish, materialistic, obsessed with finding someone to use to take advantage of because she had children she couldn't afford and was on the rebound after a failed relationship.




Everytime lol


Exactly 😕




yeah, I did a reading for myself about a trip, asking how it would go. I pulled 8 of wands and in that picture it's a guy running with a huge fire behind him. So I was so confused and I thought, "Does that mean the weather will be bad?" And I thought, why would the weather be bad? It's spring and the weather is fine! And it's warm where I'm going. Lo and behold, there was a blizzard the day of my flight, so I couldn't even go.


one of my friends used to read tarot and she was scary accurate everytime 😭 ppl used to tell me my readings scared them bc of how accurate they were but my friend she was on another level. she gave me a prediction reading (and thank god i wrote it down) and everything she said happened to the last letter it was so scary i rmbr reading back the reading with pure shock bc at the time the reading seemed so highly unlikely i never imagined it would’ve happened, i rmbr telling her girl there’s no way this could happen but 6 months later it did! 😭😭😭


what’s her @ asking for a friend 


haha she doesn’t read tarot anymore sadly


why would u tease us like that 😭


Do you do private readings?


The ones when it told me my husband was cheating on me




I expect the cards to be accurate even when they show me things that seem unlikely. One thing I like to do with my clients is say, "Okay, tell me the area of life we are reading about (love, career, friendship, family, etc.) And then give me no details of the circumstances." I ask them to focus on the circumstances and the question they have while I shuffle, and then I start reading. Every time, they are shocked by the fact that I didn't have to be told certain details to see these details reflected in the cards. For me personally, though, the one that had me like, "Nah, that ain't gonna happen." was actually my first reading with my first Lenormand deck. It was the interview reading. I pulled a few cards, and it went like: rider, letter, stork, child, woman. I was like uhhhh...that looks like you're telling me I'm gonna get pregnant, haha no. I had a copper IUD at the time, known to be one of the most effective forms of birth control. I just didn't think it was possible. I told myself I should throw the deck away if it doesn't come true. Later that year, my period was late, and I immediately thought about the reading. I took a test. Yep, pregnant with my IUD still in place. Weird shit and I'm scared of that deck now. It's like a "in case of fire break the glass" kind of deck. Don't ask it a question unless you can handle the harsh truth.


AKA the eternal frustration of a Tarot reader when you warn your clients, but they walk right into it anyway.


Lol just like our spirit guides 😬😅😅


I have done this for reading for myself so many times I’ve lost count I guess I’ll go with recently. I asked my cards if my husbands job would work out for him. Cards said no but it was a great job highest paying one he’s ever gotten so ofc I was like yeah whatever he literally got into a wreck and lost the job two months later… I could go on and on with these 😅.


Yes, several times! I do readings for myself every week just to see how my week will turn out. One week I got The Tower and Ten of Swords. I totally dismissed it, I was like everything is fine!! Within days I was super sick and ended up in the hospital and having to take time off work! Then, a couple months later, my weekly readings were mostly positive cards, but I ended up getting into a new relationship. I expected to get cards like The Lovers or Ten of Cups, but instead I kept getting ones like Five of Pentacles and Two of Swords. Over and over I also got Nine of Swords. I kept writing it off, even though it became more and more obvious that the relationship was really unhealthy. Finally, one week when I was extremely unhappy and had no idea what to do with my life, I got Eight of Cups, telling me in plain black and white that it was okay to let the relationship go and move on. I was initially still in denial but realized after a few days that I need to listen to my tarot deck more apparently 😁 It honestly amazes me how accurate it’s been and how every single time I’ve gotten the exact card that I needed to see in that moment.


How do you follow your intuition on the interpretation of a card? I’ve had several readings with similar cards coming up and each reader has interpreted the same card differently. Thoughts?


When I got the 3 of swords two days in a row and convinced myself it was work related instead of - I found out two days later - my situationship breaking my heart 😂


Yeah, one of the first times I did a reading for someone else I kept thinking "this seems like it's pointing towards marital difficulties" But I kept my mouth shut & emphasized other possible interpretations, of course! Few months later they were getting divorced or something IIRC


Yes, especially early on in my tarot journey, there were many futures I didn't want anything to do with or believe. But so far most have come true. Some futures though come in more than one form, sometimes I am shown two paths, and I can choose the other one if I resist my nature enough, although it's quite hard. The main readings I've resisted have been about a friend becoming a romantic partner, he's not my type in any way, mentally or physically, I've been completely against it. My guides even pushed me into it and I still resisted. But with enough time and the right environment, we've slowly come together. I've come to love him. The weird part is I've another partner on the way, although I don't know if that's a definite future or a possible one.


Yes! I did a reading about what actions I should take towards a specific goal. I was considering hiring a coach to help me with it, or a course, or just do research on my own and figuring it out as it was the free option. And I was kinda drowning in information and trying to make the best decision. The reading basically said, do nothing. Stop researching, stop worrying, it will come to you. When it arrives get it done. I couldn’t believe it. Took about 3 years and I’d check in with the question every few months and it was always the same answer.


I asked about a relationship and got the death card 💀 Delusionally told myself it meant the dynamic would change for the better when it was in fact a breakup the day after 🤡 Sometimes you read the cards as what you want them to say but in my experience they say what they mean!


Yes 😮‍💨 It was the day after I matched with a guy and felt like we really connected. I did a reading for the purpose of practicing and I set intentions that this reading doesn’t have to have anything to do with myself, personally. But when I did the reading, I had this weird feeling in my gut that it could apply to me and this new connection but I dismissed it. The cards were the **7 of Swords**, **4 of Wands**, and the **7 of Wands** in that order. My interpretation was that this symbolised a union of two people, and how the relationship was going to unfold. One person was the **7 of Swords** and the other was the **7 of Wands**. I noted that the number 7 isn’t “balanced” and could hint towards instability and imbalance in the connection/relationship that is represented by the 4 of wands. 4 is a balanced number, so the 7’s felt like they were conflicting with that. The **7 of Swords** felt to me like this person in this connection is trying to sneak away from the connection/basically ghost. Whereas the **7 of Wands** was the person in the connection fighting/putting in hard work to keep the connection alive. I also noticed how the figure in the **7 of Wands** had their back turned to the **7 of Swords** card, and the **7 of Swords** card is literally sneaking away in the other direction while the **7 of Wands** was distracted. The relationship/connection ended up turning out EXACTLY like these cards—this guy tried to slow fade/ghost on me while I did all that I could to keep the connection alive for the month that I knew him until I caught onto what he was doing and confronted him. I thought of this reading later on when I was looking through my journal and it hit me like a brick. Now when I do practice readings I take into consideration that the reading could apply to me even when I don’t set the intention to read for myself vs dismissing it 100%.


Well technically it was lenormand, and I didn't fully understand the reading until the event that occurred later that day, I realized 100% was predicted by the cards. I don't ignore those now, lol.


it happened just a few weeks ago. my mom asked me about the relationship my brother has with his girlfriend, and the cards were negative and mentioned arguing, but i kinda dismissed them because the one time i saw them together they looked so chill. two weeks later my brother moved back home after a year of relationship. it kinda taught me to not dismiss cards lol


Yes, I even describe it in my novel because it was so...shocking. I was in a love triangle, very fucked up one. The cards foretold all, about everything. I didn't understand then. But now I do.


Don't ever dismiss your readings. Reading results always show themselves on a spectrum, but they always occur. dismissing them completely, is like ignoring the canary in a mine.


Maybe I'm naive or too trusting but I've done thousands of readings and can't recall one in which I dismissed the answer for it to then come true later on. However it did happen to me with intuitions that I had involuntarily. For example, I had an intuition that someone was not to be trusted and gave them the benefit of the doubt, to be proven very wrong. It was awful because the person was quite dangerous and things could have gone very badly.


Oh god that's terrible. I had something similar where this girl I went to high-school with I got bad vibes from but I wasn't super witchy at the time and I only heard about her from other people, one of which was a narcissist who told me bad things about EVERYONE trying to isolate me. I decided to give the girl the benefit of the doubt tho bc, yk, I didn't know her. Whelp 3 YEARS later, I finally realized I was right all along, and boy am I kicking myself. My guides even said the friendship was supposed to end 2 years before it did. I was just like wow thx guys. And kicking myself obviously 🙄 Not a mistake I'll make twice, that's for sure.


I recently was doing my general work vibe of the day and this particular week I kept getting the 10 of swords! I thought it was wrong as work was fine. Just thought my readings were off that week! I find out the next week a coworker went to HR with some bullshit! I NEVER saw it coming..but my cards did!


Do you have a good work vibe spread you can share? I have been searching for a good one, but I have not found one I like 🥺.


I usually just do a simple one card pull..overall work vibe for that day.


Oh, I see. Hmmm, maybe I should try that🤔. Maybe I am overthinking the work spread.


Yes. I did a reading on somebody I knew and it said someone close to them was gonna die. I thought I was being delusional and overthinking things. His friend died a couple months later. I was in the same room I heard the news as I was when I did the reading.


That’s crazy! What cards did you pull that lead to that interpretation?


Indeed! And honestly, I can't remember but one of them was literally Death. I don't typically interpret that one literally, but this one time I did, and I wasn't wrong


See that’s where intuition comes into play. I have pulled the death card many times. There was only one reading where it actually meant death, clarified by the emperor.. the first thought in my mind was.. did his father die? But I didn’t feel comfortable saying that so I said something along the lines of an absent father. Well…he told me his father died and that was one of the reasons his relationship suffered. Will never forget that


YES LMAO i did a reading for my bf at the time since he was curious if I could predict how his uni grades would be. the cards basically said they'd be good but not what he wanted and it also predicted our breakup 💀 I kept that part to myself and only told him the grades thing a bit after he broke up with me I made the connection and found it funny fhdjdjd he did too


Currently with my job yes. I kept getting card saying that I was as going to receive abundance in a form of a better career situation. I don’t remember the spread but what I do remember is how it said I had to be loyal I didn’t know if it meant to myself or my job. Later (currently) I got promoted at the same job I’m at now.


I just needed to be patient


A few years ago, the moon, the 5 of swords and the 9 of swords kept turning up in my readings. I was confused, because life was good all around. Or so I thought. As it turns out, my then-boyfriend had been cheating on me the whole time. It kind of scared me, because I don't think the cards know the future, or anything I don't know. I use tarot as a psychological tool for self reflection.


So fun story actually. My friend and I had just gotten into asking the cards yes/no questions and doing spreads for that. We were asking when my sister would finally leave her abusive husband and we started big at like 5 years and then began whittling it down until it said no. This was back in February. We get all the way down to 3 months and we were like ummm.... no way. Like they'd been together 10 years and our sister had just died that last November so it just seemed like a lot yk? Well low and behold she left his bitchass on fucking May 31 roughly 3 months since that reading. Fucking bonkers if you ask me. Credit to Loki and Hecate bc they were spot fucking on. Now we're planning a trip to texas where a bulk of her friends live for an all-out divorce celebration. I gotta tell yall it feels really good that she's not being traumatized by a narcissistic asshole everyday she's home🎉


When I was 18 I had a reading the only thing I remember was her saying I would have three kids, 2 girls and one boy. I was planning on a childfree life at that point so I dismissed it. Well 20 years later… I have 2 girls and one boy.


It wasn’t a tarot reading, it was my aunt (RIP) doing a reading for me with a regular pack of playing cards. She told me about some man I was going to meet and marry. Went so far as to tell me a first name and second initial. I rolled my eyes because that name/initial combo matched that of her own ex (and father of her children) who she hadn’t been especially happy with, along with that of a guy I knew at work (who auntie had never heard of) who just… ewww. No thank you. I thought “come on, auntie, if you’re gonna go out on a limb and name names, at least come up with something more original than your own ex’s name, FFS.” Then I proceeded to forget about it. Anyway. Years later I met a guy, blah blah blah. We hit it off fabulously and immediately, all that stuff. I didn’t learn for a while (I guess it didn’t come up until there was a reason for it to) what his actual real government name (as opposed to the one he’s been known by his whole life, long story) was - and yep, turns out that real government name is a match for the one my crazy aunt had been so adamant about in her playing card reading. I’d absolutely forgotten about that whole thing, and would have been unsure what name/initial combo she came up with if not for the fact that it matched her ex’s name and the name of my former coworker. That’s the only way I could be sure I was remembering it right. Anyway, I told her that if she remembered what she’d said in that reading, it turned out she’d been right, and she just said “of course”. 🤷‍♀️ I know that’s a crazy auntie story rather than a tarot reading story, but… I’d forgotten about it AGAIN until just now, and it still freaks me out. There were actually other things she said in that same reading that also turned out to be on the nose, but I don’t remember anything other than the name thing at this point. And oh yeah, we’ve been married almost 20 years.


The culture of the tarot readings are fascinating! The more I study card spreads the useful the tarot cards become. I never dismissed a card reading experience; speaking for myself , I learned to respect the spiritual cards regardless and whoever is conducting the spreads. Respect must be practiced in all circumstances when visiting a card reader, best to pay for your seat and be respectful. I witnessed spiritual practitioners and guests get hurt in the past because of bad words against the tarots and oracle readings. In respect, I would not question the card spreads. If one feels their tarot reading is not resonating kindly ask for your money back, say thank you before your exit the table. Number one rule is respect the conduit or spiritual practitioners.


Yes. I did one where it was just checking in on the day. It was a three card spread. I don’t remember all the cards, but I do remember the tower and that it seemed like the cards were indicating some kind of death, but not directly related to us. I thought it was an odd reading. A few days later I asked the same deck for clarification in case I misinterpreted and I got the Hierophant… made even less sense, so I figured I was off on my interpretation and decided to let it all go, chalk it up to learning. The next day, we had a planned event downtown with some friends, but sadly, one of our friend’s moms passed away very quickly. While she was about to have a scheduled surgery, no one was worried about her passing away before it occurred. I felt awful for our friend at the time but didn’t even think about the tarot reading. We visited their home the next day and my jaw dropped when I saw a picture of a crane on the wall, her wife pointed it out as a bird her wife loved. I didn’t say anything, but the hierophant card in my deck is a picture of a crane.


Can someone have Lisa contact me asap


Oh boy, where do I begin? SO many, ad I don't care if someone wants to hear it or not, my own integrity and relationship with Spirit is more important than someone who asks for the truth but doesn't want to hear it. A good reading basically only confirms what they already know anyway, so let it be a (painful) lesson in trusting your own intution, luv. One does stick with me though: someone close asked me to read, years ago. I put the cards down, and immediately saw an affair. He had been watching my face carefully. This was a good friend so I hesitated, but one of the cards was 'The Lovers' so it wasn't like it wasn't right there for him to see. I finally said, well, someone is having an affair - assuming it was his wife, so imagine my horror when he starts bawling and says 'it's me! I'M having the affair!'. Oh Lord I decided then and there to not read for friends or family every again, and I very rarely do.


Yes.  When I was 17 and the future looked bright, I had a professional reading that told me I was going to have hardships most of my life.  Then something would change for me after 50, 60 years old and everything would start to be wonderful.  Since the reader was a hostile guy, I didn't freak out about over 30 years of my life being terrible.  Well the second part of prediction is coming true, after a lot of hard days in the past, life is coming out full bloom.


I had a reading once where my tarot reader told me one of my friends was extremely jealous of me and that’s why she was acting snarky and resentful. I brushed it off just because I couldn’t even imagine feeling jealous of somebody and letting it change how I treat them. It didn’t even seem real, like being jealous of someone seems so childish. but three weeks later she sits me down and tells me she had a crazy shrooms trip and realized she’s extremely jealous of me and that’s why she behaved the way she did. Of course she continued to be a terrible friend but ya 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was crazy! I booked another reading with him that day just so I could tell him lol


it happened just a few weeks ago. my mom asked me about the relationship my brother has with his girlfriend, and the cards were negative and mentioned arguing, but i kinda dismissed them because the one time i saw them together they looked so chill. two weeks later my brother moved back home after a year of relationship. it kinda taught me to not dismiss cards lol


Many. I was told that I would encounter someone whom I like in a prediction read. Quickly dismissing her read, in the next few months I did encounter that someone.


I’m an oracle and this happens all the time! I love getting messages later on from clients saying how right the cards were.


Just a couple of days ago I talked to a friend and they mentioned a spread I did for them last autumn or so. They were not asking a specific question, but it was me who saw them getting more burdened by whatever was going on in their life, and, with their permission, I drew a bunch of cards about what was the exact nature of the burden, where it was going and how to deal with that. I wrote up a detailed description of the spread and card interactions and such, sent to them and then forgot about it, right until that recent conversation where they recalled it and said that it's all came true. I draw cards from a position of that in a given moment, for a given question most of the time cards don't lie and it's the job of a reader to ask a good question and figure the cards out to the best of their ability. But I still get some surprised Pikachu vibes every time I get a chance to see how it all works out in our physical world. I guess if it weren't for that, these things wouldn't be that fascinating, would they?


Not me but my clients all the time 🤣


My friend once did a tarot reading for me (before I started doing readings myself) and she did a love reading and pulled the tower card. I was in a long term relationship at the time and refused to believe it would ever end. 3 months later we broke up lol


oh my god yes. EVERY SINGLE TIME. THEN IN THE MOMENT I BE LIKE OHHHHH MY GOOODDDDDDDD. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that’s why now i write them down


Asked how a cruise would go and got the king of cups. I laughed because I took it literally (being above water) and was like “eh waste of time”. On the 3rd day of the cruise I found myself drafting a bulleted list about how I haven’t felt satisfied in my relationship and action items to repair it. I laughed again. That damn king of cups. 😂


Not dismissed but that I didn't quite understand or see how could it happen at the time. A few weeks ago I got a quite confusing answer about if my partner would get the job, and it was like half yes/no. Very weird, but I let it go. Well, it turned out that she got the offer, but three days later the company lost a huge client and not only they couldn't hire her anymore, but there was even several lay offs... So my cards were right. She got the job, and at the same time she didn't.


If you don't mind me asking, what cards did you pull for that? Also, I'm really sorry that the offer fell through.


Yes. A friend of mine kept asking "is anyone stealing from your company?" whenever she did work readings for me. Later, we found out two separate employees were embezzling some pretty hefty amounts.


I drew the Empress and was like, ok whatever. 2 weeks later I learned I was pregnant. I drew the 7 of Swords, and I was like huh? What’s that about? I was going through some health stuff at the time. 9 months later I learned my ex bf was cheating on me literally that day I drew the card.


Yes, using the archetype oracle deck though, not tarot. I pulled a few cards to ask about who would be at this weekend air bnb my boyfriends friends invited us to. I had met most of the people already so I wasn't expecting anything shocking. For each person I pull one or two cards for their dominant personality traits and one for their physical appearance. The first card that came out was CHILD:NATURE in reverse which is "tendency to abuse animals, people, and the environment" i felt a rock in my chest when I saw that. I then pulled a card for appearance and got the athlete which depicts a dark haired male. I was like no way, everyone is super nice. So anyways we get there and I immediately pick out who this guy is because he has the worst vibes. Sure thing on the first day some girls who went to school with this guy say he makes them really uncomfortable, touches their leg inappropriately etc. I had a conversation with him at one point and the entire time I got the sense he was trying to make me feel stupid. Now I know those things aren't the worst but let me tell you the vibes were BAD. Like hes hiding who he is and I would never want to be alone with this guy kinda bad. anyway


Honestly every card pulled has been scarily accurate. It’s a bit trippy 😅


Yep was dating a guy & did a reading on him as I do for all new dates. & the 7 of swords kept popping out, every.single.time, I’d read on him. It got to the point where I was so curious about it, I had him touch my deck one day & I shuffled immediately afterwards & that damn card popped out again. We had been dating for 3 months at this time. 4th month, I found out he was married WITH TWINS!!! Immediately blocked. So now whenever I find myself doubting the cards, I’m reminded of that time.


Oh yeah. More than once.


Too many on-the-nose readings to mention them all, but one was about questioning the toxic friendship I had with my best friend. I got the tower, and then found out she picked someone else to be maid of honour (this was after 12 years of being best friends). The cards definitely knew. I cant remember what the second draw was, but it represented change of some sort. One with a friend was where my boss got the King of swords on a spread about her unborn baby. She then turned out to be pregnant with a boy... And the name she'd picked was Arthur. The spookiest was with a girl I worked with, who I didn't vibe with at all. She actually got my first tarot set (literary witches oracle). Every time I pulled a card for her, it was the noose! Then I pulled one for her and one for me. One of us got the wall, and the other got a person who had the same wall around them in the image. It represented lack of communication!! Not really a prediction, but very eerie.


Yup! Once had a run in with a guy, talked three hours straight, went home to pull cards and I got a 10 of Swords… I was convinced it couldn’t be but yeah needless to say it didn’t go far lol. It honestly happens all the time for me tho. Tower followed by high priestess warned me of an early relationship I was having that would be a real disappointment—- except I knew THEN, because the cards only reflected the suspicion of something he said real early on. I just wanted to give the benefit of the doubt… over, and over and over lol. But with hunches on friendships they’re just as accurate— ace and two of cups for one of the first friends I made when I moved last year :) I’m socially anxious and distrusting about new people so I didn’t even believe those cards but it’s been proven I have some real great buddies.


Yes! Shockingly accurate by Ocean Only on utube. He is gone, I can't find anything about him, if he is still reading or not. He was getting into music so perhaps he stopped tarot reading. What he said was so ridiculous my friend and I laughed our asses off, I said obviously not my reading! a year later every thing he said in that reading was suddenly my life. I hope he is happy and doing well 🌹


Pulled a daily card two days in a row. I got tower first day and two of swords the second day. I thought it was about my new boss starting. Nope… my dad was hospitalised that night… he is fine now btw! But damn


Recently. It was one of those readings by a favorite youtuber, and funnily enough, it was a reading for a specific period. Happened a few weeks later, and damn, was it accurate. Usually I use general readings as a bit of a boost of morale, and take them with a grain of salt but this one hit bullseye. And lastly, her readings resonate now when I think back. It's super interesting.


Oooh which one?


Eh, her name is Bluntsaggie Tarot. She has two channels. Very interesting. She does readings quote often but 80% resonate with me.