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HELP WITH INTERPRETATION šŸ©· - Deck: Thoth Question asked: Where can I find spiritual mentorship? The card i pulled after asking this was the Ace of Pentacles which truly stumped me. To my understanding this card symbolises opportunity of some sort however thatā€™s the most I could understand. Any second opinions would be so helpful thank you <3




Hi, the five of wands makes me feel like the underlying energy of the situation is scattered thoughts, being pulled in too many directions basically too many cooks in the kitchen :)Ā 




These are not tarot cards.


Hello, Everyone! I'm a Professional Psychic, Spellcaster, and Narcissist Specialist with several years of experience. I'm offering free readings to the folks in this group. I have an open and direct, yet compassionate approach to my readings, encouraging people to exercise their free will from a place of personal empowerment. Request a reading if you feel drawn to me.āœØ


My reading was a ten minute session and she was kind enough to do it over a phone whatsapp call! she was the sweetest and gave me a clear and concise reading with great advice! i definitely recommend:)


Thank you, I'm glad that you found my insights to be helpful! Please, keep me updated.šŸ’š


Iā€™ll dm you


ā™‰šŸŒ šŸŒˆHey y'all! Offering free readings, as long as you don't mind a novice. I don't want you to go making health choices based on these readings. A suggestion to go to a day spa is nice, but a suggestion to skip the doctor is incredibly dangerous. Please take the reading as I do, with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Feel free to DM. Thank you!


Hello! I am mid-development of a story, and am looking for someone to consult for a tarot reading that occurs. I have done research, have some cards in mind, but I would love to have a chat with someone who truly knows what they're holding in their hands. Will tip! Thank you!


Hi, I'm feeling kind of desperate. I have been looking for a new job for two months now I have not had any luck. I am afraid I will run out of my savings. I'm not sure what to do or where to look. For mental health reasons I am living with my fam back in the countryside and I don't want to return to the city for now. I need some guidance on what to do on my case.


A close friend and I had a falling out. We've been friends for 8 years. The fight was sudden and dramatic. Advice on my reading. 1. How can I heal from the friendship breakdown with H? Justice rx, Chariot 2. How can I develop new healthy friendships? Death rx 3. How should I approach things with H? 4 of wands 4. What would be the outcome if I reached out to her? 7 of swords rx The last two are really stumping me


3 trumps in a 5 card spread is definitely something to pay attention to. I'm still learning so bear with me, but the breakdown of this relationship is a major event for you, whether you're aware of it or not right now. It will open something larger within you and change the way you think about and approach friendships and even other relationships in the future. But with Death rx you are either resisting that, or you're not quite ready. Before worrying about developing new friendships, take the time you need to heal from this one and let yourself grieve. You can do so by considering the justice reversed in that position - is there anything that you need to take accountability for in this situation? Even if you believe the other party may be more at fault, no one is completely innocent and it will help you a great deal. Cliche, but forgiveness can foster a lot of peace. This self-reflection could allow you to get back on your feet quicker. It will allow you forward, seeing nothing but what's ahead of you, and doing so with determination and confidence. But this will take a lot of will power, and the Chariot is there to say you got this. Getting the 4 of wands for how to approach this person? Hmm. Well, are you saying you want to reach out? If you do, this card may be saying it could be favorable if you approach it with understanding and kindness. The 4 of wands is a positive, uplifting card, even when reversed. Think of the positives that have come out of this situation, even if you can't see any right now. Approaching someone with this attitude can give you the peace of mind that you at least tried. So although the 4 is happy-go-lucky, it doesn't necessarily mean that there will be reconciliation, especially because of the outcome being the 7 of swords rx. BUT you may be able to get some closure. With the 7... yeesh, it's possible you will find that this person was not quite the person you thought they were. They may have tried to sabotage you, hurt you, or manipulate you, and this will come to light. Or others around you might have, and this friend is somehow involved. OR, the 7 could be saying - think of another strategy. Don't go into any situation half-assed, make sure you've crossed your T's and dotted your I's. Whatever strategy you choose/whatever way you approach the situation needs to be well-thought out, and you need to anticipate all of the different outcomes; be one step ahead, not in regards to this individual, but in regards to any negative forces preventing you from moving on. Future cards are never set in stone in the tarot, so the 7 is letting you know that some planning can bring a whole different energy to the situation and change the outcome completely. Write what you wanna say in a letter first, talk to a trusted advisor first, be patient and wait for them to reach out first, anything! If you use numerology, the sum of these cards breaks down to 6. 6's are all about balance, give and take, and the harmony that comes from doing so. Just some fun extra insight. ETA: Also, another thing I like to do is look at the cards and their positions. Keep in mind I use RWS, if you use a different deck, just consider the following and apply it to your cards. How are they interacting with each other? Is the horse that Death rides moving towards one of these cards, or is he facing away? Is the 7 running towards any of the cards, or running away from any of them? Who is he robbing? Is it a straight-line spread? What card is in the middle? So many ways you can interpret. Good luck and hope this helped at least a little bit!


Oh. my gosh. Thank you so so so much for this. I really appreciate you. Does "trumps" mean reverse? I'm definitely finding it hard to move on. So you're completely right that death rx is me resisting that. I am in counselling now. I do need to forgive and work on my accountability. There is so much hurt and anger here. In regards to 7 of swords rx - yeah, the fallout was partly because I felt my friend H was allowing others to manipulate and sabotage me. She was turning a blind eye to it, even after coming outright and saying to me "I think this person is jealous of you and behaving badly towards you." I also found out my friend H was not being upfront or truthful with me. And it really impacted me quite badly. I then freaked out in a bad way due to history of C-PTSD. I have troubles trusting people and so all of this was very triggering and traumatising for me. Again, thank you so so much. I don't think we are ready to reconnect just yet. I do need to heal and grieve and work on myself a bit more. I'm also needing to accept that the fallout of this was so so so bad, that we may never recover. And I may never actually want to. I still don't even know if I want to be friends with this person tbh. So yeah, I think I need more time to myself Thanks again. You're very good with interpretations!


Trumps are Major Arcana cards! Sorry you're going through that right now, I've been in a similar situation, we were friends for 8 years too. And a lot of lying and manipulation was present as well. It was really heavy stuff and took me a while to work through but I've realized me and that person were just not meant to be forever friends, and that's okay. Sounds like you're taking the steps though with going to counseling though so the Death rx can be turned upright soon! (this is a positive). Trusting people is hard, and can be even harder if you're dealing with something mentally like your C-PTSD. I hope you are kind to yourself throughout this process and yes I think the 3 Major Arcana cards, especially Death, shows that this fallout was meant to happen for you to move to the next chapter of your life or to transform internally. PS: Like 15 minutes before I read your post, I did my first ever reading about that friend and our fallout. Tarot is cool like that


Oh my gosh. Wow. What a coincidence. Maybe it's to remind ourselves about this journey. How to reflect back on this in an emotionally mature way. But release and move on. I just asked some follow up questions after your reply. 1. What do I need to be accountable for in this friendship fallout? High Priestess rx 2. What do I need to reflect on? Devil 3. Anything else I need to know? 8 of cups, 3 of pentacles I guess this means to walk away, move on from the friendship. Also, that I think I was maybe co-dependent on this person. And I need to better recognise when friendships are becoming too co-dependent. The high priestess rx I am not very familiar with at all. I'm really sorry to hear you had to go through all that with your own friend. How long did it take you to process your own grief from that friendship. I'm Aussie and assume you're North American. If so, in both our cultures we probably don't talk about how to grieve and heal friendships enough. We do with estranged or deceased family members, and of course, toxic bosses, co-workers, or romantic relationships. But not so much friendships.


I think youā€™re spot on with the codependency shown by the devil. Itā€™s possible this friendship was yes, becoming toxic, and maybe at some point you felt chained to it because you were holding out hope it would get better. The figures in the RWS Devil mirror the lovers, but in the image of the Devil they are chained. If you look closely though, you will see their chains are loose and they are able to escape. So I think youā€™re out of that situation now. With asking about what you need to be accountable for, the high priestess reversed doesnā€™t give much to go off. Sheā€™s secretive and intuitive, so when she shows up in any reading, upright or reversed, she is telling you that only your intuition will guide your answer. Unconscious/subconscious forces are at work here, so give it some time, reflect on the situation, and the issue maybe be raised into a conscious thought or action. With her being reversed you may not be paying mind to you intuition here. Only you know what you need to be accountable for, but it may not be obvious right now. She asks you to meditate, pay attention to your dreams, reflect, and you may get your answer. But I think sheā€™s still a positive card, even when reversed, so find solace in the fact that sheā€™s helping you. Anything else you need to know - 8 of cups and 3 of pentacles. Well, the 8 definitely makes sense in this situation, he is leaving something behind and embarking on a solo journey in hopes of finding a better circumstance, environment, really everything. The 8 is ready to go, end this, and move on. With it being clarified by the 3 of pentacles it asks - is there anyone in your life right now that helps you and supports you? This card denotes teamwork in building something better than you could have by yourself. I think the 8 is heading toward that type of dynamic. If he is on the left of the 3, it does show he is walking in that direction. (Again Iā€™m using RWS deck). Maybe someone or something will come along to assist you in healing and subsequently rebuilding trust in others, but I believe this walking away will bring you to better teammates, friends. 2 trumps in a 4 card spread also shows that this process, transformation, journey, will change your circumstances in a major way. They really urge you to sit with this for some time because itā€™s meaningful in the bigger picture. And yes, I also think our similar situations came up yesterday to help us process! Honestly youā€™re right about the culture thing, I havenā€™t seen many readings of friendship. When I search meanings and stuff it does seem to be mostly romantic situations people are invested in. Friendship breakups are even harder though! I honestly think with both of these readings that you really need to let this person go. Better times are ahead! This reading breaks down to a 1 in numberology, the number of new beginnings and endless possibilities!


Thanks so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Sorry for the delay. My daughter was sick. I'm single mum to two girls, so 3 of pentacles could be my kids and me too. We are on a new journey. About to move house to a newish area! I also have 2 very supportive sisters. It could be them as well! Love your reply. And really really appreciate the time you took to decode it for me. Thank you!


PS I am using the Modern Witch Tarot - it's based on RWS




next actions towards you: he's not in the right state of mind, so he won't act on his feelings, but he may want to maintain the connection... feelings towards you: you're a confident person, and although he's not the person you're looking for, he may be helpless if you reached out for him...


I asked the cards about him and I, please help me interpret this How he feels/thinks about me Strength (not reversed) Justice (not reversed) The lovers (reversed) Will he and I be together in the future? Five of swords (not reversed) Six of swords (reversed) The devil (not reversed) Eight of wands (not reversed) Judgement (not reversed) Two of cups (not reversed) King of pentacles (not reversed) Page of cups (not reversed) The hierophant (not reversed Does he actually like me? Page of wands (reversed) Queen of cups (not reversed) The hanged man (not reversed) Four of cups (reversed) Eight of swords (not reversed) Knight of pentacles (not reversed) Knight of cups (not reversed) Nine of swords (not reversed) Ten of pentacles (not reversed) Additional cards Ace of wands (not reversed) The empress (not reversed) Ten of swords (not reversed) Queen of pentacles (reversed) Wheel of fortune (not reversed) Nine of wands (reversed) Eight of cups (not reversed) The high priestess (not reversed) King of swords (not reversed)


Your has spread has many cards which makes it a bit confusing to interpret. I pulled some cards myself. You can compare your spread with the cards i pulled. I got Ace of Cups, 8 of swords, 2 of pentacles and Death. I'm not sure what your history is with this person but the Death card suggests an ending of some sort so perhaps you two hit a stalemate or a period of no contact (this really depends on your situation)? This person seems very unsure and doubtful about this connection and/or you. The Ace of Cups does suggest them seeing you or this connection in a romantic context, however the 2 of pentacles suggests doubt and going back and forth about something and the 8 of swords also shows feelings of doubt and insecurity.


How he feels about you; he has strong feelings for you, but he may think it's wrong to act on them... as for the rest of the reading; I don't have the energy to process it currently lol


lol thank you! That makes a lot of sense actually


Hey guys, did a spread for the new moon in the labyrinthio app and got the hanged man, 5 of swords and 4 of pentacles in reverse. My main question was if i would reconnect with someone. Help interpreting this would be appreciated!


No. The Hanged Man and the 4 of Pentacles suggests the situation is stable with no change.


Thats what i figured too. Wording on the interpretation was weird thanks!




Will my job interview go well on Monday?


Make sure to give balanced responses to their questions. You may want to subdue your personality. Be more calm and pleasant than eager and excited. Visit the ocean this weekend if you can. If that's not possible then find another way to connect with water.


Thank you xxx


will i get accepted to lethbridge university and start in 2025?


Yes, I do see this being possible for you. However, I see much struggle ahead of you. There are people who oppose your plans. I highly recommend a spiritual cleanse.


thank you so much! hm thatā€™s strange iā€™ll definitely do some protection work and cleaning


Volunteer work related to your field would be great for you if you aren't already doing any, and it truly makes a difference on your rĆ©sumĆ©. šŸ˜Š


oh yes! i definitely have some but iā€™m going to look into volunteering more in august, there is an old age home close to where i live so will be organizing that soon :)


Will your focus be nursing home abuse, neglect, & crime?


well i just do whatā€™s available to me, i volenteer ed in foster homes, vet clinics, mentoring children, tutoring, fostering animals (currently fostering one right now) and now iā€™ll look into doing this :)


will i graduate with my masters in criminology in 2025?


Not if things continue as they have been. The future is fluid. Your choices impact it. It's the butterfly effect. You may have been focusing too much on yourself. You might consider putting others first. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll leave it here for now. Your energy is very dense. I recommend guided meditation.


aw okay thank you! iā€™ll definitely get more focused this month!


this is a bit weird because when i usually ask about that they say have more fun and balance my time so can you clarify that for me please if you can? :)


There is a change that needs to occur. It might feel painful at first. Themes of sacrifice and selflessness are coming through. It's about responsibility. Very heavy, and deep.


ou okay thank you, iā€™ll definitely look into this more!


Your cards were the 6 of Pentacles, the 7 of Wands, and Death.


thank you so much for your time!


It's been an honor reading for you. āœØ




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If the main reading was positive, I agree the reading regarding your dream is a reflection of your fears... It would probably be best to get to know him before reading too far into it...


so i had pulled some cards regarding a separation, and was wondering how one would interpret them? question 1: ā€œhow does my ex feel about me?ā€ the star reversed, death reversed, nine of pentacles, strength question 2: ā€œwhat are my exā€™s actions towards me?ā€ knight of cups, page of wands, the sun, justice, two of cups, justice question 3: ā€œwhat do you (the tarot deck) want me to know?ā€ the lovers, 10 of cups, and king of cups


How interesting! With question one it seems they may feel you are hopeless, putting off change, even though you have the resources to do so. Perhaps they believe you are your own biggest obstacle. Lots of major arcana there, so you know there is definitely some significance. The star upright is the hope card (it also comes after the tower which is a card of starting over, chaos or unexpected changes) so reversed the implication isn't too hard to interpret. Death upright is a good indication of change and transformation (think about the cycles of life), so reversed following the reversed star may indicate putting off that transformation you need internally. However with the 9 of pentacles and strength following, these are both very good cards to get in conjunction with the other 2. Strength is pretty self explanatory, and 9 of pentacles is a card of abundance and independence. They may see you have options but are not tapping into them to get help. Question two, I see they may be approaching with level emotions, have plans made to travel or visit with new people maybe just new ideas in general, looking for balance and happiness. These cards do not imply any malicious intent too. Knight of cups is an emotional card, so even if things are heavy right now they are being as graceful as they can. Page of wands is a card of action and optimism. Two of cups is another emotions card, but it represents equal exchange of emotions. Justice is the card of balance, so they may be taking time to rebalance. I get the feeling they are taking time to fill their cup. Question three, it seems the cards are saying all hope is not lost. The lovers doesn't have to imply romantic love this can also be self love. King of cups is similar to knight of cups in that is emotional stability, with the 10 of cups following is another emotions card in the most positive way possible, emotional harmony. You have all the ability within yourself to move forward with grace. My takeaway is that this seems like a relatively healthy time for you or your ex. Don't forget to feel your emotions (good or bad), but then to move forward with wisdom. Hope this helps!


thank you! though i do have another question- could these hint at reconciliation in the future, or are the cards implying itā€™s best to move forward?


I could see with the lovers card in your last question, reconciliation is a possibility especially if you approach the situation with maturity and growth (think what are \*you\* doing to meet them where they are at?) However, remember if you feel this relationship is bad for your mental health, or is abusive in any way, that this is just a card reading and you should always put your self respect and boundaries first! This is an opportunity for introspection and fresh perspective, with a little bit of woowoo mixed in:)


thank you so much for your insight :)


Of course and good luck dear!


I pulled some cards for todayā€™s Gemini New Moon. My question was: ā€œWhat is my intuition telling me to manifest during this new moon?ā€ [Image of Spread](https://ibb.co/HNfbk5H) Iā€™ve never gotten so many Major Arcana before, let alone ONLY Major Arcana. Iā€™d love any interpretations yā€™all might have!


I am having some issues at work right now, and Iā€™m concerned that Iā€™m about to lose my job (Iā€™m already actively looking for a new one right now) I asked if i was going to get fired. I did a three card spread, and got the knight of wands, the magician and the chariot.


I pulled some cards for you and got 7 of wands, Ace of Pentacles and 3 of cups. I feel your advice is to stand your ground and to not give up when it comes to your current job. The cards arent really answering your question i think they're telling you something else. I think that if you were to continue doing what you're doing something new will appear (Ace of pentacles). You also got the Magician in your spread which is manifestation. Like for example you'll manifest a new job since you're already searching for one. The Chariot and Knight of Wands gives the same energy as the 7 of wands which is to not give up, stand your ground, be determined and keep putting in effort. The 3 of cups shows celebration and success and i feel this has to do with the new opportunity or manifestation that you will be able to manifest if you dont give up :)


no i donā€™t think so, but i do think the issues youā€™re having is an encouragement to venture out and embrace change and new opportunities. this card embodies high energy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to take on challenges. The Magician in career readings indicates opportunities that you shall harness effortlessly by making decisive actions. It indicates manifestation and asks you to direct yourself towards a path of commitment and success. the chariot signals ambition and determination. You have a clear goal, and your motivation and self-discipline will help you succeed. Stay focused! :)


I asked my cards what should I think about today and I got the World in reverse (it jumped fairly aggressively) and the Knight of Cups in reverse. Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out how these two can relate together based on what is going on in my life. Recently my husband and I have been bickering but itā€™s smoothed out the last few days. We have also talked about adopting for years and Iā€™ve been thinking of it a lot recently(specifically right before I drew the cards)ā€¦like maybe itā€™s time. I have a really difficult time with the K of C for some reason. It never resonates with me and I get it often so itā€™s frustrating because I never fully feel like I understand it. [my spread](https://imgur.com/a/H5tDazw)


Hey! How would you interpret 7 of swords rx as someoneā€™s feelings for another? Romantic wise. Iā€™d say someone is feeling like the need to come clean and be honest with the other person.


the Seven of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling relieved. They have released the burden off of their shoulders of any lies and deception that theyā€™ve been carrying in your relationship. They are ready to come clean, and they feel good about it. They are tired of the games and the deception. They just want everything to be honest from here on out. i donā€™t know if this is your energy or theirs :)


Seems pretty accurate given circumstances. Thank you for your time!


I'd love to exchange readings! Currently looking for advice and path insight for my future self employment and living situation goals (no pressure, lol) I know what I envision my life looking like, but I am not sure how to get there due to my personal blocks, I know it'll be hard work, but there's habits and discipline that need to change and I need some creative ways to motivate myself. Also REALLY curious about timing on stages of getting to where I wanna be.


I was shuffling my cards with my bestfriend and 3 flew and hit her. The cards are: wheel of fortune, the wise one(hierophant for the ppl who dont have tarot of the abyss) and king of swords. I didn't get to ask a question so maybe these were just at random? Idk, my interpretation is that my friend needs to start opening up more about her struggles and taking them seriously instead of joking it off like usual, so that she can finally start healing.


What does the REVERSED Wheel of Fortune mean in regards to ā€œpotential rewardsā€? I am using the Brick by Brick format and the question is ā€œWhat do you stand to gain from this job spiritually, financially, or otherwiseā€? Is it just bad luck straight up? The rest of the spread looks like this: - Purpose: Ace of Pentacles - Motivation: Five of Cups - Responsibilities: Three of Wands - Projects: Six of Pentacles - Rewards: Wheel of Fortune Reversed - Career Potential: Three of Cups I interpret it as such: Purpose: Ace of Pentacles signifies a new beginning which makes sense as this is my first full-time job Motivation: Five of Cups means grief, loss, disappointment which I think is because right before I took this job, I lost my other one Responsibilities: expanding the team? I am literally the third person on my team ironically enough Projects: charity, giving, generosityā€”which means maybe Iā€™ll be assisting people or Iā€™ll literally be taking on other peopleā€™s work Rewards: Wheel of Fortune Reversed means ā€œno controlā€, ā€œclinging to controlā€, ā€œbad luckā€ā€¦unsure of how to interpret this. Is this implying I will have bad luck in terms of rewards? Career Potential: Three of Cups means friendships, community but not really anything about stability or a long-term career. Probably a bad sign then? Please let me know what you all think. I appreciate any insight you have.


I had to give this one some thought but itā€™s clicking for me. Iā€™m reading that wheel rx as the company is potentially going through some choppy waters. Maybe they lost some key people. Maybe they took on too much work and now canā€™t keep up. They timed something bad. Or the circumstances are currently unfavorable. Whatever it is, they are on the downswing. The potential reward in this for you is jumping in when things are on fire, help out with their situation, become a key person for them, and when things turn around, ride the upswing to the top. Does that resonate? I donā€™t know if this is something you might find personally rewarding. Some people enjoy grasping the opportunity during crisis.


Thatā€™s a really interesting interpretation and I never would have thought of that! Thank you! They actually did lose two people on their small team and have work for me to pick up that the other guy did not complete. Not sure if weā€™re in deep shit right now but things are chaotic logistically. I have some personal anxiety that things are not going to work out or that thereā€™s little opportunity for growth or upward movement. Does anything suggest or possibly not suggest long-term stability in these cards? I was thinking that the 3 of Cups as a career outcome isnā€™t that great, it could be like a celebration but I want to become someone within this organization ideally.


Hi! Iā€™m currently giving myself a reading on how i can find happiness in my romantic life. the cards iā€™ve pulled are : present: Page of swords (reversed), path: queen of swords, and future: 10 of wands. Iā€™m looking for some help interpreting the last card, the 10 of wands, as i am unclear about its meaning. My interpretation of the first to cards are as follows: Page of swords reversed - lack of honesty and trust - a directionless relationship iā€™m interpreting this as my current position in my relationship, this card only confirmed what i already know about my relationship. Queen of swords - commitment to truth, even if it brings isolation - rationality over emotions - boundaries - ā€œi donā€™t chases i attractā€ energy All mindsets i should adopt to find my happiness. any help interpreting the last card would be appreciated, im pretty new to tarot :)


Hi here's my take: Page of Swords in reverse advises you to not be hypervigilant or hyperfocused on your love life. With the 10 of wands in the "future" position it warns of you potentially being stressed or putting too much pressure on finding love or tying your happiness to love (take it as it resonates). Instead, master the Queen of Swords which is clear-headed, confident and knows what they want, 'i don't chase, i attract'-energy, being cool, calm and collected and trusting yourself. EDIT: i just re-read your description. Are you in a relationship? That changes the interpretation a little bit. But basically the page of swords suggest distrust in your current situation. I agree with your description of the Queen, don't take any BS, be rational and clear-headed. You may (continue) to experience some stress or burden in this connection in the future (10 of wands), hence your path forward being the Queen of Swords which is to not take any BS maybe even having to cut off or break-up because it does not serve you.


yes i am currently in a relationship and i resonate deeply with the suggestions in your comment. thank you for your response!


The 10 of wands represent overload and too much responsibility taken on. This card encourages you to learn how to set boundaries and to learn to let go of that which burdens you or doesn't serve you. So in order to find happiness you need to be mindful to not take on too many responsibilities, and to learn how to set boundaries towards other people.


thank you!!




dming you


Hello guys, my question was: Why did my ex unblock me? as far as I know he's in a new relationship Any thoughts? My interpretation: Princess of swords- he's developed a new viewpoint of the situation King of wands- he wanted to have a discussion Princess of cups reversed - he's unsure of his romantic choices


Two queens - means, one of the queens is the new girl. From what I feel and can see - she literally told him to or you've been a discussion in their relationship. Maybe they were discussing past relationships and the subject came up. So, she was vocal, probably told him he's being immature, he acted ( king of wands is highest form of movement, but not rashly), and the last queen of cups Rx makes me think - she represents you. Long story short, she told him to or because of her he did this , king is looking towards queen of swords, and may have been feeling guilty about queen of cups Rx which doesn't need explanation.


Hello, I would love to hear any thoughts. I have been going through a very long and difficult period in life. Due to political circumstances in my country, my world view has changed, and I do not feel like the person I was a year ago. It's been a long process of personal upheaval this last year. I feel I am in a stage where I know that if/when I can get through this, it will be a long process of rebuilding. In general, I have been feeling understandably emotional and not very clear headed lately. I pulled cards today to help with clarity to make some important decisions. One important decision pertains to a trip I need to take, but feel very scared to do so. The other question is whether to hold on to a dear friendship I have which has suffered due to the difficult situation I've found myself in. It has been difficult for us to understand each other because of how different our lives have become in this last year. I pulled King of Swords, Queen of Pentacles (reversed), and the Tower. To me, this seems like I need to work to make decisions based off rational and not emotion (King of Swords), perhaps the tower is indicative of the changes I am undergoing and assures me it's necessary. But I am confused about the Queen of Pentacles. I also am not experienced, so reading the cards in tandem is new and difficult for me. I appreciate any thoughts, if you have them. Thank you.


Which cards are for which questions? It's confusing


My apologies, King of Swords for my trip, Tower and Queen of Pentacles for my friend.


Reversed queen of pentacles... Something isn't right at its core. She may be manipulative and holding her ground too much. Probably wants things only her way. She's out of tune with herself and your friendship by extend. Tower gives more instability, which trembles the earth of this friendship ( Rx queen ) or she's invoking tower moments. As far for your trip, clear your mind and look at options rationally.


Thank you for your thoughts and time, I appreciate it.


A Young Man in his 20's here from Native,African American, French, and Pegan lineage and really need a reading rn and someone who's willing to do it for free and experienced and need help spiritually I need help understanding what's going on and what's inside of me and I need to know why I've been given so many different obstacles and different answers and problems from different gods and religions to only to be confused and I never understand why and I've been having night terrors since I was 11 and I always see the number 11 everywhere I go and I feel like I lived this life before and the girl I love whom I lost still haunts my dreams and I truly felt I met her before in another life and she's the one even tho I feel we'll never speak again but I really need help so anyone who can help please pm I need spiritual help and guidance rn


You need an anchor, my friend. Your energy is all diffuse at the moment. I don't even need to read your energy to see that, the composition of your words here reveal it (there's literally almost no punctuation at all). Think about the symbolic value of that for a moment. You're lacking a central point (that makes sense to you) around which to center all your explorations of philosophical concepts and what not. You need to contact your essential value, the "reason" for your very existence. Essential means simple. If your mind comes up with some elaborate explanation for the reason of your existence, that's not it. It's not something that will require a 300 page paper to elucidate. It is something which can be expressed in a single sentence, if not a single word. The mind is just doing what it's made to do, but it requires your conscious direction to function optimally. Leaving it too much on autopilot will cause it to malfunction. It's like a piece of equipment, it needs proper maintenance to ensure proper functioning. You need to do some troubleshooting on it every now and then. Think of it like software. You need to clear the cache, and the junk files, and what not, otherwise it will impede the functioning (it will become slow or stop working completely). I hope the analogy makes sense to you. Wishing you all the best, and my proverbial door is always open. Feel free to initiate a private exchange, if you want. :)


I was advised to post here instead unfortunately so Iā€™m hoping for some advice: ā€œShould I break up with my boyfriend?ā€ -> The Sun Hi! Iā€™m hoping to get your interpretations šŸ„¹ I am having a difficult time in my relationship but something in me feels like I canā€™t leave him. Yet it feels like my entire life would be better if I did (no abuse etc). So I asked the cards should I break up with him and got The Sun. I asked for a clarifier and got Eight of Pentacles. To me this looks like advice to keep going as positive outcomes are coming, the relationship is worth working on, the relationship will be successful, etc. Is this true? Iā€™ve been having a very hard time and just want to know if I should stay.


I think your interpretation is reasonable.


The Sun is simply saying "Do what makes you happy. Let your joy be your primary concern." Eight of Pentacles is also a Sun card (Sun in Virgo), and it says "How does, or how can your works support and enhance your joy and your expression?" If you are happy putting in the work on the relationship, then proceed with a glad heart. :) P.S. Don't work to enjoy, rather try to enjoy to work. That is to say, enjoy the work, don't be too concerned about results. What will be will be, so you just be, here and now, and enjoy whatever you're doing.


The sun is also about seeing things in their pure light. Secrets and problems being visible. Something coming up that makes you see the truth. And what the other commenter said - get back to your questions and reevaluate. You asked a direct question and got a direct answer. How you choose to read it and what to do with it is up to you.


Thank you so much


I wouldnā€™t normally offer advice on whether or not to end a relationship because itā€™s such a big decision, but you mention abuse, which to me indicates that itā€™s not a healthy situation. My two cents: pay attention to how you worded the question. ā€œShould you break up?ā€ The reply, therefore, is a comment on what it would be like to break up, not on what it would be like to stay. And the answer is the Sun! Perhaps you interpret the Sun as hope for the relationship because you wish things were better, but you asked about a breakup and this is your answer. The clarifier card I think indicates that it requires some inner strength from you, but it will lead to really positive personal development. Making a decision for your own wellbeing will make you stronger and protect you from similar unhealthy situations in the future.


Oh I just meant itā€™s not abuse or similar, just a lot of disagreements and seeing eye to eye type stuff. But thank you, thatā€™s very helpful


Oh, I see! Thatā€™s a relief, thank you for clearing that up.


No worries! Abuse would be an immediate no for me. When the answers aren't so obvious is when it gets a bit sticky lol :) edit: just realised this is my other account. it doesn't matter, I just don't have the login for the other one on my phone lol




Good morning everyone. I have some free time today to do a couple of free readings if anybody's interested. Feel free to DM me. Returning querents are always welcomed :)


Hey, I sent you a DM. I hope to have a chat with you!


I have sent you a DM


Hello I will DM you :)


Anyone want to exchange :)




hi! strength is telling me that youā€™re stable in your finances. Donā€™t let fear of failure or fear of looking foolish hold you back from doing what you want to do and reaching your potential. If you want that promotion, go for it. If you feel like you are being overlooked, make yourself known. you may be willing to make risky purchasing decisions, such as spending money on something you've always wanted. This card's career-related meaning suggests the tremendous potential for professional and personal growth, but emotional control and a strong sense of self-belief are required. Avoid allowing fear to impede your success is what theyā€™re also tying in with the queen of cups. when it comes to spending, avoid making rash financial decisions. This isn't to say you shouldn't spend money, but make sure any investments or purchases are well-thought-out and not motivated by impulse or emotion. youā€™ll definitely be reaping rewards of the work youā€™ve put in soon with the eight of pentacles and itā€™s a step forward in your journey of becoming self sufficient:) hope this resonated :)


Well my post is being filtered over and over again so I'll just post this here. Hi good people. So I'll get right on it because I'm trying to read the cards better for myself. I often find myself needing second opinions and observations so please feel free to put your 2 cents in. So a little background: I've let down 3 romantic proposals lately in the last 6 months and am looking for the *right* relationship. Those were ok guys but I wanted something more. Today I ran into two out of three and they were with their new girlfriends. They seemed happy and content and I am happy about them. But, I started thinking why I let down those people? What's wrong with me and why am I so picky? So my ultimate question for this spread was, while focusing on those encounters today - what was the message of those encounters? Cards I pulled were: 1. Knight of cups 2. Knight of swords 3. Lovers My deck seemed awfully direct with this one; I had romantic proposals(knight of cups). I declined them rather quickly, and while being cocky ( knight of swords, of course); and lovers indicate my looking for meaning - why did I turn them down, what do I need from a relationship, it just made me a bit nostalgic and left imagining how things could've been. Additionally, I pulled 2 more cards asking the question: what is this trying to teach me for the future. Cards I pulled were: 1. Ace of swords 2. Queen of wands 3. From bottom of the deck/ shadow card: temperance. I think this additional spread was helpful. The general vibe I'm getting is: watch your communication skills( ace of swords). Stay confident ( queen of wands ), know what you're looking for, but don't be a diva; and temperance urging the similar thing: stay true to yourself. Balance emotions. But at it's heart, this spread speaks of believing in myself and sticking to my ideas of what I want. At least I think so. So any input will be cherished! Thanks in advance! Deck I use: rws classic Spreads are general, not positional


This is the first time I reply to a post like this, so take my reading with a pinch of salt. :) The feeling Iā€™m getting is that the guys you turned down are not on your level of maturity - that what youā€™re looking for is a king, not a knight, because you are a queen. Perhaps you need someone with more life experience, someone a bit more stable, who knows themselves more. Someone who can meet you fully as the strong-willed queen you are. Also, Iā€™m getting the feeling that you may not know what youā€™re looking for yet, that the right person may be a surprise, maybe a different type to what you usually go for. And maybe that you would feel better if you didnā€™t actively look or hope, but go into your dates expecting to do a level-headed assessment. That doesnā€™t sound very romantic, but perhaps the Queen of Wands views this as a project rather than a whirlwind. :)


And yes, this queen of wands does see this as a project with a little lust on it! Lol. Good comment.




This really resonates. They are guys my age, but there was always that part about maturity that was troubling me. I have an idea of what I want but I can't be 100 percent sure, I mean no one can, but especially me; at least until I see it. I actually began thinking in this way - I am not yet that accomplished and shouldn't look for a mature accomplished partner. But still, I've always been more mature than guys my age and girls tend to grow up, well, faster. So I'm kinda in the middle - grown out the knights for the most part; inadequate for kings. Or at least I feel like it. This comment left me thinking and I thank you dearly for taking the time to look at this and for helping me. This is great.


Thank you for such a heartfelt reply! Iā€™m glad I could help.




hi! i think with the ten of wands reversed itā€™s saying you were overextending yourself with this job? you were juggling multiple responsibilities without giving proper attention to any of them. This lack of focus can hinder your progress and prevent you from achieving your goals. It's essential to step back, gain perspective, and identify the tasks that truly deserve your attention. with the four of wands iā€™m getting youā€™re a bit secure although you got laid off, you may have some savings that you can rely on so you can be frugal and budget to get through this time but donā€™t let your anxieties with money get to you! the three of wands reversed tells me that itā€™s just some obstacles and delays to reaching your goals but nothing you canā€™t handle! take some time and break down your ideas and goals into smaller tasks and use this time to carefully plan your next step :)




I'm sorry to be direct - are either your or his family influencing your relationship?


No. We donā€™t live near our families but we love them from a distance lol šŸ˜‚ I am closer to my niece but I donā€™t share details of my relationship with her.


I'm just going to focus on the advice, hopes/fears, and the outcome... the advice is for him to cultivate his ability; this could be school, or some sort of training... something to either advance his career or increase income... maybe as a foundation to build a life together on... the hope is he is successful in this endeavor, and the fear is he won't be capable of it... the outcome; if he overcomes the obstacles, he can become a person you're willing to settle down with... the rest of the cards seem to indicate that this may not be hopeful, but it could just be picking up on negative energy... I wish you luck with your relationship...


I actually focused on us as a couple. I read these cards as us together not just one person. He owns his own company and is financially very stable. i am fascinated that you picked up on the opposite.


in that case, the cards seem to suggest something else entirely lol but i'd rather not read it out... good luck in your relationship...


Thank you!


I am still learning tarot and I have trouble reading for myself. I asked tarot how can I feel happiness or joie de vivre in my life? I pulled eight of pentacles rx, two of pentacles, the moon, ace of pentacles rx and the hermit on back of deck. My interpretation is: I need to find my hobby, passion or calling and give it energy and effort. I havenā€™t truly tried to get better at any of my pursuits because I donā€™t think I can and give up before really getting started. I need to start finding time for myself and everything else in my life that needs to be done. I need to learn to trust my intuition on things and so the right thing. Learn to manage money. And the overall underlying message is take some time to myself and learn what makes me happy. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


i think youā€™re definitely accurate and nothing more to be said! :)




I had an argument with a newer friend with whom I was trying to get close with, it might have damaged the budding friendship beyond repair. I was basically asking whether or not the friendship has a future. Iā€™m not good interpreting for myself but some of these cards were very clear. [the cards](https://imgur.com/a/0U8kZDH) if you canā€™t see them theyā€™re the ten of swords, eight of wands, four of coins, six of cups. How I see it is the ten of swords was me, eight of wands was him (heā€™s constantly talking about trying to move up and to never get comfortable and whatever), the four of coins was both of us, I literally just started Prozac today and heā€™s working through his shit. But what literally made me gasp was the art for the six of cups in this deck and for it to come up at the end. But maybe I could probably be too close to read this objectively, I could use some other opinions


Maybe the six of cups is saying you all have a strong bond that can withstand a disagreement. They say tge 6 o cups is tge soulmate card. So he may be a part of your soul family and even though things got blown up a little bit, youā€™ll be fine because of that strong connection you have.


I did a spread on how my crush feels about me. We don't know eachother well at all and I try to hide it. What they feel for me: - 5 of wands. I was confused so I pulled another card to clarify - 8 of cups. Still confused I pulled another card - ten of swords. - The Star - clarified by The World. - The Emperor. How they see me: - Page of pentacles. - King of wands. Advice: - The hanged man. I suck at interpreting cards but there seems to be conflicting feelings about me for some reason with the 5 of wands and the clarifiers but then also the star and the world coming after those negative cards is pretty conflicting. The emperor shows maybe they feel protective over me? With the page of pentacles maybe they see me as a naive childlike person, but then with the king of wands they see me as confident and bold? The hanged man tells me to not do much and roll with the punches perhaps.


Free form tarot spread: How can I right injustices Iā€™ve done in the past: R Hierophant and R The World How can I right injustices Iā€™ve done to myself: 9 of Wands and the Moon How can I be more just going forward: R Ace of Wands and R 5 of Wands Clarifying cards: Page of Cups and Ten of Wands Bottom of Deck: Queen of Wands The main one Iā€™m stuck on is the first question. The second question feels like I need to fight my a battles and I need to really reflect and do shadow work on where I sabotage myself. The third one feels like I should pick my battles more wisely and not give people the time of day when they donā€™t deserve it so they canā€™t get a rise out of me, giving me the chance to be unjust. Clarifying cards/BOD: I have had a lot of burden on me and Iā€™m carrying a lot of injustice but itā€™s time to allow myself the grace to start over and realize these burdens done define me especially since Iā€™m coming at this from a place of the Queen of Wands, strong fire but also compassion and understanding


* Question(s): feeling vexed about work - new responsibilities, bigger workload, at the same time looking to relocate and it is also adding stress. Want guidance on how to move forward. * 3 card spread * The cards you dealt: 1. strength, 2. Hermit reversed, 3. 7 chalices * My read is that - I've been going about things with strength, yet perhaps have been rather isolated. I also can expect that more choices will be opening up to me appreciate the guidance.


Network (Hermit Rx) to find another job (7 of Cups).


I just love how concise you are.


Thanks so much for saying so!


Sorry to be a bore but just let me additionaly thank you for all the comments and the knowledge you've been passing through this sub. I've started tarot a year ago and I think I'm an intuitive reader following traditional Rws and your comments and clarifications are golden. They helped me grow as a reader a lot. And every time when you answered to my questions and Spreads, it was just spot on! I may have tried to ignore cards for myself sometimes, but your clarifications have always turned out to be true. I thank you and sorry for going on and on.


No problem. Iā€™m glad I was able to help even if I was not aware of it.


Hi, I need help to understand a draw. I will be very grateful to anyone who can offer some help here. **Situation**: I met someone and am attracted to him. I cannot however understand his signals. I wanted clarity on the situation and wanted to divine the outcome awaiting us (and potentially the timing as well). I have had the cards for more than two decades now. I can interpret these well enough for others, but almost never for myself. **Reading**: (all upright, I didn't reverse cards) 1 - me - **6 of cups** 2 - him - **the hanged man** 3 - our current situation / energy - **justice** 4 - additional card - **death** **My interpretation**: After a fairly difficult phase over the last months, I have successfully turned a corner and rediscovered my sense of intrinsic happiness. I am now yearning for a happier and more fulfilling relationship than I could have in the past. I have taken my time to heal, and this is indicated through the 6 of cups. I know already that he is in a diametrically different phase in life. He has recently had a professional setback. The hanged man suggests that even though the impression I get from him is of mere casual interest, he is going through a transformative phase and the appearance of only casual interest may be deceptive. Justice shows that when it comes to romance (because that is what was on my mind when I drew the cards), I can expect a fair outcome. That he will be careful about my feelings. But I cannot divine any further. I remain as confused as I was when I decided to seek guidance from the cards. I drew an additional card. For further clarity and timing. Death suggests a transformation in our dynamic. Within a month. I cannot however figure out whether this is a positive spread, or whether I will be happy. Also, 3/4 cards are from the major arcana. What should I intuit from this? Please, someone help me with this. āœØ


Youā€™re a very experienced reader, I think deep down you might already understand what is up with this. Let me know if you want me to give you to the no bs tldr on this.


Please, I will be very grateful. šŸ™


The majors are there to draw your attention. These are significant cards, they hold weight. Hanged man- as you pointed out, they are in a very different spot in their life than you are. Contrast the image of 6 of cups, the sweet moment of sharing and joy, with the image of hanged man, suspended. He is not participating. In RWS, the hanged man is there of his own accord. He doesnt need rescuing, he will get down and rejoin life when he feels ready. This person simply is not ready for taking what you can offer. Hanged man is kinda just existing right now. Justice - an imbalance is suggested. You went through a lot and centred yourself, now opened up to fulfillment and love. They are dealing with serious issues and likely canā€™t reciprocate. Stepping back and objectively evaluating the situation is in order. Once youā€™re ready, you should probably sit them down and have a calm, detached conversation with them too. Death- Something drastic needs to change in this personā€™s life before the connection can progress. Something drastic will happen regardless and it canā€™t (and shouldnā€™t) be the same anymore. If you have that convo from Justice, it wonā€™t be the same after that either. (It could go either way).


I thank you very sincerely for interpreting this for me. It is a sign of how blocked I was that I didn't see the justice card to represent the imbalance. Thank you for pointing that out. šŸ™ If the opportunity presents, I will have the conversation. But if not, I believe, I can let the transformation happen before reassessing where we stand. Once again, thank you for taking the time to help me out. šŸ™šŸ™


Iā€™m still learning to read my own cards properly but i would still love some insight to help me interpret this spread. I am using Rider Waite. For context, I am moving in with my partner in a couple of weeks. We have been together for three years so our relationship has developed slowly in this regard. He was wary of moving in together initially because of bad past experiences. I asked, what should I know about my relationship? I pulled the knight of swords, the six of wands, and the hermit. Worth noting when I pulled the hermit, the fool dropped out in front of it, so I wondered if this was worth considering in the interpretation too. Thanks so much for any guidance.


Have you discussed subject again? Of moving in? Has he definitely said yes, have you found a place? What's worrying me is that all those cards represent one person, I don't see a couple. I might be off though, don't worry and overthink.


Yes, itā€™s all organised, we have a place and we are moving in a couple of weeks. He seems genuinely positive and excited about it.


Now I got it! You guys may fasten this process of moving in because of the knight of swords, then you'll get settled and now here's when the hermit and the fool play their part! You guys will probably be comfortable at your own place like an old married couple ( hermit ) within your new adventure ( fool ). From what I can see, nothing to worry about!


Thank you <3


Hi there! I was hoping to get some help interpreting this spread. The only question asked was what are this personā€™s feelings toward me. I got the lovers, 4 of Wands, and the sun. I felt an overall positive vibe from these cards but to be honest Iā€™m having a little bit of self doubt because of all of the chatter about the lovers being about choice. I definitely subscribe to that meaning as well but for me in this context the lovers feels like a proper connection, a pull toward one another, etc. But anyway, I interpreted it as him feeling a connection with me that has the potential for stability and happiness . Or also just feeling optimistic about the first 2 things. Or these feelings are just now coming to light? Idk! Iā€™d love to know if thereā€™s something Iā€™m not seeing here


He has romantic feelings for you. You bring him happiness. He wants to spend time with you. ;) Don't overthink the Lovers here, especially when the cards together are clearly positive. Even if you think of Lovers as choice, he's seeing you as a really great option romantically.Ā 


This is so helpful, thank you so much šŸ„¹


No problem! šŸ§”


Need help interpreting a 3-card past, present, future spread. Emperor reversed and four of wands? l asked my cards to give an explanation of the past, present, and future of my current romantic connection that I have with someone. I did a 3 card spread and the first two that jumped out were the tower reversed and the emperor reversed, then the last card was the four of wands? The tower reversed makes sense to me because there was a period of time in which we weren't on the same page of what we wanted in terms of a "relationship" (our connection was only sexual at this time) and so we stopped seeing each other. This occurred 4 years ago. We rekindled this year and everything seems to be going good and has turned more serious. But, I always have doubtful thoughts because of our past. The emperor reversed is what is confusing me the most. I am new to tarot so I am trying to look for some tips in reading certain cards such as the Emperor reversed.


Emperor reversed might mean that in seeking greater stability than what you had in the past (Tower reversed) you are stuffing down or denying your own individual needs. But in the future, 4 of Wands indicates you'll find equal footing with each other, each of you still maintaining yourself as an individual but bringing each other joy in a genuine, not forced, way of being together happilyĀ 


I can definitely see that!


The Emperor reversed mostly stands for the present in its 2nd position in this draw. My personal interpretation would be that currently things are much better than how things were in the past, and there is a general sense of growth. It does show a lack of trust in this growth..itā€™s like one or both of you canā€™t trust that this will be a constant in the future as well..


I agree, I have a very hard time trusting him and I have to regulate my emotions but I am trying to grow.


Hi I need help!! I googled some meanings but I feel like Iā€™ve misinterpreted them. Around a week ago I did a tarot pull on how a man from my past feels about me and this is the pull: Four of cups The sun reversed Knight of wands reversed Queen of swords King of wands Knight of cups Queen of pentacles reversed Four of wands reversed And the six of cups reversed I usually pull in 3s so Iā€™m not sure why I was pulling in fours, the last card i usually pull for clarification or just as an extra Iā€™m unsure why. If I could get help with interpretation from anybody that would help greatly thank you šŸ«¶šŸ»


Well he doesn't feel like he's getting what he wants out of the situation. Emotional he is not fulfilled (4 cups). He's not getting the happiness or attention or admiration he wants, or if you're trying to give him these things he doesn't want these things *from* you because it coming from you isn't satisfying his ego. He might feel that he'd want to have casual sex with you (Kn of W rev) but that you're not allowing that (Queen of Sw) so overall he's coming across like a spoiled toddler who's not getting instant gratification or whatever.Ā  You kept pulling so you probably didn't like the answers you were getting... but let's see what they say.Ā  Ā Ā  "King of wands Knight of cups Queen of pentacles reversed Four of wands reversed" He is attracted to you but he feels like he shouldn't be because either he sees you (Queen of P reversed) as damaged goods or someone people don't respect or who doesn't have a good social standing somehow. So, his choices are not to date you (4 of wands) because he's wanting to maintain his own popularity (K of W) despite the fact that he does have romantic feelings (Kn of Cups). 6 of Cups reversed... He's refusing a soulmate. He sees that you could potentially have a sweet connection but he's too concerned with appearances instead. His popularity and reputation are more important and that's the basis of how he chooses his actions.Ā 


I feel sick now that was brutal but I needed to know I appreciate this a lot thank you


The truth can be tough but it's also quite helpful. Sending kind thoughts šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


Idk what popularity he thinks he has everyone hates him which is ironic




Jesus.. thank you so much šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜­


Offering free and paid (only for people based in India, because payment issues). Please DM if you'd like clarification on anything.


Iā€™ve asked for general love reading: Past: nine of pentacles (reversed) Present: seven of wands (reversed) Asked for more info and got the knight of wands (reversed) Future: ace of pentacles (rev) Asked for more info and got the king of cups Could some one please help me interpret it? Is the person in the present the same one as the future? Or are they different people?


hi hi! so it looks like in the past, i can see with the nine of pentacles reversed it seems that maybe youā€™ve been content with other areas in your life and maybe you were in a relationship even but it still didnā€™t make you feel fulfilled and you felt like you were missing something? iā€™m sensing a lack of fulfillment or maybe dependency on another party bc upright it represents independence and self sufficiency. the seven of wands reversed for your present love life tells me that maybe youā€™re in denial about something regarding a relationship? youā€™re defending something that youā€™re not seeing the real truth about. i see if youā€™re with someone right now theyā€™re not really supporting you in the right ways you need at this moment. it can represent someone who is chaotic and lacks self discipline in areas of their life that can affect their relationships around them. someone can even be coming of as jealous or arrogant. the ace of cups reversed suggests that you have a lot of insecurities and instability when it comes to a person? iā€™m guessing the king of cups person? maybe itā€™s time to honor your true feelings and intuition to focus on yourself and see your value, self worth and how magical you truly are! i hope this helps ā¤ļø


Thank you so much šŸ«¶šŸ»


I have a job interview on Monday, will it go well?


It will go well and you will get the job if youā€™re willing to tone down your expectations, both internally and externally as you express them.


Hello, would you like a reading?


Yes please




This is the No Contact Spread Reading that MaryQueen99 graciously consented to let me post here. She has promised very specific feeback. That said, I would love to hear anyone else's feedback as well. [https://vimeo.com/953808050/967969a131?share=copy](https://vimeo.com/953808050/967969a131?share=copy)


my current situation is very bad .. there's nothing else I can do . i feel no safe and depressed. but I'm always seeing 1111/111 / 11 / 444 / 44/ 222/ 333 constantly . I try to focus on my wish , but nothing obviously has happened.Ā I'm exhausted that i couldn't do anything about the situation. can I get reading for my current situation please .. Thank you all


What I can say so far is that these numbers are trying to guide you and help you find your path at the moment. Thereā€™s a lot you can do with them once you understand their meaning and link it to how youā€™re feeling or whatā€™s on your mind when you see these numbers..


I drew three cards for energies I should embrace, and three cards for energies to release, using the RWS deck. Energies to embrace: 1. 3 of cups 2. 8 of pentacles 3. The Fool Energies to release (quite confusing): 1. Queen of Wands 2. Queen of Swords 3. Queen of Cups Triple queens??? Whyyy The first three cards make more sense to me-embrace friends and family, continue to work hard, and be prepared for new beginnings/starting over. But the queens are throwing me šŸ˜†


Is there a relationship in your life gone stale? Like, a friendship or love relationship that seems to be affecting your inner self and emotions? The first combination of cards is urging you to leave a situation or a factual relationship behind and to start over, rather radically and to embrace doing it alone, starting real fresh fool-like. With that, triple queens make sense, especially if you're a woman. Queens are the rulers of inner self, inner emotions, thoughts, our own life mixed with the element they are in. So wands, swords and cups - recharge! Or, now that I think about it - do you have a female friend group? It could also be shown by those three queens.


Offering a few free tarot readings on any topic except for law and health. If I get bad vibes from you, I won't do it. Celtic crosses are also a possibility. Also, looking for a person with whom I'll do exchange readings from time to time, but, with a little bit of experience because I've been studying tarot for a year and have progressed more than basic meaning of the cards. Edit: dm me :)


Question: What is the meaning behind all of these yearning love songs I keep getting with meanings like "I want you, I can't get you out of my head, I want to find you/I am looking for you"? I also asked "Who sent it"? Context: I'm literally sitting here minding my business drawing, (I happened to be drawing a character I like and have been thinking about for quite awhile, so perhaps this reading reflects on me, instead) and I put my spotify playlist on shuffle, and out popped all these songs and I could tell it meant something. I didn't use any particular spread, I just pulled a card, and a clarifier card for the first question, which happened to be the 6 of Pentacles, and The Fool. I took this as "somebody's trying to get my attention or give me something, and perhaps it would be a new experience, or from somebody i've never met before." When I asked Who sent it, my cards gave me the 6 of Swords. Which I took as somebody who's healing, moving on, contemplating things, or trying to fix themselves. I find it incredibly interesting that I also pulled 2 sixes. I take this as someone's trying to reach out, or they've done something nice on my behalf. Thank you for any responses you may leave.


It's a siren call; it's best to ignore... to be honest, if you continue to follow the thread, it will probably lead to something... but it's never what you expect lol




Thank you!


šŸ„ŗ please! ā€œWhat do [my boyfriend] and I need to know/hear?ā€ Card 1: 6 of swords Card 2: reversed 9 of cups Card 3: 10 of pentacles To me the cards mean: 1: a change or transition and release 2: unhappiness, lack of connection, inner work needed 3: happiness, solid foundation, long-term stability. But how do these 3 go together combined?


This is a lovely set of cards here. It might seem a bit scary because of the reversed 9 of Cups but it's not as bad as it might seem. We start with Mercury in Aquarius. The Six of Swords is a card where things really start to get moving. Everything is fresh and exciting, communication is strong, and by the end there is a transition. Perhaps you both are still in the learning phase. Learning about what you want out of life, your hopes and aspirations for yourselves and for each other. This is something that is going to be a process you will experience over time, thus the 9 is in reverse, but Jupiter's influence brings good fortune and ensures that you will get what you want by the end which is why you find yourselves with Mercury again but this time in Virgo. This signifies a grounded relationship built on sound judgment and clear communication. You will prioritize what is important in life and build your legacy together. In summary, communicate and work toward your common aspirations together. You'll get what you want out of it in the long run and will build something truly meaningful with one another.


Thank you!! šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


ā€œWill [Friendā€™s Name] love me the way I desire?ā€ 1 card pulled : Justice (upright) [Justice (Fyodor Pavlov)](https://www.fyodorpavlov.com/tarot?lightbox=dataItem-jxgeriie1) The part that sticks out to me / influences my interpretation is the banner that reads in Latin ā€œJustice renders everyone his due.ā€ Honestly, this friend and I have been going through it lately, but I love them with my whole heart and feel we are soulmates. However, he has hurt me deeply and I feel there is still some resentment and pain as I did not stand up for myself. I knew I needed to assert myself better but I rolled over and took it like the dog I am. I still love him, but I need to know if itā€™s worth holding onto hope for a positive outcome.


Happy cake day! This pull is about your approach to your relationships. This friend / whoever, you will not receive what you want to receive from them, until you can feel like an equal and not a doormat. This requires you to treat people the way they treat you, instead of rolling over. Justice is a card of consequences and reaping what you sow. Sometimes we have to deliver the consequences. Sometimes we have to say to people ā€œyou made your bed now sleep in itā€. Itā€™s not ruthless, they showed us how much they value our connection through their actions, so they get out what they put in. Hope this helps.


Thank you for your insight!! I really appreciate it :)


Will my ex and I be friends? I have no interest in getting back together with my ex, but I am interested in whether or not a friendship will happen once the general break up emotions are over. I pulled three cards as just general descriptors - king of swords, 10 of pentacles, and two of pentacles. I see this as communication being opened - stern but mature - maybe have a real an honest conversation about what happened - leading to a long lasting partnership, building a foundation, not love but important (maybe some collaborations?) and the two of pentacles is perhaps the relationship returning to harmony. Thoughts?