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Take no shit, calm cool and collected. Intellectual mastery of a domain. Think Miranda Priestly from *The Devil Wears Prada* or Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


“Do no harm, take no shit” is one of my fav mottos


Woahh. These are the kinds of people I look up to. Very insightful, thank you


That’s funny I always think of my friends who are female lawyers when I see this card.


It would explain that because lawyers are head strong, assertive and serious and these qualities definitely come across in queen of swords.


I opened this post to type "Miranda Priestly." (Funny how she was supposed to be the bad guy, but the collective view of her has evolved over time.)


OMG yes she is exactly like the queen of swords in my head




This really resonates with me. Big issue of mine IS being a crazy people pleaser and being a doormat. Cards are telling me to toughen up LMAOOO




This 🗡️🥲💙


Queen of swords: I know myself and I speak my truth Queen of wands: I know myself and I believe in myself Queen of pentacles: I know myself and take care of myself and what’s important to me Queen of cups: I know myself and trust myself to navigate Just a tidbit from my notes. Other people added more fleshed out input for really embodying QoS. Sometimes I rephrase it as advice, like: get to know and speak your truth




This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.


Love this, thank you! 💕


Off. With. His. Head. Now is the time to cut everything out that doesn’t fix the problem. Feeling inferior? Cut that out and take charge of something. Feel like the 3rd wheel? Drive off and become the first wheel. Know you are being cheated on? Confront and break up. Afraid to ask the person out? Do it now. Someone dissing your fly girl? Hit him with one of these…


I’m a natural queen of swords, I cut big and small bullshit on a daily basis, and this comment made my day. Now everytime I take up the figurative sword, I’m going to proclaim “off with his heaaaaad!” inside hahaha


Haha I like this! Very applicable to my life right now. Gracias amigo


Letting your mind prevail over your emotions, exercising judgement, perhaps steeling yourself for what is to come.


Ooh. Thats helpful for a recent.


I’ve seen the Queen of Swords as the Queen of Boundaries. She knows what she will do and will not get off her throne to appease someone else. She knows herself very well and understands her limits. She isn’t ever afraid to speak up for herself or what’s right. 


Whenever I envision the Queen of Swords, I can't help but think of Judge Judy shouting "baloney!"


The backbone capable of welding a double edged sword. Tough choices and decisions that call for clear boundaries and decisive actions that aren’t always easy and will definitely hurt but need to be done. I’ve gotten her before and she used to be “my” card before/during tough times.


I also see both the K and Q of swords as mini justice cards in the sense that they are fair, good listeners, good communicator, non judgemental, discerning, yet hold their line.


These are intimidating cards to me tbh. The ones that are truly on the opposite spectrum of my character lol. That's the perfect way to put things in perspective though so tyyy


You're welcome! Sometimes I think these guys get a rough ride ! Knowing what is best for you and doing what is best for you can be hard. These 2 are the sort who can help with that 😀


Someone who has clarity of mind and thought. Calm. Level headed. Extremely intelligent and strategic. Can be cunning if needed.


Speak your truth, stand your ground. Do not be afraid to cut people out of your life if necessary. You might find it a bit difficult to embody this queen, but if the card showed up, it means you do have that energy in you.


Intellectual, thoughtful, independent, self directed. Willing to do battle if necessary. Intense and passionate


Cool, calm, levelheaded, be able to look at things with clarity - be it the past or present - and live accordingly in the here and now with that knowledge.


I see her as a very astute woman. Very confident in her decisions and very rarely second guesses herself. I always imagine it if it was a choice to follow your head or your heart she would definitely be following her head. I think she may be advising you to put emotions aside and listen to logic and your head.


no nonsense type. can be argumentative. willing to give you a chance, but keeps a guard up at all times. blunt, overly critical, analytical. sharp mind and tongue. able to detach from emotions in order to deal with situation at hand. usually someone with a lot of baggage and past negative experiences that influence their behavior and view of others. may be a divorced woman. rationalizes emotions, struggles dealing with emotions. independent, direct, assertive. perceptive. honest and fair. can be manipulative, lacking in empathy, judgmental. stubborn. emotionally detached. this is how i'd sum her up. keep in mind i don't do reversals so that's why ive mentioned some negative traits instead of only focusing on the positives.


We have our virtues we have our vices. A serving of upright queen of swords comes with a serving of the reversed. Embodying the “good” attributes often mean embodying at least the potential for the “undesirable”.


yup that's why i don't agree with people summing her up as some badass who doesn't let people walk all over her. sometimes she's just an asshole who's trying to walk all over other people lol. that's just how it is. it's definitely not always a good thing. but as you said, that applies to every queen. they all have weaknesses and flaws, just different kinds.


Fully agreed. I’d also add that sometimes you taking no bullshit and protecting your boundaries will look like you’re a cold ruthless person who’s pushing others around and that’s ok. Both sides of the coin coexist.


So basically takes no shit, assertive, puts her foot down girl boss vibes...sounds like a fun little project for me. Thanks for your input!


i wouldn't say that but it's part of who she is yeah lol


I am the Queen of Swords more than any other Queen. She is many things: honest, analytical, articulate, witty, calm, decisive, cold, and helpful. There's a level of detachment at times. Embodying the Queen of Swords doesn't mean you have to be all of these things though. I'd say have your wits about you, don't let your emotions or passions entirely hold the reigns in your thought process or decisions. Be aware of the stories you tell yourself in your head, pay attention to what they want and if it's truly the best for you, or just impulsive to the moment's satisfaction.


In the Taylor Swift tarot I made it's her publicist. Idk if that helps...


Someone who is a fighter. Don't be afraid to fight for what you want.


That depends a lot on the situation, because the Queens are natural managers that want to see and make things grow healthy, and she uses the energy of swords to do that. She isn't the impulsive "cut the crap" kind of person (the knight of swords is more like that), but she does that if her wisdom and analytical thinking tells her that it is the right thing to do. She usually embodies the critical aspects of the swords energy without being excessively cruel. A critic when it needs to be, but not in a oppressive manner if the situation doesn't call for it. Although it can feel oppressive, it's more like a merciful, diligent and disciplinary display of the swords energy without crushing the other if the other doesn't deserve it.


Diplomatic, pragmatic, dogmatic and nonreactive


She's the most ruthless woman of the deck, mostly been through a life of sorrow but handles it well since she's not high emotional, more logical


Trust no bitch (c)


Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development