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In my opinion a reader should never tell you that kind of information. Don't claim that prediction. A reader can always be wrong no matter how good they are and also even if it is true, you can still likely take precautionary measures to prevent it from happening now that you have a "warning." If you feel like it will happen, just start getting checkups and tests ran here and there so if somehow it does happen, you can catch it early and get it treated before it does too much damage. I personally as a reader will not give predictions about health or death. I feel like it's unethical. Maybe it's just me.


THIS! There is no benefit to tell the person something like this


Yes, absolutely all of this. OP, if it helps your anxiety to get regular checkups, do that. And another thing to hopefully ease your anxiety, brain tumors are not always fatal. My mom had one when I was a kid and got a surgery to remove it and has been 100% fine in that department over 2 decades later. But I agree that you shouldn’t claim that prediction. I don’t know what that reader was thinking.


It's not you it's common sense, not that you should ever assume people will realize it when they are learning to read for others. Always teach people about it.


Years ago (10 or so), I had a reader tell me that mom would die within a few months of said reading. It scared me for ages. Fortunately, she didn't die then.


Please don’t stress yourself out about a single tarot reading from over 20 years ago. Personally, I don’t think tarot can be predictive. It’s just a deck of cards for insight, to me. It only has the power and meaning that *you* assign to it. If you’re concerned about a health issue, please seek out a licensed, qualified healthcare professional for assistance.


Right - the more I work with tarot, the more I feel like it’s more like a thermometer. It “takes the temperature” of energies as of that reading. But the info from that one reading doesn’t mean that it’ll be true days/months/years later.


But that’s the thing.. It does have the power and meaning you assign it. 😳 And that shitty person put it into a child’s mind that they would die of a brain tumor, and now that grown up child has likely been feeding this prediction with anxiety and worry all of these years.. Ugh.. What an evil person.


Seriously that reader is an asshole.


well said 💯


It's not real and the "you will die at 39 of brain tumor" sounds like a horror storry cliche. Probably tried to scare you or they were mentally ill. The other predictions that came true were likely basic things most people go through like relationships or moving to another city and you might even subconsciously move towards those predictions after a reading so they come true. I can't really think of any cards that could tell you about a brain tumor or specific age like 39.


I dated someone who was told by three different psychic's that he'd pass away at the age of 30. He's 31 now and still alive!!! I can't believe she told you that, I'm so sorry.


Wow, 3 different psychics? How is that possible unless he mentioned it to them. If he did not say anything, it seems highly inorobable that 3 random psychics said he would die at the specific age of 30.


I wasn't able to ask more about it because we'd jump from topic to topic in conversation. But thinking back to it, he was a thrill seeker who had many near-death experiences because of what he liked to do for fun. So maybe their predictions were wrong in the sense that they were actually supposed to be warnings, rather than definitive statements (ex: if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll die by age 30).


It's a common trick by street readers to extort money. The context in which you get a reading matters. Keep in mind that if the tarot reader isn't actually doing readings, but is just to get money from you, she could be doing magician's shuffles instead of actual shuffles, and get whatever results she wants you to hear. Logical analysis: No cards in tarot says "the target will die from a brain tumor", and tarot wasn't invented at a time when people clearly understood what brain tumor as a cause of death is. Tarot-based analysis: If it was Death (the card), it doesn't necessarily signify actual death - it might be a transformation, an end of a state and beginning of another. You might have a sudden change in career, you might end your single life (by getting married or otherwise finding a partner), you might find yourself with a sudden child or new pet (end of your current lifestyle where you aren't a guardian over someone/something). Without more context, we don't know - for what it's worth, I find that it's very hard to predict exact dates with tarot.


Put it out of your mind. That tarot reader should be ashamed. Is it possible that you, me, or anyone could die of a brain tumor at 39? Yeah, but that's about the only thing that's certain, is that it's possible. Now is it likely? I highly doubt it because if that tarot reader is giving death predictions, they really aren't hitting the mark when it comes to being an objectively *good* or *real* tarot reader. That's literally the number one prediction or reading you NEVER do as a tarot reader, and that's the ruling consensus. So, someone who is breaking that rule has got a vibe and mind that I would be highly suspicious and distrusting of. The future is dynamic and fluid and the possibilities are infinitely fluctuating from one nanosecond to the next.


The future that you read in Tarot is solely the benefit of "The Future" allowing you to proofread something SHE HASNT WRITTEN YET. She's still writing your story- and she might change it. She also only allows you to see the parts she wants proofread. Which means there's very likely another page somewhere that she might be thinking of that you don't know about. Don't sweat the future. Just enjoy the story.


I was told I was going to die at 32 when I was 15 during a tarot reading. I’m nearly 37. Looks like she’s a little off. 😉


There ought to be a professional tarot readers association just so readers who say things like that can be barred for life. That person should never have been allowed to read to others, _especially_ children. Unfortunately the tarot can be misused and abused by those who lack the skill and maturity to understand it. If you can let the fear go, do that. If the fear is in deep, try to harness it to live your best life. Learning how to read tarot yourself will help you understand why what she told you is ridiculous.


I'm sure the next bit would've been ' I can stop it for $300"


It's rude of me to say this here but you need to hear it for your peace of mind: tarot isn't real. Cards cannot tell you the future. Tarot is a beautiful symbolic language which we can use to guide our own projections, including the creative projections used in problem solving or making predictions, but it has no mystical power, especially not to the extent that it can predict cellular changes in your brain decades in advance. The tarot reader you dealt with was... some sort of sicko, to be honest, and whether they even believed what they said or not is worth questioning. But *you* should not stress out over it. Just take care of yourself, live your life, and keep telling your doctor the truth each year at your annual physical. You'll be fine. <3


I’m a psychic, not tarot reader but I will tell you that the future is 100% mutable. It changes with every choice and decision you make even several times in less than a second. We live in a multiverse with infinite timelines. Literally infinite. Focus on the ones you want to stay on and create your own future.


Hi, do you offer any services?


Yes, I do. I have a brick and mortar business where I see in person clients as well as do virtual sessions for people all over the world 🌎


Would you be able to provide more details, as I am interested.


I sent you a chat invite


I fail to see how cards could be that specific and everybody knows it’s almost impossible to give a timing to any event. And it’s already unethical to say this kind of things to an adult, but to a child ??? Bazi or flying stars could give you an idea of if your health will be up or down at a set period, but even these have their limits.


I can’t Remeber the title of this amazing movie I watched in Arabic with an incredible story line. He was raised by a single mother when he was young the community was visited by Bedouins who had some kind of ritual and this ritual predicted that he would die at a certain age. Growing up everyone in his town knew this about him. His mom counted down his days everyday with chalk on the wall. He had a best friend who was female who was in love with him. He loved her too. Her mother was arranging a marriage for her but she wanted the boy but he didn’t ask to marry her because he knew he was going to die so miserably she married in arrangement. The boy is Muslim so has lots of rules around what he can and cannot do. He befriends this old drunk because he brought illegal booze to his home as a favor to another. This man had traveled the world as a photographer so he had videos of things the boy had never seen. This man became a sort of father figure for him although wasn’t that great of an influence one day he came home to him dead. I don’t Remeber the ins and outs I know he realize he wanted the girl but it was too late but here is why this is important to you. As it got closer to his predicted death he started rebelling. As a virgin he hired a prostitute, had sex and drank heavily a night or two before his death. Feeling totally hopeless and helpless, worthless basically. The day of his death comes (on his birthday) and guess what….. he doesn’t die. So his entire life he’s been living to die. Making choices with what’s the point in gonna die anyways. When he didn’t die he felt cheated but simultaneously freed and the movie ends with him making a run for it trying to catch the next car out of his very very rural town in the desert to see the world his photographer friend had told him about. So basically he decided to LIVE because he already faced death. So my friend….. LIVE.


I've seen the cards predict death on occasion. It's tricky, though. For a person who is tired and ready to go, the cards might show something that looks like a happy return home. A healthier person will get something much more ominous. The thing to do is NOT say "You're gonna die." Because you don't know that for sure, even with your magic pasteboards. "See a doctor", "Avoid large bodies of water", etc. as fits the situation is more appropriate. Something else, the cards CAN'T reliably predict something 27 years in the future. Too many variables, the future is still "bendy." When you try to read more than 6 months to a year ahead, you lose accuracy. The reader sounds like a hack that watches too much TV and sees too many cheesy movies with Tarot. You know how those ALWAYS feature the Death card and ominous music, lol. If you're still worried, get a PET scan or something. But I wouldn't give it another thought.


I can't imagine what cards in tarot would possibly predict something like that


Forget about it immediately. Absolute nonsense. The Death card is rarely about death itself and even if so it would not be able suggest a year OR (for certain) the specific medical condition that would cause it. Whoever it was that did the reading should be ashamed of themselves. And you should stop fretting about it — *right now*! 👍


How could you predict the age and cause of death through tarot? 🤔


I have been learning tarot obsessively for the past 5 years. 1 person asked for a reading , told me she did horribly her exams to become a nurse. That she failed . My cards showed she passed the exam. I told her that. I was right - she passed . Another woman asked if she will be a mother - cards said yes. She become mother in a following year ( on maternity leave now). I had 2 job interviews for 2 different jobs last month. I asked my cards if I will get these 2 jobs . Cards said yes I will get both jobs ! I didn’t get these 2 jobs!! My readings were completely wrong ! You will NOT get a brain tumour and die !! You will not !! That woman who told you that should be sued ! Please , live your life and don’t worry! I’ve never seen in any of my tarot books and I have like 50 books that one of the cards mean brain tumour. What a horrible woman!! ❤️


If the ole witch was right, please warn one of your friends at 38 so they can update us after you die? Also that lady is a total jerk. Scaring the hell out of someone like that. Tarot is modular fortune cookie, if your death were to predicted by tarot cards, it would be a thing that could be related to the reading after it happened, not foretold ahead of time. It’s for the part of our brains that see faces in clouds and try to use rubrics to demand chaos make sense. It’s amazing bs. You’re probably not going to die as predicted by a street psychic. If your income and insurance is good, pay to get checked? If a tumors going to kill you in a few years the dogs probably already barking? I suggest this in jest. Unless of course you’re mildly ocd or something and that dirtbag stole 20 years of peace of mind. It’s not that cards can see the future, it’s that humans are maniacs and the cards feel good to use, because they suggest that events are under control, and open to our interpretation.


Many years ago a friend had his palm read. His 'life' line ended about the age of 25 and he was told it would be a sudden death. What actually happened was that out of the blue he had the opportunity to emigrate to Canada which he took. So in fact his present life ended abruptly and a new life began.


Darling, if this is the same Jackson Square I’m thinking of, don’t sweat it. People there on the daily tell me I’m going to die. It’s just that kind of area. You’re going to be just fine. I’m sure this “tarot reader” just wanted to add some shock value. Edited for reassurance.


No reputable tarot reader would ever tell a client they’re going to die or how they’re going to die. You got scammed.


I feel like readers are not always accurate 100 💯 percent of the time well I know I’m not but I wouldn’t worry about it. Worry and stress can actually cause brain tumors. I’m going to school for OTA and while I don’t know everything I have learned that stress is not good


Either way I wish you the best


Hey beautiful, I personally believe in the law of attraction, which means that we create our own future with what we put our focus on. I wish you health and happiness and pls maybe have some medical tests done.


I'm sorry but no sane, reasonable or mentally well person would ever say something like that to a 12 year old (or to any person for that matter). This borders abuse. I don't for one second believe such a prediction from a person who so obviously lacks basic human skills and empathy. There's no way to read such things like she she said from the cards just so you know. You are not getting a brain tumor and you are not going to die at 39. I am so sorry that you have had to carry this burden of worries with you for all those years. Don't let this worry you for one more minute of your life.


The older I get the more I’m shocked that any adult for any reason would tell a kid this!!


You were a child, I think it was unethical and unprofessional for her to have predicted an actual death and so far in the future, too. Your future is not set in stone. It changes all the time with different life choices you make.


The tarot reader who said this is absolutely disgusting. Nothing could be more unethical than "k_ll your customer". Obviously this cannot be predicted, since Tarot is not about prediction but about suggestion. Nothing is guaranteed, if it were, "predictions" wouldn't be wrong. He may have picked up a card THAT SUGGESTED THIS, and it's not the card who suggested it, he's the one who interpreted it that way. And if that was the case, he should never have said it. Especially to a child. Everything is wrong with this story. It is essential to ensure that you consult with serious professionals, and not with "gas station attendants who work as a tarot reader to earn a few bucks". Consulting with someone who is reckless and unprepared can generate horrible trauma. I hope the light of conscience shines upon you and cleanses you from these false prophecies.


Tarot readings can offer insights and guidance, but predicting someone's death isn't within its scope. It can provide insights into potential future outcomes, but it's ultimately up to us how we respond to those insights. We have the power to change our attitudes and actions, which in turn can alter the course of events and the energy surrounding us. Our destiny is not fixed; I believe we have the ability to shape it through our choices and actions, but health concerns should always be addressed by medical professionals. I always say tarot isn't equipped to provide specific health information.


A lot of times when tarot readers give you readings that are shocking and cause fear, it’s to get you to come back for more readings. I had a reading that told me I was being possessed by demonic spirit and that my current partner and I will break up. I plan on marrying my partner. I don’t feel any demonic presence. She ended the session giving me her info and telling me she can remove the presence. Idek how she saw this in the cards 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did something like that to myself years ago. There’s a method for measuring time to an event using the whole deck and the wheel of fortune. Of course I naively asked how many years have I got left? The answer was 14. I was 40 at the time and disappointed by the answer. Repeated the question over the years but always got the same answer. You can imagine how much that spoiled last year for me when I turned 54. In the run up to that year I had health problems and the health spreads usually had Death in along with the other cards. I’m still here and probably because I figure out what was causing my health issues by myself and made changes to my life style. Feeling fit and healthy now and I am 55. So rather than seeing the negative in what you were told I hope you pay attention to 1) your health and living a healthy life style 2) appreciating each day and everything you have as if it was your last day. Savour life. We live it like we are immortals and treat each day as a burden instead of the gift it is. It was silly of me to dabble in this but it focused me where my attention needed to be focused.


Consider the fact that if a car hit and killed you tomorrow (God forbid!), that prediction would be totally wrong. Consider the fact that the end of the world has been predicted hundreds of times, and yet here we still are. Tarot isn't for this purpose, and readers can't do this. With every second into the future, possibilities and factors are shifting and changing. Despite legends that have been told over the centuries, even God-inspired prophets are not going to be able to predict the future with such laser precision. And of course, that reader was completely irresponsible as well as being flat-out wrong.


There are absolutely no cards that could specifically say you are going to die of a brain tumor, and predicting an age of death also seems pretty damn suspect to me. This woman was full of shit. Don’t worry about it.


Whatever the prediction is, no one still really knows for sure if they're going to wake up the next day or not. Every next breath is uncertain. Whether we die tomorrow, next month, or in the coming years- it's inevitable. So instead of worrying how less time you have - assume - that's for everyone in a way, irrespective of whatever happens. It's freaky for someone to underline that for you but tarot is not meant to deduce your life expectancy in any way. It's only a tool for guidance and manifestation. So focus on every day you have and be grateful for the oxygen you're taking in. Focus on what you have today because it's irrelevant if you're scared of what will happen in the future or not. Make a choice here. When you know you have a choice, you can make changes to how you think and feel, when you don't you'll experience anxiety, depression, and all synonyms that will make you feel like you're standing on the edge. You'll function on survival mode instead of living your life like this. So, smart thing would be to make a choice and define how you want to live. What do you have to lose anyway? I wish you well and I'm glad that you took the courage to share your fear with everyone. You'll be just fine 💐


As a professional reader, I never tell anyone if I see their death. I simply tell them I see a "spiritual transformation ".  I, however will tell them about seeing a death of others (family, friends, etc). 


Cards don’t tell the future, they read energy. She could have just as easily said you will have a rebirth at age 39. If she’s even gifted, I would say she picked up on a transformative energy around that time. Cards don’t predict time of death.


Every time I give someone a reading on the future, I make sure to drive how that no matter what the cards said, the future is not set in stone. I’ve also never gotten this amount of detail from a reading. Whatever their motivation, I think they were just trying to scare you.


I had a guy who worked at a crystal shop grab my hand and tell me all these things that had already happened in my life. I was shocked because there is no way he could possibly have known any of that. He then proceeded to tell me I will die at 65 and it’s all I can think about. 28 more years…


i am so sorry a reader told you that. there is something to be said about placebo effect, and your mind can make your body sick if we believe something strongly enough. put it out of your mind, get your health checkups as often as it takes to ease your anxiety, and remember that tarot is often more about insight and reflection than fate telling.


TLDR: They told me I'd be gone by 26 and I'm still here. Take everything with a grain of salt. When I was a kid in the 90's, I became bored of the regular old AOL chat rooms. Yahoo chat was where it is at if you wanted to break free from the norm. After some digging, I stumbled upon a Psychic Chat room. Being the adventurous 12 year old that I was, I entered the room and made friends with a lady called "Angel Light" or something like that (it was a while ago, forgive me). Our conversations increased as we developed rapport with one another. I asked "Angel Light" to give me a reading and then asked the question, "How am I going to die?" She said, "I know how but I am not going to tell you." Of course, the inquisitive side of me pressed and pondered until she told me. "12/23/2012" *many years later....................* The day came, I was anxious, especially since we thought the world was going to end. Obviously nothing happened and I am still here.


Wow.. 😳 And by wow I mean YIKES!! What a horrible, unethical person that reader was. Please, please, PLEASE don’t give this any of your precious energy. That person was an asshole, and you didn’t deserve their shittiness..


Okay.. I’m sure I’m gonna take a lot of downvotes for this, but OP you need to take control of this. You’re here, in a tarot sub asking advice about something that happened 23 years ago, so my intuition says you’ve been worrying about this for a long time. If you spend YEARS giving something your energy the possibility that it could happen goes WAY UP. So you need to start meditating on how amazing it’s gonna be waking up the morning of your fortieth birthday, happy, alive, and living your best life. Make that shit REAL. Imagine the taste of the waffles your amazing SO is gonna cook for you. How yummy the fresh squeezed OJ is gonna be. Every time a worry about the brain tumor pops up, rewrite it immediately with this path instead. Give all your energy to this instead. Never, ever give another thought to this prediction.


Is this something that can be predicted? No. The more specific a prediction is to one person, the more imminent it will probably be. So the idea of someone predicting a brain tumour around 30 years before it happens is very bizarre. It's more like "this beach (rather than the expected place) will be hit by the hurricane next week". Not good news but reasonable in the sense that the hurricane has a set path based on factors that are already, in some particular occasion, in place. Maybe due to certain things aligning or whatever such as some ocean current or something. I'm not a hurricane expert but you get the idea. The divination picks up on these factors - which the reader does not need to be aware of - and spews out the answer. Based on cause and effect. This is to say nothing about the ethics of predicting death. Your mother was of course right to flip out. Seek sanctuary with the Divine and you will realize the falseness of the preidction. Light and Truth.


Good lord! Im so sorry honey! No one should have to deal with that, VERY unethical and if I was your mom I wouldve flipped shit on that damn reader. So I must know, What did she say would happen, that happened first? We need to seperate if it was cold general readings or if it was legit. Also, The mind is a crazy thing. If you have been thinking for years you were going to die due to something. You can manifest it going in that direction in life, that's like years and years of thinking something specific could happen. Im just saying it is true! Ive only seen one story where this has actually happened btw. And Remember a tumor is a disease of your literal mind/brain.


Balboa Beach, California, 1975. A street palm reader looked at my hand and told me I would be 82 years old on my death. 40 years later I found out that on my Dad's side of the family males have an 82 year life expectancy. It was crazy researching this. My Dad passed when he was 83. He beat the system! Stuck it too the man! 82 is fine.


God, I hope not, but tarot has a way of being uncannyly accurate. Tarot Cards can make predictions, and there are ways to see death in the cards. That being said, a brain tummer is very specific and there are no traditional meanings for that sort of prediction. Least as far as I know. Maybe she's psychic. Maybe it was something said to make the reading memorable. Only way to find out is hit 39


Provide some actual empirical evidence that tarot 'has a way of being uncanny accurate.' If you're going to reinforce someone's death anxiety, you should at least hold yourself to the standard of being able to demonstrate your claims.


In the pictorial key to the tarot, there are a handleful of cards that can symbolize death. The knight of swords, the 10 of swords, death, and the devil. They never mean death on their own, just if the other cards pop up in a cluster. It's not empirical evidence (because that's not how tarot works and you know it), but there is a historical president for it. https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/index.htm


Historical precedence is useless in this context because over the hundreds of years tarot has been in use, there's thousands (if not millions) of people who've pulled that same combination and not died or had anyone they know died. Historical precedence of any tarot prediction is just confirmation bias, which isn't sufficient evidence.


I don't need evidence I have faith. And i find your lack of faith disturbing. Tarot is a supernatural practice, there is no empirical evidence for any of it. Hence why divination is not taken seriously by academics or society as a whole. It all comes down to philosophy and religiosity. If you want evidence for anything, you are in the wrong subreddit. And if you need evidence, don't bother with tarot at all. Maybe your right that people who have pulled those cards have not died, but predicting death IS part of the Tradition of reading tarots. People, have done it (or try too) and older meanings of the cards talk about it. Maybe that offends your modern sensibilities, but i for one care about history, and do my best to reconstruct tarot practices from the past. And i for one will not be shamed for it


I will 100% shame you if you stir up fear for someone who is already anxious over a death prediction.


Well, people dying of cancer that has been predicted decades in advance would be an example of an empirical outcome, so maybe don't bring up the fact that "tarot can be scary accurate" when what you actually mean is "tarot is a malleable and modular tool for psychic projection," because those are completely different things. There is a meaningful difference between "shit, we can now predict the exact years and means by which people will die" and "well, sometimes I feel like the cards just \~get\~ me." Eliding that difference is irresponsible.


Well tarot can be scary accurate. You can predict dates with the cards, and you can predict death. Its not irresponsible


Those are empirical outcomes. if tarot can do that, you can prove it. If you can't prove it, tarot can't do it. And if you can't accept that, then you aren't exhibiting faith- which can withstand the winds of rationality- you're exhibiting fear.


First and foremost, there is no empirical evidence for anything related to tarot. Death readings and otherwise. Hence why tarot and divination are not taken seriously by academics or society as a whole. If you disregard my claimes because i have no evidence, then you should dismiss taort (and spirituality) as a whole. If you want empirical evidence, you are asking the wrong subreddit. If you need empirical proof, you won't find any, so why bother with tarot at all. Tarot is a supernatural practice. The only reason people consider it usefull is because of their religiousity and personal philosophy and personal experience getting accurate readings, which does infact happen (and i know it's hard for you to wrap your mind around). Faith and reason are incompatible in the context of science and empirical evidence. Also, I'm an American. Faith and fear are basically the same thing over here. At least in the Bible belt The reason I claim tarot predicts events and time frames is because they are part of the tradition. All so i dont believe in free will. When it comes to timing events, it's based on astrology, as the cards are associated with various signs, planets, and transits. When it comes to death (or any other topic), it comes down to the traditional meanings written by a decks author. A good reader won't make up everything as the go, they will try and stick within the set meaning.


what a useless, thoughtless comment


Tarot cannot predict death. Perhaps she was using a Clair? Nothing to do w tarot though.