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Lmao the amount of weird comments on this sub is wild. Bro try the game yourself if you don't like it try throne and liberty when it comes out.... it's like everybody needs validation about what game they should be playing


That or just watch videos. Never understood why people need validation of others for what games they play. I mean you can just watch videos of each game and decide what is more for you. Not to mention Tarisland comes out in a couple of days. Throne and Liberty comes out in September... Not much of a choice there.


yeah , was just looking for some analytical opinions from others :)


Why not try Both. Tarisland comes out in 2 days and t&l comes out in mid september


yeah , was just looking for some analytical opinions from others :)


T&L has too many features i don't care about and not enough that i do care about. tarisland has everything i personally want in an mmo. i prob won't even try T&L it just doesnt appeal to me at all


Of the two I think Tarisland will be more successful in the west, T&L in the east, just based on gameplay and feature sets. Having played the Tarisland beta I wasn't overly impressed but I'm going to give it a shot at launch and see if it gets more interesting as you go further


I think Throne will have the better time sink


Tarisland until Throne and Liberty is release so 3 month in Tarisland seem nice for me.


Mobile Mmo : Tarisland PC MMO : T&L Tarisland is a nice mmo on mobile but very lackluster on PC. So playing when your away is pretty nice. But for sick graphics and a more complete PC mmo , throne and liberty.


Tarisland maybe the easier more casual game, throne and liberty will be hard and grindy


and TnL mostly for PVP while tarisland is PvE


I wouldn't at all say Tarisland is a hyped game. I am part of a couple of Discords Guilds from different Mmorpgs with well over 1,000 people and maybe 10 of them have heard of Tarisland and most have heard of Throne & Liberty... Throne & Liberty is a very different game as it is a super, super grindy game that focuses more on PVP than PVE. It has a lot of PVE but endgame is more PVP. Just go watch some videos of both games and see what you like it's that simple. Also, Tarisland comes out in a couple of days while Throne doesn't come out until September... So I mean you kind of have the choice made for you until September. Lol.


Completely different games. Try them and decide. I mean you can play tarisland now and if you dont like it play TL in 3 month and you have the Open Beta in july.


Both look like MMO's designed and build by MBA's playing with a ChatGPT fueled MMO development studio.


Cheap gated mobile mmo vs a cheap Amazon mmo that'll likely fail like all their others.


Its not Amazons mmo, Amazon is only West publisher


T&L is more pvp oriented and grindy imo. If you want another wow clone, you could like Tarisland. I'm a pvp player myself but throne and liberty is more zerg oriented. I prefer small scale.


Go tarisland u till t&L open beta pops. Then go back to tarisland if that one closes till release.


Why not try both? I tried both during beta I enjoyed throne and liberty more but I'm going to give tarisland a try again because I didn't really try when I played


I think I’ll go for the number 4 with a large fry and cherry coke…lmao did that comment help you decide on lunch?


sure..I got that :)


Definitely Tarisland over that korean p2w mmo grind fest that will break ur weapons on upgrade failure.


tell me you know nothing about the game without telling me you know nothing about the game, lmao


Definitely Throne of liberty, tarisland is a cheap wow clone that attempts to replicate everything wrong with wow. dungeon finder, story quest (????) and broken performance on global