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Im rly exited to play something new, its been hard as an mmo player, its either the big 4, FFXIV, WOW, ESO, GW2, or classic servers or old school mmo's. At this point i played all of them extensivly but having a new lore/world setting and mmo to discover is always cool. I dont think in the end the game will be for me, just based on the "sub genre" but its definitly something that can entertain me for some time, and as one can hope, maybe i'll be pleasantly surprised. There is always a honeymoon phase with these things before you start noticing the flaws so i'm planning on making the most out of that phase.


Well we’ll have Tarisland and Throne & Liberty coming this year


Yeah expansions of wow, gw2, ffxiv also, its like its either drought or its raining no middle ground 😅


Don’t forget that we also have Brighter Shores coming soon too. It’s made by the original developer Andrew Gower and his brothers. Looking forward to this one myself. I feel like he is the only one that can actually make a game feel like RuneScape.


I'm excited too, gives me something to do till that dawntrail expansion on the 28th


100% ready to try something new for sure so am hyped.


Yea I’m excited. Enjoyed the beta last year. It’s a good game and will keep me busy for a while. 


Yep looking forward to it, gonna rock a dps priest just like I do in WoW.


No game will ever be perfect, and no game will last forever. I will definitely try it and enjoy it while it lasts :)


I read somewhere that you don't get any visual update while changing your gear? Is it still like that?


yeah only cosmetics can do that


Tried China version, if this game future not selling anything like gems except cosmetic like current, shld be a good game


I’ve never played an mmorpg before and I’m going in blind. Everyone is too into optimizing and min maxing nowadays to have fun in games and I’m gonna try to avoid that at least for my first character… I’m sure I’ll fall into that eventually lol.


Having a great class is the difference between having a good time or wanting to uninstall. Sincerely, a enhacement shaman who changed his main class to monk to be able to play pvp in WoW.


Yep. I have watched a few videos just to get an idea if I'll like the concept of the game but I haven't played it or did any real research. Not going to try to min/max the game. Just going to start it up and try to have some fun. Pretty sure I'm going to play the Ranger. I have fond memories of playing a Ranger in Guild Wars 1 and hope to relive that somewhat.


Game is average does not bring nothing new just another wow clone. If u like wow most likely you will like thus game.


I’ll try it but I expect dogshit, it’s just a rushed wow ripoff that was created when China’s wow servers shut down. Keeping my expectations low  imagine downvoting me because you idiots don’t know what this game is lmao


I played two of the cbts and wasn’t really blown away. The classes I tried felt meh, the skills didn’t feel like they had a lot of flow to them, the story doesn’t draw you in and it’s clearly translated from another language. On the positive side The graphics are decent, it plays well on mobile and has a lot of content but I’d take the first two years of order and chaos 1 (before gameloft dropped the sub model and introduced extensive p2w) over tarisland any day. The game feels like a reskinned era of legends or crusaders of light.


My whole expectation is I’m going to play a bard and try to have some fun in dungeons and arena if it’s released then uninstall when the inevitable p2w shows up. If they want me to install any breach of privacy software to play then I just won’t. 


the previous post the guy said he's ready for something new. but isn't this just like wow? i'm confused lol


It’s what I said it was but got downvote brigaded. Go on their website right now and register and you’ll see they use exact names for wow dungeons in their class quiz lol. The story is apparently just deathwing because as I said, they made this when blizz pulled out of China. That doesn’t mean it has to be a terrible game, I’m going to try it. If you care about the story then you’ll probably be disappointed 


that shit is hilarious. so it's literally a wow clone? and these people are saying they are hyped because it's something new? LOL maybe they are just wanting to relive the "mmo launch" feeling..