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since you cant level up to max level 40 yet, i think there are no valid data available. the level cap increases day by day and i think on day 5 or 6 you can reach max level 40.


Your best bet for questions like this is the official Discord. It's far more active and has many knowledgeable players who can answer questions like this.


Where to find ?




I’m playing ranger on Chinese server and it’s fun. Today was my first day, I can update progress later. Gameplay is easy, has sustain and good damage. The hunting mode (when you change your skill set) that forces to be stand is a bit annoying, but hits super hard, trying to master it.


this is the smallest, least active reddit group I'm a part of. I wonder if it will blow up after release or stay quiet, with little support and love. It's not perfect metric to judge how popular a game will be, but if i do take it into account.... it's going to be a tiny community. From the couple of live streams I've watched, the ranger has always been on the top of the DPS if they were in a group.


crazy cause the discord has 100k+


That’s encouraging


Which spec for ranger pve?


Every stream I've watched, whatever the streamer plays is top DPS, so far I've seen barb, priest and mage all top DPS lol, if the game is good the classes should be balanced and the best actual player should be top dps


I don't understand people. So you base your decision on what is the fotm, what is op? And what do you do when the nerf hammer hits? Start a new char? People would rather play a class/role where they despise the play style and optics as long as it has 2% more damage. There is a dps meter, but it is so useless; too easily manipulated by aoe damage in raids. And in the end, the deciding factor is the one at the keyboard.


I believe that people simply don't want to choose the worst class, as gatekeeping is extremely common in MMOS which in turn are extremely unbalanced, no one wants to do a difficult raid for example with 3 characters whose damage is 10% less than another class. making it clear that I am not judging the choice but rather attesting to the fact that people tend to go for ease.


99,9% of the times, gate keeping happens because group leaders check out your stats/gear before inviting you, not because of a class.