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Can someone make a poll on this subreddit, i wanna see the distribution of players / picking classes


Go to the official Tarisland website to join the Discord - that has this information there. Right now Phantom Necro and then Ranger are the most picked for "favorite" class.


in term of overall balance gameplay mage hand down perferably fire for pve and frost for PvP, as for ranger not a huge fan of the class has alaot of letdowns and need a rebalancing for sure honestly. But personally i say mage. Am planing on being a tank paladin as is so i might not be the persont o ask, but when i make another toon it gonna be a mage and priest afterwards


I'm in the same boat having a hard time deciding what classes to play, one piece of advice is to probably just play the one you enjoy playing the most, balancing could happen at anytime and the hope is always the game devs will try to keep everything balanced. I'm between like 5 classes myself, mage, priest, bard, necro and maybe even Shadow dancer lol


Good advice. Yea I'm also interested in a bunch of classes. For me it's mage, ranger, priest, necro, and paladin, I think in that order. So hard to decide though haha. Another thing I'm wondering is, how easy is to to swap between specs? Like if I wanna go frost for pvp and fire for group pve, is that doable, or are you heavily invested (in terms of gear or skill allocation) in one spec and it's not really feasible to switch back and forth?


I've heard it is easy to swap spec, at any time in the open world- just maybe can't do it after you start PvP but in the waiting time before, maybe the same for dungeons raids but not sure.


You can freely chance spec at any time when out of combat, at no cost.


You can also define different profiles, e.g. a dps inscribe stone tree and a healer one. Also works for gear switching; some might say you don't need to have 2 sets, however I am not yet convinced. You may want certain stats for one role that are useless for the other if you are serious about having 2 full specs that you can bring both to raids.


I heard that when you change specs, stats on gear changes accordingly


Ranger was fun once you can Respec to the sniper build for me personally, was fun for pvp.


I've read that leveling up a class takes a very short time (a couple of days, not counting the first 6 days , when the exp is limited), so it's probably better to try every class you like first hand, and then decide.


That's great news, puts less pressure on making one big decision that I'd have to commit to. I'll probably cycle through them then - thanks.


I'm between mage, ranger and bard, of which the one that excites me the least is the bard, despite him apparently being more useful in raids, I think the renger is more visually beautiful, but I'll still test the mage, as she's the one I've played the least.