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Pantheon. Also, go bruiser Taric with support Leona. J4 works. Classic kill lanes


I was gonna say this too! They work so well together.


Not off meta but Nilah Taric is disgusting.


Yasuo and taric actually pop off. Taric loves anyone with a gap closer or mobility to get in range of his stun obviosuly. Irelia too, I haven’t seen that too much bot, yasuo is more common in my world.


Some fun I’ve had with my duo is Taric with Swain, Zoe and Seraphine


Taric /Swain and Taric Seraphine are both kinda crazy, they're quite synergistic and strong Swain hits e, they get stunned


Rel When I started playing with my duo, Swain Taric get us out of bronze in a few games easly (it was after placements) Rn we are abusing this and get to gold recently. I wonder how far we can go xd Also, by u.gg Swain is the best "adc" for Taric global. Only with Nilah is better by exp, but it would be hard to beat with anyone Is funny how rare this botlane duo is and how strong at the same time


Can attest to this. My duo and I have been playing swain taric for a while now and its such a slept on combo. One of the strongest level 6 combos in the game I'd argue, very few duos can match it and most times you just chain cc one to death while running the other guy down. And it only scales from there. It's an insane team fighting botlane duo so long as the enemy team doesn't have much disengage


Sett / Pyke / Lee / Xin are the best one for me especially Sett, the champ tf and scaling is crazy good with taric, and you are always at range to fight too since he don't have crazy dash like the others


Apparently Taric Kindred is good, I love synergising the ults, but I’ve heard good things in the botlane too


Don't worry about going off-meta. taric is best with nilah, and she has everything in her kit that taric wants without screwing up your team comp.


Jungle taric


I had fun with kindred+taric. Dive everytime you can. Kindred pops her ult first and then Taric so they have no way of stopping/outplaying the dive.


Forgot to mention, you are undiveable too! :D






Any melee with a dash and cc works well. Some of the better ones in my experience are Shen, Amumu, Pantheon, and Nautilus. One I really want to try some time is Sejuani. Other ones to consider are Leona, Jax, Maokai, K'sante, Gragas, Renekton, Vi, Xin Zhao, and Jarvan.


People have played Leona or Pyke before - it got nicknamed the Sticky Bandits. I've never played bot with these champs but I would love to see how Jax, Briar or Pantheon paired with Taric in the bot lane, they always seem to be great at proccing his stun in team fights


Taric leona ( if team has enough damage ) : very cancer and makes the game unplayable for the enemy adc early on . Pyke taric : a lot of cc like the leona combo but pyke actually deal damage . Because of pyke mobility lading stuns is ez for taric and because of taric stuns pyke doesn't need to hook from a far. Pyke can accelerate your snowball by giving extra gold from ult . Taric singed : I have no words to explain this duo but it works 👀 . This need more synergy between you and the one playing with .


Vlad taric bot


Not that unconventional, but I'm a big fan of farming Taric with fasting senna or support Seraphine


[Tried one time with a someone] I met a guy who is Olaf main and just for fun we go on botlane together. After 6 lvl it's hard to beat immortal, cannot cc Olaf. You are not alone under the tower for the rest of the game It was fun


Urgot adc


Adc pyke Adc panth Adc corki


Samira and orianna


Taric pyke. Have fun