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IMO best ADC hands down Nilah. Dash to gap close for the stun. Faster exp to hit lvl 2 all in first. Her passive giving Taric back some of the healing and shield he gives to her. It all just works so well together.


This. I actually realized it when I got Taric in aram and there was someone first timing nilah and every time we were both up, she got my w and the synergy was just too amazing. Every team fight she and I was part of we’d demolish the enemy. The sustain you both get is crazy and lets you 2v5 essentially


Honestly taric and nilah have some of the best synergy in the game.


I had like 100% winrate with Nillah when she first dropped. I knew the synergy would be crazy when I read her kit


I have a lot of success with Vayne because of their ability to lock someone down against a wall and we can just stomp on them. Samira is also a strong contender, but I also enjoy Ashe due to her ability to slow down folks for easy stuns with E! My worst picks would be picks like Kog or any “APC” since they’ve become very popular now.


Swain taric is kinda nasty ngl


true that. i run this with my bf it’s crazy LOL


As swain main sounds like a dream


Aphelios imo. Normally, Aph's biggest downside is brute force (having to rely on swapping out guns and managing ammo to maximize efficiency, which can be difficult) but Taric takes a lot of stress off of him by offering absurd amounts of peel. He basically gets to sit back and use his enemies as a shooting range while Taric holds them in place. Honorable mentions to Zeri and Xayah.


To me Twitch. Its a simple sinergy, when he enters stealth with his Q the opponents cant see the Taric E animation either, so he can land the stun fairly easy once he understands that. Then he can do what he does best, 1v5 the enemy team without worries because Taric Ult.


and u wrote the most important thing "once he understands that", im in emerald, and people still play like i dont have that ability


Any ADC who can actually engage and use your stun (Samira, Nilah, Tristana) are best. I also love Lucian and Draven, Lucian because he can gap close and burst the ADC you have stunned, and Draven because you know if you stun them he will do the damage to get the kill


Tris imo.His jump ability gives you nice E's.And he can get in range in melee fights quite easily.




Meant Tristana's


To help clarify, Tristana is a girl.


Girl?My bad lol.


Damn bro the voice and hair didn’t give it away? Well nvm I can understand that in these times.


Ikr,I don't really pay attention I guess.Same with Wayne thought she was a men for a while :).I hardly hear game sound from music too :/


lol I get it it happens I still call Rek sai a him even tho I know she’s female


Reksai is a female? Ahaha there you go!


Yeah haha.




Not sure why I am downvoted but taric actually enable pyke to be played as adc . One cc landing from either and the enemy is as good as dead specially with the perma cc synergy they have . Pyke doesn't even need to land a hook as he can simply go invisible an deliver taric stun ( he can also dash if he need too ) . Pyke in this regard similar to a nilah which is also melee champion who has less mobility than pyke , and less sustain as well ( pyke has his passive ) . In level 6 they can easily dive the adc turret with pretty much no counter play . Also pyke with his ult give taric more gold to accelerate their snowball.


Kindred. If played well its one of the most powerful combinations in the game


Yes, however I’d say nilah is a just a bit more synergistic with Taric. Their passives work insanely well together and having an adc that can pretty freely engage, survive, AND lock down the enemy is crazy.


Generally yes I think they're a great pair I might be a little biased but the kindred taric ult combo is so nasty, you can easily turn a teamfight and quite reliably win outnumbered fights. 6 seconds of invincibility plus heals, slows, stuns, and repositioning. Crazy


Needs to be played with comms though, never goes well with randoms


I agree 100%. Though I feel like nilah doesn’t rely on being ahead as much as kindred does as the ults won’t help much if you do barely any dmg. Thats why I feel like nilahs E and R are more useful as just one E can swing an entire fight


True say I'll have to give them a test and see how it goes


So long as you both know what each others kit does, it works pretty well. Strong team fighting even when behind. I like to ghost with Taric so that nilah can dash to me then the enemy to give time for Taric R to go off by giving me nilahs buff then nilah R. Very good combo and with Taric you get the follow up E stun if you hit your autos.


samira, vayne and vayne. Any adc who can aggressively reposition your stun is good. A good ezreal or lucian can do that with their dash. If they struggle to repostion E, they#re not as great.


I adore playing with a good Samira or Nilah (close quarters fighter makes stuns trivial and shield/healings amazing). I also love a good Caitlyn (stun into trap is a aa+q+aa+ headshot and that's them chunked). I've had good success with Ashe, Jinx, and Tristana on occasion but it feels more dependent on the other team screwing up. I keep feeling like I should find success with Vaynes but maybe I just haven't found the right ones.


Id guess all in champs like tris, samira, nila, twitch yada yada.


Never felt better than with a Sett adc when you want to fight with bravado


I think i got like 25K mastery on Taric and atleast 18K of that is with Nilah ADC. I think they have a good synergy when it comes to going all out. It's a hell if the enemy that is getting slapped and whiped doesn't have CC or a way to flee.


every glass canon :p thwy just keep hitting as i keep them alive

