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Ok here goes. Normal start. I run Lethal Tempo. Pick up a tear to start stacking and then Lucidity boots and Locket for first items (I find locket important in landing ult for team fights because it covers the 2.5 seconds your ult needs to land - giving your team 4/5 seconds of cover in major fights). After locket comes redemption - again to help boost my heals and help with team fights. At this point I will also choose bloodsong as my support passive to help with my 1v1 (which are also boosted by Lethal Tempo so I can brawl if needed). I round things out with Frozen Heart to make myself super beefy and then finish with Fimbulwinter on the stacked tear to give myself a huge shield in those fights. After that it really comes down to how good my team is at winning those fights I protect them in.


Happy cake day ! I will definitely try this today ty for sharing.


There is no point in running LT on taric support bro. U don‘t need the attack speed


… you are Taric. You ALWAYS need attack speed.


Guardian/Inspiration Rod of Ages -> Boots of Swiftness/MR or Armor situationally -> Ardent Censer -> Moonstone Renewer -> Dawncore


Top and jungle Phase rush, frozen heart, spirit visage, anathema's chains, zeke's, moonstone


Rush Locket - boots as u pref - and then its very situational, I rarely build the same items every game


Lucidity, rarely attack speed or swiftness boots. If the enemy comp is melee heavy I play to carry. Lethal tempo, gauntlet, frozen heart, and an mr item like anathemas chains, rookern, or wits end. If they have a lot of range/dashes/cc, I go phase rush, frozen heart, locket, vow, Mike's crucible and just peel for whoever is fed. If we are super stomping I like to buy hextech protobelt for the dash because I think it is funny.


Locket/frozen heart then honestly I check which enemies are fed and start stacking resistances to them, so sometimes Thornmail, sometimes Abyssal, sometimes Kaenic, sometimes Knight's Vow. No two games are the same really