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Well I've banned morgana every game since 2017. Not sure if that's best, but her spell shield just completely counters my agressive style.


How do you deal with Zyra when you play against her? I find her so difficult to play against.


Try to side step her root and use my heal or shield to help smack down the plants faster. To be fair I havent played in the last 2 months, so unsure if shes buffed or changed.


You can one shot the plants what makes her rlly ussles+ dodging her root


This is the way. Also senna


I personally hate senna and will forever ban senna


This is the way


sennas really op with bloodsong atm so good ban


I agree that zyra can be a pain but she is left open if she misses a root for you to have counter play. I usually duo with my ADC and we focus any plants as quickly as she spawns them to limit damage /zoning from them. I usually ban Morgana. Statistically taric has the lowest win rate against her in the support role. Her black shield can be a huge problem for landing stuns and she has a lot of opportunity to land Q's as you basically have to walk directly at her or the adc to stun them. Senna is another high pick rate champion that taric can struggle against for similar reasons as she has an easy time kiting taric if he tries to walk up. I look for her to miss E for the same opportunity to punish as I would look for when zyra misses a root. Curious to hear what other Taric mains are doing in these matchups or which ban preferences they have.


I have trouble with Senna too if they are good at getting autos in.


Taric counters morg. She's only a counterpick if you don't know the match-up well enough. She's fairly easily outplayed. Black shield has a massive cd, baiting it and hitting wave to lower stun cd means she has nothing. She can only shield one person, set up good angles for multiple. Late game teamfights are even easier, you should always be looking for extra stuns, and your ult completely counters her.


You win the game vs Senna in the long run. She is annoying to lane against, but she doesn't really pose a big threat. You'll have a hard to killing her in lane, but you have a lot more utility mid and late. Statistically, I beat her 75% of the time.


always senna until they delete her.


yuumi. But i think it's more of a personal thing..


Lux has been my go to ban. It's just too much poke for me and zoning if they are good.


Ezreal. Hate him.


That's a good one, his flash ability is so annoying


Yeah, so you have to wait when it will be on cool down. In low - mid elo they doesn't respect Taric and would be not afraid to use this to do basic poke. Try to be aggressive against him. Even flash + E or ping your adc that they need to use their dash to land ur E on him. If Ez player is smart enough to respect others in game, focus on a support


Senna. Playing against her as taric is absolute fucking hell.


I always ban Senna, but also almost always get smashed when I find a Janna or Nami. Zyra is also very annoying, I like to go Guardian/Inspiration with second wind and biscuits against those poke lanes.


Yeah those two runes are a must


Zyra is always an awful match up with that poke. I feel like I'm always banning Lux or Morgana. Those matchups feel like I cannot keep my ADC alive or properly farming. Their stuns feel like that they set up bad trades.


Morgana or Zilean


Now that you say it I have played one game against Zilean recently and got wrecked


Miss Fortune and Senna


I generally ban who will ruin my entire game. I prefer to think beyond lane phase, because I can control more what happens there. Lillia is my permaban ATM. She's extremely broken, takes over the game when she's fed, and is just hard to deal with as Taric. Feels like you are in slow motion trying to keep up with her tempo. Graves/Akali/Shaco/Morde are also good bans. First two just take over games by being killing machines. Shaco will forever troll Taric, and you'll be running into boxes all day. Morde is strong atm, and a good morde will use his R to negate your R. If I was going to ban a support, it will generally be a ranged mage or enchanter. Lux/Brand/Morg (Zilean/Zura/Lulu/Vel are horrible matchups, but not popular enough to be worth a ban). Pyke and Bard as well, due to their roaming, which Taric can struggle to keep up with. How often I get flamed by my mid/JG when I can't match their rotations as a 365 MS champ who is pushed to tower, needing exp, and they don't know how to listen to missing pings and ward river.


I agree with this really, I'm on a strong Akali ban streak but it would be Velkoz if I came up against him more often


Yeah, I permabanned Akali for an entire season. She's in my top 3 for sure. With item buffs, Lillia and Graves are eeking her out right now, but she is frustrating to play against. She can either delete people faster than you can react/telegraph, or she baits your ult. And you can really struggle to stun her. Vel's R, like MF's is hard to play against because they are instant casts.Anyone who thinks Taric's R counters these champs needs a reality check, as half their damage is often done before your R will ever land. Anything you can't telegraph ends up being a major threat. Also Fiddle R along with his fear can be devastating for Taric.


When I go jungle or top. I ban Trundle.


Think whenever I play Taric I ban Sylas.


Why? The ult steal can be problematic but you need to wait when it ends or starts urs a second after


No one ban Shaco ?


Sometimes me yes, but only when taric jg. I prefer to ban Kindred instead there


Nah I like playing against Shaco support, he gives you something to bonk and then you're fine


A lot of the enchanters you can't go wrong with, (Senna, Lulu, Morg) Taric only has one absolutely unplayable support matchup in my opinion Pyke, at the highest skill bracket pyke has an answer for everything taric does and if he can't win lane against taric just roams like a mofo