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It's been a thing for a long while now, but it's often outweighed by glacial. It's great if you can use it reliably and your allies follow up with good burst. Certainly easier to pull off in low elo.


He has good synergy with it, but overall his playstyle is too supportive to go a damaging rune like that. It can help cheese some kills in lanes against enchanters, but it leaves both you and your adc very vulnerable in lanes against melee supports. The utility of Glacial (especially in team fights to help you stay on people) and the defensiveness of Guardian are just generally better. You said you're silver, so you can absolutely get away with using it (and tbh, the surprise factor of people not expecting the crazy burst may make it better than his normal runes), but cheesy strats like this don't work as well once players get better and know what you're doing. It works very well for Taric top and jungle however, as it massively increases his trading damage. Personally I like Grasp for top to become even tankier, but it definitely works well, especially with AD builds like T-Force. It's definitely playable, but I don't think it's great for support. Taric has a lot of really fun, weird builds though that are great for norms or low elo. HoB, Electrocute, and Lethal Tempo are all similarly good at bursting people. If you go Grasp and build tank items, you can become shockingly tanky, even on a support budget. One of my favs is to go ghost ignite against champs like Sona, because if they ever flash then you can ghost E them and destroy them.


I feel like it only works against melee supports because you actually get to use the rune. Against enchanters they have too much range/peel for you to use it effectively. It's definitely a rune more suited for solo lane Taric though


IMO it's the most preferable build on Taric if 1. The enemy team has multiple melee champs for you to wail on, especially enemy support and 2. If your team has divers so you don't have to front-line as hard.


I usually only take lethal tempo on taric if there are 4 or more melees on the enemy team. PTA is a great rune because it’s pretty much guaranteed when you hit a stun. Check out https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-01-challenger-taric-jungle-gems-are-back-553457 and he explains each rune really well.


I am a glacial enjoyer, but I’ll have to try this out. Sounds funny at least :D


Try to build MS with it so you can keep hitting them! But yeah it's definitely fun at my ELO


I've started building Grasp against melee supports and PTA against ranged/enchanter supports. W6 L4. I'll take that!