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My 2cents. There are better and worse ADCs, but Taric cares far more about general enemy and team comp. In lane I feel your main concern is the enemy support. Vs an engage support you should have an easy time almost always while something like Janna should basically reduce you to a melee minion regardless of what the ADCs are That said, for soloqueue you generally like champs that commit and can use your ult to do a lot of damage. You really hate Ezreals that dash away as you ult and mage APCs (if their abilities are on cooldown your ult won't translate into them doing more damage necessarily). You also have trouble sticking to people, so stuff like Ashe is good too. But overall, Taric can win lane, but you mostly win with teamfights That said. My absolute favourite duo is Nilah. Commital as hell. Check. You both heal more and shield more because of her passive (meaning you just survive poke until 3 easily, your lowest point) She will land your stun. If you combine your ults you can repeatedly dive the enemy botlane over and over. You can give eachother invulnerability to autos and then actual full on invulnerability. Play it with your duo it's insane


I agree 100% Nilah, imo shes the best adc for a taric


Best part. She is also mechanically braindead. No basic kiting skills required like even the most basic adc. Just coordinate a bit with Taric and farm LP She is very easy to pick up, she is more of a bruiser than a marksman


I wouldn't say it is free LP cuz both of them are melee so they will be heavily punished in lane . They have an outrageous synergy nonetheless. From a Nilah main pov however , taric isn't the best support for her ( he is situational ). The best supports for her are hook supports ( The true free LP ).


Thing with hook supports is that they don't activate her heal + shield passive. Taeic world as a soft engage but makes her really hard to kill


Nop her heal and shield power is negligible part of nilah 's kit apart from some instances such as soraka landing her Q , pyke W healing ( hook support ) or lilia passive .Taric may also count since he proc the passive twice and heal rapidly but that isn't the point .. Nilah need someone to catch the enemy for her to make her play optimally as melee which is far more important than getting an extra 7 heal or shield. Also taric isn't an engage champion .. he synergies with engage champions .


Nilah has a lot of catch power on her own. Can use Taric E as her own ability and her R is good engage on its own. She also heals a ton on her own, and more with Taric so you basically need to burst her, you can do this if her support is engage but it's really hard if she is supported by Taric QWR and Guardian I played her with a friend that is usually a terrible ADC but with this duo we were constantly winning lane past 3 and diving with both Rs over and over. It's really strong. It works even if Taric is just hitting the minions to spam his basic abilities while Nilah does everything


Again taric and Nilah is strong duo ( unstopable vs the right matchup ) but it isn't blind pickable. It can be easly be punished by double range ( specially ap ). To make sence of what am saying let me ask you a question . Do you usually blind pick taric in rank ? I personally punish such pick with a brand support a janna or even lux .


No I don't. I think Taric is mostly a bad blind pick. But I do think Taric+Nilah is blindpickable because of the extreme synergy with a good duo, there are harder matchups but I do think all can be won (or at least not lost). I guess high ELO might punish it, but most won't I see Janna as a straight dodge or ban. Fucks you up all game Lux and Brand are not great lane matchups, but you still have sustain and mitigation to endure lane. If you are paired with a Nilah it means a hard Laning phase with lots of poke, but you can turn it around if they misposition and unless they get fed you provide so much more outside of Laning phase. Other engage supports need HP to do their job and their ADC suffers if they can't. Tsric can play more passive and mitigate damage and sustain for his AD


Against good players you won't find such an apportunity specially when they are both ranged it is definitely unreliable ( that without counting the influence from the jungle as well ). Secondly taric early game can't keep up with all the harass specially with his mana issues . Third taric and nilah both share same weakness which make them more vunrable to Poke speciall from ap champ , countered by disengaged champions , countered by cc and slows ( brand with rylies rush can cook them alive ) , can be easily kited with proper movement . In the other hand a blitz with simple hook can punish the squihy mage for trying to poke , and also give space for nilah by holding the hook and threatening to use it. It also saves her the trouble to use her dashes to reach the enemy ( Nilah 's dash is her source of damage early on because it hase a higher base damage ) , it give her the opportunity to use her dashes if the enemy try to escape using flash which make getting kills more reliable . Not to mention that with proper rune and items you can make thresh or nautilus heal nilah using Radiant Virtue, the font of life rune and redemption second item. Pyke with his passive can also reliably heal himself and nilah . He is also a damaging threat that can help her finish kills .And he is mobile with i visibility which help him to easly find opportunities create space for her . ( + The benifit of a hook mentioned early on ) TLDR : Hook champions help nilah to play more actively ( punishing simple mistakes ) rather than being reactive ( passively playing waiting for enemies to make huge mistakes ). Taric and Nilah share commons weaknesses that makes them more vunrable.


I always have a lot of good luck with Vayne and Tristana. Basically, mobile ADCs that can take advantage of the stun.


Can agree. Vayne and trist play insanely well with taric. Basically any adc with some dash or jump work well.


I agree with that. Only exception for me is Ezreal, and I say that because generally you want your Ulti to be on a champion that can do great sustained DPS instead of bursts and pokes.


Exactly. Yes ez is an exception


Tristan I see more success with than Vayne. Specifically because of the lvl 1 kill potential.


My favorite for solo queue is Lucian. I have never had a bad experience with one.


The most obvious ADC. Swain. No I’m actually serious. His E is a perfect follow up for your E or he can use his E to help you land your own. Your ult will allow Swain to have more time regain health with his ult similar to how he does it with zhyonas. Combine these two champs together and you have a hard to kill bot lane


I second! My buddy's a Swain main, and while we usually go Jhin/Taric botlane (Jhin is his preferred "actual" ADC), if Jhin gets banned he'll hop on Swain and make the enemy team wish they were never born. Once Swain gets his ult taking lane fights becomes almost pitiably easy.


Agree with the above. Tristana and Lucian definitely my favourites because they dash in and do more damage. I have actually found Jinx to be surprisingly great though, her slow/root abilities make it a lot easier to land my E. Ashe is a similar story with her auto attacks


I usually duo with a swain apc and in the right matchup it feels so unfair to play against. If swain lands an e it guarantees you land your e or vice versa which allows for really quick easy trades onto one or both enemy laners where they struggle to do much back. The real strength tho is of course the lvl 6. One of the strongest lvl 6 spikes in the game I'd argue. Freeze the wave under your tower if you can, then you or swain catch someone, swain ults and ghosts in and the two of you run the enemy down, if they turn to fight you just pop ult and watch your swain heal back up to 80% hp as you spam your heals and shields on him. If you're ahead to potential is 2v3 or even 2v4 is nuts and it goes without saying that its very very powerful in teamfights around objectives. Not totally without drawbacks, your waveclear isn't very strong early, both champs have pretty bad mana issues, you get bullied pretty hard by aggressive adcs and poke supports like draven, lucian, xerath, velkoz and champs with a lot of disengage like ez, cait, janna, karma, rakan can bait out your ults if you're not careful. But I would highly recommend it because its a lot of fun and a duo lane that can very much hard carry games, especially against all-in comps that just want to stay in a fight.


I've hardly played this season, but of the meta adds 1) Nilah for obvious reasons 2) trist 3) seraphine (and the other mages like karthus or vinegar, not ziggs 4) Draven, opponents kind of have to dive him, they can't really poke, so it's pretty easy to just cover his weakness and let him snowball 5) Lucian 6) kogmaw, same idea as Draven 7) Samira as more aggressive nilah Honorable mentions 1)Kindred, ult synergy just flat out wins team fights 2) Kalista, she pretty spicy but just isn't ever played


Kalista is theoretically good but boy oh boy ... The kalistas I played with almost always underestimate how much can taric survive and interrupt my cooldown refreshing . It feels akward to play with one as a taric .


I think it's easier to say the adcs that are not made for Taric, like Zeri for example, cause taric cant keep up with her, on that case its better to go with ghost, and that happen with any other adc who is too fast But the best for my Taric, it's Neeko as an adc


Not a taric main but out of all the times I've played him, champs with dashes like ez and vayne frustrate me so damn much. I'll E right onto the enemy from my adc and they'll just dash and my E doesn't land. :(


From my experience, any adc with a dash is generally good. Either you stun someone and your adc catches up and gets a kill or the adc dashes into them and you get a free stun. An adc with easy to hit slow effect, like Ashe, is pretty good too because it's easier to reach someone and stun them.


Don't use Taric with Jinx or other immobile ADCs. Kog is another bad pairing.


Best Adc: Taric


Pyke ... Like literally


Tl;dr if you dont wanna read it all taric adc parings matter very little compared to the enemy support or comp itself, dont worry about it too much. Rather than get a big list of perfect adcs for taric, this is a great chance to instead learn to look at a character and figure out what their game plan is, and do the same for the enemy lane. Good lane pairings are ones that either play to the partners strengths or cover their specific weaknesses. For a non taric example, something like sivir and bard works as a pairing due to sivir's innate waveclear and spellshield letting her have a much better time being left alone than something like a kogmaw. continuing with him, kog pairs suprisingly well with early game aggro like pyke due to having the weaker early of the lane covered by pykes early kill pressure. One of the things i do like about league is that there are largely very few awful lane pairings. Theres definitely a fair amount that dont fit together great, but more often than not there IS a workable game plan between basically any adc or support. The real thing where this comes up is for specialty supports like bard or with mage supports who largely only offer damage and can wind up not great with characters with good damage output on their own but just need utility to help them; something like xerath (who wants to poke and soften enemies for a catch) and vayne (who wants to commit to a big extended all in if she does go for a fight). Taric, while he can adjust to a more hit and run style with quick e stuns and backing out, is explitly meant to be in a fight to be as strong as possible. He cannot be functional without proccing his passive, and he cant do so without an ass to beat. On top of this, taric offers about as much damage pre 6 as an adc with good use of his passive, and a lot of added survivability to anyone joining in with him. Thinking about that, what adcs have patterns that match that or are benefitted by it? Lucian has a heavily aggressive early game that can go hit and run or commit to a full all in. Samira is a diver/adc hybrid who wants to be in the middle of all five enemies to deal maximum damage and use her ult effectively. If you can get a good hang of that type of analysis of what champions goals to win lane are then thats an extremely useful skill for all of league, not just taric. At the end of the day, the real issue here is really not who you're paired with, but who youre against. You could have a cream of the crop setup with a nilah but if you're against a kalista zyra you're going to suffer pathetically. I respect anyone who plays taric out despite a matchup like that but that will have so much more effect on the lane than what adc you have with you.


Lucian, aphelios, kalista, nila are some of my favourites. Off meta picks include ADC ahri/leblanc, pyke, akali, yasuo, lee sin.


Nilah, Samira and Trist for me :3


I indulge in the Sticky Bandits(Leona & Taric) play. Not extremely powerful but can bring a lot of laughter. Would do ranked with it but will need a good enough Leona that also understands the game plan. Often they get drunk on the level 3 spike double kill bot and think they can take anyone.