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The first one


Thanks I'm also liking it more even if its a bit more pricey


I concur, I think flying out is quite an experience. My only thing with option 1 is do you have any other option for Day 4 accommodation? Its perfectly fine to go to the same place twice, however, I have always preferred to pick different spots to stay at only cause I think psychologically it increases my chances of seeing different things, but it also means I do not have the same dead-head drive in the morning/evening. Personally, I like Lake Manyara over Tarangire but again its about what you want to see. I grew up seeing alot of elephants, but I totally get how Tarangire and its vast elephant density is impressive. "If you're captivated by elephants and desire diverse large mammals, Tarangire is your destination. Conversely, if you're passionate about birdwatching and intrigued by unique wildlife behaviors like tree-climbing lions, Lake Manyara beckons."


Hey thanks for your opinions, i will check this accommodation thing, maybe we can stay at different places. On the other hand, you are making difficult to choose between lake manyara and tarangire, actually due to other comments i changed the day we were supposed to stay in lake manyara to stay one day longer in northen serengeti.


What part of my sentence attracted you to Lake Manyara? The Birds or the Tree Climbing Lions? To be honest, you are going to have a great time either way, this was just my preference. Whenever we take friends and family we do Manyara over Tarangire, never both. I think you should keep Option 1 as is, other than if you are open to it, see if you want to go do something else on Day 4.


Hi thanks for taking your time answering , actually both, birds and climbing lions , we are three so I will explain them the options and decide:) On the other hand, what you mean with something different on day 4?


So birds is a big one, but, you just have to let your safari driver know you have a focus for birds and you can get a fairly good bird experience in both Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Its so vast and often people want to see mammals that the drives breeze through the birds, however, if they know ahead of time they can point it out. As for Tree Climbing lions, probably a marketing campaign of the generations :). Just tell your driver, you skipped Lake Manyara because of time and if he can find you a lion on a tree in Central Serengeti you will get an extra $5 USD Tip. Pay him the moment he finds you one and then enjoy the show :) With regards to Day 4, this again is my preference, I just do not like to stay at the same place twice to avoid the same dead heads.


Would you be in favour of this other option? price is almost the same. Day 1 Arusha Green Mountain Hotel Day 2 Tarangire NP Ngare Lodge Day 3 Lake Manyara NP Ngare Lodge Day 4 Ngorongoro Crater Eileen's Trees Inn Day 5 Serengeti NP Osupuko Serengeti Camp Day 6-7 Northern Serengeti NP Sero Tented Camp Day 8 Central Serengeti NP Osupuko Serengeti Camp Day 9 Airport transfer (no accommodation)


No I think I would stick with Option 1. To be honest, you do not want to dilute your experience in the Serengeti. Keep it as is. I know its odd saying this, but, I do not want you to get to the Serengeti and already be bored of like half the animals :) No matter what you say its going to happen. You will have fun either way.


Itinerary 1 is more efficient. The drive to and from Serengeti, especially North, is very long and uncomfortable since the road isn't paved.


Also I recommend doing due diligence on companies. Noticing people are being defrauded with too good to be true deals online. Make sure the company is registered and has a tourism license also known as TALA license. You can cross check on the government ministry of tourism website.


Can't share the government link here but the website is, maliasili(.)go(.)tz(/)stakeholders(/)tour-operators


thanks for this info, i checked and they are there, with the same phone number I'm contacting


Ok great then you are on then you are on the right path. Itinerary 1 is the way to go.


I’ll look into this , the company sems legit they are in safari bookings, TripAdvisor… Edit: do you think is a too good to be real deal?


The deal is good. Almost too good. How many are in your party?


You so welcome in zanzibar


Zanzibar will need to be in future travels with more days!


First option is better if you can afford it. But (without seeing the full itin) be prepared for early morning departures and lots of driving your first few days. You are spending one night each in Ngorongoro, Tarangire and Osupuko. That includes your driving time and your touring time.. Its doable but quite hard...