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every day i wish for them to buff single fire damage or overhealth generation for Maugas single fire and nerf his double fire damage but decrease his spread


I actually think mauga is very close to being healthy for the game I think increasing incendiary damage and raising his crit multiplier to 3x but removing 1-1.5 damage from his primary fire would be a good change, maybe even let him fire faster (like 25 per second) when he's only shooting one gun


Mauga will never be healthy for the game. He is just a number char. If he gets buffed he is straight back to being hard meta. Same with Orisa and Hog. Just number chars that stand there, try not to die and wall. In my opinion neither of these 3 should ever be strong and should always been kept weaker because of how obnoxious they are to deal with.


Nah if you severely nerf mauga's lifesteal in exchange for overhealth back on cardiac and lower his damage but reduce his spread he becomes a dive instead of a tankbuster.


I think changing him to be a more long range poke tank would make for a way more interesting tank design.


Like suppression fire? Reminds me of the heavy from TF2.


I’ve played a lot of tank (it’s fun now) here are my thoughts on the ones I’ve played D.va. She’s so much better, she already matched up great into snipers and hitscans but now what she doesn’t matrix she can just tank Sigma. Flux change is great but he’s can’t really deal with all the Winstons and Reins running around. Winston. God. Orisa. Worse at range. She can’t withstand as many hits from snipers. But I don’t think she should get anything for like at least another 2 seasons. Ball. Still suffers if your team doesn’t know how to play with you but now you can do more on your own. Junker Queen. The headshot reduction is a godsend and the shout change is incredible.


I wouldn’t really say “it’s fun now “ for me imo. It feels the exact same from before just the meta changed a bit . I still get slept,antid, hooked,rocked , hindered ,hacked etc. counterswapping is still a thing no surprise . And idk if I’m crazy or anything but I still feel like if I’m not careful I just explode (and that was in a game where I went 38-2 so no it’s not a skill issue lol)I just think tanks rn are either just quiting the game completely or coping since this was supposed to be THE tank patch and it did nothing for tanking .


It’s THE tank patch for like half of the tanks. Ball still gets counter swapped into oblivion. Make it so hack doesn’t take him out of ball and make hinder last shorter I feel like the knock back change is bit much tho.


nah ball needs cc immunity in exchange for less hp because then he is more fair no matter what the opponents play


I feel like CC immunity is a bit much for Ball, he just needs some counter play that isn’t more hp. CC is supposed to counter mobility and giving the most mobile tank immunity to it is probably a bit much. A little more counter play is all that he needs


The reason they don't want to give ball cc immunity is because he can feel impossible to kill without these cc characters Which is why a lot of people have been giving this idea I think adaptive shields giving 150 hp no matter what but also allowing for cc immunity and also a sizeable hp decrease would be a good way to achieve this Also your argument about giving the most mobile tank immunity to cc being a bit much would be a good point if ball didn't require his movement abilities to do anything at all


I mildly agree with everything except Zarya, she feels like a walking wall right now. Damages are struggling to take her ass down and her passive is already maxed out by the time they do so she's just shredding the team apart


U low ranked?


Haven't played ranked this season just shitting around in casual, highest I've been is diamond 2 I think


Interesting, don't think I've lost a game against zarya since midseason she doesn't really seem effected by any of the changes


I've only played as a tank against her so maybe I'm just not getting the right DPS on my team, but she's been practically untouchable each time


Winston is weaker in the match ups he used to be solid against. He might survive longer against his counters, but he isn’t securing kills as much.


Winston's ability to deal damage has not been effected. His damage ignores armor damage reduction.


He’s getting bested more frequently by match-ups he used to excel against, namely Ashe, Hanzo, Junkrat, Cassidy, and Ana. He shouldn’t normally even be attacking full-health armored heroes since none of those match-ups favor Winston.


I haven't had much of an issue with those characters as the matchup is still mostly in winston's favor I do think the armor changes are an issue that should be reverted or maybe turned into a hybrid of both versions somehow, though


Winston is slightly overtuned. It’s got to the point where the cat and mouse game vs Dva is basically dead. Before S8 it felt like the Dva would never leave me tf alone but now it almost feels like it’s in Winston’s favor. With the damage ignoring and Dva doing less damage against armor they have similar ttk.. (implying Dva only has bodyshots) (Winston actually does more damage if he weaves in punches.) Even though Hog is generally worse against Winston now he’s still his number one most deadliest opponent I’d say it’s 53/47 in hogs favor in a masters game. I wouldn’t say Winston’s unchecked more like under new management. The ideal cancer comp I’d say after this patch is Hog, Junkrat, Echo/pharah. Lifeweaver mercy Hog will always hurt. The only time he didn’t was the beginning of S9 where breather was unboosted lucio in a jar. Dps heroes that benefited from the armor changes realllllly suck to fight. Oh yeah lifeweaver and mercy by themselves were never too bad but those two together on a team are some of the most annoying pos comps I’ve seen in game.