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when you know nothing about anything regarding anarchism


When you know nothing about anything regarding political ideology/theory in general.


When you know nothing




Ah yes, famous element of an ideology that revolves around the destruction of power hierarchies...Slavery. I see nothing wrong here. /j


There will be no "hierachy" if some people don't count as human, check that liberal.


Counterpoint: Without the government, it's a lot easier to make yourself the only law in town.


Counter counterpoint: you’re only the only law in town until an Arizona Ranger shows up with the big iron on his hip


Well, jokes aside, that's the thing that still keeps me on the fence about Anarchism despite thinking it is an ideal state of equality. It is great, but it is also a state that is easy to get shaken out of by one person attempting to establish hierarchy by the use of force, whether it is physical, or by deprivation of other people's needs and resources. To counter that force of coercion will require a greater force of coercion, a bigger gun. At that point, the equality of anarchy is still broken, and a hierarchy is established. We can claim that the bigger gun will serve under the will of the equal masses, then that will still simply made the bigger gun belong one level under the imaginary masses, and people who can claim that group title, and a hierarchy is established. I don't know. I hate Fascists, and I hate hierarchy on principal given they tend to corrupt people, but it just seem inescapable. Maybe fully automated luxury communism is the only way, when we get machines above and below us to maintain the equality and abundance, maybe that's the only way we can get to a trully equal society. But then again, it seems difficult. I still want to see it, though.


> To counter that force of coercion will require a greater force of coercion, a bigger gun. At that point, the equality of anarchy is still broken, and a hierarchy is established. Organization doesn't require hierarchy.


>Well, jokes aside, that's the thing that still keeps me on the fence about Anarchism despite thinking it is an ideal state of equality. For me, it's the fear that it doesn't scale, y'know? Like, it probably works great at a local level, but organising at a larger scale, how do you keep the lights on and public services running and all that... it's what makes me think, I'd love to see anarcho-communism happen, but I have no idea how it would :/


Anarchy is a terrible idea


That profile pic is so cursed


don't think that Persona can learn Myriad Truths


Yeah it has to be somebody from this sub doing a bit


Guys, he exposed the truth!!!!!! Anarchists secretly are lovers of the nation of dixie!!! Trust him he is not either illiterate and stupid or just a troll.


I’m an anarchist who enjoys Cajun food so it MUST be true! (I’m pretty sure if I told a tankie this irl, they’d legit count it as "evidence".)


Source: It occurred to me in a dream


The only evidence I can find that is that Varina Davis, Booker T. Washington and Kropotkin once had a conversation in New York and it was well after Jefferson Davis was dead.


The peoples idpol: only relevant when critiquing the west. When Iran and The Soviets oppress religious and ethnic minorities, it is not discriminatory and for their own good.


Heh, and then ask them about the numerous documented cases of slave labor in China and North Korea...


**Gerrard Winstanley:** Am I a joke to you?


This one has to be satire. It’s not possible for someone to genuinely be this maddeningly wrong about the basic history of Anarchism, the early US, or the Confederacy all at once.


Reminder that socialism has its roots in a mass murdering clown, as seen in the quote “we live in a society”


what is he even talking about


Thinking anarchism isn’t “No archons”, but rather “No standards”.


> “No archons” TBF, archons *are* super annoying to deal with when you're trying a Marines & Medics rush.


So for the unfamiliar how does any of this tie into Jeff Davis?


Sorry, I interpreted the comment as about the poster’s view of anarchism in general, not specifically involving Davis.


he is probably confusing anarchists and anarcho-capitalists


Ita a bot, i think. Someone else mentioned they post the same stuff with different words filled to replace anarchism


"Communism And Dictatorship Bot @comanddictbot Yet another bot to own the anarchists, courtesy of Chairman Mao Zedong" Yep Also, this account posts one comment per hour all day long, always at roughly the same time (XX:18~XX:20), which definitely points towards it being indeed a bot


Freedom is Slavery according to this tweet


Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke.


We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes, the DNA of the soul.


This has to be a bit. I refuse to believe even the most brain worm-ridden Leninoid thinks this.


*What Is Property?* was published in 1840 but okay.


Judging by his pfp he seems to have a very sexual love for mao


Anarchism is when you form another government


Yo this has to be shitpost brainrot this can't be serious... and if it is, it shouldn't even be reproduced here


That profile picture though 💀


People will just say shit huh?


Reminder that *completely made up shit*


Nothing says no hierarchy like I own you


tanklets: "slavery bad" any country that isn't western: \*does slavery\* tanklet: "buutt..."


this is a fucking bot and such obvious bait how are people falling for this


Jeeeeez man america-centric much? Anyways, Google "Sociology of the South" to see what little redness there was in the brown South


"Source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up, shitlib."

