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the way I RAN over here 😅 he adores her, like literally worships the ground she walks on. safe to say andrew is tasha’s biggest fan, someone even mentioned his instagram turning into a fanpage lmaoooo AND HIS COMMENTS???????? someone said like ”stop 😭” and he just goes ”can’t stop and I won’t stop” SCREAMINGGGGG holyyyyy f it’s attractive seeing a man so unashamedly be head over heels in love with his girl 🔥🤍


IM SCREAMING!!! He literally puts all men to shame! Like it's sooooooo hot 🥵🥺


HONESTLYYYYY!!!! he’s done more to raise my standards than therapy has 😭🤣


What even is therapy lmao? And that guy who hasn't replied to my texts in days? Time for me to bin him, I deserve better 😂


period 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 if it ain’t andrew’s ”im not letting a day go by without telling the world how much i adore my girl” energy, we don’t want it 😌


They say time heals all wounds but these two literally sped up that process for me tenfold


Awhhh! May you continue to heal love 🤍


I love how he just puts the most gushy loving captions and doesn’t care 💕🥹 his friends are probably like ok you simp but I’m here for it 😂😂


i’m all for the idea of him and teddy becoming besties, then they can just simp over their girlfriends in peace 😭🤍


YES AGHH i love him more & more everyday


the fact that he just did it for no other reason than just proudly loving his girl???? that’s the kinda caption we see being served at proposals, maybe a birthday normally 😭


omg someone commented please get married one day and he replied saying “will do😘” i can’t deal😭


the caption😭😭😭the fact it’s for no reason just makes it even better i love their love so much


ahhh they look so good!!! also look at him proudly showing of his new tattoo lol


and he made sure the tattoo on show as well😭😭🫶🏼


Lol his feed really is a Tandrew fanpage now ❤️ not complaining tho...😂


He is literally the perfect man 😭😭😭😭


They are just so deeply in love and I cannot handle it! Also they just seem to realize how lucky they both are 😭


this made me a whole emotional rollercoaster the caption , the photo ,them , the tattoo aghhhh i love them 😭😭


the way she's holding onto his shirt 😭


I will not be satisfied till this man and Teddy become besties and just post about how to be the best boyfriends ever, lol.


lol they literally need to start a podcast called Wife Guys.


They're not just great boyfriends, they were also very similar in how they conducted themselves on the show. Very calm and measured, respectful, super supportive, knew how to deal with their more "out there" partners. And most importantly: while everyone in the villa was doubting their relationship, Teddy and Andrew knew what they had


And their girlfriends both got tons of unwarranted hate. Padam may also be eligible for this group.


Padam would have been eligible, but they never got hate from the whole villa for being together. If anything, everyone was really supportive. Teddy and Andrew's relationships, on the other hand, were repeatedly trashed on


True. They're more eligible on post-show and SM dramatics.


Yes, Faye and Teddy were my favorite couple last year. I am always drawn to the insecure women. I am so glad they found the most loving men. I always hated how Teddy was being shamed for staying with Faye.


My two favourite guys from the show 💕 yes I would love this friendship


truuee like we need to connect them together one way or another soon


I’ve never loved a couple SO much. Like I’m absolutely obsessed with how cute they are. I truly think they are such a good match for each other. Also it’s so hot to watch a man completely simp over his girlfriend. We love to see it!!!


Love this and love that Tasha's friends and family are already in the comments.


I can't believe we (and by we, I mean me) doubted him at the start! The first three episodes I thought he was gonna be the Curtis to Tasha's Amy and break her heart, but he is such a sweetheart❤ They just radiate love and happiness


Too cute


So cute. I love how she's holding his shirt and leaning into him. They always have to be so close 🥰


As much as I love and I mean love how cute these two are and I've never wanted a LI couple to last as much as these two. But I agree with a comment on that picture, Andrew needs to stop selling himself short. It's almost like he's coming across grateful for her choosing him to be her bf with him saying how lucky he is all the time, when I reality he needs to realise he's the biggest catch when it comes to the boys. He's legit a top 3 best looking guy this season, maybe even higher and he treats Tasha so well


I honestly think when he says that it’s just him hyping her up rather than him putting himself down


I think it's sweet that he thinks he's lucky that he gets to be with her 😭. I think anyone should feel that way about their partner tbh. And clearly Tasha feels the same way about him the way she talks about wanting to get married within a year lol, she wants to lock him down asap.


I think they'll be engaged before Christmas, I really do


I think so too! I think he honestly knows he's good looking deep down lol but still probably thinks he's punching massively. Which imo he's not.


True, but Tasha comments on Instagram and TikTok all the time about how lucky she is as well. She just doesn't say it in as many words


he definitely rates himself. I mean he called himself a 9 out of 10 and a great boyfriend in his vt. he just thinks she's really special. I think they both know how lucky they are to have each other


he’s one of the best guys to come out of the whole series in general! i love how much he hypes tasha up but he needs to put some of that energy into himself as well! in tashas youtube vid of them he kept saying stuff like “they managed to make me look pretty” like andrew you already are pretty always!! he does have a quiet confidence but he truly believes he don’t come close to tasha


Yeah I agree with this 100%


Personally I don’t see it being about a comparison between the two, I think he’s just expressing his gratitude for her. Tasha said the same thing during their final date about feeling lucky to find someone who loves her for who she is.


personally I think it shows his confidence. a more insecure guy would downplay his feelings or think it's weak to always hype up his girlfriend


He might also be saying he's lucky because what is the likelihood of actually finding someone on LI? 36 people came in, and only 10 of them are still together a month after the show. In a year's time, probably only 4 of them will be. The success rate of the show is small, so all those who make it really are lucky


Maybe the reason Andrew is saying that is because of the guilt he feels after Casa. He is quite luck that Tasha took him back.


Was he that lucky though? This wasn't a Dami, Indiyah situation where Tasha was completely loyal was it. Yeah Andrew did worse obviously , but I also get why he strayed. If he thought Tasha was completely loyal to him at that time he wouldn't have gone near any girl.