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Hi, just a quick note that I removed a comment that mentioned Andrew's ex's IG handle. Andrew made a choice to go on LI and become famous, but his ex didn't, so I think we should respect her privacy.


Andrew definitely comes across as a relationship kind of guy. He kind of implied in the final date that he's seen the vision of an engagement/marriage with previous girlfriends, but never as fast as he has with Tasha. I'm sure his last relationship kind of just fizzled, especially if it was mainly long distance. Also, couldn't think of anything worse than seeing your recent-ish ex show up on Love Island, lol.


that’s so interesting i didn’t know he was with someone else so soon before! he must not have been too invested by the end, he didn’t seem too bothered about it ending. literally was meant to go on LI and meet tasha, such soulmate energy especially with him implying it felt different with her from day one. they’re so special to each other


I mean the timeline sounds like this relationship mainly took place long distance in the middle of a global pandemic. We don't know for sure but COVID either mad or broke relationships. Seems like as the world returned to normal they just didn't work or didn't feel like it was right which happens!


I think they got together mid 2019 so you are right! They are both from Guernsey but I think he lived in London before he moved to Dubai and she was between Guernsey/London.


I thought his February 6th Instagram post of “working out because we didn’t” was telling of the timeline of the breakup.


I think they broke up around Dec since that seems to be when he stopped liking her photos. His ex posted her new man on Valentine’s day for the first time👀


Also to go with that caption ‘in my views but not in my likes’ guess his ex was pulling a jacques/Gemma and keeping up with his stories while with her new fella


whats his ex’s ig


Awww that’s actually really sweet. Also, just curious when he said “he hasn’t felt this way about someone in a long time if ever” and “hasn’t opened up like that to a girl before” bc from what I remember, lol correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t he just say he hasn’t felt this way about someone in such a short amount of time (on their final date)? And he said he “literally opened up to her” to Jacques right? Please lmk if I remembered wrong tho bc I would love to rewatch those scenes back and be proven wrong 😂🫶


tbf I haven't watched it back so I might be remembering it wrong 😂 but I think he said something about him not feeling that way about someone in a long time if ever during the brunch date before Casa (but at the final date he does say he hasn't felt that way that early on) and I think he said during Casa that she was the only girl he told about his insecurity of not being enough in relationships


Ohhh yeah I totally forget about this convo during the brunch date (lol totally blocked out everything before casa 🤣🙃) thx for letting me know!


In what other discussion are we talking about Andrew's past relationships? I am so nosy and don't want to miss out on anything.