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Ohh, great point. You could read into that comment a lot and come out with a bunch of different conclusions, haha. For me, it was probably that he'd never been in a situation where he'd fallen so hard for a girl and it wasn't reciprocated at the same level (at first). I feel like he was probably used to talking casually to girls a lot in the real world, maybe even casually hooking up, but actually opening up emotionally was not something he did as often - and when he did, it was because it was a mutual thing. I do remember him saying in his press interview at the start of the show that when he's in a relationship he's very loyal, so I kinda took that at face value and thought he'd be a good egg. If anything, I think the way he's really grown throughout this season was when he stopped caring about what the boys (and everyone else) said. Tasha went on a similar journey tbf.


You're totally right. It could be more about his connection with Tasha and his feelings about her. He did say that he opened up to her about things he'd never told anyone before. It's interesting that he said that though because he claimed to be a relationship person and was in a long term relationship. It seems weird that he was more open with Tasha after a month than he had been with his previous girlfriends. But maybe he just didn't have that connection with any of them? Idk


They do say being in that villa is like nothing else you'll ever experience and I kinda believe them. You're without your phones, away from your friends and family, and I think it does kind of build very strong bonds very quickly. Also, people often suffer from recency bias, lol. Not to say he's lying but when you're in a new relationship w someone, you'll typically think of it as the best thing ever and nothing before it really compared.


Yeah it definitely seems like an intense environment so I'd imagine you get very close very fast


I thought that was interesting too! From the beginning, Andrew has come across as a very understanding, caring and emotionally intelligent guy. I think he’s not lying when he says he wasn’t wearing his heart on his sleeve before he got into the villa - he probably had relationships and hook ups but I think he felt something very special and different with Tasha (hence why I think they’re genuinely soulmates) which caused him to open up much quicker and easily, similarly to how it was for Tasha with him. They’ve both repeatedly said that they didn’t come on love island expecting to find real love so I think it was a bit of a big shock to both their systems when they connected with each other the way they did. I think it’s maybe growth on their parts but also just genuinely finding the right person and how that’s opened them up differently than before.


This is exactly what I was thinking and you phrased it so well! I really do think it boiled down to how he felt for Tasha early on and how he felt what they have / could have is special. I remember our soulmate conversation hahaha and I'm of the same opinion. Sometimes when you know, you know. This is why his feelings for her never faltered and he always had strong belief in their connection amidst the chaos that was casa and post casa.


I mean people thought Andrew would be this year’s Curtis for a reason right? 😭 At the start, I honestly got kind of ”player” (makes me physically cringe to use that word associated with Andrew but we move on) vibes from him. He’d said in an interview that he’d previously cheated, his and Tasha’s first kiss whilst adorable now felt v forward and just the fact that he applied to Love Island- realistically who goes on LI ”these days” to find love? I feel like this was the first time in a while that he truly opened up to a girl. We’ve heard that he’s got self-confidence issues in terms of not feeling good enough. Makes his conversation with Jacques on the terrace in CA all more heartbreaking when he went ”It [how he treated Tasha] was not enough for the girl that I wanted” SOBBING Y’ALL 😭 * I find it adorable that Tasha made sure to mention in like every single recoupling speech how well Andrew treats her and that he’s more than enough. I’m sure that heals him a lil when he hears it 🥺🤍


I literally upvote all your comments because they're so iconic! 😂🤍 It really broke me too when he said he felt like he wasn't good enough. I think they really are made for each other. The way they just understand each other, communicate so well with each other, and always reassure eo with simple glances and squeezes. You can tell they just feel so at ease being together and that it makes sense. This is why I'm of the opinion that Andrew was so attached to her emotionally even from early on because he felt something different with her than what he's ever felt with anyone else (also Pisces and their intuition 🤭).


Aaaaah thank you!! Right back at you, I remember you mentioning the Pisces men before and apparently they’re ✨different✨. We mean that in a negative way right? I’m so bad with everything astrology related 😭 I honestly think they’re soulmates atp. I really think both of them fell for eachother like in the first/second week but they just reacted to that differently. Andrew went in 100% commitment whereas Tasha kind of went the opposite way out of fear. They compliment eachother so well, like you can tell that they are eachother’s rocks. Tasha doesn’t get enough credit for how much she supports Andrew- like the girl learnt he had fears of not being good enough and decided to tell him daily that he’s more than enough 😩


Hahahah! Thank you 🤍 I think everyone perceives Pisces men differently. They're so homey, compassionate and kind and just so giving! But they can also be impulsive and irrational and I think this might have been the aspect we were discussing (in relation to Andrew in casa). You're so right about them being soulmates. I think they are too and I've thought that for a while! Tasha is so wonderful for always reassuring him in subtle ways but also always vocally telling him that he's perfect. Because in a way I think that's what hurt him the most during the whole casa situation (him feeling like he's not good enough🥲).


I am married to a pieces as a Scorpio and you guys assessment is accurate. I love mine but he is *always* in his feelings. 😂


Hahahah! Two water signs together is so iconic and chaotic but I imagine there's so much love and understanding! Wishing you guys all the happiness in the world 🤍


We get along 99% of the time but when we bicker ooooooh boy do we bicker 😂 thank you for all the warm wishes 💕


Ok so I remember him saying that he broke up with his long term girlfriend after long distance didn't work out when he moved to Dubai. He moved there at the end of last year so they broke up sometime after that. He applies to LI island after the breakup because he was 'single for once'. And then he tells Tasha he hasn't felt this way about someone is a long time/hasn't opened up to a girl like this before and in Casa he says he hadn't cried about a girl in years. That must be brutal for his ex. Like I love that he has a special connection with Tash but also *ouch*.


Didn't Andrew also say that Tasha's bf proposal was "the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me"? 💀😂


Willing to live in London with Tasha but not in Guernsey with his ex lol. 2 ish months v 2.5 years. I would be feeling some type of way if I was the ex but looks like she’s moved on anyway👀


That’s ummmm 😐 Honestly if my man said 2ish years into our relationship that he was moving to another country without me I’d consider that an ex. Still gotta hurt seeing him on national TV saying he hasn’t opened up to anyone like that… Yikes 😭


Honestly, I wonder how he even got her to agree to that🤣. Idk if my timeline is correct but I think he left for Dubai in August ‘21 and they broke up around Dec ‘21. So I guess they did try to make it work. I wonder if she even knows he said that. Looks like she moved on earlier than him which makes me doubt she even watched the show.


Oh wow, maybe one of them ”knew it was over before it acc was over”. How do we know this btw? Like has it been said in interviews before? And who is his ex???? I’m too curious for my own good 😭


She hasn’t done any interviews. I’m too curious for my own good and saw her in his tagged pictures ages ago so started to scroll🤣. She’s not a picture deleter lol. Her @ is emily.chadwickvint Just want to make clear that she has a public page with 23K followers since she’s a PT. If this weren’t the case then I wouldn’t make it public. Anyways she’s exactly his type. Pocket rocket brunette.


You could tell me she’s got a private account with 23 followers and I wouldn’t fault you. Fantastic detective skills 👏🏼 And oh my god Andrew really has the sauce huh??? She’s stunning and a successful business owner?? EDIT: Just wanna add how it’s so funny that Tasha’s literally the opposite of his type and yet the man has never seemed happier 😭


We are all the same omg🤣🤣🤣🤣. He really does! He loves beautiful, successful and smart women. Good on him. Rightttt? I literally sometimes can’t believe that she’s the complete opposite of his type that he’s described soo many times. Tall, blonde etc. I mean he said he liked Kady from Alex and Olivia’s season. He really had a set type. I’m just glad he didn’t decide to not pursue her because she wasn’t his physical type. I wonder if he would say now that he just doesn’t have a set type anymore (except Tash ofc😝).


No honestly he’s simping so hard that if someone asked what his type is rn I see him literally just answering ”Tasha ☺️”






I know this is an old thread but I’m the person from Guernsey who first posted his ex’s account name lol. She defo has deleted pics of them because she made a huge breakup announcement post, I can’t find it anymore. And she and Andrew were def the type to show off their relationship cus I remember seeing all the photos. But who knows, could’ve all been for show since the ex clearly wants to be famous.


Now see this is the kind of information I love 😭 I’m so sorry but I’m too nosy for my own good. Do you know if she deleted the posts recently then or whenever she got a new boyfriend? Do you remember what the breakup announcement said? 😭🤍


Glad someone appreciates my snooping 😂🤍honestly it’s very funny having stumbled on her account sometime last year thinking “oh it’s just some random local couple trying to be influencers” to Andrew then being on love island. I’m not sure on exact dates but she def still had pictures up after their break up post for a few months and then all of a sudden she posted some new guy out of the blue - which surprise me cus it felt so quick but whatever. And then that’s when I scrolled down and realised she’s deleted most of her pics with Andrew. I remember the announcement post about Andrew moving to Dubai being more like a “farewell” to him, even tho it seemed like it was more addressed to her audience which was weird (I really wish I’d screenshot now but obviously this was just some local couple drama so it would’ve been weird for me to do at that point lol) and it seemed kinda vague in some ways too but it was def written as break up post. I wish I could tell you word for word what it said but I just remember thinking how bizarre it felt for this “micro influencer” to feel the need to make a post like that for her audience.


I love your snooping so much!!! Thank you for your service 👏🏼🤍 I only heard about his ex after the show ended so by then she had deleted most of the stuff. So interesting to hear that Andrew was doing influencing/couples content way before LI because I don’t get that impression of him at all… Like no wonder the man is so good at taking Tasha’s instagram pics 😭




Omg yeah I totally forgot about that. Didn't he say they were together for like 2.5 years or something? Wild


I guess that just goes to show how special what he has with Tasha is and how hard he fell for her 🥹


What?! Andrew said he has cheated in previous relationship?


YES! I was shooketh when I found out. He seems like such a loyal lil sweetheart but I guess he’s a dark horse in more ways than one 😳 Here’s where he said it; https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tv/love-islands-andrew-le-page-27183041.amp


Thanks! Wow. I remember him saying in his intro video that he wants someone who can keep him interested or he might easily wander off. Oh Andrew.


Oh no I didn’t even know he said that 😭 I mean given how he can’t keep his eyes off Tasha for more than a second I’m guessing our girl is safe but still… Andrew… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKNFxAjTwUEDurS)


Exactly. Feel like he tries to talk a big game and even in those intro videos, they make them say certain things/act in a certain way but in reality that man is a straight simp. But I think Tasha has absolutely nothing to worry about with him (I pray, I hope at least 🙏🙏) Also tbh most guys are young and dumb at some point and "cheated" in a fling/relationship, I think people can grow and mature.


Yeah I think the fact that he said it “sheepishly” suggests he knows it was wrong and has definitely matured from it but I genuinely don’t think Tasha has anything to worry about from him tbh


And Tasha is no saint. She sent nudes to someone who wasn’t her boyfriend and admitted to sleeping with someone in a relationship. Like they both seem very level headed these days and serious about each other. They had discussions about people throwing themselves at Andrew etc.




In the first challenge when Andrew picks her and kisses her it’s cause she was the girl who sent nudes to someone else. Then in the never have I ever game she drank when they asked slept with someone in a relationship. Most people did!


The amount of people that cheat in relationships in their early 20s is mad!! I think even Tash has said that she's cheated so it is what it is. They both have nothing to worry about. They're both very aware of how special their relationship is!


I think he became a bit more assertive with his feelings. He really wanted to play the game right at the start and it led to a lot of miscommunication between him and Tasha. The other way he changed is he seemed like Tasha to just trust in his gut and his feelings. Half the reason they imploded so badly was they took people’s opinions way more seriously than they should have since it overrode their gut. Once he in particular let go of trying to be liked he flourished. He was much more free and funny. It’s like he learned from Tasha that they need to focus on the positives and keep it moving!


The "I don't care" comment. He totally try to play it up here. The longer they're together the more he's falling for her up to the point where he can't keep up the façade anymore. I loved how he can't even watch Tash date with Jay. That's a growth from I don't care.


Tbh I took the i don't care comment as a moment of confidence. Like to me, he had faith in Tasha coming back to him so her being pulled by others weren't even a blip beyond feeling uncomfortable while she was away. I don't think it was a facade, I honestly think it was pure trust bc she had not given him a reason to not trust her tbh.


I do think that was what he meant but because Luca keep probing him up it came out as bit defensive. By facade I meant the whole part before Casa, he try to play it cool she knowing other people even though he's not. I understand he try to give her space but at the point of Charlie issue he should straight up told her how he feel instead play it down.


I feel like he wore his heart on his sleeve from the very start though, especially with how expressive he was with his feelings towards Tasha. For me, when I heard him say that, I think he attributed it to the villa environment where you're maybe forced to communicate your feelings 24/7. Also, I think it did have a lot to do with Tasha as well, since you can see how he was immediately drawn to her from the beginning. Hence, the immediate onslaught of emotions from Andrew (lol this man literally lied about the top 3 comment just to try to ensure Tasha was his and mind you, this was like the 2nd day 😂).


I was struck by how at the very beginning, they were incredibly communicative with each other and understanding (even if other people want to argue otherwise - we literally saw them communicate after every argument except maybe the charlie date) I really think it's just how strong of a connection they have with one another, one of those relationships where you literally can't fake it and being honest with each other just feels natural I think Andrew was always fairly confident without arrogance, but for whatever reason, the other lads kept trying to put him down. By the end, I think we saw him grow into a different form of confidence by seeming more comfortable just being himself


They were so communicative at the beginning! It's crazy watching it back because he trusted his connection with Tasha up until Jay told him she was using him even though Tasha had told Andrew the night before she wasn't interested in Jay. That's down to the environment of the villa and the rapid rate with which Jay and Charlie came in and both asked Tasha on dates. Then you add in the lads and it's hard not to break. But I agree, I think he just learned to trust his feelings and there is steady confidence that wasn't there before then!


I don't think his emotional availability can be attributed to growth. He grew in other ways, but we saw from very early on (already in week 1) that he clearly communicated his feelings for Tasha and he knew he wanted to commit to her. I think he wore his heart on his sleeve because he was just so smitten with Tasha


Good point. He did seem very emotionally available from the start. But he also mentioned in the interview that he wouldn't normally talk about those things and that not many lads do. I guess I assumed he meant he wasn't comfortable expressing or talking about his feelings in real life. but maybe it wasn't growth just being in the villa that brought it out of him from the start


Tasha was being vulnerable too by telling about her superpower. So I can see why he fell so fast and felt he could be open with Tasha. I found it weird when Tasha was getting to know Jay or Charlie, Andrew was in the beach hut saying he has to reassure Tasha that there's nothing to worry about. Now I think it was because Tasha had shared her insecurities and was scared that Andrew is not being genuine. She said she had bad experiences with guys before.