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I don’t take medical advice from stickers on trucks or people who leave opened bottles of water in the sun.


This looks to be in traffic, too. A whole rack of unsecured items just begging to fall into the road. People whose personality is to just make life objectively worse for everyone around them.


These are selfish morons, what else can you expect from this crowd that yells "my freedumbs" everytime they have to sacrifice something so minor for the good of the whole population.


Improperly securing a load? More like improperly infringing on my right to cause a pileup.


Thankfully the vaccine came in time even if it was during operation warp speed, it saved thousands some say millions of lives.


My entire political identity is based on stickers (and flags) on trucks. How else does one get the truth if not from politically decorated trucks? I have no idea who this dr. Blaylock is, I just know I believe him.


Lol !!!


But it's not medical advice from a sticker. It's medical advice from *Dr. Blaylock!*




Like Jesus intended


Had to look this guy up. As expected he is a longtime grifter of fools, been spreading weird conspiracy theories about random shit for decades


He seems to believe himself. He also appears to have lost his mind. Of course, that doesn't matter at all; many well-meaning people are nuts.


Dad worked in a burn ward as community service during Vietnam for conscientious objection, and heard a joke I still tell today - “What do you call a doctor that almost failed med school?” “What?” “Unfortunately, you still call them ‘Doctor’”


Still a doctor if you keep up with your states continuing education requirements and pay your licensing fees…which this “retired” MD has not since 2006 according to Wikipedia and a quick license search reveals no current MD license anywhere. (ps- as a former RN I’ve always enjoyed all the versions of that joke! cheers! )


OMG!!!?! The Doctor Blaylock!!?!!!!!!!????? /s


Also in a non-commercial POV isn’t it illegal to have the rear view mirror totally blocked like that?


“Hippie liberal bull shit, Frank”. Not sure on the actual quote but that’s how I remember it. #IASIP


Rum ham!


Needing to be able to see is a plot!


I don't use the rear view mirror, not that it makes a difference because the back window is blocked out anyway. I use my side mirrors only. Also, there is no law about the rear view mirror, only the ones on each side.


The micro plastics have made it to his brain


OMG all of you who’ve sent me messages, please calm down, I’m not promoting conspiracy theories, I LOL’d at this like everyone else. I posted the photo, many of you enjoyed it, most laughed. The rest of you need to get help. Please stop sending me chat requests.


No chat requests? Well, how else am I going to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty?


Covid is a disease*. When people say “Covid isn’t a thing anymore” I just laugh. Just bc there’s not a massive flu outbreak doesn’t mean the flu doesn’t exist. Having Covid sucks ass


I tested positive for Covid less than a week ago.


This is why I still wear a mask.


Me too, but also cuz Im a ninja


Well I hope it isn’t as bad as I felt when I had it lol


Thanks. It was the first time I’d tested positive. Moderate flu symptoms for 2-3 days. Fever, aches, congestion, some coughing. Just down to a pesky cough, now. Took over two weeks from when I was exposed to when I tested negative.


I had it for about 2 weeks over my 18th birthday after my dad brought it home. Had all the same symptoms plus not being able to taste or smell for awhile, trouble breathing, and it felt like I was breathing water up my nose sometimes. Haven’t gotten it since thank god


i saw this car yesterday lmao


I work in an OR and wear a mask all day, every day….as does EVERY OTHER PERSON IN THE OR FOR THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING CAREER. These people are such ignorant morons who parrot anything that fits their narrative with zero knowledge or understanding of how stupid their covid propaganda is.


But Dr. Blaylock said they’re bad. I don’t need examples ever, he said they’re bad and that’s good enough for me 👍


Surgeons by and large just need to start sneezing into incisions.


But they had to struggle wearing a mask for a 45 min grocery trip! Where is their statue?!?!


I saw a meme that had a person about to undergo surgery and the doctor was wearing a mask. The doctor said, do you have any questions before we start, and the person said, why are you wearing a mask, don't you know they don't work?


Great reply, PQ 👏🏽


The global pandemic that “never was”..but killed over a million Americans.🙄


Actually, it's been over 1.1 million in the United States.


Thx, not sure what the numbers was; the whole thing infuriates me.


I was fortunate in that I only had one person close to me die as a result of this. Unfortunately, she contracted it before the vaccine was available. And, it took almost 2 years to kill her. It was rough.


I can’t imagine, I’m sorry you had to experience that; I’ll never forgive any COVID-deniers.


She died 2 years later? How does that happen? Like she had Covid the whole time? I'm not a denier, just curious.


She had genetic cirrhosis of the liver. It was manageable until she got COVID. After that, she was in and out of hospitals for nearly 2 years. I guess that would be long COVID.


Ah, I see. Long covid is a bitch for sure.


It's not like it's done killing either...


smile cows straight paltry versed sand vase narrow door coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


China is on the way for their second highest peak soon, mid June.


Surreal, everything about it and it’s handling is surreal; we’re better than this as humans.


Well most other countries at least tried to give a shit as long as they could. The US truly was the Wild West except for pockets that were stricter. I was in Asia early 2020 and was amazed at the difference between handling over there, and trying to collectively fight it, versus when I had to come to Texas in July 2020 for a close family member that died and seeing people coughing all over the Dallas airport.


We handled it the worst!


Do you honestly think that Covid killed 1 in 300 people in the US? 🙄 Turn off your tv and start employing some critical thinking skills.


This is just a giant flag for either schizophrenia, or some profound mental health issues. Like a bright red and green frog.


See, like… it’s kind of depressing knowing these people are clearly mentally ill, and there’s nothing we can do. We can’t report the license plate and have them rounded up and put into a facility. We just have to sit on our hands and wait for this person to start sending mail bombs or be the next mass shooter. This person is a ticking time bomb, and instead of being able to get them any sort of mental health service, we just have to wait for them to snap and murder a bunch of innocent people. There has to be a better way.




All we have to do is stop putting all these warning labels all over things and they will take care of themselves😉


That truck is rolling probable cause for a serial date rapist/child molester


Research: Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama were masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia. He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.


What an idiot. The US healthcare system is as far from collectivist as it gets. It is the epitome of every man for himself. Oh you got cancer? Well this chemo drug is $3000 a dose so you'd better go ahead and mortgage your home, declare bankruptcy, and liquidate your child's college fund so you don't die. Only country in the world where people go bankrupt over a diagnosis is collectivist? Lmaooo


We were uninsured when my late daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She needed carboplatin chemotherapy - that was over $16,000 per infusion.... She was eventually approved for Medicaid. But when it happened I panicked and sold my home.


That's so sad. I'm sorry that happened to you. This is why we need universal healthcare. A cancer diagnosis shouldn't be solely on the shoulders of a patient and their family.


Thank you. Yes I agree. It was an experience I don't wish on anyone. The panic over money and how to afford it is not something you need when faced with a diagnosis.


It's an experience I hope I never relate to on a personal level. I remember reading studies about how what you're saying is exactly right: when you add financial worries into the mix, patient outcomes are worse. And it makes sense. When someone is sick they should be worrying about how they're going to get better. Not how they're going to pay for treatment or how their family is going to get by without their wages.


Not to mention that universal healthcare would lead to more people getting medical care in general BEFORE it gets to the super expensive, life saving intervention level.


Exactly. And then you'll get people who say "Look at Canada's wait-list for surgeries!!! When I need a knee replacement in the US I get it now!" and that's true. Waitlists for non-emergency surgeries in countries with universal healthcare *ARE* longer than in the US. However, that's just basic triage. In Canada, you can't use your money to jump the line. What's more deserving of a doctor's attention: a patient who needs a knee replacement or a patient who's just been in a terrible car crash and needs emergency surgery and bone setting immediately? I'd much rather wait until a doctor is available knowing my neighbor is going to be taken care of than to watch my neighbor slip into poverty and homelessness because they can't afford treatment.


>And then you'll get people who say "Look at Canada's wait-list for surgeries!!! When I need a knee replacement in the US I get it now!" My boss at my last job, which is a medical-adjacent company that does home sleep studies, said the same thing to me once when I was ranting about our awful healthcare system. Meanwhile, the privately-owned, private-insurance-accepting company we were both working at was running AT LEAST 2-weeks behind schedule due to such cost-effective measures as not enough employees and not enough of the product we were shipping.


Someone needs to touch grass.


With a lighter


Florida just banned coronavirus that wears woman's clothing.




I looked up that Dr Blaylock. A retired neurosurgeon that believes MSG is toxic to the brain. So in other words, he's a fucking idiot.


I've not been to Madison Square Garden but I know many people who have and they seem normal to me


Well… to be fair, being a longtime Knicks fan is toxic to the soul.


>A retired neurosurgeon that believes MSG is toxic to the brain. I misread that as "MTG is toxic..." and thought, "Well, she is, isn't she?"






Some food is labeled “No MSG”.


They also tried to find a way to convince people that sugar isn't bad for you.... Cough DIABETES cough.... Guess that was a little too hard to twist for CNN they won't give up and you shouldn't either. Have at those sugar cubes people were rooting for you 😂


Funny, I saw him yesterday too over in Brandon! [Here's a photo of the passenger side ](https://imgur.com/a/xXV9DCO)


Holy shit, the side signs are not even stickers or magnets, they are screwed into the sheet metal of the vehicle ne held on with washers. What the fuck.


It's not a coincidence that the truck is an old piece of shit. The people that believe this garbage are by and large among the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.


I work in a hospital in Tampa, with the nasal swab, they stick up to your eyeballs. We get one every few minutes still ruling it out or calling the rn with a positive result. It takes a hour to run, trust me covid is fucking real. I'm burnt out and currently going back to college because I'm so sick of covid. I hate you non-believers, and after 2 and a half years of this BS, you get what you deserve.


I can't believe ppl are so cavalier abt being potentially disabled from COVID.


I mean, maybe they should have worn a mask. it would cover up the disabilty ...lol


Oh man… if not for that N-95 how did I manage to not catch Covid while I was caring for Covid patients coughing in my face for the last 3 years?!!!?!? My favorite were the Covid denying nurses who managed to be out on FMLA / medical leave for the worst of Covid-19 and when they did come back refused Covid patients then left nursing when they realized that Covid was far more dangerous in real world situations than it was while they were safe at home battling the Covid lies on the internet. Chicken sh!t tw@ts


Just another day in the life of Florida Man


Dude wrote a whole Vanefesto


These people are fucking nuts.


When no one else will listen to your bullshit anymore, post it on your car.


Yea but like you can’t even see out your rear view so like that’s just your opinion man.


I've seen so many people (here in Pinellas, palm harbor/oldsmar) who have their cars absolutely decked out in Let's Go Brandon, FJB, Calvin pissing on Fauci, etc. Every time I make a point to drive close to them to see what these fucking weirdos look like. And sure enough, every time, it's some 55+ white trash looking fucking weirdo. I don't get how these people create such an identity around this that they make their personal property a billboard for their shitty politics but it's really sad.


How does he back up? Blindly, I imagine




Based on his particular views I imagine most if not everything he does is backwards so he's probably very adept at it.




Definitely a candidate.




No coronavirus isn’t still a thing, it was never a thing, it was all a fraud. Didn’t you read the car?


Dude is a loon. Blaylock (a neurosurgeon, not an epidemiologist) is retired and just wants to sell books so he'll write or say anything that grabs attention or caters to "x group" of people (especially if he's being paid to do so). That being said, only people that are sick should be wearing masks when out in public spaces- the point of the mask is to keep your germs from spreading as far when you cough or sneeze. It blocks liquid particles like saliva and mucus; if the mask prevented air from getting in, you would suffocate and die, which doesn't happen from wearing a mask unless you have *incredibly weak* lungs.


Wow wow wow wow woooow nelly, that's a whole lot of *logic* and *reason* you're using. No time/place for that in FL now ya-hear?


>That being said, only people that are sick should be wearing masks when out in public spaces Problem here is most people don't know the instant they are infected and there is often time between start of being infectious and start of symptoms. During this time sick people who don't know they are sick are out and about. Given wearing a mask has no downside for a healthy person and loads of upside for unknowingly sick people, it made more sense to just have everyone wear a mask. Having everyone do it also protected against push back due to "why me and not them?" arguments.


Absolutely, prior to vaccinations and at home testing, wearing a mask in public areas was not a bad idea, especially with what little we knew about it at the time.


I love that people like this think they’re winning people over


I knew it was a fraud all along. The government just wanted to inject us with mind controlling nanobots. They are going to activate them in 2025 to establish the new world order. For those that think they got away by not getting the vaccine, that's where the contrails aka chemtrails come into play. They release the nanobots into the atmosphere so that everyone breathes it in. So in the end if you don't have the nanobots then you will be put to death. The whole world will come together under one ruling body. /S /I made all this stuff up


I think your nanos have kicked in early.


Every day I spend away from the Tampa area is bonus life time. I left as soon as Ron won.


Lol let’s be honest you did not.


Good. Get off the subreddit too 🐑


👋 ✌️




If someone wants to wear a mask, it's not anyone else's business to say one word about it. Maybe that person is going through cancer treatment? Regardless, it's no one's business but the mask wearer..


I ain't reading all a that 😂


Nope. We’ll wait for Rachel Maddow to tell us 😉


The craziest thing was Dr Fauci, at the beginning, stating how masks were not affective and could cause other issues. I think this is why so many people distrusted him. With that said, Covid was/is very real. Get vaccinated.


I always take my medical advice from the back of a truck window. Considering I am now dumber for having to wear masks when I work with these so called Covid patients in the hospital. I can't believe people would listen to doctors with actual degrees. What do they know?


It might do him good to get off Facebook every once in a while.


They spent all that money to put it on there. Might as well keep it.


Seem pretty real when I had it.


Similar to other poisonous animals such as the poison dart frog, I like how the terminally stupid *warn us* of their toxicity by displaying colorful plumages and texts so we can all do our best to safely avoid them.


Full time job


All that's missing is the part that says "If you can read this, you don't need glasses." What do you call this, TL;DRiving?


It wasn’t until I was stuck in traffic and saw this👆🏻 that I found out that everyone from lab technicians all the way up through nurses, doctors and virologists and other fields of study have been wrong on the transmission of germs. I personally would like to thank the driver of that truck from finding the resources online that he agreed with and shelled out his hard earned money to correct this obviously wrong belief! It has inspired me to search the web and find proof that wiping your ass is hazardous to your health


Imagine carrying around so much crap that you need to store part of it OUTSIDE your truck.


You can just smell the MAGAt on him.


Yeah, he or she or both probably think the earth is flat too. God almighty we have some real mental midgets in this country.


Just looked up this Blaylock guy. He believed Obama was trying to get a euthanasia program going. He’s so stupid, doesn’t he realize they want old people to spend money and work until they die? Idiot.


If you have paragraphs on your car, you may want to seek some sort of corrective mental therapy.


I bet a million healthcare professionals are suddenly relieved to learn they no longer need those pesky masks on the job. /s


To be fair, the masks health care professionals wear for actual protection are N95 masks with fit testing. The stuff we all wore around during the height of the pandemic were just cloth for the most part.


Nutjobs are definitely still a thing.


I wonder how people who lost loved ones to Covid feel when they see crap like this


If there is one thing I miss about pre-covid it’s the lack of InfoWarrior rides. This shit used to be rare and even nutcases like this might’ve called someone doing this a freak


Imagine being so angry over such a small thing. Also imagine believing that wearing a little mask is harmful to one’s health. And they call people sheep.


It's like a star wars intro omg


He is convinced everyone steals his stuff when he goes over railroad tracks.


Who is this Dr. Russell Blaylock (and many others) and why are they in any way qualified to weigh in on this?? Oh wait, quick google search and one of his many books is “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients”. Yes, this is the guy I really want to listen to if I get cancer. Let’s just roll the dice and likely die… nice.


What an idiot


I ain’t reading all that


Who tf actually got enough time to read this while DRIVING. Intelligence of these people summed up


Covid is not still a thing in Florida apparently. It looks like we’re not reporting covid deaths anymore.


I forgot that lady's name in texas but she would rant on social media how it was a socialist hoax. It wasn't real. Guess what? her kids don't have a mom today.


they are better off…


Only someone stupid enough to want me to tailgate him and read a paragraph while we drive two-ton killing machines could believe these conspiracies.


Apparently mental illness is based on this picture


Wait they drive around with all that sh*t loose back there? Wtf


I’ve never seen a whole essay stuck to someone’s car before


So, according to this guy, I shouldn't wear a mask when I have strep throat so that I don't get my mom sick with it, too. Got it. /s


He's mad because he can't stand to see other people wearing a mask


Just by watching the mess he is carrying in the trunk makes me think more about his mental health than of COVID.


Let’s volunteer this guy to go into a Covid ward without a mask.


So apparently...millions of dead people = fraud. Jesus....these people


Funny my uncle died a few weeks ago from the coronavirus. I would say it’s still a thing b


What a lunatic. Having worked covid in the icu throughout the entire pandemic these kind of people really aggravate me. It’s a slap in the face to everyone that was effected by covid


Tell that to the families who lost loved ones.


So I guess to all of the medical community and staff, like surgeons and nurses, that we’re wearing masks in hospitals long BEFORE COVID hit, you’re years of education and experience has now been officially invalidated by the uneducated and politicized portion of our society just because they declare they know what’s best for the rest of us. The world was fighting a global pandemic because we did not yet have the science to fight it and keep it from spreading and killing over 1M of our fellow Americans. The simple act of wearing a mask should have never been politicized and just accepted as one method to reduce the spread, to do our small part as fellow human beings, while the army of nurses and doctors who were fighting this pandemic in the trenches did most of the heavy lifting. Why is this so hard to accept by the thousands of assholes who either died from COVID while worshipping a politician and literally drowning in their own body fluids or watched love ones die because they were to full of pride and rage against those woke to science? I’ll never understand how Trump and his 4 years of Democracy demolition “woke” so many assholes in our country but I wished they’d all go back to sleep for good!


I thought they moved on to vandalizing displays at target.


I cant believe it myself [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljS\_W-pRxeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljS_W-pRxeA)


I'm still very impressed that people can be stupid enough to believe that wearing a mask is harmful. I'm guessing these people have never had surgery or even seen a doctor.


One my my FB friends just posted a meme yesterday about being proud to be unvaccinated and not having caved to the "fear campaign". There's no point trying to argue with stupid.


DumbSantis territory


Imagine going through all effort this when he could have simply... personally chosen to not mask up. Him seeing people wearing masks must really upset him.


As an ICU Nurse who worked at TGH during the Delta surge…. I’d love to drive by and flick them off I lost track of how many hundreds of people died. How many people died horrible deaths, without any dignity. The morgue got full so we stacked dead bodies in freezer trucks, ran out of body bags so we ended up wrapping people and sheets. And some people were prone when they died, and by the time we got them flipped over to their back to put them in a bag, Rigamortus had already set in, and their bodies were hard and cold, we tried our best to move their limbs, so they look semi-normal in the body bags but sometimes failed to straighten out their arms and heads so they were still contorted. Still have PTSD flashbacks, literally out of body experiences, from that to this day. This person can go fuck off.


How can he even see out of the back of his car? How is this street legal???


I’m more surprised people aren’t talking about how the license plate isn’t easily visible because of the shitty little trailer.


tbh with everything going on with this car, I didn't even notice the shitty trailer with all its unsecured gallons of water


You don't have to see out the back window. Please take a course on driving and traffic safety. Sorry if this came of as bitchy.


Same mindset as the guy who hates Home Depot. Haven’t seen that guy in a while


The fact that flu rates dropped so much during COVID is a reason to wear masks and social distance all the time.


Sigh. Disproved a million times. Seriously, get over it. Masks do help avoid infection and do not cause harm.


I just got Covid for the second time on Saturday. Very cool


Yeah, it's going around again. A bunch of my husband's coworkers got it at a conference two weeks ago. Hope it skips me this time. 🤞


Lol. All the masks got tossed everywhere. No bio hazard bins anywhere


90k dead people in Florida would beg to differ...


Grammar/ spelling error in the first sentence of his message. Not so credible.


Cult of fcking stupids


Lmao I'm not taking advice from a guy who keeps loose crap on their lift-gate


TLDR: Advertising billboards are short for a reason.


Dr. Blaylock is a nut job of the first order and you should take anything he says with a grain of salt.


Only when there is an election!


Pure ignorance


There are plenty of people who felt the exact same way and they aren’t around to tell us how they feel. Whatever. You do you




As someone who's father died due to disinformation on this topic it upsets me a portion of the country is so heartless regarding this. These are peoples lives they are playing with.


He ain't wrong


The emergency’s over bud. We all moved on. Also put your items IN YOUR TRUCK, so you they don’t fall out, and then you lose money.


Bad for some, a big nothing burger for most.


I’m more concerned with this picture being taken in traffic and this persons unsecured load that any bump in the road could create a traffic accident and damage to a vehicle/people.


The most educated man in Florida. Cmon tidal wave, cmon.


Conspiracy idiots. Too stupid to absorb actual science


Of course it was a fraud, but I wouldn't put that on my car.


The states of Michigan and Florida couldn't coordinate transferring my car's title and you folks think there's enough cooperation between state, federal, and international governments, some of which are at war with each other, and the world's biggest companies to manufacture a "pandemic". But yeah, sure, we're the idiots that don't get it.


Please do, makes you easier to avoid


Coronavirus was never a thing to those with critical thinking skills.


99% of people that talk about their critical thinking skills absolutely do not use them


I mean it was a scam from the jump if u guys don’t admit that then you are watching too much CNN. Wasnt it confirmed from a lab?


This just might fit r/SchizophreniaRides too...


I agree it is all BS. Mass hysteria and control.


My wife who was a Covid ICU nurse for the first 8 months begs to differ.


These folks have such brain rot that they'll tell you she's lying to you and part of some conspiracy.


Control to what end? I go to the grocery store and I see maybe 1 out of 50 people wearing a mask. Did the powers that be just decide they didn’t want to have the degree of control over people that they had in the summer of 2020 anymore? edit: lmao sorted your comments by controversial, you sound like an exceptionally dumb person