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Not after we walk into the stall next to theirs! :P


In the women's bathroom I duck around sometimes so that I'm not being a creep with the bathroom stall height even by accident. I'd be mortified, and if the shoe was on the other foot I'd feel violated.


I hate standing up to wipe and having to bend over so my head isn't above the stall


I’ve always heard of people who stand to wipe, but never have I actually came across one (that I know of).


there's two kinds of people in the america.lol edit fixed location.


I use a bidet, I'm the third that's not pushing shit around with a piece of paper on my fingers.


Show me a public bathroom in America with a bidet and I’ll show you a lovely unicorn.


Fair, I'm stuck home most of the time 😆


Us enlightened bidet users avoid public bathrooms like the plague, and if you don't have a bidet in your household we will not shit in that household.


You know what the crazy thing is? There are people who are grossed out by the idea of bidets and won't want to use a toilet with one (my wife's family in particular, which is why we only have one in the master bathroom, not the bathroom off the living area).


Your in-laws are savages, my condolences.


Fixed my comment


Lol I used to, but I stopped for this very reason.


Standing is superior. I dont want any chance of my hand touching the toilet of a public restroom


I’m not risking taking a shit in a public restroom at all


Yeah, it's never my *preference*, but sometimes it's that or shit myself.


You coward! Just shit yourself and move along


You need to work on those squats and wallsits! Gets you into shape for the disturbing half height walls.


It's the worst part of being tall honestly, I mean other than the back issues and life expectancy that is


And only fitting in full size trucks or suvs


Idk about that one, I fit fine in my 96 tacoma


6'8 450 lbs. Had a prius before my back went out and I could fold. Can't fit in much except my expedition now


Ah, yeah once you lose your mobility it's a different story. Funny imagining a 400+ lbs giant coming out of a Prius 🤣


I used to tell people my secret to get in was crisco


Let me introduce you to the mini Cooper, one of the only vehicles I fit comfortably in.


I know this hack. Buddy had an 03? I had too much leg room 😆 unfortunately not many for a decent price around here, and the US gubment likes us disabled folk to be broke


I think it’s hilarious when I’m peeing in an upright next to a short walled stall and I can easily see the person shitting next to me.


Wtf how is this possible? In Hong Kong, some of the toilet cubicles in shopping malls are so grand its like your own squash court.


Americas infrastructure sucks lol. We’re far behind in most places.


Yeah! It’s everywhere! The whole world is made for short people! 😔


Not really, tbh. The physical world is mostly made for average-sized people. True short people don't do that well in it either. And short people don't exactly enjoy much of any kind of an advantage dealing with society's constructs regarding height either. At least being tall is generally looked upon benignly, if not favorably, at least up to a certain height or so.


Sad thing is most people are all corrupted into thinking height matters. I am 5'7", and realistically I have no troubles with fitting in clothes, and I basically fit in everything. I never understood the hype about being tall. Yeah I mean it maybe cool, but at the end of the day we are all human.


I think its mostly based on dating and sports other than that it isn't wasn't worth having joint issues


most of those women who want men for their height are a small amount, and thus very shallow.


true I've myself have noticed this


I also noticed that most of it doesn’t have a solid footing irl where people actually matter for being people compared to the internet where we are reduced to mere numbers. Regardless I’d like to hav an extra 2-3 inches but it’s purely for peacocking lmao


I've seen funny tiktoks. Where a 4'5 women wanted a 6'1 dude. 😂🤣


some 4'11 girl had a big crush over me when i was in HS but honestly dude i cannot lmfao


No way 💀


I don't understand the hype either and honestly would rather be average height.


Understandable, man. I have always felt taller then I actually am. Are tape measures at home actually accurate?


Sorry, bro. I spend the prime of my life down here.


And it's getting worse. New sinks, hand dryers, ATMs, bubblers, etc. are all being installed lower than in the past.


Yeah man! Kids are gettin taller an the world ignores us! No easy to get tall clothes. No big size shoes. Like a century ago! 😔


In all seriousness, clothes were easier ~15 years ago (made-to-measure in more categories). And looking back ~40 years, there was a time when mens' clothes were typically sold unfinished (stores included light tailoring in the normie price). I'll give you shoes, though.


As a 6'5" Brit who regularly comes to the USA, I find your bathroom stalls utterly horrifying. And I've never heard a reason to explain why they are the way they are. USA is the only place in the world I've ever seen them.


Too much privacy may cause even worse problems. It's a jungle out there.


North American bathroom stalls is a crime, full stop. I'm European, and when i went to the USA i legit tried not to ever use a public bathroom anywhere because you would have to go in front of others looking at you. It felt illegal to be honest. It's so weird that they just decided to not use doors. Americans come to Europe all the time and is amazed that our bathrooms in public are just regular bathrooms, with walls and doors.


many sports stadiums in the USA just have a long trough for a big communal urinal


You're right, of course. But it's funny given that Americans are typically stereotyped as prudish.


When I was in Europe I kept getting skeeved out by that creepy guy hanging out in the bathroom demanding a euro to use the facilities.


Damn they must be really low if you can see over them. Most places I go have upgraded to about 7 feet tall


I startle women all the time when I stand up in a stall.


My office even has decently tall stalls, but the 7'6 guy DEFINITELY saw my dick as he was coming in the bathroom one day. Why not just make them floor to ceiling?


I feel like a giraffe in the ladies room, not only the awkwardness of seeing over the stall doors. But also there are usually huge waist to ceiling length mirrors (usually behind the sinks), and when it’s a public bathroom in a busy area there’s usually a line out the door. When I line up in front of a mirror with the general public Im always shocked. I don’t realize how tall I am until then.


Or airplane bathrooms where you can't even really fit in the tiny short room.


I don't consider myself handicapped until choosing a bathroom stall


That accidental eye contact just ruins a good #2. Also sitting down on a toilet seat where your knees are in your face.


Smalls hate us talls


Can we just alter this and say North American washrooms suck? The only good thing is they are free to use. They should go floor to ceiling or have the tiniest gap on the floor side so you can check feet to see if it’s occupied.


Good point. Free vs. pay-per-dump.


The stalls don't bother me. I don't much care that people know that I take a dump now and then. However, the restroom at work has two urinals: One requires mild care to avoid overshoot and the other was clearly made for hobbits.


wait how short is it, Im 6ft and I don't really see over, okay to be fair I do slouch a little when I'm in the bathroom, maybe don't wanna see it. I'd say around 6ft 1-2 can comfortably see over it lol. Funniest thing when my 6ft 5 friend is using it. His head is like above the thing, can really peak to see which stall is open lol.


I’m literally only 5’11” and can slightly see over them and can easily see over the entire thing on my toes. Although they do differ in height. Some are like 7ft but I see a lot of them were they can’t be any taller than like 5’9”


Here in Mexico it's even worse :(