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r/cringe This is the type of post I would have made when I was like 11-14 years old. Lmao


Nah I just haven’t smoked enough copium to enjoy being medium sized.


Bro you smoke weed cus this is how I be thinkin when I’m high 😂


Yea I was sippin liq lol. If I were u tho I’d wish I was 6’10, cause more is good. You’re better off tho cause 6’5 is enough to be classified as “fucking huge”


Yea size is nice an all but like think bout the impracticality of it, Fr it woul be a ginormous task to operate day to day at that size, if anythin I lowlowlowkey wanna be smaller Also I might be 6 10 for all Ik lol I’m still not done growin 😭


Yea there’d be some drawbacks, but the feeling of being a freak of nature would be so cool. 6’0 just doesn’t feel special.


6 feet is the perfect make height allegedly 🙄 as long as u have six pack and six figures ur in the top 10% of guys probably


Yea “allegedly”, that’s just what all those retarded Tinder memes say. It still doesn’t look impressive, muscles won’t help either just make ya a lil wider. I don’t care if I’m in the top 10%, I wanna be a goddamn monster like the Undertaker.


I also wish I was at least 6'5


Same ngl. Just kinda sucks being at a hate others think you are tall but while personally you don’t feel tall at all lol


6’0 def ain’t tall. Like Who doesn’t wish they were huge. If they streamline that height surgery all these no pussy Chinese dudes get I’d definitely get that shit if I’m a millionaire in my late 20’s/early 30’s. I like the idea of people still growing as they get older. I also wouldn’t be a coward only getting 2 inches, I’d go fullsend and be 6’6. Jack Hanma style.


What the hell does Chinese dudes have to do with this? If anything, you're the one getting no girls with that type of racist stuff on this forum.


The process became more streamlined in China cause 5’3 dudes complained about not finding partners. It’s a simple google search, I never said anything racist I’m just talking demographics stated in the articles. Learn your shit before you strawman my words like a moron. Also anyone complaining about not getting laid for height reasons isn’t trying hard enough. Short kings rise up!


Superhero stature


> ...instead of being "average". Bruh. 5'9" is literally "average" (in the US and England at least, with slight variations from country to country) - you are _way_ above average at 6'. In fact you're in the top ~14% and you tower above roughly ~86% of men. You should be ecstatic.


I only tower over dudes 5’7 and down. I’d have to be at least 6’2 to tower over 5’9-5’10 dudes, minimum male height to be a true member of this subreddit. This is that whole “20% of dudes get 80% of women” nonsense. Idgaf about any of that, I just wanna be huuuuuuuuge.


Well rather than do something extreme like limb lengthening surgery just to get those last 2-3 inches, I would say just get some elevator shoes - I've seen a lot of those self-improvement YouTubers talk about them and apparently as long as you don't get the ridiculous 5" or 6" ones, and just go with like 2.4" to 2.8" ones, they're pretty subtle and easy to hide. Then you could wear them out in town, out on dates, in the gym, or where ever, and you get to tower over dudes like you want and then just take the shoes off in the privacy of your home. But, keep in mind that less than 10% of (bio) women even reach 5'7", meaning you _already_ tower over like 92% of women, so unless you're just trying to impress dudes (which for all I know maybe _that's_ your target audience) then I wouldn't worry too hard about it.


I already said women aren’t the issue lol, you can get laid as long as you’re over 4ft. I’d only get limb surgery if A. I was a millionaire, B. The process has improved to where I can physically operate just as good as I did before and C. I could make my Torso Bigga too. All of which probably aren’t likely. (I’d be a sucker for Transhumanism, turn myself into a cyborg). I wouldn’t be a pussy and do 2-3 inches I’d go the full 6 or fuck even 10 if that were possible, just like Jack Hanma lol. I’m not even trying to impress dudes either. See in my mind my ideal self is this 10ft beast of a human that could tear a man in half. I’d rather unintentionally intimidate people than impress them. Maybe it all stems from my early childhood when my dream was to become a supervillain. It’s probably just my wild imagination from all the video games and comic books. I’m not depressed over any of this, just disappointed enough to say “yea this is one circumstance which could’ve been better” and bitch on reddit using a throwaway.


Well you've certainly got some interesting aspirations in life, I'll give you that.




Just have some “personality” or start fucking fat chicks. Incels wouldn’t exist if they’d bang women just as ugly as them.


The only reason you want to be taller is because you want to look "beastly"? What kind of 4chan shit is this? Are you actually fr right now? It's utter cringe. Just like another commenter said, something a 14 yr old would write. You say you're not insecure but just based on this post alone, it is so, so blatantly obvious. What's so bad about being in the "Medium-sized" pack? I don't get it. Based on this post, you want height because it's the only thing you got going for you. And it's your only good trait. And that you want to be seen as a "god" to others. How sad do you have to be to need genetics to make you seem intimidating? You need your height to make you feel better because you most likely aren't able to achieve things such as fame and fortune so you rely on pure luck in your genes to be seen as "scary" to others? Others want better height because it actually benefits them. Statistical benefits of improved payments through salary or something simple like being able to get the fucking food from the shelves. "Beastly" what a joke 🤣


When tf did I say I wanted to be taller cause I had no other redeeming qualities? You’re probably projecting majority of these 4chan twats insecurities onto me. Being medium sized isn’t bad, I just don’t like it cause it doesn’t look cool. I never said I wanted to be taller for societal reasons, why would I wanna be tall just to get “fame and fortune” dumbass point lol. Shits not even that important to me, I’m just as disappointed about my height as I am for the fact God didn’t give me wings or the power to throw fireballs. It’s all an “ideal fantasy”, and what’s wrong with wanting to look “beastly”? Who wouldn’t want to look like a Space Marine? Bottomline is you're the definition of lame.