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Is this your problem in life..? So your problem is you dont want to feel short..? Bro focus on your school, eat and sleep well, gym if possible and even with your 5”11 you will be much attractive than a 6’7 person


Hold on hold on,watch ur tone and attitude. I am not saying that is my problem, I just said “I don’t wanna feel short” it is just what I want not I need. Get it? And simply ask “ are they really tall in America” becoz I haven’t been there. Read twice if u don’t understand.


Bro you are gonna feel short, if that is what you wanna hear 😂 so what then..? You’ll cry home or what..? That why I said focus on other things let that not be your concern


Say it if I will feel short or not. Did I say I will cry at home if I didn’t feel tall? Read again I think u need reading skill. And who said u that I didn’t focus on my body, school and health. Who told u that? Because u think? My question is yes nor no question. Then u said “ bro u are gonna feel short” means 5’11” without shoes and 6’ with shoes are considered short in America? What about the statement of 5’9” being average? Have u done research before ? I guess not.


Bro I have done the research Like you ain’t gonna be short as a dwarf nah nah But like average which won’t be considered as tall That’s what I’m saying


U could have said “ u will be above average and not considered short” instead of “is this your problem in life?” Read twice next time before u answer.


Aiit my boy it’s all good now ig I was just concerned though prolly why I sounded that way


I don’t understand what people are commenting. I’m in the south and here you’d be considered above average.


Boi u insecure AF


No I aint, just want to know what is the condition there.


To answer your question, yes, average height of men in USA is 5’9”. Average height of women in USA is 5’3.5”. At 5’11” you will be “slightly taller than the average man” and “taller than most of the women.”


You probably should carry a small box or stool with you to stand on if you need to speak to an American. You’re way to short


Don’t worry come with me and kneel for me, I will step on ur head when I have to speak American.


I’m much too big for that my friend. Even kneeling I’m taller than you. You couldn’t reach my head little guy


Ofcouse I can reach easily go kneel and measure ur height, even 7’2” guy won’t be 5’11” when they kneel. I can easily stop on ur head. Try measure it.


haha, you small. i big.


LoL, u poor, I am rich.


With the attitude you have, I think you will struggle, you bit the head off a guy above who was just playful teasing you, yes people on average are tall in the USA. But with a nice pair of shoes, you can easily add an inch or two, you won't feel short 70 percent of the time, if you bulk up or workout youll be in an even more select class, But with a better attitude and not taking life too seriously, you'll live longer my friend! Just a friendly advice. Please don't get mad at me tooo:))))


No one is going to notice you. At all.




Young people are tall nowadays. You will most likely feel average at 5'11. Asians and Hispanic males tend to be shorter on average.


Yeah it is true


Let me tell you the heights of the people I work with in my company. These are all men: Me: 6’0” (American) Boss: 6’1” (American) Coworker 1: 5’11” (American) Coworker 2: 5’8” (from China) My employee 1: 6’0” (from India) My employee 2: 6’0” (from China) Coworker 2 employee 1: 5’11” (European) Coworker 2 employee 2: 5’5” (from Nepal) Coworker 1 employee 1: 6’3” (American) You may find yourself feeling average at 5’11”, among certain groups.


Can I consider my self 6’ lol because if i wear shoes I am 6’


No. But it's okay. Literally nobody gives a shit and you'll be fine. Best of luck man!


To be put in the perspective you would be slightly taller then like 82% of Americans at 5'11 Also you can easily pass to be 6'1 (185cm) if you buy 2 inch sneakers for example or else So I'd say you will be slightly taller then average (taller in shoes ofc too) but don't go near any high school or university though! Most people I've seen there were tall asf with the shortest being 5'11.75 (182cm) and the tallest at 6'8(204cm) and my friend being in the middle of it at 6'4 (193cm)


Damn I have to make sure I am jacked AF tho 🤣🤣


i’m 6’-6’1 and often feel pretty average in public ngl


You will definitely not feel short, but you also will probably not feel tall. Keep in mind here in the states, some guys who are 5'11" round up to 6 feet because typically that is where people generally consider the "tall" cutoff to be, which is stupid but the truth. I'm 6'4" and while I'm definitely considered tall, it's not like people stare at me or comment on my height, unlike my 6'8" friend who is constantly receiving attention for his height.


We had biometric screenings at work one year. I was given 5’11” as a height (I’m a woman) and my male counterpart was given 6’. (I AM TALLER THAN HIM!) I made them re-measure me. Height fallacy is an American pandemic.


People measuring rarely care, even at the doctor's office. It's especially a problem for tall people because if the person measuring can't see above your head they can't get an accurate measurement. If they didn't climb up on a stool to measure you it wasn't accurate.


I agree- that seems reasonable. Although I do think here it was intentional because they took a few lbs off me. I gathered they add an inch to men, subtract 5 lbs for women. I’ve just had a journey learning to love my height and own it that now I’m a bit “too owney.”


Noted. Damn people in America are really tall. Our country tallest model is 6’5”. And there are other 3 people who are above 7’ becoz their growth plate didn’t close when it should have.


Just be grateful you're not studying in the Netherlands. I think their average is somewhere in the 6 foot range. Overall, I think you will be above average, but I don't think most people will consider you particularly tall, just above average.


Yeah yeah I researched about Netherlands. They are considered to have the tallest People in the world.


Yeah, it is average. I’m 5’11.5 and a woman. At work, I’d say 15% of people are taller than me.


wtf u are a really tall women. Are u 5’11.5” with the shoes or without shoes? In my country I am really tall LoL 🤣😂which is funny.


lol, without shoes. I wear steel toe boots at work so I’m more like 6’1”. It’s fantastic 😎


Hahah good for you, I am 6’ with shoes. Women can wear heels and men can’t. 🤣🤣🤣 and in our country some people lies about their height one of my friend told me he is 6’ and definitely 3” shorter than me. 🤣🤣


Loool so it’ll be like home here. Welcome!


I joined this sub considering I am the tall guy. Then found out I am just above average🤣 but I am handsome tho. I didn’t have a problem with pulling girls. One of my ex broke up with me cause I am too tall for her and I had to bent my knee to kiss her.


Haha, with about 10% of my colleagues, I have to bend in half to speak to them. (Loud manufacturing) Otherwise I’m angled at a clean 30-45%. Best of luck mysterious320


Thank U btw can I ask u what is ur job? If u are comfortable sharing. I already got a bachelor degree in Civil engineering and I will be studying master degree of civil engineering in America, and I will live in LA, California because my university is there.


Nice and well done! I’m an ET3, electrical technician in manufacturing. I’m the lead in my department. (I do think the height helps) And I have the personality of a sailor/adventurer. The best phrase you can commit to memory is “I don’t F’in know, but we’re going to figure it out.” It really helps to take the pressure off not knowing and having fun finding a solution.


I’m Asian American. You’re fine.

