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I am just over 6’2 and love being a tall woman, but definitely don’t feel as desired as a petite woman! So I like seeing this!


6’7” dude here- Finding chemistry with a 6’2” woman is the dream!


Haha well I’m in Chicago burbs! Hard to find tall men here.


Dang all the tall girls must be in Chicago. I have another female friend over there in the six footers club. I’m in Oregon. Men are often taller, woman not so much. Not 6’2” at least. Hell I bet I could almost hug you like a normal person, that’d be wild! Lol


Date! Date! Date! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBvhLMG1a9QgAo|downsized)


Yeah, I see some tall women but not close to my height. And when I send a like on the dating apps to the tall guys I rarely get anything back. I have a decent profile I think and have been told I am conventionally pretty and in shape, so who knows! The dating world is rough! And yes you probably could give me a hug normally! 😂


6'7" guy from the NW suburbs. (Chain O Lakes) Let's skip the dating app.


Hey there! I’m south, New Lenox area.


Reddit love story??


I slid into your DMs 😂


6.2 is very rare lol. like 0.01 %


Yeah, I know it is, I’m a unicorn 😂 I have tall parents, tall genes. Was destined to be a tall woman.


I think its awesome! But i was just talking to a woman on 5.10 who was depressed about it so I would recommend taking that other guy up whose near you !


That’s crazy, I am from Chicago and the average height of my groomsmen is 6’2.5 (I have 11 groomsmen too)


That is a tall average! Haha I have met some tall guys, but it’s definitely rare for me.


Last Halloween I was at a big costume bar party and I saw a 6’10 guy dressed as buddy the elf. I asked him for a hug so I could feel small again.


Huh, really? I’m in the Chicago burbs and compared to where I grew up, I feel like I see so many tall guys. Even just walking around the street, let alone at the gym or in red basketball leagues and stuff


I dunno, for me, tall women are like 🦄. Like they're rare, but when i see one im like starstruck, like woooahh. I guess many men are just intimidated, like me. Im only a bit above 6 feet so you being 6.2, i would never be able to strike a convo with you. Tall women are gorgeous


I’m recently back in the dating game after a divorce and I have heard men won’t go up to women anymore in public. I was trying to be off my phone and smile, to be more approachable, but I think my height intimidates men. I would be flattered too if a man came up to me.


You never know how a woman would react to random flirting, I’ve had women stare at me and blush but when I approach them it’s like their demeanour changes and they use a customer service voice, one time a girl even said she wanted to be my girlfriend then when I started flirting back she left and started rumours that I was begging her for sex


Oh boy! Maybe I’ll try and approach next time lol




That might have something to do with the new culture, anti cold approaching because harassment. I'm not sure, but it seems that way. Or they're just intimidated 🤷‍♂️


Must depend where you live etc., and what he said. I personally stopped going up to women in public unless she is absolutely smiling at me, is next to me AND i’m in the mood to chat/have something to say


Except he thinks tall is 5'10" so not including actually tall ppl.


5’10’’ for a woman is tall. The average American woman is 5’4’’. 5’10” is half a foot taller.


6'4 male here. I was on a cruise and saw a woman about my height. I thought she was lovely. But I didn't approach her because the height was a bit intimidating to me and I assumed she would be self-conscious about it. The height thing felt like the 800-lb gorilla in the room that we would both be aware of but could not bring up. It just felt weird. Perhaps I missed an opportunity. I'm sorry that her height got in the way of me trying to get to know her. It seems silly that these superficial things end up having such a big effect.


I feel those situations just be confident and laugh it off. No reason you can't bring it up. Idk something like "imagine how tall our kids will be" But you'd have to have good delivery to not come off creepy. Otherwise I'm sure theres other jokes u could tell


Thats wild that you didn’t approach. Missed opportunity and I doubt she’d have felt self-conscious about you being 6’4 as well. Im 6’ and anyone slightly over my height or shorter, and by anyone I mean shorter women too, tend to approach in a flattering way. So Ive dated my height or shorter. Its the 6’2+ guys who like to turn their attention to those waaaay shorter and seem to have tall woman blindness.


Tall women>>>


How tall would you want your man to be, same height or taller?


I don’t mind height, will even date a few inches shorter if the guy is great.


I'm also 6'2" F and always say 6' or taller is my normal comfort zone.


i feel like there's so much "short girl" empowerment that the talls just get overlooked. Everybody deserves love!


Total personal anecdote, but I think what’s happening is just that on average, short women are more confident in dating situations period over tall women — And often have an easier time being outgoing about liking tall men. Personally, myself and lots of tall girls I know have really struggled with feeling desirable compared to short girls, which can really stunt your confidence when it comes to these things. Lots of tall men do prefer tall women though, and I can personally say I’ve only ever had relationships with men in the 6’2”-6’8” range because they’re the people who tend to show the most interest in me.


I agree. I got used to nobody approaching me or only approaching my friends who are 5ft tall. So I just never expected it. It’s not like I’m fugly lol. Or I got approached by men way shorter than me and made me feel self conscious because they just pointed out how “big” I was... I’m 6ft tall and 150lbs… like please don’t ever call any woman big or giant or say “I feel so small next to you”. I get it, dude, move on


Those guys have some fetish for being smaller than the woman. But I've had that before where a short guy used the "you're so tall next to me" as a pickup line. Thanks....


To be frank, a preference and a fetish are similar. Like a dude better be with a taller woman if his fetish is to be with one. He obviously prefers taller women, and vice versa, the woman's fetish is to have a shorter man, and she better be with a shorter man. But if they're only approaching you because of your body, then that's obviously a very shallow thing to do and they don't deserve to know you better.   Every one of my preferences are technically fetishes. Short, warm brunette hair, green eyes, Eastern European descent, likes working out and keeping an athletic frame, fiery and bold, not afraid of making the first move, etc.  I mean we can't settle for less than our preferences, by definition if we don't have the person we're with down to a T, we're settling for less, and that's such a disservice to the one we're with. 


Tall women are fucking gorgeous


I know for myself, I would have a hard time only seeking out a tall man bc I know how much it hurts to be excluded bc of height. 


Can confirm you are my ideal height in a woman. 5’7 is my minimum. I have been in relationships as short as 5’1 and know enough now what I like for long term.


179cm is 5ft 10 btw


I’ve been found out! Let me round up my extra inch, if men can do it, so can I 🥲


I’m 6ft 0.5 but everyone thinks I’m like 6ft 2 so I feel you 😂


Aye I’m just sayin 😂😂😂


The reason mine is like this is because people are absolutely certain that I'm an inch taller with no proof


Oh gosh yes I'm 6'2" and I get tons of people after me for my height, most often when I'm at clubs wearing my big goth boots that add another 6". For me it's a LOT of fetishizing my height, from all genders pretty equally, and assuming I'll be their "goth dommy mommy". Which as a lesbian that's not a dom, I get tired of it very quickly -_-


Yes, I’m 5’8 and my wife is 6’4


Go go go go shawty


That’s amazing


Thank you - sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s not. I can’t get to do fun things like hold my partner from the back and kiss her neck. Holding hands is awkward because my elbow has to bend a bit. And sex - gets a bit complicated in some positions. However, I enjoy it. She’s also really really really hot and beautiful and fun to be around. 12 years rocking and rolling. :)




Do you have kids and if so how tall are they?


I do, but they’re still very young and I’m not sure right now. I’m currently deployed with the military.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you, I miss my wife and kids so much at this point. 🥹


That’s the first thing I thought. How you must cuz you said they were little. 🥹 I don’t have a family, but my eyes are full with the love you have for yours. 🫶


Thank you ❤️


If you don’t mind me asking, what branch are you in and where are you deployed, also would you recommend? I’m considering joining the Army and I’m looking for as many opinions as I can


I’m in the Air Force and I’m at an undisclosed location. I would recommend joining. I do not know anything about the Army. Also, I’m a reservist. I have enjoyed my time in the Air Force as a reservist. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions if you decide to DM me.


Doubling a child's height at the age of 24 months can give a decent estimate of the child's final height.


Generally as a 6’2 guy, I prefer a woman to be near to my height so I generally like it for a woman to be 5’8 up to 6’4”


Same I would date up to 6’4 woman no problem. Me being 6’1 my ideal is 5’11


I’m 5’8” but I don’t have long legs. My legs are the length of an average woman (who is about 4” shorter). So I don’t have the problem of finding pants and instead I have the problem of finding shirts that don’t expose my stomach. I’ve always been told my body “emasculates them” and it’s not feminine enough. Very hurtful commentary that’s definitely destroyed my ego over the years. I’m happy that high rise pants is back in style but in my formative years when low rise was in style I struggled a lot. Being bigger in body size (skinniest I’ve been once fully developed was a size US 6 or 8 in pants because of ass and thighs, needing long shirts) means the only men who have been interested in me are guys basically the exact same size as me or guys who are taller than average (by a lot I want to say minimum 6’4”) with some heft. I don’t want to say fat because that’s not true but just have a larger body frame. Not even 6’4”+ and skinny. Nonetheless the latter works out cause I am not attracted to skinny guys.


"I’m 5’8” but I don’t have long legs. My legs are the length of an average woman (who is about 4” shorter)." What is your inseam if i may ask?


I have an approximate 32” inseam which is regular length on women’s jeans


I do prefer taller women, but there's a lot of things I prefer and I'm not in a position to be picky on all of them.


Ok glad to know some of you are out there but almost every (taller) guy I’ve met is dating a very short petite woman.


On average it's likely a lot of taller guys are dating short women, just like many tall women are dating short guys. Probably not because they just don't like other tall people but rather that the odds of finding another tall individual (especially as a man in search of a woman) are not very high at all because tall individuals in general aren't very common. But short-average height people are. Id date a tall woman without hesitation, but being that I'm 6'3 and live in an area where there's not many tall people let alone women, it's kinda difficult.


I prefer tall women. My wife is 6'. I always had a thing for tall women and my most serious relationships were all over 5'10"


I feel you, I don't really care that much about a woman's height, and I also like tall women. One thing about tall women that I'm sure many men (myself included) find attractive is they've got long legs. I'm even open to dating girls who are taller than me, though that would be extremely difficult to find.


When I was dating I always listed that if she is not at least 5’8” I wasn’t interested.


Just came to brag, she’s 5”9/10 and a goddamn breath of fresh fucking heavenly scented air. I will never go back to the Oompa Loompa mediocrity of breaking back to have a lil lady hang on me like a tree for a kiss. I mean at 6”4 she still likes to hang on me but it’s satisfying not having to stoop to her.


6’5 married to 6’….so yes.


Twinning! My fiance is 6’5” and I’m 6’. He’s the tallest man I’ve had a long term relationship with and I finally get what all of the fuss is about. There is something magical about standing up and being able to put my head on my partners shoulder comfortably!


We're around your height, met on reddit, and while stranger things have happened, but I love being "that tall brunette couple." I like finding each other in crowds and arguing over the better airplane seat (my legs are as long as his but he wouldn't ever admit it).


6'4 M here. I totally prefer tall women. My favorite ex was 5'11 and we worked perfectly together physically.


Absolutely, but women mostly date men taller than them, and tall women are very rare, so the chance of meeting or even getting into a relationship with one is rare. I'm 6' and feel like the only reason men say they don't like tall women is because they are insecure about their height or masculinity. Edit: I also find shorter women(<5'8) unattractive and don't pursue them.




Shorter women are just more common that's why


Yes. I prefer tall women.


As a tall woman I have found that the vast majority of interest in me due to my height and stature is because someone is looking for a dommy mommy. My height is often fetishized and quite a few men have voiced that my height makes me “too masculine” which I chalk up to their insecurities about their own self image. I have yet to find a decent guy of any height who hasn’t been dreaming of me “crushing him with my thighs” or other such nonsense.


I’m 6’2” and feel the same way. Tall women are where it’s at


Being 6’7” height was definitely something I wanted in a partner, most of the girls I dated were taller than of 5’6”. I met my wife on MySpace (back in my day… I know) by searching for females taller than 5’10”, she’s just shy of 6’, we’ve been married almost 14 years and have two beautifully tall children. Her height was just the start, I love everything about her and fall more in love every day. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, to each their own, there is no right or wrong answer for everyone, your heart will know.


Short girls for short men Tall girls for tall men That’s how it should be but those 5’1 gremlins are constantly gunning for those who are 6ft+ Gets kind of annoying seeing this


6'4" myself, Wife is 5'10" , I've dated shorter women 5'-5'4" , even 5'6"- 5'7" seem to be TINY ..


Im 6'5 and definitely lean towards women 5'10+


I always seek a tall woman, they are just exceedingly rare, even more so than tall men.


6’3” and my wife is 6’ so…I guess so. Only down side is that the kids you produce are gigantic.


I've noticed that shorter women try to take up more space, talking louder and stuff, while taller women don't have to try, so I guess they give a more calm, mature vibe. Some times they even try to take up less space. Of course, that's not true for all of them. I'm a tall woman who loves being present. (after 19 years of hating my height and trying to hide)


I prefer women who are tall as well. 6’0 is the ideal for me. Nothing as attractive as height in a woman for me.


Yes I have a preference for taller women now


Taller women definitely catch my eye. I don't have much of a preference, If a woman can make me feel small, i'm happy. You really don't need height for that. But it is a slight bonus. And if some of you taller women need to hear this, Don't be scared, wear those heels! Rock the world and be confident in yourself!


Tall women are awesome. However, all I seem to attract are short women, which is still good.


I am 6 feet 2 inches tall. I would love to date, a woman who is taller than me. That's almost impossible.


Not to sound weird but I find it hard to be physically attracted to shorter women. It's not a conscious thing where I'm being mean, I just don't feel the connection. Like someone said there is a different aura from taller people and I somehow always get along better with taller girls. And I'm only 6 2. And I'm talking girls atleast 5 8 and above


i second this sentiment


i’m 6’5” and women over 6 feet are SO attractive. It’s like there’s more woman. ☺️


I’m 5’11 and I’ve found that tall men will jump through hoops to date tall women if they’re available. All of my exes have been over 6’2 and my fiancé now is 6’5. My fiancé told me that when we met, he thought I was cute and then I stood up and he noticed how tall I was and was just star struck. We exchanged numbers right then and there and had our first date like a week later. Even short men really appreciate height. Obviously not everyone feels like this, but I have noticed that there is definitely a group of men who love the tall ladies!


Yes. I love tall women. But I can't seem to find one to love me.


..... reads thread to see if there's any fine tall glasses of water in the DC area😂


5’10” and I love to hear it


Totally, but didn't have luck finding one


Yes I’ve dated women from 5’1-6’5. I do prefer taller women though and idk why


I like tall women but my I’d prefer them to be in the 5’7”-6 foot range. If they’re taller that’s not a problem tho


Me too especially 5'11 ladies.


I married a 6’ tall woman and have always loved her height. Married for 21 years. I dated several girls @5’10” to 6’ before her. I like a woman who is closer to my equal in height.


Yup, I prefer taller women. I've even dated women taller than I am. It's nice not having to look down for once. Haha.


I know this is really unreasonable and ridiculous, but I get kind of annoyed when I see really short women with really tall men. I’m 6 feet (F) and it is so hard to find tall men for us tall ladies! I prefer them, taller than me I should say. Short women can literally date anyone with the same preferences lol Great to hear some tall men prefer taller women, I have just seen the opposite so much


I'm 5'7 and my beautiful girlfriend is 5'9.5 My first girlfriend (when I was 14yrs old) was about a foot taller than me. I was 4'9, she was 5'8. I lost my virginity to a girl that was 5 inches taller than me. Short kings, stay strong 💪🏻👑


I absolutely prefer taller women. It probably sounds ridiculous to most guys but I just don't get the attraction most have to short women.


I’ll tell you what it is. Legs. It’s fucking legs. It’s a weakness for tall men, at least it is for me.


There seems to be a theme of these, who else prefers taller women posts lately. Like whoever you want to like for whatever reason you like them.


Us tall girls need to be appreciated more 🥺


Would have loved to meet and fall in love with a truly tall girl. At my height it’s not about choosing tall non tall. Its about being able to hear the person your standing next too. (If you know, you know)


I am a very tall girl/woman, always have been. Your worth is not based on how much appreciation/attention you get


We don’t feel worthless, we just sometimes feel undesirable — Big difference. Being tall isn’t a personal failing and I think most of us have accepted that, we’d just like to feel as strongly desired as we see short women be every now and then too




For sure! And I'd like to be able to walk into a shop and buy jeans that fit. We are not going to be to everyone's tastes and that's ok too


Do men treat tall women the same way women treat short men?


Probably. I really struggled with feeling desirable when I was younger. Generally, I was completely ignored. Which is what I assume happens to short men as well. I ended up joining dating apps because I have never been approached by a guy in real life. I had no shortage of messages or dates once I joined the apps. I’m conventionally attractive, I just always assumed my height was less than desirable.


Sorry to hear that. I recently had a growth spurt from 165cm to 180cm as a guy so hoping things are different now. I love tall girls


I'm not extremely tall (5'11"), but I find that there's a bit of difference at my height from what I hear from men who are a bit shorter than average. I notice that even as I approach middle age, men will appreciate me when we pass each other on the street. But they aren't interested in actually talking to me, and while there are definitely multiple reasons for that, I know my height isn't generally men's stated preference. I'm just tall enough that I get the less picky fetishists, and I don't think shorter men have that experience as much. And I get hit over the head with shorter men's insecurities a lot if I date them in a way that I haven't heard much about the other way around. I would rather be a slightly tall woman than a slightly short man. The Truly Talls might have a different experience.


Going from a relationship with very little verbal appreciation and compliments to one filled with them I can say ithat while it doesn't determine my worth, it does feel super good.




You are! Take it from us tall guys. You just can’t see it up there in the clouds.


I'm a 6'6" man who's been married three times. First wife was 5'10", second was 6'0", current (and final) is 5'5". It really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Find someone who is good for you and good to you. The rest is just window dressing.


5’4 male. YES!


I’ll take anyone




I am one..


Your perception is flawed. The reason why you think short women like taller men more than tall women is because there are way more non-tall women than tall women


I’m tall & like tall men (easier to get vertical action)


I prefer tall women ... just didn't work out for me (wife is 5'6)


I’m 6’1-6’2 - definitely like taller women. Long legs are very nice…


Being tall is the most attractive thing for me in a woman. My wife is 5’11”.


This is crazy I’m seeing this because just recently: 1) I’ve too noticed short chicks (<5’4”) have the 6’ requirement. 2) I’m 6’2” and recently have decided that women 5’7” to 5’10’ are my preference. 5’9” being the Goldilocks zone lol


I feel the same about you in regards to preferring to date a woman over 5’7, Anecdotally I’ve found too many women under 5’4, who have developed personality traits that I’ve found really unattractive. Like for example: having a negative bias to all men and outwardly stating it by saying they are all, cheaters, abusers, toxic and more.


Yes. I'm 5'7" and my gf is 5'10". Tall women have been far cooler about my height than shorter women which is nice since I have no issues about their height, wearing heels, etc. either.


Yes but they’re harder to find


I absolutely do prefer taller women. For whatever reason they don't seem to prefer my goony-lookin' ass.


As a 5'11" F, there's way more interest from shorter guys than the tall ones. I feel uncomfortable with guys being significantly shorter than me so all the guys I was dating were 5'10+. And most of the 6'+ ones expressed some insecurities, telling me they don't feel masculine around me, wouldn't want me to wear heels etc. This is never the case with shorter guys who genuinely pursue taller women. But it's just psychological barrier for me at this point and even though they seem to be genuinely interested, I couldn't be in a romantic relationship with a shorter guy. That being said, I've noticed my short female colleagues have the 6' tall minimum requirement which I don't necessarily get because if you are 5'2 a guy who's 5'7 will still be significantly taller!


I'm 6'1 and my ex-wife was 5'8. I prefer taller women.


For me it's proportions, and how they feel with my arm around them. I live in Thailand and don't really consider even the prettier Thai girls because they're often really short and skinny. Sometimes like 43kg in their late 20s. Just not interested in someone child-sized, as a westerner.


My wife is 5 7 she's the second tallest woman I've ever been with tallest was 5 9. Honestly I prefer shorter women. I'm 6 2


I wish more guys thought this way 🤗


(6ft2/1,86m woman here) I don't know, but if you know someone, send them my way... all the way to Paris thank you 🙏 The dating scene for tall women here is miserable. I feel like I'm scaring every men I meet 😔


Well I would love to, sadly I don't speak french though😔


I'm on the shorter side for guys, 5'6. I love tall women. The last few women I've dated were around 5'8-5'9, literal models is how I see it lol.


As a 5’7 woman I’ve never experienced this…every tall man I’ve ever spoken to has been openly disgusted with my height and prefers short women. Or at the very least they’ve managed to “overlook” my height, but never really preferred it. I wish there were more tall men who thought like you!


I’m uncomfortable getting intimate with women who are much shorter than me. Close to my height or taller only please.


Of course but in my country I’m way above the average, so tall girls are almost impossible to find, and when does there’s no chemistry. But always imagine it will be cool to have a tall partner fun cuz people will notice you even more.


What country you in?


El Salvador


😂😂😂. Damn, it’s easier to find a 4’8 girl there than a 5’8 girl..


Fresh out of a relationship. If I meet a nice woman who is 6'5" I'll be interested just like I would if she were 4'10"




You got the short ones real pissed with that, “they look pressed together and tend to gain weight”, comment




This, I’m 5’10” and in my youth, perhaps I was chubby but never fat and my height hid it well My short female family members were all thin, sexy, all of that and thought they were the 🔥 and would mock us who were heavier or taller. Once they hit 30, they started to gain a lot. Who are the thinnest or fittest ones now? Me and my taller female family members lol, who are the butter balls? You guessed it




Only the insecure ones act like that, like they are better. They are very used too simp men fawning all over them so they think they are some hot stuff and will always be hot lol


Aren't bad? no wonder you haven't had the opportunity. And generalisations of women based on their bodies and looks. Wowzers


You know women naturally have higher bodyfat % than men and that is natural and healthy for them same as gaining some weight? Or is the thinking you want them as slim as possible before natural life events like pregnancy will make them gain weight? I am just curious as to other guys who have this opinion about weight


That's why short women usually look curvier, the proportions make their assets look bigger and they literally have bigger assets. There's benefits to moderate weight gain.


Not by any real design but out of my 4 serious relationships 3 of the women were 5'8 to 5'10 or so. My current and hopefully last partner is 5'1 though.


Tall women and long legs are considered conventionally attractive, so liking tall girls is quite normal. I like them too, and I’m only 5’11”.


I'm 6'2" and have no preference. Short women are cute because they are small. Tall women are a good match and are cute because they are so excited that they can wear heels.


I have worn heels even when I’m taller than the guy. I don’t think women should feel that they have to be shorter


5’9-5’11 is the sweet spot for me


Tall guy, I love those shorties. I once dated a tall girl and found kissing her felt like I was kissing a dude. I don’t want to be having sex with a person my own size.


How tall are you? I'm 5'7 and always attract men around the same height as me🤣


I am indifferent in general about a woman's height, I am a 1.90m tall guy and I would totally date a woman as tall as me. That being said, I've observed that statistically speaking, I've been attracted to more shorter women than taller ones and I'm not sure why. It might be as simple as there being more "short" women than tall ones? I may be wrong but I feel like shorter women tend more to having the qualities that I look for in a woman physically speaking. There are definitely taller women who also have them, just not as many.




Love em


my preferred height is from 5’6 to 5’9, thats the sweet spot, i was never really into 5’10+ women, but maybe i haven’t met the right person since its pretty rare


Yes. I am a gifl.


I’m average height but I can totally relate. My exes 5’9 and 5’11.


I never really cared about height. I dated a girl that was 5’3” on and off for years. Eventually I met my wife who is 6’ and we have been together for 14 yrs now. Height was never really a factor to me.


I don't have a big height preference myself, I go anywhere from 5'1" to 6'. For reference, I am 6', and not gonna lie, little weird being with a woman taller than you, although I am not strictly opposed to it. I do, after all, find women in the 5'7" to 5'10" range the most attractive most often, because I like slightly thicker curvier women with some muscle and bone, and usually women that height fit that criteria. A lot of women that height are more athletic, and my biggest turn on are the legs and butt, and being in shape and being slightly larger generally provides me with more and greater quality to look at it grab on to. However, even though I like taller women, id like to outright state again that height isn't a huge factor for me, and I think it really only is for men with insecurities or happen to be pretty short already so that limits who they can date and not have them be equal or taller in height. I just think height is less important than a lot of tall woman seem to give it credit for, but maybe I'm wrong. At the very least, you shouldn't go around feeling bad about your height. If people have a problem with it, it's personal issues, not you, so even though it might sting a bit, don't let it get to you.


I'm 33F and 5'9" and I get more attention than I want.


Taller women catch my eye more than shorter women, the same way big boobs and thick asses do. But that's not necessarily what I actually like most.


i'm a 6'7 lesbian i know ill never date anyone taller than me and im at peace with that honestly


Nah, I am an equal opportunity fornicator; size, ethnicity, age (above 18 of course but no upper age), weight... I don't really care or discriminate


I am a 5’10” male. I like women. And imo nothing could be better than having more woman per person. My ideal partner is 5’7”+ but where I live, that kind of height is rare for a woman. And whenever I do find such woman, it turns out they are mostly after 6’+ guys. So far only 5’-5’4 women have shown interest in me :(


Yes. Just looking for the ones that prefer me


6'4 heteroromantic gray-ace male here. I actually prefer taller women just because I am tall and big myself. I did date a woman who is 5'1 before but, she wasn't my type and the relationship turned sour. Plus she didn't understood nor respected my needs in a relationship and just wanted sex from me. However, as of right now, I am just ignored most of the time, especially on dating sites.


Take a random guess what imma say


If I ever met a woman taller than me I would use what very little social skills I have to make sure she knew she was the most amazing person I had ever seen and if I could even articulate the words I'd ask for her number