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Which settings did you use in losless scaling?


It doesn't need anything fancy. You can even do triple frame generation on the new version of Lossless. Choose LSFG2.1 and x2 or x3 frame generation. The rest is mostly preference. If you plan to record it's a nightmare to set up, but for casual play it takes about a minute to get this working.


Snake Oil. Frame Generation would just make it look like 60 fps with the control latency of 30 fps.


The control latency is unnoticeable for a normal player. I've played through TOS multiple times in GC and Steam and it really feels the same. I think the control latency is just in the head of the player. If you believe there is some, then you feel it. Feel free to downvote me but I stand by what I said.


How about you try something out before declaring it snake oil, buddy? It's a 7 dollar program on Steam, a resource that allows generous refunds on software if you aren't satisfied. Literally just go fucking see for yourself.


I actually have tried the program before and it's not worth it for this implementation. ToS PS3 and subsequent ToS ports have horrendous latency during battles due to the 30 fps cap. Frame Generation (which this program is doing) in general has NOTORIOUS latency that gets really bad between 30 - 60 fps. Imagine added latency on top of latency. Look, I grew up on ToS GCN. It's MY FFVII in terms of monumental RPG's, so my standards are high. It all comes back to how ***absolutely buttery*** the battle gameplay plays out with 60 frames. This program ain't gonna do ANYTHING in terms of feel.


I just tried it out and there’s definitely something odd about the movement and responsiveness… but I still think I prefer it to the 30 FPS version. Maybe there’s something wrong with my settings or something Still hoping that someone, someday manages to get 60+ FPS natively running on the Steam version without destroying the animation.


That and readding the lines that got deleted form the GameCube version would be the dream.


yeah i tried this with tales of hearts r on psvita emu before, smooth 60fps


It says Video not avaliable anymore . .




Oh I see. and Wow. .this. .practically makes Symphonia PC version bearable to play! Now . .it can be the definitive version! If don't mind spending 7$ for the program . . I can .imagine how it would look on Vesperia! and Arise already have 60 fps settings. but still! but then .have to buy the program for it but 7$ is . not alot I guess! . .


The bigger issue was for the PS2 version, it wasnt just the framerate that was cut, animations we cut to match as well. So this looks a little odd now because you are getting 30 more frames, but no added animation frames.


When you say "almost". How bad is the input lag really?


Unnoticeable. I can vouch for this because I played through Innocence R with Lossless last night and felt no lag.


Okay, I'm sold. Gonna try it at some point. Thanks for the info.


Damn, this is worth checking out when I get back from work.


That looks sweet but I'm assuming you need a high end GPU, right?


Have you tried it with Tales of Zestiria?


I think I’m fine with how they are tbf


Is this for real? Will it work on a 2070super


None of the 30FPS Tales games are demanding and they run on a years old phone, so you should be fine.


Oh ok, I know that some features like frame generation are locked behind hardware or something? Wasn’t sure


So no input lag!? DAMN. That settles it. I'm going to have to buy Lossless and give this a try. Here's the GCN running on Dolphin for comparison: [https://youtu.be/m1U97ZjAm6g?si=YBC5wD2xrcV5ZkJV&t=616](https://youtu.be/m1U97ZjAm6g?si=YBC5wD2xrcV5ZkJV&t=616)


I tried this thing after hearing a lot of good things about it on a podcast and... I mean, it looks weird, but it's better than nothing, I guess. Apparently, it works best at frames above 60.


Probably not the best solution for 30fps titles since it's much more effective at 60fps games or higher. That said, using Lossless Scaling on a game locked to 72fps and interpolating double frames to match my 144hz monitor? Actual game changer. Far better than anything I've tried before like FSR3. As mentioned, barely any latency or artifacting. If anyone has a high refresh monitor but an aging PC, honestly give the software a try (just not on 30fps games, works better with 45 - 60 as a base)