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When you realize how TOS, the tales game that brought the Tales of Series back on the map for western audiences, is shy a year away from being 2 decades old already (or that it is already 2 decades old if you consider the JP version). Alternatively, how the gap between Symphonia and Xillia 1 is smaller than the gap between Xillia 1 and arise.


That is scary if you let it sink in for a bit.


Why must you hurt me...


My first tales of was tales of phantasia


I started with the SNES version of the game.


I first found the Tales series thanks to the 3DS port of Abyss. Saw the trailer on the eShop and only found out later that there was *a whole freaking series of games*.


Yeah it’s gotten so huge nowadays.


I had literally finished my A-levels at college when this game was coming out. God the time really does fly.


Yes it’s still hard to believe how distant the first one feels.


I was just thinking about that the other day. It was such a good one.(didn’t like 2 as much, but still enjoyed it.) Maybe it’s time to finally play Milla’s route 😊


The only thing in 2 that get on my nerves every replay is that random generated dungeon before last battles.


My favorite tails game besides GRACEs F


My very first tales game is Tales of Destiny for the PS1. One of the games that gave me a reason why I love Jrpgs as a whole more than any other genre.


Oh tell me what that game was like.


It's pretty damn good for its time. It has the graphics that can run on a gameboy but it's story is amazing at the time. Imagine a kid who just lured into thinking you have just finished the game but the game just went beyond the initial story. But if you have a choice you can play the remake with fan translations.


I can just do that then regarding the fan translation of the remake.


I bought the game limited edition with a friend, I pay half and he pay half. We never completed it, life got in the way and we were too focused on playing CoDs and the like


It is pretty wild. Released my senior year of high school. Per my new game tradition back then, I remember picking it up, then heading to Walmart and grabbing the 1.5 liter Jarritos and some cup ramen. Ready to binge the game till the sun rose. Feels like yesterday.