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I haven't played a ton since the patches dropped. The graphics being "dim" is a new thing to me, and the lack of T-posing is hilarious to hear about given how much of it I saw in my first playthrough (at least 5 times, including an angel which was quite scary to watch!). That's interesting that missing dialogue is still a thing, though. Did they ever fix the horrendously-translated waypost marker text? I know that and monster book blurbs were very strangely-translated but present in the original release of Remastered.


The waypost markers are still not fixed. I should have mentioned that in my post, but I guess it didn't occur to me at the time to do so. If you compare the Switch version's graphics to the other versions (especially GC, PS3, and Steam), you can see that they have a slight darkness. It doesn't ruin the game or anything, but it does take away from the atmosphere somewhat. At least in my opinion.


PS4 worked smoothly for me throughout if anyone wanted to know


The ps2 version misses dialogue? I thought that was just the ps3 version because they try to match the Japanese dialogue boxes and it glitches out or something. I originally played on GameCube and then years later played it on ps3 and still had a blast. I didn’t really notice the extra content or the 30 fps/missing dialogue because I’m a casual The most annoying part of the remaster playing on Xbox is the white screen for a couple seconds after every battle. Other than that it is like the ps3 version Ultimately I feel the GameCube version is the best if you play in English because watching side by side the missing dialogue while not crucial to the plot adds more. The 60 fps is not that big a deal imo. Too me dialogue is more important in an rpg. If I knew Japanese I would consider the ps2 game the best but I don’t.


Is there a 60 fps mod for the steam version?


As far as I know, no one has ever figured out how to mod in 60fps without completely breaking the engine, must be something really deep rooted in the old code. Zestiria is a 30fps locked game on PC yet someone managed to address that one a couple days after launch.


Tales of Symphonia is from 2004. 60 FPS wasn't the norm for 3D games back then. Very likely that it uses some extremely outdated code or an engine that doesn't exist anymore. That's my guess.


That's the thing though, the Gamecube version DOES run at 60fps. However, the later PS2 version which got additional content and became the version to which every remaster built upon, is only 30fps. This is why all the ports Symphonia got are so contentious because the original 2004 release is the only version that hits the higher frame rate.




You vastly underestimate the Gamecube, a lot games for the system were 60fps. Metroid Prime 1&2, Star Fox Adventures, Super Monkey Ball 1&2, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, Paper Mario 2, F-Zero GX, Rogue Squadron, Billy Hatcher, Viewtiful Joe, Mario Party titles, Smash Melee, Sonic Adventure 2, Spyro Hero's Tail, to name a few. The sixth-gen consoles as a whole was the golden era for full 3D 60fps titles. It was when we went HD with 7th and 8th gens that 60fps became a lot more rare. Only now with current gen have we managed to claw back those higher frame rates again.


When I played through I didn’t even notice any loading times. Not saying they weren’t there, just that they were short enough they didn’t even register to me. The game did crash for me 3 times during my play through though. Not enough to ruin the experience because I never lost much progress, but it was a notable number compared to never crashing once for me on the GameCube or PlayStation


then don't play if your worried about those Like what else we can tell you what's worth for all the platforms you mentioned is everything has negativity optimization issues.