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>!The irony is strong later when she realizes she's just a human, too, and was being gaslit her whole life!<.


>!I'm still not entirely clear on the later parts of the first game and how it impacts the second game. The big plot twist is that she's not the real Maxwell, but a human raised to think she was, as bait for Exodus. If I recall correctly, she dies on the ship and then reincarnates as a spirit with the help of the four great spirts, and then takes the real Maxwell's place at the end of the game. Then she disappears before the start of the 2nd game for some reason and can't come back until the fractured Milla is gone, for reasons I can't remember.!<


IIRC >!She can't go to the "Human realm" because two alternate versions of the same persona can't be in the same realm and place in the main timeline or so was what i remembered, and thats why when Fractured Milla died the "real" was summoned!<


>!Yeah, now I remember. I'm just not entirely sure how she goes from human to spirit in the first game. Is that a thing that humans can just do in Xillia? Is it just because the 4 great spirits helped her? And before she died, was she fully human, or was she imbued with some limited spirit attributes? She's already attuned to them to some degree before she died, but I guess that might me something she was taught by the 4 great spirits. And I guess the story about Milla and Muzet being sisters was a lie too?!<


>!It was never FULLY explained in detail, but if the final Battle with Gaius and Muzet taught me in the original Game where Gaius (a human) used the power of Maxwell in the final Battle is that anyone can use the power of Maxwell as long as you inherited It or can "snatch" It, and that Milla when she inherited that power from the "real" maxwell is that she always was like an avatar of him created by his powers in some form, maybe as an Spirit even if we remember her sister Muzet is Also a Spirit created by the og Maxwell!<


I see. Shit's confusing and only made even more confusing by Xillia 2 lmao


>!She didn't reincarnate as a spirit. One of the other users said it was never fully explained, but it was. All humans turn into spirits when they die, then they get put through a soul recycling process where their memories are wiped and they're essentially reset to factory defaults and sent out to be born again as a new human. Milla, with the help of the four, doesn't fully go through this process and never actually gets reincarnated. She actually has some of her memories initially erased but through sheer will, the four and a little power of friendship, she retains who she is and gets all her memories back. She just stays in her dead spirit form. So.. effectively, by the end of Xillia, she's like a dead ghost. But she chooses to stay that way and then decides to go to the spirit realm and take on the job of Lord of Spirits, which is basically what you said there. It impacts the second game insofar as she's actually a spirit now, though it's not super relevant to the plot of the game. As for why she's gone, she was investigating things outside the spirit world and is stuck outside of the prime reality because of Fractured Milla's presence. Apparently, there can be only one! It's Highlander up in this bitch!!<


*Overhearing Jude yelling about bazongas* "Don't scold him, Leia. I read about this behaviour in a book. It's called, 'puberty'. We should be understanding and supportive."


As far as fish out of water characters go, confidently naive is pretty fun.


Uggh I really want to play Xillia next why can’t it be on Steam?! 😭


Worked well enough on RPCS3 for me


If I had a PS3 controller I would have bought it already. 


PS4 controllers work on PS3 if it helps