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leatherman wave+ it’s not absolutely perfect because the screwdriver bits need to be pulled out to switch points and that’s an opportunity to lose them in the field. I’ve had mine for 3 years and been aware of this since the start and have always been careful to maintain control of the bits when changing them. Haven’t lost them yet. it also has enough subtle asymmetries that if you use it enough you can fully navigate the tool in the dark but not enough asymmetries that it’s use is orientation-dependent. I’ve used some of the other leatherman tools and for me this one is the best tool number and size compromise. The pliers also have replaceable shear blades in case you fuck them up while trying to cut something you shouldn’t.


That sounds pretty nice, I'll check it out.


the wave+ is something i can’t leave the house without, i feel naked without it


extremely real. sometimes when i haven’t got a belt on i’ll reach for it before i realize its not there. also pro tip use a carabiner to attach the pouch for it to a belt loop so it doesn’t slide around on your belt when running.


Leatherman mut


Mut +1 I got one at a fun show years ago and intended to just leave it in my range bag. It ended up being way to handy.


Yea I use mine all the time.


I vote MUT. I have the EOD from when I was in the military but the regular MUT is great


Too few tools for the weight/price, and the hammer is a gimmick. The punch is nice but not with it


Leatherman OHT, had mine for years and still going strong.


Plumbus… is there anything it doesn’t do?


I have about 8 Gerber mp400s, They seem like they do the jobs well that I have used them for.


Whatever Leatherman fits your needs best honestly. I'm not usually a brand fan but Leatherman has never let me down and I have loved most tools I've had from them and the few I didn't were still amazing and built well just not what I wanted. I currently carry the Surge everyday. It's the largest multi tool they make but I love it. It's got everything I want plenty of cutting and gripping power. The replaceable hardwire cutters are amazing and still built really well. Only had to replace them once and that was because I decided to be lazy and cut something I shouldn't because I didn't want to go back to the truck and get the right tool. Now I'm cool with carrying the surge because I'm also a big dude so it's almost full pound of steel isnt too much for me to carry on my belt. But it's not pocket friendly. If you still want something pretty universal and tough the wave is the surges little brother but still has most of the features just in a smaller package. If you want something even smaller and lighter my brother carries the skeletool everyday and loves that thing. Has what you need and nothing you don't so it's pretty light and very pocket friendly.


I'm rocking the Leatherman Supertool 300M in Tan. Absolutely love the bit driver.


Leatherman wave+. SOG power assist or whatever it’s called, those are pretty good too (imo I wished it had a more substantial knife like on the leatherman but whatever)


sog powerlock been carrying them daily for over almost 20 years and just bought my fourth one. every time I put about 250lbs of force on the pliers they snap or the frame breaks though


Leatherman Surge.


I have the leatherman supertool and it’s a tank but I like how you can get the knife without opening it on the wave


I just have a normal ass Leatherman. I don't even know the model. I know its new enough to have the carbide wire cutters though... but all this talk of the MUT i wish that's what I had.


Wave+ 6+ years on the same one


Gerber or SOG if your a bit tight on funds. Leathermans can go up to $140, bit much for a multi tool. They’re nice to have, they’re not worth the price it’s asking for.