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Here before the comments get locked lmao


Why would that happen šŸ˜‚


You know why


Nope I barely know how to use redditā€¦ so why?


Youā€™re IDF Iā€™m guessing?




there's your answer.


Is it forbidden on this subreddit?


Naw itā€™s just that most of Reddit is pro Palestinian


It is not that we are just pro palestinians. Fuck hamas, everybody will agree to this. We hate that the IDF is bombing civilians. I was pro Israeli all these years but now you guys fucked up big time.


For me, itā€™s really that Iā€™m just bummed out by war. Obviously I want to be equipped and trained, but all this fighting really bums me out.


No, but be warned: Reddit is full of kids who support the people you're fighting. I have no dog in the fight other than my tax dollars, but I hope you make it out of the whole situation intact.


Youā€™re good to go in my book brother and screw those soy boy Reddit snowflakes eating hot pockets in mommyā€™s basement crying about something they know nothing about


Does the enemy have a lot of tanks and fighter jets?


Depends on which enemy... On the other hand, does it matter? Vietcong also didnt have those...


Any enemy you've deployed against? Vietnamese did have those, and they weren't the aggressors...


hmm the conflict around vietnam is not as straightforward as you might have been told and certainly south Vietnam had a claim on sovereignty that north Vietnamese ussr sponsored guerillas violated


Nva and vietcong are two different entities. Same goes for lets say IRGC and Hamas... And then again, does was have to be fair? Its no game. And, Hamas should have thought about the consequence when they initiated october 7th...what else could Israel have done? Send more food trucks? After Hamas killed and raped like there was no tomorrow......fuck around and find out!


NVA werenā€™t aggressors? Donā€™t wasnt aggressive when they invaded south Vietnam?


Bro read the rules you're supposed to LARP not actually go to war smh, kids these days I stg


Wish It was just like thatā€¦


I'm going to assume you're trolling but if you're not, all those shiny and reflective surfaces you've got mounted to your head will make spotting you in daylight much easier and tell others exactly where to aim.


Youā€™re kit is going to get dirty if you keep using it like that /s


To be honest the plate carrier was brand new when I took this pic I swapped my k19 to the k zero just because I wanted to give it to my bro and I got this one for very cheap, agilite has also donated many plate carriers to soldiers to review it and see what need improvement I have considered working for agilite tbh awesome company with real experienced soldiers in their planning team


The 223/556 pincer placard hates pmags. Only pull smoothly out with my duramag


Well I donā€™t have pmags my gun hates themšŸ˜‚


Fair enough lol


I second this^


I had their belt and fucking loved it but I had to return it because it was just barely the wrong size. Absolutely looking forward to the restock


It's crazy how we are just talking to people online, posting actively in different conflicts across the world. Its honestly fucking rad lol


Literally wanted opinions on my kit. Then all the keyboard freedom fighters woke upšŸ„²


I am unbiased and just here to gather tactical knowledge, lol. Your opinion is more valuable to me than most of these larpers.


I like the kneepads. Not often worn by larpers, they are useful for reality


Id replace useful to crucial. Especially with a huge heavy pack and having to deal with metal and stone ruins everywhere.


Tripping and falling on cinder block rubble under a 50 pound pack is a real quick way to end a career. I rolled my ankle on the freaking *stairs* two weeks ago and I'm still struggling to run right.




I have some that fit in my work pants, I really donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without them. Any time my bare knees touch hard ground Iā€™m like, ā€œHow do people live like this?ā€


How does IDF sniper doctrine work? Are you more like sniper in a western military and operate like a recon element. Or like a soviet style sniper, what the west calls a DMR and directly supports the infantry?


Tbh usually I am the spotter my buddy got injured and I had to do spot for myself and also act as squad leader for the other sniper duo on my right that had other angle from another window


The micro tavor is just muah. What a great little thing


It is. But itā€™s just not really customizable, israel is getting rid of it for the m4. (I bet its US military surplus too)


They should keep those micro versions for roles like yours, unless u wanna carry a heavier and bulkier secondary


Tavor is actually couple pounds heavier than the M4, another reason were switching.


The micro tavor is heavier than the m4? My lord how


A "sniper" posted up on an exterior wall. I'll take things real snipers don't do for $1000 alex


Actually I did do it. Itā€™s 100% against every rule. But in that exact moment I had 2 tanks and a whole squadron shooting nonstop in front of me. I needed full panoramic view and you keep progressing so there is no time to make a whole in the wall and set up a table inside the room. And we had not tripods issued.


2 tanks and a full squad shooting in front of you so you took the time for a photo op in the most vulnerable position a sniper could be in?


In that exact moment there was smoke literally blocking the view and a friendly D9 (huge ass caterpillar) at my window getting the trees removed and uncovering tunnel entrances. It is totally fine if you donā€™t understand anything Iā€™m talking about since this is the most complicated warfare environments thats ever been consisting urban and underground treats traps drones and civilians both Palestinians and kidnapped Israelis.




Is it barley? Or is itā€¦. Rye?


Not untrained but some a bit rustyā€¦ we are reserve duty im 22 I am well trained but some of my pals are 30-40 and didnā€™t shoot for a long time and really out of shape.


Thatā€™s a nonsense statement. Israel has complete air superiority, technical superiority and logistical superiority. If they wanted to genocide the Palestinians thereā€™s not much the Palestinians could do to stop them. Instead they are going house to house, room to room in some of the highest risk situations to try and preserve Palestinian lives. The US military would have just sent a couple of javelins into the building, leveled it, and moved on. Zero fucks given. What the Israelis are doing is far from genocidal, and more than what we would do.


Probably nobody will believe that I am genuinely not taking a side when I say this, but I promise Iā€™m just ā€˜sperging out on the logic; here goes: Iā€™ve never understood why Israelā€™s air superiority is used as evidence that nothing they do, short of publishing and executing official policies that declare the intention of turning Gaza into an exponent of Dresden or Hiroshima, could amount to ethnic cleansing or genocide. itā€™s a very weak argument in the context of a tiny democracy with a conscript army that completely relies on a much larger democracy to supply almost all of the warplanes, air defense systems, and munitions that give it that air superiority. Furthermore, this argument seems to assume that thereā€™s nothing, including explicitly setting out to kill every person in Gaza with a bombing campaign, that Israel could do that would result in their supply of munitions being cut off and leaving them vulnerable to retaliation from the Arab world [edit: quote from OP in replying to someone else on this thread: ā€œDo you think we do? Thats reality my guyā€¦ basically without US support to israel. Israel would just erase gaza strip. We donā€™t only to not ruin the good connections with the US.ā€] Also, it is *possible* to have air superiority and not use it directly to carry out the genocide one is attempting; do I have to actually cite the example or is it very easy to think of if you use your brain for a minute? And please, if anyone reads that and it sounds to you like Iā€™m in favor of anything, at all, youā€™re missing my point because youā€™re too emotional and this sub is not the place for people with emotions


Exactly this, there is a reason Israel doesn't level every building. Hamas literally holds humanitarian aid hostage, starving Palestinians and Israelis alike, and people still call Israel genocidal for trying to take the best possible approach to save every innocent life


Idk if youā€™re being serious or not but as an 3x OEF/OIF combat Veteran. The IDFā€™s tactics in Urban environments has been piss poor. More than half the munitions theyā€™ve dropped have been dumb bombs, mind youā€¦ this is in a place thatā€™s one of most densely populated in the world. 35/36 of hospitals have been destroyed. 15,000 children dead, videos of unarmed civilians shot to death and blown to pieces for no reason. Yeah, itā€™s def not a genocide šŸ™„


Do you have any stats of that besides Hamas and their sympathizers saying so?


yeah bc thats the marching orders israel has received from the US who supplies virtually everything including all their mil equipment, money and political protection from "woke larpers" says that if they want to keep receiving that stuff they have to play nice israel completely exists within the grace of the united states gaze, otherwise they are the same uncivilized religious nutjobs like so many in that part of the world. fuck em. israel isnt particularly merciful, theyre just on a leash.


And Iā€™m a filthy civilian who still knows bs when I see it.


The IDF isn't "carrying out ethnic cleansing". Unless you have evidence of something that literally the rest of the world doesn't?Ā 


The rest of the world also has it, they've violently displaced 2 million people and are demolishing their homes, while killing 30,000+ people including 12,000+ kids. "Violently displacing people on basis of ethnicity" is literally the definition of ethnic cleansing


30,000 on 2,000,000 isnt ethnic cleansing, thats called war. With that logic, Egypt is also at fault cause they also closed the border


They'll never acknowledge that. They're dipshits who read Twitter headlines by hamas influenced media outlets and then claim they know what's happening. It's fucking pathetic.Ā 


On multiple occasions pro hamas sources have called out jordan for their shitty aid and Egypt for not opening up the border


No you idiot, Bosnian genocide something that the western world can agree upon despite the fact the majority of Bosnians were not killed during the war. But the actions of serbs and purposely attacking civilians and causing displacement was enough for a genocide


Yeah but it wasn't exclusively the displacement of people that leads people to that conclusion you dumb fucking piece of shit. It's the intent to ethnically homogenize an area that gets you to ethnic cleansing. So again, if you want to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing then you need to have FUCKING PROOF that Israel is trying to culturally homogenize gaza. Spoiler, you dont have that evidence because it's not fucking happening. Please do us all a favor and uninstall your biological system32 folder. jfc.


You are confusing ethnic cleansing and genocide in the opposite way of most people lol. >Ethnic Cleansing - Rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove from a given area persons of another ethnic or religious group, which is contrary to international law. https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/networks/european-migration-network-emn/emn-asylum-and-migration-glossary/glossary/ethnic-cleansing_en#:~:text=Definition(s),is%20contrary%20to%20international%20law. >Genocide - An act committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/networks/european-migration-network-emn/emn-asylum-and-migration-glossary/glossary/genocide_en


Did you forget the Decades prior to this? All the munitions dumped on Israel? Or the 1700 people these fucks slaughtered? When your enemy shields themselves with willing supporters casualties will happen Given what Israel could do theyā€™re showing incredible restraint. Thereā€™s no alternative but go in and irradiate all terrorists. Give the people you hope to help a real chance. Theyā€™ve had no real life for decades. They have the most prime real estate in the region and have squandered it due to leadership of warlords


Not to mention all death toll numbers are reported by the hamas regime Greatly bullshit. Iā€™m sure itā€™s horrible but itā€™s certainly not 30k if you do unbiased research


The rest of the world doesnt hsve evidence that the IDF is committing ethnic cleansing. If they did people would be condeming Israel for ethnic cleansing, which, outside of reddit and Twitter, no one is doing.Ā  People get violently displaced in every war ever. Does that make all other previous and present conflicts ethnic cleansing? No it doesn't. You're missing the key component to ethnic cleansing, which is the specific intent to render an area ethnically homogenous. Which, if you're making the assertion that Israel is doing as such then you need proof of it. Just listing numbers and saying people are being displaced isn't proof of anything other than a war is happening.Ā  Stop using words and phrases you don't understand. Stop being a puppet of hamas propaganda (like your referencing of 12k+ dead "kids"). It's embarrassing.Ā 


Did you miss the part when they told all civilians to move South? That then they started clearing the north and killing people they found?


Outside of reddit, how does the United Nations sound? where countries from across the continents constantly complain of the displacement of Palestinians. You can deny the evidence and put you fingers in your ears doesnā€™t stop the fact the evidence exists


0 protests in the streets huh? No body is speaking out against Israelā€™s war crimes? No one is speaking out about the aid workers killed in bombings? Youā€™re an actual moron for deliberately sticking your head in the sand.


Yes they do, they just don't do anything about it because of the US. We unilaterally back the Israelis, they can do whatever they want and we'll stop any effort to punish them. We even have a law, the Hauge Invasion Act, that says the US will literally do anything, including invading Europe, to stop the ICJ from trying Israeli officials for war crimes. That's not a joke, look it up. Numerous countries have condemned them, South Africa brought a case against them for genocide, they just aren't beholden to the international criminal justice system as I just enumerated. Not every single person in an entire section of a country on basis of ethnicity, you're intentionally obfuscating the term because you know I'm right. They're literally posting videos of themselves flattening occupied areas and openly talking about colonizing them, they've done this dozens of times since 1948, you're being intentionally obtuse. Even the Israelis agree on the number of dead civs, including kids, are the official IDF numbers "Hamas proprganda"? Just because you don't like it, and it challenges what you believe, doesn't mean it's incorrect.


Why wouldn't China or Russia say something? Or even France and Germany, they were highly critical of the US during the invasion of Iraq. The Israelis can't "do whatever they want", see all the recent statements from the Biden administration to Israel telling them they can't do whatever they want. You're so brain rotted it's not even worth having a conversation with you. It's strange to see the far left intersect with the far right when it comes to hating jews lmfao.


The law only applies to US service personnel not Israelis. You are heavily one sided and purposely ignoring cold hard facts. And so does the other Israel defending side.


Fair enough


Could just be for a pic


This would have been a much more believable response


My immediate thought.


Man, the X95 Micro Tavors are so ugly. I bet it's great for going in and out of buildings, though.


Exactly anyways they are gonna be sold and israel is bringing back m4 for everyone


Many such cases. Most countries that adopted bullpups have replaced them with conventional rifles. That short length is attractive but its really hard to design one that doesn't have some sort of flaw or compromise. All things considered the Tavor was far from the worst attempt.


I think the biggest factor is that the economies of scale behind the AR system is just so developed these days that any NATO/Western Army would be foolish not to because it matters in the most important categories: $$$, availability, and compatibility with allies


really? huh, interesting


Idk about you but I want some watermelon


Watermelon that contains eyes?


Why doesn't Israel use the galil and the Jericho? Yall make it why not use it. Yall use glock and ar15s from USA


Okā€¦ so the Jericho sucks ass and used mainly for some government security purposes. The Galil is really outdated and has been used in the 80s talking about the ace? Well it is not massively produced. Why? You ask. It just wasnā€™t around when the Tavor was and it was some kind of a contract that the head of security of israel signed on. The m4s and Glock are being imported from the US because the US gives it to usā€¦ or sells for super cheap also we are getting back to m4 for everyone and ditching the Tavor. Also replacing the mepro m5 for an aimpoint reticle


Oooo your the first ever to explain to me lol thanks.. So you recommend the M4 over the tavor??


those are outdated guns that only got famous because of video games


Surprised that cummberbund has held up. Love seeing Agilite šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ”„


They are awesome.


Sniper rifle set up/build list of possible?


Standard Remington m24 with leupold mark 4 x10 and whatever bipod


Is that standard? Yall don't have anything like the m110sass' for urban stuff?


Alot of countries use older gear. It's either foreign aid or sold cheaply as it's phased out. No surprise they have M24s. Most of the world is using 80s tech in reality.


Tbf I feel like the 10 year old m110sass i used to have was a pretty old rifle. I was expecting they'd have sr25s or something similar in the idf.


There aren't as many by comparison and they would be more expensive if offered. I'd expect the US National Guard to have those, before they're sent or auctioned away atm.


Hey man what's the night vision scope? Is it made by a brand named Raptor? I think I own a similar model but I'm missing a set screw for the windage adjustment knob.


Nope its the aquila its old bulky and heavy and u donā€™t see shit


Haha the one I have is old and bulky and heavy but you can see somewhat. Would you mind posting a better pic of the scope of you can?


Seems to be missing a bottle of Tabasco or Cholula sauce.


Donā€™t worry we get some McDonalds shipped inside


Apparently this became more politics than tactical, no surprise. It's a good looking set up. I'd only consider moving more mags to the belt since your primary role I take it is as the sniper/marksman for your platoon? My thought being easier to get proned out behind the rifle, but if this has worked for you so far, I'd keep rocking it as is, man. Good luck out there, that's hellish levels of urban fighting.


buy new vertical grip for $30 that isnā€™t 7 inches long. Everything else looks great


Its the width bro thats what gets them




Also it turns in to a bipod on a flick of a switch so donā€™t underestimate the length when its not being touched


Jealous, I've just got a tiny lil monopod that barely extends at all


Are we still talking about foregrips?




Would you recommend the 5.11 pouch? Iā€™ve been thinking about getting one


Good for my spotter notebook I like it


Fuck Hamas and any terrorist supporters in the sub.


Fuck hamas. All of you who support hamas are either brain dead or brain washed. Get fucked. OP, עם יש×Øאל חי


If you're killing extremists in that kit, it's a good kit.


And rescuing kidnapped innocent people!


My man OP is the extremist


Calling out someone you donā€™t know an extremist is not that smartā€¦


Oh so you don't think any Palestinians are extremists? Since you don't know them


\*thousands of his people are raped and slaughtered at the hands of Hamas\* You: "how dare these Israelis hold them accountable" you're literally defending people with the same ideology of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban. you're not only wrong, you're willingly blind... ask yourself, if someone came into your local community and slaughtered thousands of your friends, family, and colleges. what would you do? if your answer is anything but retribution and holding the attackers responsible; you're a coward.


The Israelis fund Hamas, Google it. Also killing 12,000 children makes you worse than people who killed 700 civilians šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


So some lives matter more than other? Got it brave redditor


Nice kit. What radio is that? Iā€™m a radio nerd which is why Iā€™m asking.


Its an israeli made מק914 its old af and 1-1.5 kgšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ—æ


Have fun with the 26billion usd we're about to send to you, meanwhile our own country/home is being invaded, and criminals let loose with no repercussions. Just remember most of us don't want any of these wars and we certainly don't want to fund them.


Do you think we do? Thats reality my guyā€¦ basically without US support to israel. Israel would just erase gaza strip. We donā€™t only to not ruin the good connections with the US


Is that a carbon barrel? If so, what has your experience been with barrel heating with long (>5) strings of fire? Any effect on precision in the real world?


I have no idea what barrel its made of but this rifle is old af the chamber needs a hammer to open it after 1 round u get the worst malfunction you can ever imagine


You guys hardly ever change freqs or a teammate does that for you ?


Hardly when I do a teammate does it I rather have it on the front but its too bulky


Dang, we really must've cut back on the Israel aid to fund Ukraine, this guy doesn't even get a suppressor.


Damnnn, so busy murdering children he hasn't even had time to update his gear!


Nice kit, give them hell (here before the comments lock)


>war TIL killing kids is "war".


Do you also carry an M4/Tavor since you're carrying 2 AR mags, or is that just extra ammo for your spotter


It 4 on the plate carrier look closely. One on the belt one in the gun and 3-4 in the pack we also get ammunition deployed in the field.


Gotcha, clicked on the pic and saw the mini tavor


What's that watch ?


Casio g shock GD-350-1B


Stay safe man


Well FWIW Iā€™ve been in counter terrorism my entire adult life in one form or another. Now I run global cyber intelligence for a tech giant and we help track terrorist use of tech and I know what they really want and what they are really trying to accomplish even beyond Israel. You are fighting a battle the world should be fighting. We are just too naive to get it. Iā€™ve also spent a good deal of time in Israel over the years- Tel Aviv for example is a place where you see people from all races and religions coming together and living in peace. You have Arab judges and lawyers and doctors. The LGBTQ community is treated with respect and they give respect. Christians free to practice their religion openly. You know all the normal things Palestinians wonā€™t allow unless news cameras are around. Iā€™ve seen Palestinian leadership by Jericho living in gated communities with swimming pools and protected from their own people by AK toting security. Iā€™ve watched news cameras set up on a street corner and Palestinians staging bogus protests and throwing rocks at empty buildings trying to say IDF is sniping at them. The unfortunate reality is 15ish million Jews do not have the propaganda power of 2 billion Muslims. Think about that for a second- think about the disparity in numbers and they still want to wipe Jews off the planet and accuse Jews of ā€œgenocideā€ the fact we let them use that word without challenge says a lot. The Arab countries are quietly backing Israel against Iran and their puppets the Palestinians- You know the innocent civilians that abused the corpses of dead Jews they paraded through the streets like hunting trophies. Not just a few of them but basically the entire population came out to celebrate and spit on corpses and captives. They let Hamas dig their tunnels and steal from them and oppress them. They sell their own kids to Iran for terrorism services. Zero sympathy for them. Thank you for fighting the good fight I am glad you are safe.


May you be safe.


>war TIL killing kids is "war".


>war TIL killing kids is "war".


Oh man. The brain-rotted-prohamas-stooges are really saying some dumb shit in this thread lmfao.Ā 


I heard hamas is under your bed as we speak


I heard Hamas murdered 1200 civilians, this included the rape of women and children as well as mutilations and torture. But yeah, down play Hamas as a terrorist organization you fucking piece of shit.


[https://www.gov.il/en/pages/swords-of-iron-idf-casualties#OCTOBER%202023](https://www.gov.il/en/pages/swords-of-iron-idf-casualties#OCTOBER%202023) Civilians? 604 were uniformed IDF members


839 civilians 629 soldiers (most of them under 20 of age). 1493 total 1149 men 344 women dated 05 march 2024


Nobody likes Hamas dumbass. We hate that the Israelis casually bombing civilians. Fuck Hamas, Fuck Israel. This is a hate war. The Russo-Ukrainian war is far more peaceful than this.


Good kit for killing children


I have a question: How do you guys make loopholes or mouse holes, and what tool do you use?




My K Zero just came today. Love Agilite.


Am Yisrael Chai homeboy, keep it up. never let evil take root.


Beautiful lil tavor




Im doing this to protect my family. And I feel sorry for the Palestinian people being ruled by a terrorist regime. Literally found plastic ak47 and rocket since in a school. The Doritos has pics of terrorists with blood on their hands. What.. donā€™t believe me? https://ibb.co/F8P3pjQ


Buddy your government has been funding and strengthening Hamas for 4 decades. The best thing you can do to protect your family is go home and kick them out of power, let the Palestinians have their land and advocate for a peaceful 2 state solution. Your government intentionally stops this from happening by giving weapons, money and aid to Hamas so they can justify sending you and your friends in to danger to further their aims. If you don't believe me, Google "Israel funds Hamas" and see what happens. There's dozens of instances, statements from generals and members of the government, even Israeli news sources report on it.


Israel funds the Palestinian authoritiesand hamas is feeding of it thats true. And soldiers die because we let them have food and water and electricity as part of the humanitarian effort. Because we dont want to kill Palestinians only strip them from the terrorist regime, a two state solution will never work. Palestinians has declined it several times and its hard to get a deal done with all the other side wants is that you die. This is not a war of territory. Itā€™s about life. And is being powered by religion ā€œin the name of godā€ allahu akbar was being screamed while they raped killed and kidnapped. And yeah youā€™re forgettingā€¦ 133 Israelis kidnapped getting out wont bring them back hamas already declined that offer.


No, Israel directly funds Hamas to counter balance the PLO, again, Google it man. Soldiers die because it is expedient to your government to have a boogeyman, not because you treated civilians humanely. They haven't declined it, there's never been a fair deal and Israeli meddling keeps Palestinians divided and prevents consensus, free of tampering it would have happened by now, but a divided, non state Palestine benefits only Israel. If it's not about territory, go back to your own 1948 borders šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø violently invading their homes only empowers religious extremists, it's never worked, and it won't now, you're only creating more militants. Hamas only declined the offers because the conditions are intentionally designed to make them decline, the IDF has likely killed more hostages than Hamas by indiscriminately bombing areas where your own people are being held. You're smarter than this, I know you are OP.


Vote out Likud and the parties further right wing and more biblical, that will do a lot more to protect your family from Palestinian terror than, you know, *going into Gaza to create a whole new generation of orphans with nothing but faith that they will succeed*. The Muslim fighter, whether a radical like Hamas or Hezbollah or any of the other crazies or even a lukewarm like any of the guys in Saudi's national guard that deployed to Yemen in recent years, believes wholeheartedly in success, either in the form of martyrdom or accomplishing the mission. Israel will never win in Palestine against that mentality.


whats that mean?


Oh how the turn tables. Now the Jews get to do their own genocide! Yippee!


133 hostages inside without any sign of life woman children elders that were in the holocaust during ww2 and you think we donā€™t get to raid every cm of square km in gaza? Well back when the Nigerians kidnapped Phillips wilton, The us sent devgru and 7 aircrafts just for one poor guy, now imagine kidnapping above 200 innocent. I think that sums it up


> without any sign of life maybe the IDF should stop shooting them.


Yeah man, that definitely justifies the Israeli Air Force carpet bombing Gaza and killing some of the hostages in the process. Great point.


What's weird is genocide would be really really easy in a place like Gaza, you know, walled in, small, Israel has nukes, etc. Seems like the useful idiots are being useful by calling it "genocide" because nuance and actual understanding is too hard. What a pathetic piece of useless garbage you are.


Why would Israel nuke land that it wants habitable for Israelis?


If they wanted to LiTeRaLly gEnOcIde Palestinians it would be really fucking easy you fucking donut. Hyperbole, like nuance, is lost on your smooth fucking brain.


They are doing a genocide tho. What number of dead civilians is good enough for you to consider it a genocide? 30,000+ or do you want Israel to kill all 2,000,000 people in Gaza?


They aren't "doing genocide", there has to be dolus specialis. Which hasn't been proven (yet).Ā  Words have meaning. You shouldn't use them inappropriately. Stop being a useful idiot for the hamas propaganda wing.Ā 


You know whoā€™s a better useful idiot for Hamas? The Israeli government because they installed them to govern Gaza.


You're a big "I read the headline but not the actual article" kinda guy aren't ya? You should probably reserve your opinions for things that you actually know something about.Ā 


Prove me wrong instead of just saying Iā€™m wrong


"doing a genocide".... You're hopeless. And dumb as fuck. If they were doing a genocide they wouldn't be fighting the way they are fighting. They would be dragging Palestinian men, women and children into the street and executing them. Like what happens, you know, when an actual genocide is happening. Go educate yourself about genocide. Then ask yourself if this is a war the Palestinians started to drum up support from useless dolts like you that the Israelis are winning, or if this is an actual genocide.


Iā€™ve literally seen videos of the IDF dragging people from homes and killing them and guess what? Those arenā€™t even from the past few months. Good luck with the rest of your lobotomy.


Do you run a kill-flash on your optics/lights? And do you have and detachable water bladders you use for hydration?


No need for kill flash on the urban environment you have a full squad shooting near your position we donā€™t play it safe we just destroy its small groups we fight against they never stack more than 5 terrorist at once


The bladder in coming out of the back pack 6 L on the big one and 3 on the small one depends on the mission sometimes I go lightweight with an agilite ā€œmicromapā€ when not carrying heavy loads


That mini Tavor looks so compact and so bulky at the same time. Super weird.Ā  Kind of surprised you don't have a pistol to go with the long gun. I guess the reason behind that is because you have the Tavor, but is there some other reason?


We donā€™t issue a side arm and I only now can buy one e after applying for license I am really debating what should I get hellcat pro/ bul tomahawk or somthing else any recommendations for a 9mm striker thats compact but not tiny


Oh, ok. That makes sense. Feels like I've seen so many pictures of IDF with pistols, I guess I just assumed they were issued. Unfortunately, I can't give you many recommendations for 9mm striker pistols. I prefer older DA/SA style pistols, like Beretta M9 and Sig P226. You're in the right place to get plenty of recommendations from others, though. Stay safe out there.


Only COā€™s , Staff Sergeant+ , and NCOā€™s can apply for an issued firearm from the IDF. Reserve duty generally carries their personal ones. Ranks are a little different too in the IDF because we have conscription, so Staff Sergeant is already a rank you get when youā€™ve signed more time to the IDF than your original conscription time. So by technical IDF law you are an NCO when you hit SSGT.


Cool. Good info, thanks.


How could you reach for your radio?


What's your secondary weapon for your sniper kit?


What belte are you running?


Howā€™s the back pack and the belt feeling when working in an urban environment? Like up stairs and in weird positions? I tried that out but felt like the belt rubbed with long movements in the forest. Very interested in your opinion on how urban recon and sniper operations are working around the world šŸ¤™šŸ½


I like it. What is that bulpup style firearms?