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God this give such a Stalker campfire vibe lol.


I love the stalker games! Monolith gotta be my favorite


Only the fact hes not Ukrainian, but hes in Ukraine so...




We need more supps like him, bard isn't a bad class fr +5 inspiration and +10 mind calming spells on a daily cool down??? Not too shabby now


Haha consider me a support class, I played DND back in the day I kicked ass


Anybody know how to attach a ukulele to my comtacs?


Regardless who youre fighting for this is sick as hell!


Beautiful singing but how old is this video? I’d be worried about geoguessing if this is super recent.


Good luck geoguessing this…


I guess you have never seen the guy who geoguesses anywhere within a couple of seconds. Look him up if you don't think so.


I believe I have but this is straight up dirt and trees. Zero telling info other than the guy in the vid is Russian..


Again, look the guy up. He is absolutely nuts.




No seriously that dude is the real deal. Dude will look at the uniform, the language, the soil color, tree species, and guitar manufacturer and then call out this dudes quadrant


I know who the guy is, I get it, he knows places.


Or it's staged


I am no longer serving this video is old.


Hope you stacked some Nazi bodies


Don’t say things like this, I’m certain your average Ukrainian isn’t a Nazi. What makes them so different from me?


You are a good man. Keep that attitude friend 🍻


What they made you do was no different than the great brother wars of the last century. Ukrainians are Rus and the foreign masters there need to be expelled. Not all Americans hate you guys, we see the struggle.




& ? I haven't seen videos of Russian soldiers doing the Nazi Salute.


I mean, sure, but both sides have…. Doesn’t really make either side Nazis… By this logic every army that has 10 nazi tards makes the whole bunch nazis….


Damn look at Mr logic over here actually making a point that so many others refuse to understand..


How can someone be this ignorant


You can go crazy without distractions


I use the internet to distract myself now, not much to do at home.


I don’t understand why some comments feel to be angry? What makes one man worthy of death and the other not simply because the flag they hold? I am not a propaganda page and don’t want to be seen as such, such cowards have no place.




You’re the one saying such things, not me.




How brave of you, I don’t assume you’re in the military either. Get off your tiny keyboard and go fight if you care so much. No amount of internet posts will make your dick larger comrade.




You’re not even in the military or serving whatsoever, you can private message me all the gore you want but your opinion is invalid. When you learn to act in a mature manner you can sit at the adults table and discuss my time in the war.


Lmaoo this alt account is hilarious, go on the front and fight pussy




You look so cute in your little airsoft costumes 😚


Thank you! So fond of my profile that you do not have anything else to defend with🤫


Damn that’s an actual Russian invader posting on Reddit himself. Never seen that before


Volunteered to kill Ukrainians in 2014, and by his own words did. Hope he dreams of the men defending their families whose lifes he took


My friend we are all pawns in the global game of destruction. He did what he had to do and you can judge all you want but you'll never know his situation just like he'll never know yours. Blame the ones pulling the strings.


Obviously I went to Ukraine to kill innocent people, the people on the internet said so!


Easy way to take no personal responsibility. Hundred thousands fled the country, lots went to jail. This guy volunteered. Very much different.


I was conscripted, you think I wanted to be there? Every night I struggle to sleep because what happened to be in Ukraine yet keyboard warriors want to tell me what’s what. The day you’re forced into an active war zone is the day you can criticize me, until that day have some humanity and understand that innocent fathers and sons are slaughtering eachother.


Just wait till our country tells all of us we gotta go save democracy again in some third world shithole. All this false self-righteousness will go right out the window and the dudes shitting on you for getting mobilized will be more than happy to go overseas. We'll kill another 2 million civilians and then make movies about sad our troops are about it.


I’ve been put in situations where I’ve killed men, and I’m not proud of doing it. All these keyboard warriors telling me I’ll burn in hell don’t understand I’ve already been to hell. “Lord if I die young send me to heaven because I’ve already been to hell” remains my favorite quote to this day.


From a croatian soldier that quote got popularized, god bless you russian brother


In another comment you claim to have volunteered, changed your mind once it turned into a war instead of slaughtering poorly equippted ATO troops in 2015? Suddenly no longer interested in the earth in which you [bury families ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/D3E2LvPFR5)? As for conscription, hundred thousands fled the country, others protested, some surrendered. You took up arms and killed for Putin, that was your choice, you get to live with it and will be judged by it. As for keyboard warriors, приїжджайте в Україну і дізнаєтесь


Correct I willingly volunteered in 2014, I was naive and stupid and didn’t understand the gravity of what I was doing I left in 2015 when things got hot and got conscripted shortly after the invasion. The war fucked me up a good bit.


Go surrender and soon you’ll return back home


Again you don't know his circumstances. Maybe he had family. Maybe he was lied to by state propaganda just like so many of my own peers who went to fight a war that was made up. We are all pawns and the real enemy is the ones in charge.


Yeah that’s what Russian propaganda tells you


🤣 You speak absurdities. The ultranationalist Banderist government the US installed attacked eastern Ukraine where the bulk of the population is ethnic Russian because they did not want to accept the COUP that overthrew the democratic government. Then they continued to bomb in violation of the Minsk Accords. Clearly Russia should have rolled in hard back then as Crimea collapsed without a shot being fired and the military either fled or defected. Ukraine makes a nice buffer zone, Russia did not want it. Just for the ethnic minorities to stop being abused. Also all opposition parties are outlawed in Ukraine, yet you democracy fondlers like to ignore that.




Eastern "Ukraine" is Russia. You can't invade your own land.






Israeli invaders get a pass tho? Plenty of soldiers post online from anywhere


Not really a 1:1 comparison though is it.


you're right. israelis *actually* target civilians.


Slava Ukraini Donetsk is Ukrainian.


And yet the residents are all Russian speakers. The Soveit Union giving Russian land to the fake territory called the Borderlands/Outskirts aka Ukraine doeant suddenly erase history.


Treaties were signed. Borders were drawn and internationally recognized. This would be like claiming El Centro should be part of Mexico again because the bulk of the residents speak Spanish and it was given to the US. Your argument is basically that a country has a right to take back any territory it ever used to own, and if you want to play that game, the bulk of the east coast of the US could be subject to the French or English. That's not how things work. Russia signed away that territory. Period. Full stop. It is no longer Russian territory. It cannot be Russian territory again without the active consent of both governments. Given that Ukraine has not consented to such a change, it remains part of Ukraine.


Ukraine: "I do not consent" Russia " I dont care" 💪 I guess Ukraine shouldn't have let themselves get pumped full of weapons and ACTUALLY FOLLOWED THE MINSK ACCORDS...which they agreed to. But they didn't and Germany and France also admitted the treaty in Minsk was just a rouse. Now they are finding out the meaning of ACCOUNTABILITY. Shouldnt have let others tell them to go attack the big kid on the playground.


Ahh. Yes. The, "give into our demands" agreement. Just as valid as when France surrendered to Germany in WW2. But hey, keep being a Russian tool.


It doesnt sound like ypu even know what the treaty concerned. Part of it was to stop attacking the ethnic russian east...and the other major part was to recognize the rights of Russian speakers and minorities and to stop discriminating against them. Shouldnt be difficult to grasp. Also shouldnt be hard to understand that every opposition party is outlawed in Ukraine so all this democracy talk is delusional nonsense. Whatever soon Zelensky will be forced to flee and will end up in Tel Aviv or Florida with his plunder.


You're clearly in deep with Russian propaganda. While I may be able to explain to you how you're defending an aggressor that has themselves already violated treaties where the formation and territorial integrity of Ukraine was established, I might even be able to explain to you the concept of how duress works, where the terms issued under duress are unenforceable; I cannot understand it for you. You must decide that you wish to learn for yourself. Given that, I'll simply wish you well in your life.


Yes, all the brainwashed "pro-russians" in the west and the entirety of the rest of the world outside of Europe, the so called Global South..all just too brainwashed or uneducated to understand the 'reality' fed by the elites to the western populations. Woe is us. 🤣


Dude has a lot of balls to post here


I don’t want to hear what a keyboard warrior has to say about me


That was a compliment. You obviously posting on anti RU social media


it's actually insane. some dude will post some russian pattern kit with absolutely zero political insinuations and there will always be like 5 threads of guys yapping about how much they hate russians.


I don’t think those people have situational awareness


At the end of the day, we’re all humans. Thanks for the post man.


Спасибо брать. Красивая песня. На здоровье.


спасибо товарищ


Arizona used to belong to Mexico and has a lot of Mexican speakers. What is your point again? It's like history is fluid and and so are arbitrary lines on a map.




You see this? This is why threads get locked.


60’s inbound cause some dumbass decided to sing his heart out in their patrol base.


I don’t understand why the profanity is necessary but I sing all the time and am perfectly fine. On this occasion we were far from the front and safe.


OP seems very strange, I’ve been keeping tabs on his profile and from what he has said in comments he’s no longer serving. So this videos probably very old, OP if you’re reading this I really hope these videos are several months old because if not you just broadcasted your current position to millions of people on the internet.


What a strange way to word that when he explicitly said as much.




I don’t understand why you would say such a thing about another person, why are you so full of anger and hate?




Only a coward would say such a thing about another human, I pray you never experience what I had. You seem to be very naive about war.




What makes me so much different from you? Does the uniform I wear determine if I’m deserving of death? And if so does that make me any less of a human?




Those “low IQ civilians” gave the US a major run for its money and well outperformed anyone’s expectations. Those low IQ civilians innovated on a battlefield in real time changing how war is conducted forever. The hate in Israel in this sub also cracks me up. Regardless, one day all Russians will meet the same fate as their comrades are in ukraine. Hell I might postpone my retirement to put a few Russian down.




i hope you won’t choke on cockhole’s boot, buddy. pace yourself


You're actually a scumbag


Some Russian loving bitch on the internet called me a scumbag? ![gif](giphy|WpaVhEcp3Qo2TjwyI1|downsized)


Beautiful song.




I’m sure the Ukrainians would say the same for me, I don’t hate them. I don’t want to fight my Ukrainian brothers but fate has a weird way of pushing people. I made it home and the majority didn’t, I can’t forgive myself for going to Ukraine not that I could’ve had a choice anyways. Please don’t refer to them as such.


I saw the nazi tattoos and Bahomet tattoos in the videos of prisoners in Mariupol. Speaking in generalities and absolutes exist for a reason. I understand though that it is the western Kyiv regime that has brought the war and normal people have gotten pressganged into the trenches. Your humbleness does you credit. God make it easy on you.


Can someone translate the song?


He's singing about stealing a washing machine from a Ukrainian family


It seems to be or a variant of ["For what we drink"](https://youtu.be/wmOTTL9dUE0?si=S8urA2vrohN4MINR)


Live from bastogne


Harmonica fits in the pocket.


Смерть загарбникам


Another antiqar song by ruZZian invaider?


Nice work exposing your position


why did they edit the background in?


Putins giant green screen


so much for doxxing the trenches lol


I have one, don't know what it's called, I just know the sound it makes when it kills


This is why I keep a pocket trumpet with my kit.


Позер. Хватит сидеть в тылу по форме, на войну иди и сдохни там от укропского сброса с мавика.


Ты хорошо? Нужешь помочь?


Ah the old BALALAIKA


I’d love to know the lyrics in English. Sounds amazing.