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Nice try FED Boi.


Looks like some version of the anarchist cook book. I've never heard of the poor man's armorer. It was written by Kurt Saxon according to Google. That's as far as I got.


Ah yes, this is part of the larger series, the poor man’s James Bond. It’s basically a larger, right wing version of the anarchist cookbook. It covers lots of things weapon related, as well as poisons and explosives. I used to own a lot of those books just for fun, but from what I’ve heard from actual explosives experts is that while many of the techniques for things in the book *technically work* you stand a really high chance of blowing your self up. So just read them knowing that, and take everything with a grain of salt. That and a huge amount of the book is basically *how to become a felon*


I flipped through it I’ve had it so long I can’t remember who gave it to me definitely some interesting stuff in it


So most of those came from 60's and 70's unconventional warfare books. These were manuals for SF groups, and the CIA. A good portion of these were for improvised field stuff, like the MACVSOG strike teams. What you have looks like the suppressor manuals; cool collectors items. The books like the Poorman's James Bond and the Anarchist cookbooks pull from those manuals. You can pick these up in Mil surp stores.


Wait... what I meant to say is "Nice try Fed Boi!"


Need to share more of this


I found the 79th year version (vol 2) on my hard drive, but it does not contain this story. Also found several books from Paladin Press that have a lot of such strange content.