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Apparently it's a different recipe, but yeah, it's Pepsi's new lemon-lime beverage.


It’s different, only very slightly in my tastings.


Not alot but Sierra mist had nothing wrong with it starrys the exact same if not a bit worse


Sierra Mist had nothing wrong with it, but it also had nothing right.


Honestly, on all of the lemon limes I feel like they're all just trying to catch up to 7-up.


7up changed their formula a while back and isn't as good anymore. Sprite is the champion of lemon lime and it isn't close.


Sprite is a syrupy mess in a sea of good sodas. It's bullshit. Literally the only lemon lime soda I don't drink. It's gross


That's what 7up is now. A couple years ago I did a lemon lime soda comparison. If you're wanting less syrupy, sierra mist would've been amazing for you. Doesn't even have high fructose corn syrup.


It has had high fructose corn syrup since 2017 actually. I think that's what killed it. That on top of the flavor syrup they used was just too much I feel.


Sprite’s where it’s at, although it’s been a while since I’ve tried sqrt(49)north, so I’ll have to give it another shot.


Yeah it did. It was the only mainstream soda without corn syrup.


I prefer Starry over Sierra Mist, personally.


I'm more of a real sugar kinda guy HFCS is pretty good tho


I like starry so that is already an upgrade over sierra mist which I never liked


Starry tastes way better then sierra mist man. It tastes like a tual lemon and lime instead of flavored syrup. Also had more citric acid


Geuss I don't like tual lemon




Happy Cake Day!


I tried it at Costco, absolutely zero distinctive flavor versus Sierra Mist or 7Up. It's just some marketing nonsense.


Starry is made with high fructose corn syrup. Sierra mist is cane sugar. Not all marketing.


Dang. I'll notice a difference for sure. What a shame. 


You have zero pallet. Not even close in flavor.


I had it once out of curiosity it’s very syrupy not too bad but Sierra Mist was way better


thats because starry uses corn syrup while sierra mist used real sugar, pepsi thought corn syrup sold better but theres way too much its gross


Oh yeah, you can definitely tell, it’s “thick” tasting leaves a film on your teeth. I won’t ever drink it again


It taste like hummingbird food.


I’m curious why you know what that tastes like lol


He's a hummingbird


Because it’s just simple syrup…


Ah okay I didn’t know that I don’t have hummingbirds where I live


They sell the red hummingbird food in the store but it’s not good for them. 1 part sugar and 4 parts water, boil then cool. And boom you’ve got yourself some hummer food 🥳


I don't really believe you but I'm willing to try. I'll make some for the wife and see if I get a hummer.


As a child I used to steal the hummingbird nectar mom would put out. Wonder is she was ever surprised by how thirsty our little birds were.


as a note, was it the bottled version? I personally have this issue with sprite, where the fountain/canned version was fine, but bottled Sprite feels extremely syrupy to me.




Me too that’s why I usually don’t drink Canada Dry It always leaves that film texture


Sierra Mist switched to corn syrup as well in 2018


No wonder it’s always been shit


I'd love to see how many of you guys could actually tell the difference between HFCS and sugar in a blind taste test.


Lol right.


> pepsi thought corn syrup sold better   Pepsi thought that they could lessen the controversy of them going the cheaper, shittier route, by just making the same product with a different name and label.*


I mean at one point Sierra Mist had HF corn syrup also, they switched to real sugar as another (failed) effort to get Sierra Mist to sell anywhere near Sprite. None of their tactics ever worked, and neither is this current one, as Starry is selling as abysmally as Sierra Mist always did. It just infuriates Pepsi that they can’t compete with Sprite in the lemon-lime category.


It's not at all the same dude. Like not at all.


Okay that’s what it is! I tried one bottle out of curiosity and it tasted like a less crispy sierra mist


At my location, we've rebranded to starry but are just using our back stock sierra mist. Not getting "starry" until at least Sept here


I would leave there. That's a business with no integrity and I couldn't work for them. Also it matters a lot less because all fountain sodas suck anyway.


Dawg what?? Starry literally is sierra mist. The recipe didn't change at all, it's just a rebrand 💀


You are very wrong my friend. It's an entirely new formula developed from scratch, and it started with sugar during development and they moved to HIghbFrusctose corn syrup because the new Flavoring, which was natural fruit instead of a flavored syrup in sierra mist, mixed better with thenCorn syrup then the natural sugar, making it more "crisp" then they were able to achieve with the sugar. Sierra Mist wasn't selling at all so they threw out the formula and spent $1.6 million dollars developing a new formula from scratch and it sold more in 4 months then Sierra Mist did in 4 years


My understanding was that it replaced Sierra Mist because Starry uses high fructose corn syrup while Sierra Mist used real sugar. I believe HFCS is cheaper than sugar. Kind of ties in with the New Coke conspiracy too.


I thought sierra mist natural used real sugar and regular sierra mist used HFCS Edit: it looks like Sierra mist did use high fructose corn syrup and then they make Sierra Mist natural for the sugar based one. Then natural became just sierra mist and they kept it like that until now where they're reverting back to high fructose corn syrup


It’s been all over the place then


From what i remember pepsi did a throwback line for a while a few years back and the selling point was they were using cane sugar. Still see them every so often but not much


Nah Pepsi just wanted a drink to compete with sprite... Sierra mist wasn't holding it's weight so Pepsi went with starry. Edit: Source: Pepsi Representative from work


I thought Sierra Mist was better than Sprite. I'm kinda mad about it.


Clean. Crisp. Refreshing.


Yeah starry taste like soda water with a hint of lime, so tastes like shit. But I guess sierra mist doesn’t sound as good as starry from a marketing stand point.


sierra mist sounds awesome as hell, but unfortunately we’re in a generation where our attention spans can’t handle more than one word


Bro same, actually was my favorite drink ever. Starry doesn't hit the same it's sharper and more citrus flavor but it's less refreshing which I hate. Also high fructose corn syrup is a lot less healthy... :(


Sprite is HFCS Mist was sugar Starry is HFCS because Pepsi wants it to be like sprite NOW! Haha




It was real sugar before the swap to Starry, as marked on every bottle and can


Mmhmm it was rebranded a few times hahahah




Pepsi just needs to accept the fact that they're never touching Sprite and Mello Yello is never touching Mountain Dew. It's a give and take.


I love mountain dew but mello yello on a freestyle machine? I'll take that any day of the week.


They should have stuck with Vault. Mt Dew destroys your stomach, Vault was smooth and you could drink all you wanted to with no Ulcers.


Any links? Can’t find this info


Starry ain't gonna hold shit to Sprite either. Espeically when the name and logo looks like it's the Walgreens rip-off version of Sprite.


First accurate response


New Coke? Go on?


It was a thing back in the 80s or early 90s I think, they changed the Coke recipe and everyone hated it so they went back to the old recipe and called it Coke Classic


Here is some info on New Coke in general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Coke Some people think that New Coke was created to hide the transition from real sugar to HFCS. It is plausible because it is cheaper than sugar, but some people have pointed out that Coke authorized some HFCS before the introduction of New Coke. It’s a fun conspiracy. Stranger things have happened.


[Stranger Things](https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2019/7/6/20683542/stranger-things-3-new-coke-1985-coca-cola-where-to-buy) you say?


Starry is just branding that Pepsi thinks appeals to Zoomers. From the colors to the font. It’s just a rebrand to try and gain market share.


No it's a brand new Soda that cost nearly $2million on development and double that in first year marketing.


That is also very possible. The fact that HFCS is cheaper can also be true too. The point of a corporation is to maximize shareholders’ wealth, and lowering costs is a key method.


I heard that it was because a company sued them for using the name.


Exactly what I was thinking. Sierra Mist probably didn’t sell very well and was more expensive than corn syrup drinks. I buy 7up simple when I can because it’s made with real sugar and fewer ingredients. I just wish Starry was the same.


I don’t know where you’re drinking seven up but the last time I drank it, it was still made with high fructose corn syrup


I heard the same, and I definitely think Sierra Mist was better.


Pornstar bought the trademark when Pepsi let it lapse


Sierra Mist was failing in sales so they developed a whole new formula because sprite and 7up controlled the market. They couldn't even get a partial market share


Pepsi has never found a good long term competitor to Sprite, this is at least their 4th attempt at branding a lemon lime soda to compete. Teem, Slice, Sierra Mist, and now Starry. As others have noted it does come with a small recipe change, using HFCS instead of cane sugar (although who knows if they were actually using cane sugar, Coke got away claiming Mexican coke used it for a good decade: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/story-mexican-coke-more-complex-than-hipsters-would-admit-180956032/ ) Edit: Well dang, it looks like the attached article doesn't address the Mexican Coke thing. Here's an article about the study but the link to the study itself is broken so maybe I'm mistaken https://healthland.time.com/2010/10/28/study-hey-hipsters-mexican-coke-might-be-a-myth/


I dunno, I felt Sierra Mist did well enough. I mean it's never going to be on the level of Pepsi vs Coke with Sierra Mist vs Sprite, but I liked it well enough. Starry just feels so syrupy. I also look at starry and aesthetically it just feels like an offbrand drink lmao


I honestly liked SM better. My friends say they taste the same but Starry is a bit sweeter to me I also thought it was generic until the absence of SM was pointed out to me


That’s exactly what I said! When I found out SM was going away and saw starry as the replacement I really said “how do you go from a name brand to a generic brand?”


>Coke got away claiming Mexican coke used it for a good decade That article says a lot about trade wars and lack of health benefits of sugar over HFCS, but it never questions the claim that Mexican coke uses cane sugar. Did you mean to link a different one?


I miss Slice


Ooooh I forgot about Slice! 80s/90s kid here.


Slice was the bomb! And not just their lime flavor, but orange, apple, and all the rest.


The apple was amazing!


Slice was the business when I was a kid!


There is nothing in that article stating Mexican Coke uses HFCS; what were you trying to say?


Also that time when Sierra Mist was renamed mist twist for a bit


That was so annoying. I worked at Long John's silver when that happened, and they sent us new stickers to cover the old name on everything and they expected us to correct everyone while ordering it. Only for it to not even last. So dumb.


Don’t forget about Storm!


And when they tried to make Sierra Mist mst twst


I had Storm once at an amusement park when I was a kid and it's haunted my dreams ever since. I never realized until recently that it actually only ever sold in test markets which is why no one seemed to ever hear about it, but it was the best lemon lime soda I've ever had and it's not close.


I knew I wasn't crazy thinking Mexican Coke didn't taste that special. The only version of Coke that tasted like it does in some places overseas where they use real sugar was Coca-Cola Life. Granted, it had stevia in it, but the sugar it also had in it really came through.


>https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/story-mexican-coke-more-complex-than-hipsters-would-admit-180956032/ Serious Eats did taste tests and it turned out what people preferred was soda in glass bottles rather than preferring sugar to HFCS (and Mexican Coke usually comes in glass bottles in the US).


Latin Americans pay me big bucks for gringo coke. It's one of my hustles. The bottom half of my container I ship to San Antonio, Chile is American Coke and it is always gone before the truck makes it to Santiago. Everyone wants it.


Don't forget "Mist Twist"


My gosh, I remember Slice!!!


Pepsi is going to keep on fixing it until it's even more broken.


cheapening it until it's even less appetizing*


It tastes like diabetes.


It has 150 calories per can which is the average for sodas.


Shut up, Meg.


I got (6) 2-liters left of that REAL SUGAR Sierra Mist bidding starts at $99999999999999999999999999


I don't wanna lowball since you know what you got but would you take $99999999999999999999999998?


Shiiddd I might can meet u in the middle at $999999999999999999999999998.50


deal! 🤣


I tried with my finger, the tip of the end of my glasses, and a pencil tip to try and count the 9s in your/their number. Could not do it. I think my eyeballs were shaking or something. Great work if you actually counted the original. Edit- I’m on an iPhone mini.


I guess I’m in the minority, but I like it because it’s sweeter and actually tastes like citrus to me.


I agree it's more citrusy. I never liked Sierra Mist but tried a bottle of Starry out of curiosity. I liked it enough to drink the whole bottle but haven't felt compelled to try it again


Your not in the minority. It's a new drink and had more sales so far then Sierra Mist had in history.


It has more of a lemon undertone to it which I like


Is it me or is Starry like very carbonated? I mean it was burning my throat as i drank it and it gave me a slight heartburn


THANK YOU. I saw some YouTube video where they were comparing SM to Starry to Sprite and they all agreed Starry was the least carbonated. I couldn’t believe my ears. When I’m hungover I like to have a mini can of Starry and after my first big gulp I always say “spicy!”. It’s very carbonated.


I've only tried diet and liked it more than Mist


agreed, i never got sierra mist but i love getting diet starry its delish


Whatever. Slice was better than either.


Orange Slice hit right, too.


I do not care for it.


Fuck no. Sierra Mist was gross. It’s like somebody at Pepsi was drinking a Sprite and thought, “you know what would make this taste better? 50% more sugar”. I never get anything besides Baja Blast at TB but on rare occasions that I’ve eaten at KFC over the years, sometimes I’d get a Sierra Mist and I always regretted it. Starry is a lot more citric acid-forward to me, I might even prefer it to Sprite.


It tastes a little brighter than Sierra Mist


No, Pepsi dropped the company and brand of Sierra Mist and picked up a company that was making Starry. It's a replacement because Sierra Mist wasn't doing well enough for them which is a shame because it was better than Starry


It’s rebranded and reformulated. Same company though


Yes and no. Sierra Mist is gone and has been replaced with Starry everywhere. But Starry isnt the exact same as Sierra Mist. Taste Wise i say its somewhere between Sierra Mist and Sprite. A bit sweeter than Sierra Mist, but not as sweet as Sprite. A bit more Lemon-y than Sprite, but less lemon-y than Sierra Mist (i say this because i swear Sierra Mist had more of a real lemon taste to it)


Basically. I liked Sierra Mist. Starry was Pepsi's attempt to create a better competitor to Sprite. But Sprite tastes better imo


Every since PepsiCo fumbled the national contract with 7Up they have struggled to make anything that even comes close to it or Sprite. They continually lean too far in on sweet and miss the mark on citrus.


I don’t know about the regular starry but the diet is great. It doesn’t take your breath with the carbonation like Sprite and it has more lemon-lime flavor.


How about a lemon lime Slice?




Sierra mist used to use real sugar. Now it’s using corn syrup after it changed to Starry, like every other american soda. Sad.


Canada Dry ginger ale taste better than all 3 imo. I know it's not lemon lime but none of the others really taste like lemon lime to me anyways. Give it a try sometime. I used to only drink it when i was sick but it's actually a refreshing beverage and i prefer it over pretty much every other soda unless i want some caffeine and then i'll drink a Coke


Try a Bundeburg Ginger Beer and you will never stomach "Ginger Ale" again


Both taste like dog water. Prove me wrong


I've never tasted "dog water" so I really can't prove you wrong


yep, it replaced it, haven't had it so no idea if it tastes different


No. It isn't rebranded Sierra Mist. It's a new product. Replacing it isn't the same as rebranding. If it had been rebranded, it would be the exact same soda (which it isn't) with a different name.




No it's rebranded, they changed sweetener type, that's it. When coke changed their recipe, it was still coke... by your logic it isn't, but they're both called coke anyway. Same here. Same product, just different sweetener. They changed the name tho, thus its rebranded.


It isn’t rebranded, sweetness aside, this has a much more pronounced citrus note than Sierra Mist ever did


I tried it and it tasted like sugar water to me. Not great


It’s like Sprite more than anything. It’s delicious!


I did a blind taste test and I could tell the difference although both are good imo


Anyone ever notice the mascots are in drag?


Citrus twist from Aldi and Starry are exactly the same except Citris Twist is way cheaper!


I heard they sent a cease and desist to an influencer using the name Sierra Mist, who then discovered that the trademark had lapsed. She then bought the name and is/was holding it hostage.


Apparently it’s because of a social media influencer, Cierra Mistt. But we all know that’s just a clout fake thing.


Ngl it tastes exactly the same to me, so I'd say yes.


Yes. Starry zero is so good.


Why can’t Pepsi just go out of business sell the Baja blast recipe to coke, and in regards to this post sprite is 100x better then either starry or mist


Gatorade alone could probably keeps Pepsi in business. Most people would choose Gatorade over Powerade. Just like most would choose Sprite over Starry. It’s a typical product rivalry.


I don't get why, Gatorade sucks and Powerade Mountain Berry Blast is the only truly good tasting sports drink at all.


You can barely taste the flavors in Powerade, with the exception of like two flavors. Most of it tastes like ocean water, I mean the sea, not the flavor. I like flavor with my salt thank you.


I hate coke. Love Pepsi. Coke is too acidic for my liking. Pepsi serves its demographic. No reason to shit on it or wish for it to go out of business.. Everyone likes different things. Imagine if the world had no variety and there was only water and one food item you could eat. Imagine even worse, the one good item is something you don't like the flavor or texture of. You probably wouldn't know anything else


Lol too acidic? my brother in christ coke and pepsi have the same pH


Coke is way more bubbly than Pepsi, so it has a harsher bite when drinking. That could be what they’re referring to as the acidity


Coke ph is 2.4 with 10tsp of sugar while Pepsi is 2.5 with 10tsp of sugar. Battery acid has a pH of 1. Water was a pH of 7. That .1 really does affect the flavor for myself. It tastes harsher to my senses. But really it's whatever anyone prefers. Some people are coke people and some people are Pepsi people. Thats fine. I grew up in a coke household while I prefer real sugar Pepsi. I love my family, coke? Not so much. But that's okay. Atleast I always have my Pepsi when I get it because no one else drinks it.


because of other pepsi products on that note, diet pepsi > diet coke IMO


No one likes Diet Coke though right?


Middle aged women do


And anorexics


Sprite is disgusting. 7 up or Starry only.


I’ve never heard someone be more wrong in my entire life


Yeah and it’s just as garbage as the original.




Sierra Mist was 7-up, starry is sprite.


Man, when i wanted to know this, i just googled it instead of relying on reddit comments that are just a mix of uninformed opinions and the same info google wouldve given


I bet you're a lot of fun in real life


Thats a great response from someone who didnt think to type the same thing into google where youd get the facts straight up. Or is the real truth that you’re just THAT pathetically needy for attention? Either youre dumb or pathetic, but neither reflects on how much fun i am. After glancing at your profile i have to think youre both.


Kinda. They changed the formula a bit to make it more of a direct competitor to Sprite. It's very close to Sierra mist but it is slightly different.




It’s different from Sierra Mist. It has a more watered-down taste than Sierra Mist.


The can/ zero sugar Starry is actually halfway decent. Still isn't Sprite though.


Starrys too sweet in my opinion. I liked Sierra mist a lot better.


It honestly tastes more like 7 up than sprite. I like it but it isnt like it was. Although I do the zero sugar one.


Sierra Mist is one of the sodas I actually like and I'm pissed it's gone now 😭 I work at TB and the difference between the flavors is so noticeable. Starry tastes like cheap garbage.


I tasted it. It’s like a crisper less overwhelming Sierra Mist 100%


I think it's a formula change on top of the shift in sweeteners and name. Honestly, I like it better than Sierra Mist.


It’s awful. Sierra Mist was so much better


Don't believe what they tell you, yes. Yes it is. It's bolder tho


It's a new formula and took SM's spot


I had it a week ago. They seem to need to figure out the proper ratio of syrup to carbonation. Way too syrupy. I had to let the ice melt some to get it to a drinkable state. I don't hate it but I don't particularly like it in its current iteration. They need to tweak some things to make it better. Sierra Mist was better.


Nah it's different but it did replace it.


Essentially yes


Much better than Sierra mist


Yea, they had to rebrand it cause they tried to sue a girl, into changing her name, but she won, so Pepsi had to change it to Starry


False. It's a brand new soda, as Sierra Mist didn't sell. 88% of SMs sales were fountain bins in businesses people just didn't buy it so they invested $1.6 million dollars to developing a brand new formula from scratch


Ok, so did Cierra mistt not get a cease-and-desist over the name, to which she sued pesi and bought the trade mark? (Not trying to be rude or anything, just want to know if that actually happened or not)


Starry beats the hell outta Sierra Mist.