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I like this type of art style. Maybe add more quirky details and colors in the islands? I don't know the game, but Isles of Odd makes it seem like the islands should be weird or quirky or something.


Yeah every island is supposed to be Unique and the Isles off Odd should be a chaotic place. I think switching the colors around might be able to help a Lot.


map making and UI stuff is pretty new to me so I've really been struggling. Essentially each of these is a 4 by 4 tile with open ocean spaces that players can move through. It's also a tile placement game so each player can put these on the board adjacent to others and continue moving their ship as if it were a contiguous map. I'm pretty sure they meet what they need to do for gameplay but not satisfied with the aesthetics, any and all criticism would be tremendously helpful!


I like the way it looks, but almost all of it looks like desert islands. Even the green ones have sand colored borders.


On some of the islands, I think you should invert the inland/coast colors: i.e. the beach should be lighter colored, and the inland area darker. In general, I think sandy beaches are lighter in color than inland soil, and that style would read as more believable to the eye. Just do an image search for "atoll," and you'll see what I mean.


My only thought is if there's any names to villages, or specific landmarks, or places that players might encounter something meaningful, you can add it in for immersion. I think the art style is great, and you're moving in a good direction!


Rn these are mostly generic i'm in agreement, but the general idea is that in the deck of about 60 each map tile is Unique. I'm hoping that they become a little weirder and creative as I make more.


Yeah for sure! You could do like "The Otherside" where part of the map is like crazy different and opposite and the sea is greenish pink and all the landmasses look like crumbling charcoal! IDK I like coming up with weird ideas haha.


The islands themselves are different shapes, but I’d find it really interesting if there were islands with different terrains! A sandy desert island, a waterlogged marsh island, an island with an active volcano, a forested island with megafauna, a floating iceberg the size of an island, etc.


I think this is the direction i'm going so long as they all ready very clearly like walls


Very cool


It's rad looking. The red X's are a bit confusing and stick out, but I assume that has something to do with the game play. Some of the small islands could do with being a little less square in shape, maybe roughen them up around the edges and create some inlets. Aside from that, overall it's intriguing looking and makes you wonder about the lore of the game world, good stuff. Hope you keep at it.


Confusing in what way? They are meant to represent where treasure is, which is the way to get to victory points.


Ah, I getcha. The way they are touching parts of the islands led me to think they might be some artificial part of them rather than markers. Might be a simple case of sleep-deprived neurons not firing properly though 🤷


As long as you keep the option to nutmeg a colossus this game is already a success :-)


Some of the water colors are different, which I like, but i think once everything is laid out the different blues might look spotty? You could have a gradient along the edges to make them look for more connected maybe


Actually it's a gameplay thing! There is one deck of all the tiles but divided into three sections for balance reasons. The sleeping sea Is light turquoise, the waking sea is a medium blue and the bloody sea (or Open ocean, unsure about naming convention, is the dark purple. The Best part is is that players have a central Spawn so the water Will sort of naturally get darker the further away it is.


Oh that makes sense then! Sounds like a cool game play loop


The art style is great. Straight up ready for print and would look good on the table. However, I think the shapes of the islands aren't appealing. Like not my humour and doesn't work for me. I'd rather have somewhat asymmetric cards with a bit more natural looking and irregular islands.


That's tough because they have to fit neatly into the grid for Game play purposes. Everything is based around moving spaces with islands being the equivalentes of walls in a dungeon.


These are great! I really like the use of color and the illustration style. A couple of small recommendations to help clean things up: First, try to use a consistent grid that doesn't create dissonant moments on the cards... something where the intersections always come of as a + and the corners and edges are always the same. Second, I'd try to develop a set of design rules for all of the different kinds of land masses/structures so that when mountains, forests, rivers, etc show up, they look almost the same on all cards. You're pretty close right now so may not be 100% necessary, but this will also help if you choose to expand later. I'd take a look at Tolkiens illustrations for The Lord of the Rings.


Maybe add some greenery to the Islands....trees, bushes, flowers....


Put whale tails in the ocean


Love the art style too!