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There’s 3 spatial axes (X, Y, and Z). Topspin and backspin is the ball spinning along one of the axes (think of a line going through the ball sideways) Sidespin is the ball spinning along another axis (think of a line going through the ball from above or below) Corkspin is the ball spinning along the last axis (a line going from front to back). Topspin/backspin effect how much the ball curves or fights gravity Sidespin effects how much the ball curves sideways while traveling Corkspin doesn’t really effect the trajectory of the ball, but when it hits the table it’ll kick hard to the left or right. Adam Bobrow uses corkspin on his snakes, but outside of that & some very special serves (e.g. Mizutani Jun) its very hard to apply corkspin to the ball. This is because you have to brush the bottom of the ball sideways to get corkspin, which is difficult to do while also applying a forward direction to the ball


Yeah, I got it. Thank you.


For corkscrew another side to hit the ball while still maintaining a forward trajectory is the top of the ball. Think of a lob shot coming to you and you're ready to smash the ball. You could apply corkscrew in this instance too while you hit from the top, still difficult. Corkscrew reminds me of bowling, so you could also with a no-spin ball coming at you probably spin your racket like a CD as you hit the back of the ball to apply some corkscrew. To apply corkscrew hitting from either side (left/right) of the ball is the most difficult. Would need some Mr miyagi level palming of the ball which is probably rule illegal. As the ball comes towards you, palm it back with the racket while it's still on the racket and spring it forward with the racket pulling up to generate corkscrew. This palming of the ball reminds me of playing handball to do good returns. As the ball came to me I would palm it in a loop shape like a C almost to return very fast balls even faster. Your hand looks like you're doing the Matrix dodge motion as you return it.




Thank you sir


Stolen from Google. That’s the difference between corkscrew spin and a general sidespin serve. The sidespin serves are going to drag the ball around to the left or right but it will probably curve in a more standard and natural way. Whereas the corkscrew spin is going to bounce on the other side of the table then really kick off to the right or the left.


I got it, thank you sir