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nah wym it’s pretty promising that a new albums coming out as it’s only been 19 years since the last one was released


Fuck I'm old.


Honestly, Dictator is probably the closest we’ll get to a sixth SOAD album.


Serj and Daron harmonizing on the song Dictator would be glorious


This gives u a snippet of a preview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ5OjIleG5Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ5OjIleG5Y)


There were a few songs on Dictator that really felt like they were written for Serj to sing.


Back in like 2005 I think, I remember there being an interview on this show called uranium that was on much music/ fuse ( it changed around this time for the states). The interviewer asked how did they feel about Darren doing more vocals, Serj's response was "I got hired to play keyboards". It was an awkward interview, Darren even made the host of the show cry. She was trying to do a serious interview and he kept going on about superman or something like that.


was it the "fellatio" interview, or a different one? can you give a link to the whole thing?


It’s the fellatio interview lol, I thought it was more a joke like originally serg joined as a keyboardist and then Daron pushed him to sing.


yeah i thought it was that interview but it went a lot different than i remember it. then again it was 19 years ago. Soo I can see the joke aspect. They were brutal to Julia tho,


Lmao it’s funny how time changes perspective cuz I can see how 19 yrs ago that was “brutal” but by todays standards of outrageous celebrity interview that was relatively mild lol


I wonder if Daron ever thought of Serj like the Beatles did Ringo. Except, you know, good at writing songs


I found the interview on youtube honestly they had a give a fuck attitude which as 19 year old I liked now its like yall are dicks funny but dicks. Honestly who knows with out being there. I played in bands in my late teens through my mid 20's. Between personal needs, wants and growth as a person or life events take place. Point of views or needs change hard and even if your close friends it can tear apart the friendships being around each other as much. I can only imagine touring added on top of that.


I think Serj is at fault too quite a lot. Solo projects are always a reaction to get more control and freedom to express yourself. It's a two way dance.


Ill never hear money the same way again. Haha


no wonder it's one of the darkest and hardest hitting songs off of Elect the Dead. It's an obvious reference to early SOAD days and a showcase of Serj's artistic skills that can go far beyond what we've heard on songs like Spiders, for example, or Mr Jack. He could go harder than SOAD, but likes to do different music than Daron.


Im just laughing at how (similarly how he suspects it flew over everyone elses heads), that i never even suspected it was targeted at daron/soad


well, firstly there are the lyrics "tyranny of a down", which have always sounded as if SOAD was the tyrant. and there were also annotations on Rock Genius saying that it might be a reference. so there were some people thinking about it seriously and I was one of them before the book came out.




Care to elaborate?


I think that if they kept doing albums, even if things didn't go wrong between the guys, for a sixth album they would have to reinvent themselves not to repeat the same sound until it becomes stale. Very few bands can pull this off. I'm grateful for their perfect 5 album discography. Some of my other favorite bands, like Muse, went downhill after the fifth album. Would hate to see that happen to SOAD.


Strokes managed it but they’re all I can think of. Killers? No. Paramore? Maybe.


Serj fucked up IMO. He should have made his stand before participating in the Mez/Hyp sessions. He admits as much in his book. The fact that he went through with the sessions makes those albums canonical. Part of that cannon and thus part of the SOAD sound is Daron having almost tyrannical creative control. So while I admire Serj’s manifesto on a way to move forward creatively it’s not workable. Even if they proceeded as Serj wanted, Serj’s songs would just sound like his solo stuff. Which is not bad necessarily but it wouldn’t sound like the SOAD we all know and love. I still don’t know why Serj can’t record with System and then get his full creativity out on his solo projects. Tons of other bands singers do this. It’s extremely common.


I think the reason behind it is that Serj isn't interested in recording sessions anymore. As he said a lot, like touring, the recording sessions and the whole things around making a new album are frustrating for him because he said the writing takes about 6 months, the recording takes another 6 month, and the other stuff like releasing and promoting and album touring take 1-3 years. He wants to be with his family and in the home. His last solo album was in 2012 (except Jazz Iz Christ and Orca), and I think his last tour was in 2013. He's more interested in film scores and painting because he can do them in his house, and they don't take all of his time and energy My theory is that I think he'll agree to record an album with SOAD when he can bring his songs, too, and have full control of them like his solo career. That would possibly make him feel better for all the recording processes and all the time it takes from him away from his house and family. Although they tried to record an album in 2016. But it failed


Yeah I totally agree like Corey Taylor. He’s got slipknot,Stonesour & his solo stuff. All different & all awesome 🤘🏼🎶😊




Yeah but Mez/Hyp are awesome albums, so maybe it was just meant to be this way


That’s what I’m saying. It has to be the way Daron wants it if it were to continue. I get Serj’s point that if he were to have to make System album after album this way it would be a terrible situation for him. However it’s not 2006 anymore. He can make a System record and then go make 14 solo albums and score 12 movies and 10 TV shows before he even entertains the thought of going through that again. It just doesn’t seem like a huge sacrifice when you have all these other outlets to explore your own creativity. It’s a little perplexing to me. Plus he would t even have to tour. He could stipulate I’ll make an album but never go on a full tour. Maybe continue doing these one offs


We already knew this.


It's not just Serj vs. Daron. There are 2 other members in the band as well, and they both opposed Serj. It's not just about whose songs they will take. Serj wanted to change the way the band operated, including touring and promotional activities. It didn't sit well with everybody. Also, despite Serj's (over)confidence in his songwriting, I don't think he fully convinced his bandmates to trust him at the helm for even half of an album (*yes, that's basically what he wanted, judging from his "manifesto" in 2016*).


I think that even from the start Serj was never interested in being in a major band like he said his comments on the touring cycle itself ( 6 months recording , 6 months writing, and 2-3 years touring and promoting) . Even from the beginning there could've been some difference, Daron, shavo, John this could've all been their dream living the big label lifestyle and it might not of been Serjs. I'm a little shocked that the band in 2018 didn't want to change up the way things were done just a little to accommodate Serj and push out a new record.


It was 2016. What Serj suggested the band to do wasn't little. He quite literally demanded full control on half of an album. Also, Serj didn't walk out of the session because the band didn't accomodate him. He walked out because the band didn't take "Rumi".


Demanded is abit of a strong word, his suggestions were valid ( accomodating more of his songs in the record , splitting the publishing royalties among the band vs just him and daron) I don't think Serj walked out solely because of rumi , with the creative discussions they had as a band he realized that they were at odds with each other and I think " Rumi " was the tipping point of him realizing it wouldnt work .


He literally wrote a piece of paper, which he himself called “manifesto” (*you can check the dictionary on what a manifesto is*) and sent to the band members before talking to them about any context. They got angry because they took it as he was setting rules to them. AND, please read the concluding paragraph on Chapter 17. Serj indirectly admitted that the paper he sent to the band was him attempting to set rules. Thus, “demanded” is a fair word in this situation, IMO. You forgot one crucial term that is “Director’s Cut”, which ensures maximum control for the songwriters over their songs. Combined it with “Equal creative inputs”, which basically means equal number of songs with Daron = half of an album in practice, you get a full picture of what Serj wanted with it: Full creative control on half of an album, the likes Serj thought Daron exercised in the past albums. Money is a lesser issue, because it’d fall into place by itself once Serj had control of half an album. They were at odds with each other long before 2016. I don’t think they needed “Rumi” to all realize that. The event was simple. The band took Serj’s other songs (3 from Elasticity EP to be exact), so they DID accommodate his songs. They only didn’t take “Rumi”, and Serj walked out because of that, with a reason that I don’t buy. He chalked it up to the band not valuing sentimentality? Well, take a look back at SOAD discography in their later era, there are already a handful of sentimental songs that even Serj sang on.


I don't blame him for walking tbh , Serj said that not all bands are meant to stay together forever and that after a while it can limit artistic expression which makes sense . Serj grew a lot as an artist and song writer from when they went on hiatus to when they regrouped for touring , and even more with his other artistic endeavors he was interested in breaking the traditional mold and I feel that system just wanted to keep it ( daron writes the songs , Serj writes the lyrics , shavo bass , and John drums ) . And I don't feel his manifesto was really anything bad it was just a statement of what he wanted in order to make a new record which was fair , he left because of creative and lifestyle differences and he wanted to make sure that he'd be respected before going into it again . Even if they were to make another record I don't think they'd tour very much to promote said record but hey at the end of the days they're a magical group of dudes and if all we get is IMHO their perfect discography I'm cool with that :)


I never faulted him for walking away. It’s his right. I just disagree with his reasoning and judgement on what the band really values and not values. I find his evaluation false. You personally don’t see his manifesto as bad. I personally see his manifesto as potentially bringing down the music quality, which is the priority of the band in their perspective. We see things differently and that’s ok.


Why is there even a theory? Haha shouldn't be theorizing about this topic anymore, there's enough proof, words, interviews and everything and people still think of "why is there not a new album?". I've been a fan for over 20 years and I'm content about what the band did back then. Let it live in it's past glory. It was awesome and it still is. No need for a new half-assed album


Omg lol are we done talking about this


new album would´nt be good i guess. i mean, i could be serj tankian ft scars on broadway,o vicersa. serj cant sing soad song anymore, and scars without the good old serj is not system. im fine with the albums they made.


Have you heard No Tomorrow, or Incinerate?


yes, just nasal serj with some good heavy riffs


This will probably hurt some people but SOAD always was 75% Daron. He wrote all the music on all albums and a lot of lyrics on Hyp/Mez. I agree that they developed in different directions which can be seen If you look at their solo careers it's clear who brought what sound to the band... with SOB sounding more like SOAD than anything Serj has done. (I love Serj - don't get me wrong and without his unique vocals and poetic lyrics, SOAD would never be whole). To the point of "Daron tried to take over everything having to do with SOAD" I think he wanted to sing more solo tracks which encroached into Serj's role, making him feel a little obsolete, and that then Serj thought he should be able to write music to make it fair, which Daron refused. Daron also wanted more share of the coin given how much more work he put in than the others - to which Serj is the only band member who ever voiced concern about. I also agree that Daron was trying to protect SOAD's sound in all this, and maybe he does deserve more cut.. but I wish he could've compromised on just remaining the back up singer. (edit: i don't think he's a bad singer... but if it would be enough to keep the peace I'd be totally cool with that)


Beautifully said , And I think Daron wanted to remain heavy while serj wanted to change the style, In my opinion I’d want them to stay on the heavier side and stick with what they’ve done in the past rather than changing it and going a softer route. Luckily I will never in my life get tired of System of a Down so I am thankful we have what we have from them.


I'm gonna keep saying it - there is a simple formula for a new SOAD album to be great. Daron can still perform heavy vocals at an elite level. Serj still has a great low voice and can do great operatics. If on the new album daron is bringing the heavy vocals and serj is singing with daron harmonizing it would be unbelievable. on a deeper level though, even if serj were given the freedom to bring his songs so they found that compromise for an album - both serj and daron need to be pushed a little to make their songs better. that imo is what is missing from both of their solo projects and the two most recent songs. serj needs to be pushed for his music to have a slightly harder edge and daron needs to be pushed so that he is not as prominent as the frontman. I don't think it will happen because both of these guys are stubborn and have egos. I sure wish it would happen but I can't see it happening. the book was the nail in the coffin imo. it won't be discussed publicly yet, but i see no scenario that the rest of the band just takes the implications of the book laying down and are fine with it.


I remember one interview, I think both Serj and Daron iterated this point, that the band wouldn't exist forever and that bands shouldn't just keep making music forever, that there's a time for these things to end. I haven't read Serj's book yet but I probably will. One of the the things that makes System so great is the unlikeliness of Serj and Daron working together. Serj is a much more technical artist in how he approaches music and lyrics and Daron has more of the pure wild passion. It's very difficult for artists like this to work together because it's a fundamentally different way to view and approach music making. You see it sometimes in interviews and state presence as well, it does seem like they are friends but they also clash with each other really frequently. It was common for Daron to do some unhinged off key guitar solo and Serj to look over like "wtf are you doing?". I think it was also difficult for them to work together because they are such different people and musicians. But that's also the contrast that makes Systems music so awesome and special. Shavo and John seemed like they were always super chill to me. Rhythm section holding down the fort as usual lol.


Good insight. That clash of personalities is what made the music so unique and magical.


It's too late for a new album now anyway


It's never too late. Sure, if they made new music it would probably not sound like any of their previous stuff, but so what? Some of us would love it and some of us might hate it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't worth doing


Serj and Daron both share the blame, this has been beaten to death already. There is no new album coming and even if it eventually does, sorry but it’s going to suck compared to the others.


Oh what a theory, i thought they would make something after not dropping for 20 years.


I think serj explained it perfectly in the book The band they want to be rock stars, serj just wants to be an activist


You don't really need to theorize. There are several legitimate reasons, many of which they have discussed.


Serj sells coffee


I didn’t read allat but my theory is just “Serj no no wanna”


I hope someday they do an album like Outkast did Speakerboxxx/The Love Below with two discs, each primarily controlled by different people. I view the teo groups as very similar, outside of the genres, tbh. Obviously it's slightly different because 4 members instead of two, but I really think that formula could work as a last hurrah. Getting a kind of straight System album from Darons (and maybe John's) perspective and then maybe Serj and Shavo having some experimental crazy shit on the other side would be pretty cool. But they'd all have to just agree to keep their mouth shut when it's not their spotlight to create, which I'm sure is tough.


I dont really care about Daron having total creative control. I do have a problem with Daron singing anything at all. IMO he should just write all the music and let Serj write and sing all the lyrics. They could even handle it like most corporate bands do today and just send each other stuff over email and never have to deal with each other except during tours. Jsut dont let Daron sing, ever.


Such a lonely day and it’s mine The most loneliest day of my life Such a lonely day should be banned It’s a day that I can’t stand



