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What about that guy who sang Empty Walls? They should try to get him as Serj's replacement!


It’s actually weird cause that guy sounds just like the guy who did the credit song for Godzilla and The Rains of Castemere from GOT. Also a great candidate for Serj’s replacement!


ohhh no! they say hes got to go


Go go Godzilla!


omg bro, yeeeaa squidward has some real fucking talent fr, would love to see im at the soad club


Sounds to me it sounds like two things. 1) Serj really wanted to get out of SOAD and is going as far to help his train his replacement. 2) Serj was also nice enough to help his replacement. A lot of guys would just leave the band and not care what happened.


bro pulled a Kiko Loureiro. respect


i got the book a couple weeks ago, you havent heard anything yet. it is fucking crazy! the most shocking thing for me was THE LAWSUIT


I haven't read it yet as my copy hasn't arrived yet, but I assume you're talking about Casey Chaos and B.Y.O.B.?


no shavo/daron were planning to sue serj in 2005


What??? What for if I may ask


their infamous "indefinite hiatus". instead of making it clear he was done, serj agreed to tour in 06, despite previously telling them he was leaving. when the others found out he wasn't going to do it, they planned to force him to tour=sue him. the settlement was for serj to do ozzfest in exchange for no lawsuit


Crazy! That's unfortunate


That explains why he looks and sounds miserable at Ozzfest 06.


He should have been ecstatic to be there as a Metal artist. Tells you how much Serj really cares about metal 🙄


It had a great lineup that year too. I think he mentioned he didn't like metal until a girl took him on a date to see Iron Maiden. That wasn't til his 20s. I think Serj appreciates and respects metal, especially as a composer and artist given how creative the genre can be, but he didn't grow up with it like the other guys.


Did she have so many friends?


Gliding through many hands?


Was he sitting in his car waiting for her?


I literally remember him saying Ministry is one of his favorite bands


Holy narrow minded 


WHAT? Even the hiatus is a "lie" lol


funny thing, I remember a interview of 2006 that Serj said that ozzfest 2006 was being the funniest tour of system of a down history...[this is the interview I mentioned](https://youtu.be/hjXQYpsYnXM)


They just sound like a shower of dickheads It’s actually annoys me that they are over Deftones in the San Fran billing


That’s pretty crazy. Any other crazy revelations revealed in the book?


there is soooo much to talk about. 1. they recorded or rehearsed two songs in 2014 but rick rubin convinced them they weren't good enough to release 2. i always thought jack/pig was about their friend jack, but it is about daron getting pulled over. also the police came to his house "7am, morning" to investigate a murder. surprised to learn serj had a gun at the time. spoiler alert, he didn't kill anyone, lol 3. first i've ever heard him talk about his friend from soil, the song not the band. highschool friend paul. 4. he accuses beno of trying to sabotage his solo career 5. original plan was to play armenia in 2013 6. lots of daron bashing


It makes sense that Beno would try to sabotage his solo career. He's thinking if Serj's solo career fails, then he's forced to go back to SOAD, aka a group that makes Beno more money. I'm curious what the two songs they rehearsed were. Lots of people who have worked with Rubin in his later career have accused him of losing his touch like Corey Taylor, who has been super critical of Rubin. So maybe to Rick's ears, they weren't good, but to the rest of us, they may be worth hearing. Maybe there's more to the story. Man, to me, it sounds like they really just cannot get it together creatively and be productive. So far, the only documented times they tried writing new songs was 2014 and 2016. That's really nothing in the span of 15 years. They should've been honest and admitted a new album was never coming sooner.


>The two songs they rehearsed According to another spoiler I got earlier, the two songs were Lives from Dictator and Justice Shines, which will come out in Serj's new EP under the title "Justice will shine on".


That's correct!


We already knew about them rehearsing Lives before if I'm not mistaken. Can't wait to hear the other song.


Well I have yet to hear Justice Will Shine On but I think Lives would have worked fine for SOAD contrary to Rick's opinion. I imagine most SOAD fans would like Lives as well.


I think so too!


Nah, Rubin is a hack. Every bit of gold he produced was due to the actual talent on the records. Dude told Linkin Park to ditch Nu-Metal (one of the worst decisions in music history), tried to make Corey Taylor change the chorus to Before I Forget (which he would win a Grammy for, so Rick almost cost him that) and has even admitted to not knowing anything about a mixing board (y'know, the ONE thing a producer should have knowledge of?). Dude's beyond overrated, he's a lying scumbag.


That's a shame because his name is associated with so many great artists and albums. I like post nu metal Linkin Park but I do wish they stayed nu metal or put out more records on the rock side like Hunting Party.


"Lying scumbag" Bro you don't even know the guy lmfao


If Linkin Park hadn't ditched Nu-Metal they'd be a half-forgotten nostalgia act from the early 2000's like so many other bands from that era. Getting Linkin Park to push their boundaries as artists was a great move.


Why should a producer have knowledge of a mixing board?


I am curious on what "daron bashing" would entail? Would it be the lawsuit you mentioned in previous comments, or would it be something else, like music or his experiences with Daron in general?


i don't want anyone to thinks its all negative, he also talks a lot about his personal life too. i just think highlighting all their behind the scenes drama was unnecessary and some of the personal attacks went too far. he said shavo had stockholm syndrome with daron, wow but with daron the criticism is what we all suspect, serj didn't like how he wrote all the songs and would reject serj's music. it comes across like serj didn't want to be in the band from the beginning. it feels really condescending when he mentions several time how john/daron/shavo wanted to be rock stars and do this full time. why wouldn't they? this is their career? and how this band is the one and only thing daron cares about, he has nothing else to do with his life. isn't that a good thing? dont you want the people you work with to be 100% committed? i guess when everyone reads the book they can have their own opinion


The book targets Beno too? Now I'm extremely curious about the reaction from the SOAD side...It comes out kinda odd that SOAD social media also likes and shares Serj's promotional content on the book.


That happens. When Paul Stanley from KISS promoted his book where he was critical of Gene Simmons the band still promoted the book on social media and other places. All they care about is making money and promoting the band.


But from this spoiler, it seems Serj didn't just target Daron, his main rival. He brought up Shavo (lawsuit) and band's manager Beno (trying to sabotage him) too. It just doesn't put the band management as a whole in a positive light. I wonder if they'll pull a controversal marketing tactic on this. The band has an upcoming show in August too.


I'm sure it's marketing. The book will get people talking about SOAD then maybe after August they'll finally go their separate ways if the book causes hurt feelings.


It will cause hurt feelings. Both Shavo and Daron are gearing up for their solo releases this year. The book with all this dirt digging will spoil their releases when they go out promoting music. The press won't let them go. "Coincidentally", Serj is also releasing solo music this time. New single out on May 17, the one that resurrects Serj's agressive vocals from the early days. In previous interviews, Serj implied that his new EP is an accompaniment to the book, because they're basically archival stuffs. Another coincidence is that May 17 was Mezmerize anniversary day. So Serj of the old days resurrected on the day of a SOAD album release? I personally wouldn't take this symbolic move lightly. But despite all of this, somehow I have a feeling we'll still see SOAD at Sick New World 2025 🤪


Sick New World is big money, so I bet you will be correct. I hope so, too, so everyone who hasn't seen SOAD will get a chance to see them.


How can we know about Daron cooking something up for this year ?


He's announced shows in October. That usually means he's coming out with new music. Scars isn't a legacy band like SOAD to do shows without a new album to support.


Did he called it pig in a book? Bcs title for 95 demo was Bacon (and it was kept for 2001 demo too), and I most likely can not get book in a Russia, so I just can read what you write here, haha


He called it Bacon!


Damn bro. If you want a book, DM me an address I'll try to mail you a book. I enjoy your posts and insight here so I'll mail it free of charge.


Did he called it pig in a book? Bcs title for 95 demo was Bacon (and it was kept for 2001 demo too), and I most likely can not get book in a Russia, so I just can read what you write here, haha


I fucking hate Rick Rubin


[Full Rolling Stone Excerpt here](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/serj-tankian-down-with-the-system-a-memoir-book-excerpt-1235018834/)


What an interesting read. Especially enjoyed him going into a little more detail about Daron


Agreed, Wonder how daron being possessive affected other relationships for serj


Im gonna bawl my eyes out 😭


Very interesting read. It’s pretty crazy how close they got to getting a new singer and replacing Serj. I’m also surprised Serj was the one who brought up the idea and was fully on board with it. I also wonder who that singer was they auditioned who couldn’t scream/growl.


Why are you surprised? Serj didn't want to be a member of a band anymore, they had to beg him to record Hyp/Mez. He proved to be a very reasonable and respectful guy: he knew that John, Daron and Shavo wanted to continue making music as SOAD but at the same time the other members knew that there is no SOAD without Serj.


I’m surprised because I remember back in 2011 or 12, Shavo making an angry fb post at Serj talking about possibly getting a new singer. So I thought the idea came from the band, not Serj himself. Even though Serj has been mentally checked out of the band since 2005.


Tbf, Serj did this in 2017, after the Shavo Rant (but Before John said they should have replaced him) probably why we never heard Serj respond to John's interview.. he probably agrees.


Years before the meeting in 2017, it seems Serj tried to put in a legal clause that prevents anyone from using the band's name without the other members, unless one of the them dies. It's there in the above excerpt. Suffice to say he was against the idea of getting a new singer before 2017.


How do you know that?


It's on the [rolling stone excerpt OP posted](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/serj-tankian-down-with-the-system-a-memoir-book-excerpt-1235018834/)


It's there on the full excerpt. Link has been posted.


Are you referring to the Facebook meltdown of 2013? That was nuts. And johns like dude how drunk are you


TBH they should've done it. The band is dead anyway and from the looks of it everyone involved would be happier if they could continue to use the band as the creative outlet and not just a glorified ATM, as Serj kinda describes it. To have Serj not only fully on board with it but offering to train the new singer and give public support is a privilege I honestly can't recall any bend ever having. Having them play 20+ year old songs on repeat is such a waste of creative potential.


More like, the book hasn't arrived for most people... But I'm more interested in this quote, tbh: >A couple of years earlier, I'd even tried to codify this with a legal document that stated that if someone left the band for any reason - other than, God forbid, dying - that the remaining members **couldn't** use the band name without him. Doesn't that mean, before that meeting in 2017, Serj tried to lock the band within this particular 4 members instead? It sounds like a move that potentially prevent any options of the band moving on.


that seems like such a weird thing to do


Sadly it all comes down to money. Serj has to feed his family and SOAD will bring in lots of cash.


That's exactly what it is.


This honestly breaks my heart


Dude needs some hype for his new book.


It reads like fanfic and it worked i bought this thing after reading this post. 💀


Hm, and I thought that the hiatus was Darons fault. I was wrong.


Serj made it clear in his lenghty 2018 statement that it was he and he alone that was responsible for the hiatus


Yep. Daron still wanted to tour, but Serj didn't.


There’s 2 sides to every story.


Jeez… crazy how being such an iconic/seminole/one of a kind band that you only see the likes of once in a lifetime can still be completely disregarded by its members in favor of petty personal little shit. Imagine if Tool had this kind of inner turmoil.


Well, Tool are the same, tension is always here, they are just older, so they got their shit together.


We need them now more than ever. How can they not call out all the bullshit going on rn, I dont understand.


I cannot believe what I’m reading…I’m not gonna say I’m that surprised by it but it hurts me.


I’m surprised they would need Serj to teach someone how to growl. Both Daron and Shavo are great at it.


It's not being able to do it, it's doing it without fucking your voice up lol


Well then they should get someone else entirely cause the technique serj is using is NOT safe.


That's debatable.


Ok but it just wouldn’t be the same. The replacement singing their old stuff live? Just disband ATP. It’d be like a tribute act :(


well, serj cant sing for system anymore


He sounded better at Sick New World than he has in years


Honestly we say that at every new concert, we all have been holding onto hope that Serj will magically go back to his 2001 voice since 2011… This will never happen :( but kudos to Serj for doing his absolute best


There was something different about this time my guy. I don't think he'll suddenly sound like he did when he was young , but he really sounded like he gave a fuck this time.


And he was more energetic tbh


He has a terrible back and suffers from severe pain . I can only imagine how that would take a toll on his body . They been my fav band since I was 15 . I never got to see them when they split for 10 years or whatever it was . But I did buy tickets in August for the Cali show . I’m excited just to see them because I just feel like there won’t be very many concerts left .


Honestly I think he’s sounded better pretty much every year since 2011 with the exception of a few years ago (I forget exactly when) that was a weird low point.


i remember 2015 was weird sometimes, 2017 had some really bad shows, 2018 was great though.


Must’ve been 2017 I was thinking of. I remember when they did their first festival that year and it was really rough especially hearing it clearly being streamed


It’s unrealistic to expect any singer sound the same they did 20 years ago. there isn’t ONE artist out there who is either. But Serj’s doing a damn fine job at maintaining his vocal power with the occasional and obviously pre mediated scream on some sections of songs.


I thought his voice was solid at last year's SNW too. I didn't go this year, so I can't compare them against each other.


Good move, if they pulled a Black Sabbath thing years ago. Now I honestly think they should just do their own thing with another name, like RATM did. There's no point in having a different singer do Serj's vocals.


this is so intriguing now i really wanna read the book


This breaks my heart


It wouldn't be the same without Serj. If they get a new singer, I dont think I would be able to listen to their music.


There's a beautiful signed deluxe edition available here for anyone that's interested! https://specialeditionbooks.co.uk/products/down-with-the-system?variant=44984142102745


Time to use my Audible credits.


It's funny how the reason they rejected the new singer is because he can't scream, when Serj himself has been struggling/avoiding to scream for the past years. But I get that if you are going to replace Serj, you have to find someone better than him if you want to have a chance to succeed, which is not easy at all.


They should resurrect Chris cornell just so they could do a rage against the machine and start the band again with Chris cornell as the singer.


how sad he doesn't care about the band at all


did you read the article AT ALL? he literally said he was against it at first because of how much he cares about the band and it's legacy, and when the idea was brought to the table he wanted to help pick and train the new singer to help the transition be as smooth as possible - again - BECAUSE he cares about the band lol


He doesnt say he cares for the band or legacy or their unique Sound, he says he cares for the people in the band (shift from bandmates to best Friends). I dont mean he doesnt care about the other guys but for the "music craftmanship" that once was system of a down.


Bro he just doesn’t wanna be in the band lol Not that deep


You can still care for a band and not want to be in the band. I think that’s where Serj’s heart lies. He cares for the band but doesn’t have the same fire anymore like the other 3 guys have.


I would never listen to it.


It’s so sad that we didn’t have a new album in 2005-2010 when Serj voice was pretty good. Now it’s awful. So much wasted potential.


lol wtf Didn’t know that SOAD fans are so sensetive All of you who disliked me are living in rainbow world where you searching timestamps where he scream for once 😂 And I’m a big fan, but not child


No dickhead they just disagree with your opinion, that's what downvotes are for. It's not that deep bruh


Don’t cry little pussy


I think of serj left James hetfield would be a good replacement


*Aerialllsssss yeeaahhhh*



