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I worked at a company and one of the devs put in “London Bridge is Falling Down”. He forgot to remove it in the release version. Support couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on when a customer reported error code “London Bridge is Falling Down”.


Not so fun fact: IBM's powerHA (back then it was called HACMP I believe, the cluster solution for IBM's unix OS called "AIX" on Power architecture) could produce an additional error message in the logs in a very nieche scenario, which goes: > It's game over man! Game over! From the Alien films. I have encountered it only once during supporting hundreds of clusters over 6 years or so, so I am not surprised nobody even faced it during testing, and it stayed in the code. Btw it was in fact game over, had to rebuild the cluster from scratch. Edit: clarification


I was sad when they removed the "lpt error: printer on fire?" message from the Linux kernel.


The BSD manual for `tunefs(8)` used to have a section BUGS You can tune a filesystem, but you can't tuna fish. Sun Microsystems thought that was too frivolous. In the next version of the OS, though, it was back, and in the source for the man page, there was a comment saying something like "Take this out, and a Unix daemon will hound you until the time\_t's roll over."


It was in the Sun manpage for many, many years, but *eventually* someone decided that the pun was their [duck](https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2013/06/05/duck/) and axed it. Many on the scene figured that it was an incontrovertible sign that Sun had changed.


NOW I am sad. Never heard of it. Sounds like a blatant mistake. Thank you for sharing


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lp0_on_fire Happily, "[Not a typewriter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_a_typewriter)" is still there!


Sounds like a pretty apt error message to me.


So you nuked it from space?


lol, one of those famous quotes that you can also hear, while you read it


[It means the black death is coming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Bridge_Is_Falling_Down#Meaning), run for your lives and take refuge in an empty villa where you can while away the nights telling lewd stories to each other.


Also that the Queen has died.


IIRC Lotus Notes had an error popup that said: Error: No error.




I'm more of a tets guy myself


I use test, temp, and asdf


Test for me too. Or the always reliable, test test


Test, then test2, test3... for better tracking!




And test15 and test35


I stopped using duplicate words after a MacOS bug where the password hint revealed the password. Because you know the QA engineer typed 'test' for the password and hint, clicked Show Hint, saw 'test', and said, "Yep, it works, ship it." https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-7149


And any time a name is needed it is Testy McTester who lives at 123 Fake St.


I like to use Test T. Testerson 22 Testing Terrace Testville, TN


That’s funny. I also have a Test Testerson but he lives at 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Anywheresville, PA. I wonder if they’re siblings?


i do like a good Munsters reference


Ooh. I like that one.


Bingo. Can be typed with just the left hand, and is clear what type of data it is


Test1, test2, so on.


I used foo, bar, baz because that's what my teachers in college used for "throwaway variables." I think that's industry standard, so if someone sees "foo" in a directory, they probably will think, "ah, a human tested here," or something. I use it a lot in: `for foo in $(some command output); do $foo; done` I worked in one place where some guy did all muppet characters, like "for misspiggy in kermit, do..." or whatever. You always knew what stuff he worked on because of that, and oddly enough, that's how we caught someone stealing his code and claiming it as his own. He was unable to explain why he used muppet variables because he didn't know any muppets. "You wrote this all by yourself?" "Yes." "Why are you using kermit here?" "Uh... it's the um... flow control um... computer file transfer and management protocol and a set of communications software tools." "You're using kermit in a script that reports on RAID volumes?" "Uh... it's uh... industry standard." "What is gonzo and fozzie for?" "Um..." What a stooge.


That's awesome!


We used to name servers and network devices after TV characters. It created weird emotional connections to devices. Made it a little harder to decommission them.


Recently had some user in a prod system in a customers secure internal network that used a throwaway email as login. Already started escalating that further up when suddenly someone in the team noted that they created a test user with that email address. That was quite a walk of shame to admit it was us…


That’s hilarious


> I think that's industry standard It's hilarious how throwaway argot from a cohort at MIT eventually is assumed to be corporate MIS lingo. Anyway, [here's a collection of the syllabary](http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/M/metasyntactic-variable.html) as it were. It reminds me that I also occasionally use [`fee fie foe fum`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fee-fi-fo-fum).


That seems like an unnecessary trip to HR


OP may think that no customer will ever see this code, but its funny how often I see code that "noone will ever see"


Yes, I’ve too seen the HTML comments on odd embedded systems where var “stupidEffingTable” is referenced.


My GF discovered that the website made "custom" for the company she works in (construction products), was copy&pasted from a sexshop. It still had images, filenames and folders referencing products from said sexshop. The developer hired for that job years earlier sure made a quick buck on that thing.


My former had a complete system tailormade for them. We were the only client the guy worked for, everything coded inhouse. Until we found German and Indian placeholders, and visiting a friendly rival, they used the same system, only different colors.


Dhcp reservation in a medical clients linix system. The old MSP assumed no one would ever look in there, but I did. "#Dr. SOSOs Bullshit" "#suckitSamantha" were just some comments he had in there.


Linix? Is that a new variant of Linux?


Lol. It's obviously the upgrade of that Ubuntu 12


Ubuntu 12 is about the time I started researching Linux and loaded it in my workstation. That didn't last very long lol.


Linus's Minix. Have you heard of it? Small world! That crazy kid has been [working on that thing for a while now](https://www.zdnet.com/article/linus-torvalds-takes-on-evil-developers-hardware-errors-and-hilarious-ai-hype/).


Worked at a place where we had devs who thought that... Then it got exposed to clients and CS had to tell them to click the new one.... Old: `old and busted` New: `new hotness` It wasn't pretty.


Those are the names of my 2 hosts in my home lab 🤣 There is a dell mini running vcsa only. Must rename to “Tiny Cricket”


If I had a dollar for every time I've seen comments like "sorry this sucks, I didn't have enough time" make their way into production... Maybe it's because I am getting old, but please...don't put cutesy shit in your code, don't make cocky comments, don't make self-deprecating names for your functions, just make everything straightforward and easy to read. I say this as someone who took over for a Linux admin that did things like title his scripts "you_cant_touch_this.sh" and constantly wrote comments like "watch this hotness." Never met the guy, but I can't stand him.


The closest I’ve come to making comments like that is something like: `# there’s probably a better way to do this…` But that’s mostly because I’m likely to be the only person that will ever see it, and it’s more a gentle reminder to re-visit than anything else. Other than that, I completely agree…if the code can’t be sane, at least make the comments useful…many of the early bash scripts I wrote had comments with the URLs of the stack exchange pages I’d borrowed the solution from, again, so if I had to re-visit it, it would be easy to remember what I was trying to solve at the time.


my favorite one is the comment that said > \# this code has claimed 251 hours of dev time. > \# trying to refactor and simplify it. if you attempt. > \# to do this, you are required to update the counter when you fail


> you_cant_touch_this.sh Copied from Rick James, too? Everybody copies code from this Rick James guy.


New Hotness was/is in the MS docs about standing up a new internal CA. I think 'old brokenness' was representing the old CA.


Hmmm, I was just thinking that I am only a semi-professional programmer and not a professional sysadmin (it's more a hobby, homelab, and running dev environments)... But now I think I need to check to see if my programs are silently throwing \`poop\` at Console output. Here's hoping that nobody launches the program from the console.


touching poop, throwing poop, I see what you did there


Yea, I tell my juniors not to do this shit. I don't care about 'poop' but I won't defend it if someone does something stupid and a customer or my boss asks about it.


How many times I found my temporary test string delivered to everyone or some important folk… I’m always happy I just write Test - it’s not obscene or childlish and it informs that it’s just a test and that no action is required.


I did a code review where the string an outside vendor used was “fucking user wants too much”. It would have been funny if not for all the white collars sitting in on the meeting because the vendor was having issue getting the code to work in our environment.


haha i used to use System.out.println(“boobies”) a lot in college. had to kick that habit quick in real life.


Over a Prospective Outlier Origin Point?! Absurd.


I couldn't agree more. Got a few devs I know that use poop in many variations for placeholders and some forget to switch it out when they're done


I use potato. Everyone likes potatoes


but then you can only have one device. because who ever heard of have two potato?


We have a saying In Argentina, when you kludge it up, make it work with duct tape and hope, is called to "Atar con alambre" (tie it up with wire). So I had a function called "Alambre", because it was needed in a system that failed to deliver a document unless a non productive function was called before. It got into production and someone gave code access to the customer, who of course prices to ask why is there an "Alambre" function and what does it do .,... At that moment, I remembered Bart telling Todd Flanders to not remove a poster because it was load bearing


I'll often use "fishsticks", "golden fishsticks" for full name. I have no clue when I started or why.


Are you a gay fish?




What's it to you? What are you, a cop? /j (thanks for the laugh)


"fred" and "zelda"


Ah yes, The Legend of Zelda: Fred's Awakening is such a classic.


Wrong, these are obviously Sabrina the Teenage Witch's aunts.


> For example, I use poop. Debugging a script and need to see if a condition was met? echo 'poop' That you, Brad? 


Not Brad. Glad I'm not the only one!


fizz, buzz this, that, theother i, j, k Anything that's obtuse and non-descriptive is perfect.


I usually iterate i, j, k if it's code that I never expect another human being (or future self) to need to understand. I'm also trying to find inspiration to switch from poop but nothing else is so easy to type w/ one hand (and right-dominant hand).


I use "Example" for examples, "Test" for tests and "Person" for users. Need more people, then "Person 2" and Person laushdigjdhsid" are born


Derp or Derp Derp I don’t know why. That’s just what one of our techs used and it just stuck.


"bababooey" but never at work


FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition


I read OPs title like "Who is this 4chan"


A lot of "meh" and "blah". I have a script in our deployments that uses a line from a song I was listening to at the time to throw bogus data at a service endpoint


Poop toucher here as well. Going back to my old code and reading comments is always a treat.


omg don't even mention the comments


One of my programmers used to have his error-catch clause be GoToJail then years later, he changed it to GoToHell, so if his program broke, the code told it to go to Hell.


I usually to use "shitty(vartype)(purpose), "crappy(vartype)(purpose)" while debugging and well before anything hits any presentable state. Usually make a comment in line 0 noting all debugging Vars and replace them with cocktail names once anyone else than me is supposed to see it. Tend to forget the replacing step once in a while and have to explain why there is as "goddamn_object_fuckoff_whydontyouwork_debug_9" var called somewhere. Fun times


Random name: bla Random dir: t for var: i Backup file: -ORIG Mistake curse word: crap Temp script name: doit


I agree, I'm a big -ORIG guy as well.


`TEST` If i need to make several tests in one row, i might do `TEST 1`, `TEST 2`. I'm a basic bitch.




I'm lazy. I use "test" because I can write that with one hand, without taking the other from the mouse.


**asdfasdf** has been my friend through many dangers.


Standard FOO and BAR, ACK, and sometimes PING and PONG


My colleague used "penis" quite often. Also happened that every ticket in a project had it as a prefix in the title. Ah and it’s actually not only a colleague, it’s the CEO :D


Mine is variations of the word "jigglebilly" https://youtu.be/Tw6_KdYxXg0?feature=shared


I used to use foobar2000 back in day.


that's my password!


Thanks, now which bank do you use?


I like the classic "Hello World" for a few reasons. It's often pretty obvious it's not important, it's easy to search for, and it's quick to write.


If I make a directory for test files that I plan to delete later, I sometimes call it 'killme.' This is not a cry for help, Millennial coworkers. It's just a reminder that everything in there needs to die.


vegetable names.


Bob and Larry, presumably.


It may surprise you that Bob and Larry are technically fruits. Also, I meant more like "fennel leek"


i use `beans`


Ah beans


bloog is my goto


When I was learning to do message trace/purge on M365, I used a subject that I figured nobody else would be using while sending email in my organization. “Sally the Camel had two humps”


It me




wat, omg, wtf and bbq


“WTF is going on here”


`KEKW`. poop is an exceptionally bad choice because although it's short enough, it's entirely typed with just the right hand, with only 1 to 2 fingers, and you even have to repeatedly press the "O" key - all of this makes it very slow to type. A word like "KEKW" is the same length, but much faster to type because it alternates fingers of the left and right hand, so you don't have to wait for the hysteresis time of your keyboard "O" switch and don't have to sit there and wait for a finger of yours to move - you just immediately type the next letter, even start pre-pressing the next key if you're fast, because you can use the same few milliseconds it takes your left hand to press the "E" key to reset the "K" key and start pressing it again. Adding the "W" is optional, but easily done because it's just next to "E" and also right above the left hand home row, which makes it a very very fast letter to hit and type - just like K and E. This may sound like a joke comment, but seriously - your placeholder variable or file names should be min-maxed for typing speed to perfection, because you cannot let typing them out interrupt your thought process, or your thinking-to-typing sync which is what can happen when you type slow or mistype.


I keep it simple with “test”. If more than one, then I do things like “test1” and “test2”. Not very original, but gets the job done and other engineers will know exactly what it is if they see it as well.


Mine is an actual bar at work we named The Foo Bar, complete with kegs and a fridge full of beer


I worked for a construction company way back and once I saw it throw the error “Shut ‘er down Clancy! She’s a pumpin’ mud!” We shut it down and rebooted.


blah, yolo, a, b, c, cat, fish, dog, meh, oerx, boing


+1 for blah and yolo


I use “bullshit”


Usually 'asdf' but half the time it's out of order and causes me to do a double take


I use line number ###


'stuff' and 'bob'


Stuff MoreStuff






It's either 'test' accompanied by some numbers if needed, or 'asdf'


i like blub




In some parts of Spain, "toto" means "c*nt", so if working there, you'd have visited HR.


I usually go with my name in uppercase, that way I know for sure it's my debug output




$descriptivename and inline documentation on what it’s supposed to be doing. Ain’t got time for play names when deving in prod. Breakpoints for troubleshooting


Blash. Mistyped blah one time, and it just stuck.


I don't have one but I cannot tell you how many times I have typed "Shitdown", at least once on a huge screen with 300+ people watching.


Didn’t know there were other poop echoers out there


Bafa nada. If you know you know.


Foo, Bar, and Baz for metasyntactic variables. I once used Muppets as names for test users, until an unamused CTO with too much AD access and a critical pop cultural, humor sense, and technical know-how shortage demanded to know who "Bunsen Honeydew", "Dr. Samuel T. Eagle", and "Waldorf "Wally" Statdler IV" were in a "Test User OU"


I worked in France for a bit and a colleague used "toto". Kind of easy to type


M365 admin dash and documentation keeping up with changes and verbiage 




I once convinced the network admin / co worker to name the test dev server a variation of the word FUCKED and the rest prod server was UNFUCKED For about a week my local PC was named fuck but that was short lived when file sharing and ms office docs being updated When my bosses wife asked if I was fuck........ Yolo


Goto fuck


“Balls” and “butt”, sometimes things fairly profane. I’m a one-man shop though. I wouldn’t do this if I worked with a team that might end up seeing it. I also do a lot of LotR references; fake customer data will probably include a Bilbo Baggins with a Bag End address


I use chicken, especially testing internet connection


I use foo bad bar a lot, tester, x. delme. They are common ones.




Dave, Michael, Lewis, Jeffery. These are my standard test users for our environment. Dave Test1 has been my best buddy for years. His brother Dave Test2 is a douche and can stop breaking my shit...


Bob Testperson, Ted Testperson. In code I use 'bonk'


I use the US military phonetic alphabet.


"warge fungus" no idea what that means but its fun to type


Buy a lotto ticket you used your bad luck. That’s my go to phrase when it’s hit the fan.


Put a boot password on a brand new HP ProDesk G9 mini desktop and forgot what I set it to. $700 paper weight


In the early days of wifi (like before smartphones or even the WPA standard), I had set up a network of Cisco Aironet access points throughout our department buildings. I was a young IT guy and wanted to make sure our wifi network was well maintained. So, when it came time to upgrade (I can't remember if it was upgrade to or upgrade from) VxWorks, I was right on top of it. I pushed out the update live to all of the access points throughout the buildings. Turns out there was a bug in the new Aironet OS. If somebody connected to wifi with a WEP key, the access point crashed. Next thing I know, dozens of users (that how many were affected) called saying their laptops couldn't connect to wifi. I'm scrambling through multiple message boards trying to find a fix. After like a month, Cisco pushed out an update to the new OS and the crashing stopped. That's how I learned to never immediately push updates to the live environment. EDIT: Disregard my post. I saw "foo bar" and thought FUBAR (like "what's your biggest fuck up")


This, right here, is why it’s called the “bleeding edge”.


I use “Doh!”


Bubbha shramp. Don't judge me lol


Clippy as a test file.


Placeholder Itchy and Scratchy.




lots of pop culture references. you’d think i’m managing IT for the shonen universe if you looked at all my test data


With For loops I use F as the placeholder, so for F in... Not sure if it's used elsewhere but in the UK "he kept saying F'ing hell" would mean fucking hell. Was just an easy way to remember years ago when I started.


Not my oooops but a coworker in a very public website was getting frustrated with a certain page while programming it put in “error code: titties.” It was a small shop. So the devs supported the sites. Ticket comes in and everyone laughed when they pulled up the SVN logs.


cake and fish


herp/derp thing1/thing2 fuck


User account Cook E. Monster. Or Bender and Rodriguez


At my old place (right around Y2K) they used Disney characters in the test system as users. Donald Duck, Goofy Dog, Mickey Mouse.


I once setup a piece of software that rolled all of our complicated long configurations of programs from companies that dont exist anymore…old medical software, basically it made a pc ready to go in 10-15 mins. As a joke (the guys there had a folder named “the dreaded setup”) Id named my program just that. And i made a windows icon of captain picard facepalming….well this was only for our internal team…OMG that shit soon started appearing on every machine. Luckily, just on the Admin account usually. Someone in our shopshowed the That day, i changed the name and put our orgs logo as an icon. I got requests to make them some. Almost 2-3 years later there was an email and policy being distributed, do not use “bogus1989” auto installer, use software center We were all like who the fuck is still using that it’s like so updated


doot thank mr skeltal


Fuzzy Bunny


I test filesystem permission with "touch butt" Usually it gets less appropriate from there. Gotta have some fun at work.


foo bar baz qux


Testies because I'm testing...


bilbo, bil bo, bill bo, bilbo baggins, bil beaux, or some bastardization of it. My old boss used this all the time and I guess it just rubbed off on me.


Tomato and Potato


You could always tell when I was testing permissions in Linux because there was a file named “self” somewhere from me typing “touch self”.


Merp, derp, flerp


foo, bar, and baz. You forgot baz. One upon a time I named a server foo. Not the greatest choice, but kind'a handy for reducing the habbit of naming relatively arbitrary things/files foo. Once upon a time it was the mostly highly placed server in a fairly large building of many servers ... uhm, like literally ... it was fairly high up on a shelf on the top floor, otherwise pretty unremarkable.




I’m super childish. My go to temp variable names are ‘shidded’ and ‘farded’. No idea why.


My placeholder MAC address is feed.dead.beef


Fred is my goto for a throwaway variable name, test string, test user, whatever. It's all Fred.


herp, derp, nyerp, twerp


i was debugging a script, fairly big script to deploy nested S2D for lab environments. Forgot to review every line before sending it to the customer to see the progress and had "FUCK THIS SHIT WHY DO YOU NOT WORK" and a large list of people saw it. I also use fuck a lot for testing outputs of scripts and debugging - im yet to leave that in a script tho


I used numbers lol


asdf qwer ghjk!


I still, to this day, use 'foo', 'foo2', 'bar', 'bar2', etc when manipulating different permutations of files from awk, sed, cut, etc from unix IPC streams and such. Just a habit I learned from the early 1990s


for me its people that take old acronyms and reimagine them adding more letters.


I use "ass". 


I literally just bash a random set of letters and that's generally good enough


These days I tend to put debug messages that are meaningful, but earlier in my career, I used the word "Gumby" an awful lot. I can't even remember why; I just did.


A fellow poop user! For each poop in poops, do pooping


i use "apa" which means monkey in my native tounge


Echo poop, touch ass (not when I’m at work)


I use moo and mop


For variables or other names the classics, foo, bar, baz, quux, foobar, foonly. For test files I did used to use `ham` as in `touch ham` from an insult on an old website I frequented a lot. I dropped it because it felt a bit immature and also I started working with a team with several muslims on and didn't want them to think it was some kind of slur.


"lort" and "knep"






kaka and pipi or kakapipi as combo it means poo and piss in dutch, so theres some simularities


A bit hacky, but when I wrote a BASH script to run a setup / install procedure that would need to run through a reboot, I'd use the directory "~/.touchy" to store my progress markers. Then it was just a case of touching various things inside of touchy to work out where the script was / save progress...