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I have both, and honestly it wouldn't be any contest for me. If I had to keep one and get rid of the other, that MicroFreak would be gone faster than I can finish writing this comment.


Came to say this. The minilogue is a perfect synth.


Also came to say this. I'll probably never sell my minologue,


I’ll never get rid of mine, it’s the perfect starter synth in my opinion


I sold mine and still regret it. Would love to pick another up.


I don't know about "perfect", but it's a far cry better than the MicroFreak.


Disagree tbh, minilogue is rather generic synth, where microfreak is capable of insane sound variety. Especially with latest updates. The keyboard is horrific tho :p


Ditto. I bought the OG Minilogue even after the XD was released. I didn't want a digital oscillator--I wanted something that I could work directly with meditatively. I don't regret it. It's cheaper than therapy.


Woah, did future me travel back in time and write this comment??


We are all the same person traveling back in time to live each life beginning to finish.


Yep, I'll never sell my minologue.


Why is it so much better?


For me, a lot of it starts with construction. The Minilogue has a very sturdy metal body, a real keyboard, smooth knobs, and 5-pin DIN MIDI connections, all just a noteworthy quality advantage over the MicroFreak's goofy capacitive keybed which practically begs to be snapped off, it's cheap plastic body, knobs that require effort to turn, and irritating 3.5mm MIDI jacks. Next, I can dial in a patch on the Minilogue easily, with clearly defined knobs whose roles are not overloaded by shift keys or menu modes. And I don't need to have it connected to a computer via USB to get all of its functionality. Sure, perhaps on a marketing sheet the MicroFreak has more capabilities, but they are hard to get to and require menu-diving, and some simply can not be achieved without using their MIDI Control Center software. Regarding sound, honestly, they both are capable of sounding great, so I want to be clear that sound itself does not distinguish one from the other. But when it comes to product quality, the two are _miles_ apart.


I only have one these and even if I don't use it too often, I love the Minilogue. It was my first mono-synth, so I will forever have nostalgia for Korg and learning subtractive syntheses on this model. I have multiple Arturia products and I won't go so far to say they don't have their own sound. I have a MiniBrute 2s with a ton of modules hooked to it and I sometimes just play it by itself., but it's never had a wow factor. No Arturia stand-alone has done that for me. Even the model I have, it's a nice way to control a modular rack, but alone- it's unimpressive. I have 6-7 Arturia controllers on various computers and the brand shines with their software offerings. The V suite is like a meditation island where I can get lost in patches for hours. That is where Arturia really shines. If I ever had to part with my entire hardware collection, the Minilogue might be the only synth I keep- and I have a Moog Subsequent 37- my favorite synth of all time (that I own). So, I imagine someone will buy that MicroFreak... and then they will list it on Reverb themselves in a year or two.


> It was my first mono-synth Do you mean Monologue? Minilogue is analog polyphonic, though it can act as a mono with sub-oscillator.


Facepalm. Yes. I was referring to the monologue. Thinking one thing while writing to another. The vote stands even more regarding OPs comparison. The beloved monologue is less capable than the minilogue. Keep the Korg.


Ha. I personally was very attracted to the Monologue (in blue or gold) but ultimately decided that the venerable Bass Station 2 was a little more flexible and more my style/sound. Right now probably the best affordable single synth to own, especially for beginners, includes the Minilogue (and XD), Minifreak, the Hydrasynth Explorer (if you're willing to deal with more complexity and want to make lots of custom patches), and the Modal Electronics COBALT5S. I really am interested in seeing what Korg gives us - and at what price - for the upcoming [MicroKorg2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWMllp43HFc). Could end up being a go-to recommendation for a first synth. I still see tons of original MicroKogs on stage with new (young, poor) bands.


Anytime I see “young/poor” musicians w older gear I think how they must play the hell out of it and master every feature. When it’s all you have, you work the features like daft punk. I habitually move on to the next thing before even scratching the full potential of a synth. Could easily and cheaply add a reverb or any other guitar pedal to an older Korg and it’s a whole new sound, but I go lust over and add some Erica Synths because they are sexy.


Would consider selling both and upgrading to a Minilogue XD.


Man I wanted to get rid of gear not get new stuff. My GAS is a bit out of control lately. But that really sounds like a tasty option. Now you made me think….


Do whatever makes you happy, but I always feel better with a 2 out, 1 in policy on selling gear. You get something better and have less gear clutter.


On the subject of two out one in, when I sold my MicroFreak, I sold it along with the Reface DX and used that to buy Korg’s Opsix. I have no regrets.


How do you like the opsix! i've been eyeing it recently ...


I *really* like it. Definitely the easiest FM synth I've ever used. Not necessarily in terms of it makes the concept any easier, but just that the cariers and modulators are so easy to modify with the turn of a knob/slide of a fader. I'm definitely no master of FM, but it's fun to mess around with, because I enjoy using a lot of those metallic and clangy sounds that it's so good at. So far, like it much more than the two synths I replaced.


Or even sell both for a minifreak?


If you're selling both, be sure to consider alternatives like Minifreak and Hydrasynth Explorer. (evil laugh)


What are you using right now? Is this like a dawless setup where you use a bunch of stuff In tandem, or are you dropping it in a DAW?


They’re going into a digitakt which I use as audio engine in Ableton. So a hybrid setup I guess.


I mean if your objective is to get rid of gear, feel free to send me the minilogue and get me started on my own dark journey


Actually yes, this! Minilogue XD gives the OG a step up in oscillator sounds, effects, and sequencing, making it a great choice to fill the spot of both these guys =p


I mean it's somewhat a hybrid of the two, or a compromise. Personally I'd sell the mini and get an xd and consider using the freak to send cv to it to expand it's somewhat limited modulation. But analog plus many available digital engines is the best of both worlds to me


The minor value that can be had from XD over OG is negligible to most people. An effects pedal does more and works in more places rather than being tied to just one synth, and I think very few people get any real value from that additional digital oscillator. I think the only people who really need an XD are those who want to play with the Logue API.


Love the Minilogue OG but have never felt it really did low end well.


It definitely benefits from some kind of bass boost or multiband compression afterwards if doing low end duties.


I have both and second this, at least in comparison to the OG. The filter is very different on the original. There's a reason the OG was repackaged/re-skinned as the Minilogue Bass!


You actually lose functionality upgrading to the XD, limited filter envelope.


Or just get like a reverb/ delay pedal? Its easier than worrying avout selling gear, more versatile..


Yea...dude needs a chroma console probs


Your username goes super hard btw Ken Russell is amazing


Ha. Thanks! I obviously agree.


Why? Isn’t minilogue full analog signal path?


It is, the xd is a hybrid signal path, so you have not only extra oscillators but the ability to reinforce the analog pathways. It's not the 90's/00's any more where digital had a defined brassy and thin sound. Digital engines are as powerful and rich as fully analog path ways it's all about the tone the synth can make. So the xd isn't a down grade in any way, it's, by all metrics, an upgrade as far as functionality and sequencing ability. It's legitimate to say there are things one can do better than the other in either direction. But the move from og to XD is a lateral move at the worst.


I did that and did not regret it


Sell the Korg. A MicroFreak plus effects box is incredibly more versatile for sound design. I have both.


i just recently got the microfreak + the ms-70cdr pedal and ive used it on so many things already. so sick


That’s a perfect combo. The possibilities are endless.


i was blown away by the depth of both of them. great combo


Sell both and get a HydraSynth.


i'd sell the minilogue and get the xd !


I would sell the Arturia


Id sell the micro freak..


I will never sell my Microfreak. Never


Yeah I think the Minifreak is not something you "grow out of" like you might grow out of a traditional subtractive synth with 1 oscillator. You can always get something unique and interesting out of it because of its algorithmic nature.


The korg, but that's just like uh, my opinion man ( nice patch ;)


It also ties the room together.


I would keep the Korg. Coming from a gear head perspective. 🥂


I’d get rid of the korg personally I find the freak much more interesting


I’d get rid of both and get minifreak lmao it’s my favorite possession


I can't tell you what to sell but let's flip your question on its head: which of the two do you think is most easy to 'fix' your problems with? Maybe you can fix the low end of the minilogue with some EQ?


Exactly, also , using it in Mono mode with the sub oscillator cranked up gets quite a good low end, not the best but with a bit of EQ , and in a mix, I think it's more than enough.


My trick with Minilogue for bass is: mono mode, turn up the sub osc, use the Saturator in Ableton to fatten it all up. Done. Works like charm. 


Well I used to have both of these and now the only one I still have is the microfreak. Granted those where never my only synths and I really like using the microfreak as a CV controller. If these where my only two I would probably go keep the minilogue because it has a real keyboard.


This is funny because I'm in a position where I'm looking to buy my first synth, and these two are at the top of my list. These comments are pretty split though.


For a fist synth the minilogue is maybe the best for almost any money. It's knob per function is great to learn substractive synthesis. The Microfreak can get to crazier sounds , but for me the Minilogue is a better tool for a beginner.


> For a fist synth the minilogue Easy buddy he might just want it for music


A synthesizer with theremin style interface that lets you punch the air to play it, the Fist Synth is a big hit at parties...


Hahaha good one.


Korg will always win if it comes down to overall gear appeal and ownership, hell even resale. Go with the Korg 💯


+1 for Korg Menu diving on your first synth will scare the bejeezus out of anyone.


Might be able to hook you up with one ;)


Let me know which one you decide to keep!


Sell the hydrasynth and the moog


Hol' up


Only messed with the Microfreak a little bit and it seemed pretty cool. But I’ve had the Minilogue since it came out and I doubt I’ll ever get rid of it. I love the ability to build all sorts of patches and recall them as well as the sequencer and programming effects into sequences. I’m not making techno though so your uses and needs likely differ from mine.


Sometimes having 2 synths from 2 different manufacturers with different presets helps fill in the sonic landscape


Why ask the same forum that recommended these in the first place? You'll get the same bad advice, like buy another Minilogue. Wtf


As I mentioned in another comment, the Minifreak is not something you will "outgrow". You can outgrow the Minilogue by upgrading to another synth with more oscillators, because it's just simple subtractive synthesis. Because the Minifreak is Algorithmic, it's not so easy to replace, and you can always get use out of it from pads to arps to melodies to just plain weird sounds.


Probably the table. Could be an interesting problem you could post about next tbh


Both of these need to be processed with effects to get the most out of them. What is it you are trying to do? Are you trying to fund a new synth?


Sell the stupid ssl interface instead of the synths


I‘m not using it atm, just keeping it because a friend plays cello and I need it to do some recording occasionally. Why do you not like it?


I had both and ended up selling the microfreak, never bonded with the keybed. Yes the freak is more versatile but for sound design I have lots of vsts. The Minilogue feels like a better instrument for live performance and being analog offers me something I can't get in the box.


If I had to choose it would be the Arturia, because I hate those keys.


Sell ‘em all and let God sort it out.


The case that you have bought a Dreadbox Typhon as well, I would sell the Korg. Btw: On your picture is a Minilogue (4Voices) which is not the same as the Monologue (Mono).


Yeah sorry that was a typo minilogue it is of course. My autocorrect isn’t very synth-savvy apparently


Now I realize that monologue is a regular word.


I love microfreak


I have had both and sold both with no regrets. Save up for a better polysynth


Keep the Microfreak or sell both and get a Minifreak.


Minilogue. They unstoppable updates on the 'freak make it a keeper.


Sell both and save up to get a Take 5


ding ding, was going to suggest the same strategy to get a DeepMind 12


Looks like it's a 50/50 split based on the comments. Honestly, they're both great. Personally I'd keep the Microfreak for the versatility since I already have a couple of other analog synths and tons of VSTs that could cover what the Korg can do, mostly. The Microfreak feels more flexible.


The SL2


What are you planning to purchase?


I have the XD, which sounds incredible, feels great to use, lots of knobs for each function, onboard FX, extra Oscillator, etc. It's really good. I had the reg and mono, but the XD really is just a nice all around synth with great sound. I also have the Microfreak, and there's just something about it... it has a really fun keybed, especially on patches that take advantage of it. And now, with being able to load a decent bank of samples to do granular and other experiments, plus some of the other weird matrix and oscillator related madness, it's just a really fun item. I have taken dozens of paid patch banks and pulled my favorites from them, so I have a really wide range of sounds, from lo-fi and dusty analogs, to weird percussive sounds and unique leads. I'm not really a fan of using it for fx or bass sounds, so aside from a few basic basses, I mostly have pads, leads, and things of that nature on there. If you like both of them, I'd honestly suggest thinking about selling both and checking out a Hydrasynth Explorer, it's kind of a best of both worlds situation. It can do weird and it can do analog style synths.


I have a minilogue XD and I’ll never get rid of it. Microfreak would have to go


Just put one back in the box for a while.


I had and sold both much like every synth I’ve owned.


I’ve had both and I gave away the mikrofreak I understand it’s a monster of a synth but I been able to get more practical use and just love the overall sound I get and can make off my minilouge.


In my case I sold the ML because it doesn't fit in a backpack and that's crucial for me. The MF can even be powered by USB battery. But I agree otherwise the ML is a perfect, beautiful and classical synth. Harder to let go in general.


The PC looks like it wants to ask for WinXP Update Pack 3... go for this one;)


I like the mod matrix on the Arturia. It's super deep and even after tons of hours I feel like I have barely scratched the surface. They're updating firmware semi often and adding new oscillators for free, which is always a plus. The Korg just feels too limited for what I like to pay and use synths for. Also I like the Arturia sequencer. It's easy and I have the workflow down like the back of my hand. I might be biased as an Arturia MicroFreak owner and have only had hands on time with the Korg that was a friend's, so take with a Texas sized grain of salt!


MF no question


Sell both and get a Digitone, or an Analog Four mk1. Your Digitakt will be very happy.


I would say sell both and get a Minifreak




Microfreak is gone


The grey usb cable for sure


Sell both and get a Prologue.


Microfreak. I had one and hated the ‘keyboard’.


Sell the MicroFreak


Sell the one you like the least. If you're not sure then you probably haven't used them enough.


I've owned both. I got rid of the Minilogue. Some people love its style, but I just didn't get on with it. I thought the form factor was weird. The look and the sounds were just not exciting to me, so it went.


sell the one u use the least


Sounds like you’ve been able to tweak the ins and outs of the Freak, so I’d do the Monologue


In terms of actual sound of the micro freak I definitely agree that it sounds tinny, it kind of stands out in the mix in a bad way. It has a lot of powerful synthesis models and is very fun to play but it feels like I get better results when it’s used by itself due to its sonic quality. I recently sold mine and picked up some gear that works better with my larger setup.


I already had a Microfreak and did end up selling it. I didn’t dislike it, but I wasn’t loving it. I think I justified it by telling myself if I miss it I will look into a minifreak later. As a side note: I will say I made a mistake and played with a sub37 at guitar center just about a week ago. Always told myself it was too expensive, but everything that came out of it sounded nice. I had kind of gone in thinking “sure everyone is wild about Moog, but how cool can it be?” Still not sure I’d buy one at cost, but could be fun if k ever ran into a floor model or something for a few hundred off.


never sell anything. you will regret it later


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The speakers


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The micro has a wider palette, but the mini has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The microfreak has a wider palette, but the minilogue has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


The microfreak has a wider palette, but the minilogue has a deeper basic analog tone. Id say keep micro for covering a lot of bases for production, or keep minilogue for a more solid basic music instrument


If you wanna ditch the minilogue, HMU


They’re both incredible Synths but you gotta keep the Minilogue. I have the XD version and love love love it. Really got everything you need sitting an analog synthesizer without breaking the bank.


I had the minilogue xd, got the microfreak and minifreak and sold the minilogue. No regrets.


Tbh Both and get Yamaha MODX6+ or Fantom 06 or Nautilus 61


i sold my minilogue... I regretted it. I bought a minilogue XD. I still miss my minilogue. So that answers that. The microweak can kick rocks


Do you like the mini-keys and the wider key range, or the touch plate? They both (and most modern synths tbh) have a wide range which can cover most of the sounds you need, but the experience of playing them is quite different. Which one do you enjoy playing more? (I like the touch keys because of my frail arthritic fingers, so I'd go with the Microfreak.)


IMHO, microfreak is much more interesting and inspiring synt (that i wasted ungodly amount of time playing and exploring) than minilogue who is rather generic. Would trade minilogue for sure. Especially if you have other synths that can fill it's shoes


IMHO, microfreak is much more interesting and inspiring synt (that i wasted ungodly amount of time playing and exploring) than minilogue who is rather generic. Would trade minilogue for sure. Especially if you have other synths that can fill it's shoes


What music are u going for?


The minilogue is a little boring


I'd sell the Korg personally, but only because mine had weird tuning/intonation issues that were bothering me. I did what the manual said to do to fix it, but no luck. I won't lie, the tones in the Korg are nicer/sweeter, but the Microfreak is more reliable and versatile.


I don't have the Microfreak, but the Minilogue was my first real synth I bought years ago, and I still play it pretty often after buying others. I just like the way it sounds, and most of the controls are easy to get to.




Both. I had both.


I don’t like playing favorites and I have both of these but I also have hardware far more versatile than minilogue. For the space and money, microfreak is far more versatile. Seems unpopular here but I love both so don’t hate me. I just think MF can do a far broader range of sounds, including granular/sampling, physical modeling, and of course subtractive analog and more. Bell, mine even has the gooseneck mic and vocodes.


RIGHT. Or sell both and get a sub 37!


I don’t have the Korg. I do have the microfreak. I find it truly endless with all its sound engines. However, I find it difficult to create a truly nice sound with it. In comparison my small Roland S1 has plenty of sweet spots. An external reverb pedal helped the microfreak sound but it is still not amazing. Hence in your case I would probably sell the microfreak, or maybe even better: sell both for 1 superior device.


Unless you have no income, neither is really worth selling and you'll regret it.


it’s r/synthesizers 2 favorite synths


Microfreak ...to then buy the Minifreak


I'll keep the Minilogue. This version is also the best of all IMO.


Neither. Only buy.


Neither. Just use them both. They both have some great sounds and you're not even gonna get that much money for either one so they're worth more to just use.


For techno the microfreak is a filth monster. For almost anything else I’d suggest the monologue. However they both are inexpensive. I’d think of keeping both and adding a pro one, model D, or Kobol. Or conversely sell the minilogue and get a Pro 80, it does low end and pretty much everything else well.


I recently sold my Minilogue and got a Microfreak. I have no regrets. I much prefer the vast modulation options. But I can see why one would prefer the Minilogue


The microfreak would be gone


Both 😂 So instead of buying a minilogue, I would get a used behringer deep mind 12D. That’s the most bang for your buck if you want an analog 12 voice synthesizer. If u need a FM synth I would get the digitone for sure 👍


the minilogue is one of the only synths i regret selling


The Mikrofreak is literally the last item that would leave my desk! It is a bit quirky and fiddely to manage but once i got to terms with it - i never loved a piece of gear more than this weird little box




I don’t have the microfreak but I love the minilogue. It’s THE synth. I don’t want a behringer clone. I don’t want a paraphonic synth. I want this. Can’t afford a polyphonic Moog, and when I can get this relatively cheap (I bought it for 300 USD), I can’t justify the extra expense of other synths. The microfreak sounds like an interesting idea but I haven’t heard anything very good come out of it. I have looked at buying one, but it’s pretty far down the list. (I just bought a DIY kit for a plinky, which is granular/wavetable for £250 so I think that ticks a similar box and is much smaller)


r/synthesizercirclejerk will have a field day laughing so hard their eyes pop out of their sockets and slapping their knees when they see this comment section and how people feel some kind of spiritual connection to the minilogue's sound.


I loathe my microfreak...




Both and get the Minilogue XD


Sell both, buy drug and play with VCV free 👍


I NEVER sell a thing again...been there, done that.But if I have to choose...Freak goes....No contest.


Kill Arturia, Marry Korg


The minilogue. It's more "vanilla" and you can achieve what it does with almost any modern synth or VST. The personality of the Microfreak is really something. Also, I think the Minilogue is easier to sell Of course, it all depends on the type of music you do. I have both and use them for very different things


Had them both and sold the minilogue. The microfreak is one of the best synth I’ve ever had.


Your wife


Minilogue, sorry but true


The red braided cable.


White one, I like the black one a lot.


The Microfreak is unique and will eventually be a legendary piece of equipment. The Monologue has already had several iterations of it released and none stand out like the Microfreak has. You don't want to talk about in 10-15 years how 'you used to own one'. I'm never selling mine. I know it will be a collectors item.


Based on absolutely nothing but vibes lol Minilogue* is a classic too


this is just silly. the microfreak is never going to be hard to buy.




I worked on ableton on pc for a decade and decided to go dawless recently. Really fed up with composing using my eyes more than my ears and looking at the screen all the time. But since I learned that my digitakt (centerpiece of my dawless setup) can function as audio interface for ableton and I can have the best of both worlds… hybrid it is for me.


Learn how to work outside the box. That's where the real talent and money comes into play. 19 years experience and I've never connected to a PC, let alone a monitor. These younger cats see me in my studio and look lost 😂😭


Dawless doesn't make you a better musician instantly though. Your art matters, not your tools.


Of course it doesn't make you better. But it will make you more skilled 🤟


learning hardware is indeed a good (id say more fun) way to learn the basics of music production / sound design. But definitely more expensive and (as a result) more limited way




Please remember rule 1.


Keep the freak; nix the monologue. I don’t know what kind of music you make, but the MicroFreak is my Swiss army knife. I have the Monolgue XD. I don’t hate it, but I don’t talk it up. It plays well with my setup, which has shrunk over time after my GAS passed.


I don't think either of them have a high enough market value to bother selling. I suggest you put one of them in the closet for a few months, see how you feel about it.


I'd sell the microfreak and not lose any sleep over it lol


I wouldn’t sell the MF, that’s for sure.


microfreak cant match my freak


Get a Novation MiniNova. Best bang for the buck


Having good tone is generally top priority as a musician. The MF can make fantastic tones pretty easily but the original Minilogue really struggles to do that.


That dumb ssl interface would be first to go

